007-11 - Resolution - Establishing Process for Future Amendments to the City's Personnel PoliciesIntroduced by: Reques ted b y: Drafted b y: City Attorney Ci ty Atto rney City Attorney Introduce d: Adopte d : Februa1y 8 , 2011 February 8 , 2011 RESOLUTION NO. 007-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A PROCESS FOR FUTURE AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WHEREAS, on October 12 , 2010, the Port Orchard City Council r e pealed Res olution No. 1872 and a dopted r evised per sonnel policies and procedures for union and non-union employ ees, as se t forth in Resolution No. 034-10 ; and WHEREAS, from time to time it is n ecessary t o amend specific p e rs onnel policies a nd procedures and the City Council des ires to establis h a n effici e nt and effective process for said am endments; and WHEREAS, the City Coun cil recognizes that the Mayo r, as the City's chi ef exec utive and administrative officer, is r es ponsible for the d ay t o d ay op er ations of the Ci ty a nd s uper vi sion of the City's employees and sh o uld the refor e r evi ew a nd a pprove proposed amendments to s pe cifi c per sonnel p olicies and proce dures ; now, the refor e; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: THAT: In order to ensure the timely a nd effici ent ame ndme nt of s pecific p er s onnel policies and proce dures , the Mayor s hall r eview and appr ove all s u ch proposed amendments; and FURTHER THAT: The City Council shall continue to r evi ew and a pprove compreh en s ive r e-writes of the Ci ty's personnel policies a nd proce dures ; a nd FURTHER THAT: The Mayo r s hall p e riodica lly, but not l ess tha n o nce every s ix months , p rovide the City Co uncil with a r ep o rt concerning all a me ndme nts that we re ma d e to the City's personnel policies and procedures during the prior r eport ing p eriod. PASS ED by the City Council of the City of Port Orchard , SIGNED by the Mayo r and attested by the Cl erk in a uthe nticatio n of such passage this 8th day of February 2011. I