1879 - Ordinance - Amending Ordinance 1748 by Amending Zoning MapCitv PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON 98366 NOTICE OF CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ORDINANCE The following is a summary of an Ordinance approved by the Port Orchard City Council at their regular Council meeting held February 24,2003. ORDINANCE NO. 1879 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, AMENDING PORT ORCHARD ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1748 BY AMENDING THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R4.5 TO R20-PRD SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS, APPLICATION NO. SUBDIV 02-01/R-1143. Copies of Ordinance No. 1879 are available for review at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Port Orchard. Upon written request a statement of the full text of the Ordinance will be mailed to any interested person without charge. Thirty days after publication, copies of Ordinance No. 1879 will be provided at a nominal charge. City of Port Orchard A W@M Michelle Merlin0 Deputy Clerk Publish: Port Orchard Independent March 5,2003 KitsaolepalsOsoundoublishin$.com CIN HALL MUNICIPAL COURT 2 I6 Prospect 2 I 6 Prospect Adrninislration (360) 8764407 (360) 676-1701 FAX (360) 895-9029 FAX (3601 895-307 I POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEhT 546 say Street (3601 876-1 700 FAX (360) 87S5546 2 I fi Pm+t)ect Street ~. (360;67G499 I FAX (3601 876-4980 City of Port Orchard 21 6 Prospect Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 2003030601 54' Page 1 3; 14 111111 Ill11 111111 111111 1111 1111 1llll11111 Ill1 1111 1111 a3/a6/2803 12 28~ ~~ PORT ORCHARD CITY OF OR0 $32 88 Kitsapto, UA ORDINANCE NO. 1879 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON AMENDING PORT ORCHARD ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1748 BY AMENDING THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R4.5 TO R20-PRD SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS, APPLICATION NO. SUBDIV 02-01/R-1143 TAX NO. 25240140542005 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NE X of the SE 'A of the SE %, SEC. 25, TOWNSHIP 24 N, RANGE 1 E, W.M. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A." WHEREAS, Olney Avenue LLC submitted an application, dated September 16, 2002, requesting approval of a rezone from R4.5 to R20-PRD in conjunction with an application for a preliminary plat and planned residential development of 50 single family attached home sites with zero lot line setbacks on property described in Exhibit '"A", and known as The Highlands at Karcher Creek. The application was assigned city file number SUBDIV 02-01/R-1143; and WHEREAS, in order to satisfy the PRD requirement that the development shall utilize creative design techniques to promote an uncluttered appearance such as a variety of lot sizes, parking at the rear of sites and the provision of alleys. Olney Avenue LLC subsequently submitted a redesign on February 7, 2003 reducing the number of lots from 50 down to 40 and providing for alleys and parking in the rear for 22 of the lots; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan designation for the property is High Density Residential and the proposed development is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Pian; and WHEREAS, the proposed rezone IS not detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the community and is in harmony with the general purposes of the Zoning Ordinance, Growth Management Act, and Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, being fully advised, the Council finds and concludes as follows: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The City Council adopts the findings and conclusions of the planning staff report dated October IO. 2002, as attached hereto as Exhibit "B and as supplemented on February 19, 2003, attached hereto as Exhibit "C", as its own. Ordinance No. 1879 Page 2 of 2 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Based upon the recommendations of city staff and the planning commission and the findings and conclusions contained herein, the city of Port Orchard Zoning Map, adopted by Ordinance No. 1748, is hereby amended by changing the zoning classification of the property described in Exhibit "A" from R4.5 to R20-prd. subject to the conditions set forth in planning commission Resolution No. 326-02 attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and the following additional conditions:. 21. Sidewalks shall be provided along the northern portion of the access road "A" extending to Olney Avenue and west to the Feeder Road "B and sections of sidewalks on the northern half of lots 27 and 34 shall be allowed to be deleted. The protective covenants shall contain a restriction prohibiting parking of boats or RV's except within an enclosed garage. 22. 23. The 20' road at the west end of access road "A" shall be increased to 28.' SECTION 2. This rezone is site plan specific to The Highlands at Karcher Creek planned residential development, SUBDIV 02-011R-1143. Pursuant to Part 2, Section 11 of the city of Port Orchard Planning and Development Procedures, any major modification. deviation, or departure from the originally approved site plan or application shall constitute a violation of the zone adjustment approval unless the city council has reviewed and approved a modified site plan after conducting a public hearing. The city council may subject modified site plans to new conditions. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after posting and publication as required by law. A summary of this Ordinance may be published in lieu of the entire Ordinance, as authorized by State law. PASSED by the city council of the City of Port Orchard, signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk in authentication of such passage this 24Ih day of February 20 3 A. 2003030601 54 Page 2 sf 14 ' I111111 11111 111111 llllll1111111111111111111111111111111 was12am ii 28~ ~~ ~ ~ URD $332.88 Kitsap Co, WR 1 PORT ORCHRRD CITY OF *' .. V ....... THAT PORTION OFTHE MORTH~QUAR~OF~ESOVMEaSTQUARTER OFTHESOW= QUARTER, SECRON 25, TOWNSHIP 24 NORM, RANGE Z EAT, W,M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS BEGINNING ATA POINT WHICH IS NORM 0'31'47" EAsT662.4 Fa FROM THE Sow- CORNS OF SAID SECnON 25, SAID POINT BEING THE NOR~I-EA~T CORNER OFTHE SOrn~45~ QUA~~ROF~HESO~EASTQUAR~ROFTHESOLTM~QUAR~OF~AIDS~ON; T-ENCECONnNUING NORTH P31'47" EpsT331.2 FEU; ., . TkNCE: NORTH 88°31;WE57 666.7 FEET; ~ENCESOU~H Oo4S WEST331 FEFTTOTHE NORTH'UNE OFMESOhEAFTQUAREROFME soLmlEASTQUAKER OFTHE SOUTHWQUARTER; THENCE SOVM 88°20'30" EAS 666.7 FEETM ME POINTOF BEGINNING; EXCEFT OLNEY ROAD ON THE EASr SIDE; EXcEpF THE 50m 125 RET THEREOF; Also THE SOUTH 129 FEET OF ME FOLLOilIiG DESCPJBED mm: i -WIT p0mON OF ME NORTH^ QUARTER OF THE Smm QUARTER OF THE socni-~&r QUA~CEROFSKTION 25, TOWNSW 24 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST, W.M:,'L?(ING WEST OF OLNN ROAD; ,. .' EXCEPTTHE FOUOWING DESCRIBED VkfX BEUNUNG ATA POINT WHICH IS NORTH 0'31'47" EAsr 662.4 RET FROM THE SOmM ,CORNER OFSAID SMON 25,5AID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE NORTH 0131'47" ik-r 331.2 FEET;' ' THENCE NORTH W31' WEST 666.7 FEET; THENCE SOm O"41 WEST 331.0 FEET; . THENCE SOUlH 88'29'30" 667.7 FEETTO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; . &EmTHEREFROM .. OLNEY ROAD'ON THE EASTSIDE; SEP i 6 2002 CIM OF POW ORCHARD PUBUC WORKS I ' _._.^ , 200303060154 Page 3 of 14 I111111 11111 llllll llllll11111111 lllllll /I( 11111 I111 Ill1 a3m2-903 12 28~ PORT ORCHRRO CITY OF ORD $32.00 Kitsap Co, UR . ., . .................. -. .. ....... .. ... .. ...... i Ekhibit "B" Ordinance No. 1879 CITY OF PORT ORCHARD THE HIGHLANDS AT KARCHER CREEK (SUBDW 02-01iR1143) PLANNING STAFF REPORT DATE: PROPERTY OWNER DESIGNATED CONTACT PERSON: PROPOSAL: LOCATION: ZONING: COMP PLAN: October 10,2002 Richard Fitzpatrick. Olney Avenue LLC P.O. Box 857 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 FILE NO. SUBDIV 02-01R-1143 (253) 851-6363 Craig Baldwin Westsound Engineering, Inc. 217 S. Wilkins Dr. Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 876-3770 The proposal is a Planned Residential Development (PRD) of 50 residential lots of duplexes/townhomes with zero-lot-line setbacks. Lots are designed with a zero side yard setback to allow duplex construction. Improvements will include an underground detention vault and biofiltration swale to mitigate for storm water runoff. To accommodate the proposed density, the applicant is requesting a rezone from R4.5 to R-20. The site (Tax ID# 252401-4-054-2005), is located on the west side of Olney Rd., north of the intersection with SE Mile Hill Drive in Section 25, Township 24N, Range E, Port Orchard, WA. The 4.89-acre site is undeveloped. The existing zoning is R-4.5; the proposed zoning is R-20. The surrounding zoning is R-8 to the North; R-20 and Commercial to the East; Commercial to the South and R-8 to the West. The Comprehensive Plan Designation is High Density Residential 200303060154 Page 4 of 14 I llllll11111 PORT ORCHARD Illlll llllll11111111 CITY OF lllllll111111111111 ORD $32 Ill1 86 83/66/2663 Kitsap Co, Utl 12 28P Wit "B" Ordinance No. 1879 I. BACKGROUND: A. Site Description The 4.89 acre site is undeveloped and gently rolling. As the site has been recently cleared of Scotch Broom and brush, there is no native vegetation, however there are approximately two trees located along Olney. B. Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment: The application for a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment (CA-08-01 to amend the map &om Commercial to HD Residential) was found to be consistent with the goals of the community, adopted Comprehensive Plan, and general requirements of the Growth Management Act and was granted on 26 November, 2001. c. SEPA A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued 25 September, 2002 with the following conditions The design of the storm water system will be consistent with Department of Ecology standards. A professional Engineer will certify that the existing stormwater pond conforms to existing standards. Erosion control measures shall conform to City ordinances. To reduce impact to the school system, mitigation fees will be paid at the time of building permit issuance, if the City adopts a general implementing ordinance for school impact fees prior to the date that a complete building permit is accepted. The proponent can also mitigate the impact to the school system by negotiating a settlement with the South Kitsap School District. D. PRDReview: The project is a PRD. This process allows the applicant to propose a residential development that is innovative or otherwise beneficial to the community but which does not strictly comply with the provisions of the residential or mixed use zone in which the property is located. Chapter B3, Section 6 of the zoning code establishes the approval criteria for a PRD: A planned residential development shall be granted only if the proposal shall: 1. Clearly specify residential and other land uses through detailed site plans, lot layouts, and building elevations, andor 2. preserve unique or sensitive physical features such as steep slopes and views, and retain natural vegetation, andor 3. provide more opens space and recreational amenities than would be available under conventional land development practices, andor 2003030601 54 Pecje 5 of 14 I111111 11111 llilll111111111111111111111 Ill 11111 1111 1111 63/66.2863 12 28P ~ PORT ORCHARD CITY Of OR0 $32 68 Kitsap Cot UA -it Ordinance No. 1879 4. utilize creative design techniques to promote an uncluttered appearance such as a variety of lot sizes, parking at the rear of sites and the provision of alleys, and/or 5. specifically demonstrate its benefit to the surrounding neighborhood and community at large, and/or 6. specify the phasing of the development of a site, and/or 7. provide public facility sites or improvements, such as road improvements, utilities, parks, or open space. It. FINDINGS 1. The minimum lot area required for a PRD in the R-20 zoned is 1 acre. The proposed site is 4.84 acres. 4.48 acres less the 1.28 acres for dedications of the roads and stormwater facilities would allow a maximum potential density of 64 units. 2. The proposal consists of 50 residential lots of duplexes with zero-lot-line setbacks. The applicant is requesting departure fiom the building setbacks development standard by proposing a zero lot line development to allow for duplex construction of owner-occupied single family residential units. The City of Port Orchard zoning code allows this departure, except that structures located on the perimeter of the PRD shall be set back in accordance with setbacks of the underlying zone. 3. The minimum setback requirements in the R-20 zone are 15 feet from the street right- of-way; 5 feet from the side yard; and 10 feet from the rear yard unless required parking is served by an alley, residential street setbacks may be reduced to 10 feet. The proposal is in compliance with this standard. 4. The site does not contain unique or sensitive physical features. 5. The applicant is proposing an underground stormwater detention vault which may also provide approximately 12,000 sf of open space in addition to a 7,000 sf playground area. 6. The proposed lot layout is generally uniform in design and appearance. Lot access is direct fiom the internal streets rather than from an alleyway or from the rear yard, as such the streetscape is dominated by driveways and garages. 7. The proposed primary access street appears to have a travel width of 28’. 8. Phasing is not proposed. 9. Olney Avenue North is a collector arterial with a 60’ right of way. The improved roadway is not currently up to city standards, and does not include curb, gutter or sidewalks. 10. Proposed street frontage improvements include sidewalks and landscaping along Olney Ave. 11. The project is within the Karcher Creek Sewer District service area and will be served by that District. 12. The project is within the Annapolis Water service area and will be served by that District. 13. Fire department access appears to be adequate as shown the preliminary site plans dated received by Fire District 7 on September 23,2002. <- ~~ 2003030601 54 Page 6 of 14 I111111 lllll111111111111 Ill1 1111 1111111 ORD Ill lllll11111111 $32 68 83/66/2663 Kitsap Co, UR 12 28P PORT ORCHARD CITY OF -it "B" Ordinance No- 1879 111. DlSCUSSlONlCONCLUSlONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. '. 7. 8. The proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal meets the minimum lot area requirements for a PRD. The proposed setback departure is consistent with applicable code. The proposed design does not meet the PRD criteria for the provision of parking at the rear of sites or the provision of alleyways. It is unclear whether the proposal meets the second part of the criteria for an uncluttered appearance. Safe pedestrian walkways for school children is not adequately provided without the provision of sidewalks and cross-walks located near the existing bus stops. The preliminary design does not appear to provide adequate off-street parking space for two vehicles. The design of the proposed access street does not appear to have adequate width to accommodate parking along the side of the street, and this could put an excessive number of cars along the curb. In addition, the garbage truck and other support agencies may have trouble getting access to the curb. The problem will be intensified for the two feeder roads, which have a narrower travel lane. The section of Olney Avenue in front of this project was not paved by the City since it was anticipated that the project will require street excavation for utilities. Rockport and Aidan Place paved their section of Olney Avenue and the city recently repaved the street along the shopping centers. The City does not have impact fees for parks or recreation and looks to development to help mitigate the recreational needs of the new homes. Previously, the City has had subdivisions provide private playgrounds that are owned and maintained by the homeowners associations. Those playgrounds are often on a single lot and are often too small to be inviting to the residents. That potential problem is exacerbated with the smaller lots that are being proposed. IV. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All SEPA conditions and applicable code requirements shall be met. The planning department recommends a minimum 10 foot separation between structures to allow for circulation of light and air between structures. The developer shall construct concrete sidewalks that are 5 feet wide, curbs and gutters along the full length of the project along Olney Avenue. To accommodate safe pedestrian amenity, a cross walk shall be provided and located near the Kitsap Transit shelter and South Kitsap School District Bus stop. ~ ~~ __ __ I- ~ 2003030601 54 Page 7 of 14 I111111 11111 llllll11111111111111 lllllll Ill 11111 1111 1111 83/06/2883 li 28P ~~ PORT ORCHARD CITY OF ORD $32.88 Kitsap COJ wit NB I! Ordinance No, 1879 To ensure public safety and to accommodate for road maintenance and adequate circulation for support agency vehicles, the fire department shall approve all road designs. To bring the remaining section of Olney up to the condition of adjoining road segments, the developer shall overlay that section of Olney Avenue abutting the property for the full width of Olney Avenue. Repaving will include striping, thermoplastic markings, and any necessary road repairs. There will not be any driveway access directly to Olney avenue. Prior to final plat approval, the Developer shall pay the city $150.00 for one stop sign, one dead end sign, and miscellaneous signs for street names and parhg regulations. Prior to final plat approval, the requirements for the streets, curbs, and sidewalks shall be physically completed. The project shall provide a playground area that is a minimum of 7,000 square feet, which is owned and maintained by the homeowners association. Prior to the City issuing the 25" building permit the playground shall be constructed and open to the residents and maintained by the Homeowners Association. Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer, the playground shall contain equipment of commercial use quality with and include or be eauivalent to at a minimum: Aswing; A slide; Aspringtoy Impact resistance surface, as recommended by the manufacturere; A fence around the entire lot. All utilities, except water appurtenances shall be underground. Provide catch basins at the entrance from Olney Ave. Covenants for the performance of the ErosiodSedimentation Control Facility and Stormwater Maintenance and Operation is required and must be submitted to the City for approval prior to final plat approval. The one fire hydrant shown on lot 38 needs to be relocated across the street between lots 13 and 14. Before construction may begin on any lot, fire flow and fire department vehicle access must be provided. Final plat approval will not be granted until the Annapolis Water District provides concurrence that the water system is constructed to the satisfaction of the water district. Fmal plat approval will not be granted until the Karcher Creek Sewer District provides concurrence that the sewer system is constructed to the satisfaction of the sewer district. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2003030601 54 ' Page 8 of 14 I111111 11111 llllll11111111111111 lllllll 111 11111 1111 1111 ~3/06/28a3 12 ~SP PORT ORCHARD CITY OF ORD 532 BE Kitsap Cot UR City of Port Orchard wAsmGToN Exhibit " C " Ordinance No, ,1879 TO: Mayor, City Council FROM: City Planner DATE February 19,2003 SUBJECT: Highlands at Karcher Creek- Plat/€'RD Resubmittal ~ The applicant, Olney Avenue LLC, represented by Richard Ftizpatrick, has provided the City Council a redesign of the platlplanned residential development for the project referred to as 'The Highlands of Karcher Creek". This consideration will be before the City Council on February 24, 2003. The Zone Reclassification Ord. 1879, and the Preliminary Plafllanned Unit Development . Resolution 2002, attached, are revised consistent with the proposal for Council consideration *This packet should be attached to the Plat and Revised Project Summa* you'should have received last week. Background: The Public Hearing and comment period was closed on November 25,2002. A Decision-only hearing was held by the City Council on December 9,2002, for re-consideration of the motions approving the Zone Reclassification and Plafllanned Residential Development (PRD), directing the Staff to prepare the final Zone Reclassification ordinance and PlaflRD Resolution. The motion for approval, also added back into the decision condition No. 5 (which was deleted by the Planning Commission) as follows: To accommodate offstreetparking, the project shall be designed with alleys# or an alternative solution approved by the City Engineer that satisfies the criteria for an uncluttered appearance while accommodating parking, with final approval by the City Council. On December 20,2002, hh. Fitzpatrick submitted a letter of request to table the decision to allow for time to analyie development options for the site. The Council oficially tabled the decision on December 23,2002. On January 13,2003, at the request of the applicant and with general consensus, the Council agreed to continue the discussion of project until February 24,2003. - .- _-_ ,--- -- - 2003030601 54 Page 9 of 14 a3~2aa3 12 28P PORT ORCHRRD CITY OF ORO @ aa Kitsap Co, UR e . FebrUary 19, 21)03 Exhibit “C“ . . .. . . I.~al~sis.ofRevised.~~e~minary_Plat: - __ . . ., . . . .... .-. .- . .. .. ,.,.... The following revisions are proposed as illustrated on the preliminary plat and planned residential site plan: a 0 The total number of lots has been reduced from fifty (50) lots to forty (40) lots. Resulting density is 16.6 dwelling units per net useable acre; Alleys have been added to the design to provide for rear garage access to twenty-two (22) of the proposed lots. (Lots 1 thru 14 and lots 27 thru 34 will have alley access); Lots with alley access are proposed to have a ten (IO) foot front yard setback which is a modifcation of the standard fifteen (15) foot front yard setback allowed in the R20 zone. A ten (IO) ft. separation is illustrated between structures, with a zero (0) ft. separation between the attached units at the common property line. Rear yard setbacks is ten (1 0) ft. Lots with frontage road access will accommodate parking within their driveways with a minimum setback of fifteen (15) ft. The proposed minimum lot size has been modified from the 2178 square feet allowed under the R20 zone to a minimum 2100 square feet on those lots with alley access. Five (5) foot sidewalks are proposed along one side of the Access and Feeder Roads within the Plat. (The applicant is requesting a modifcation from the standard road section which illustrates five foot sidewalks on both sides of the Access and Feeder Roads) Landscaping and overall open space has been increased along the road frontages, where garage access is provided fium the rear alley ways. Additional buffering is provided along the north side of the feeder loop road, between the proposal and neighboring plat of Rockpolt. n. Architectural Design: Based on the redesign of the project to incorporate alley ways, the applicant has provided a design concept building elevation plan that illustrates garages accessed to the rear of the buildings, for twenty-two (22) of the forty (40) lots. The remaining will be provided with garage access from the frontage road. The building design concept for the homes with rear alley access illustrates traditional building design elements, such as: Panedwindows Front porches Steepened roof line (12/12 pitchtyp.) 3-StOV construction 2 car garages with additional on-street parking The building design concept for the homes with frontage road access illustrates: Panned windows Front porches 2-story construction Steepened roof lines (8112 typ) 2 car garages with driveways able to accommodate 2 parking spaces 2 Exhibit "C" February 19, 2003 EL Stormwater Analysis: Westsound Engineering has provided a supplemental summary stormwater drainage plan analysis in consideration of the revised Plat/PRD. are within the parameters considered with the initial storm plan analysis. The analysis indicates that the revisions IV. Attachments: 1. Highlands at Karcher Creek, Revised Preliminary Plat drawing, illustrating 40 lots for single family attached duplex housing, dated February 7,2003. 2. Highlands at Karcher Creek, Revised Landscape and Recreation Plans, illustrating proposed building locations, parking, conceptual landscaping, and recreation areas. 3. Westsound Engineering, Inc. summary of revisions, dated February 7,2003. 4. Staff analysis of Westsound Engineering Stormwater Plan summary, memo dated, February 18,2003. V. FmdingslConclusions: 1. The Findings and Conclusions of the planning staffreport dated October 10,2002, attached, are compatible with the revisions as presented. 2. The proposed redesign, dated February 7,2003 does meet the PRD criteria of utilizing design techniques to promote an uncluttered appearance such as a variety of', lot sizes, parking at the rear of sites, and the provision of alleys. . . -, 7-- ----- - - 2003030601 54 Page 11 of 14 1llllllllll11lllllllllllll11lllllllllllmllllll1IIIIll PORT ORCHRRO CITY OF OR0 S32 88 63/66/2663 Kitsap to, UR 12 28P 3 ,. 1 .. r :* CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING CQMMXSSIQN RESOLUTION 326-02 A RESOLUTION 3Y.T€lB CITY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNING COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT OF 50 RESDENTIAL LOTS OF DUPLEXES WITH ZERO-LOT- mCOMMENDINQ THE APPROVAL OF A PLAtTNED RESIDBNTLAL ' ' LINBSETBACKS~ARBZONEFROMR4.5TOR20. WJRIEREAS, the City approved m application to amend the Comprehensive Plan WHEREAS, the Planning Co&sion held a Public Meeting for the designation for the property to High Density Residential in 2601; and Development Application on Wednesday, October 30,2002; and .: I wBERE;Qs, the applicationis in compliance,wid the gods ana policies ofthe . & TIDIREFORE FIND the proposd is not -&tal to the ~th, safety, &welfare of the commudty and is proposed to be within the character of the Growth Maoagement Act, Comprehensive Plan, and the community, cog@ensive Plan; - -. __-.---_ -. i i , . -- F ' .---J- CONCLUSION . Based upon the facts, testimony, ind the matejials 'e m% r,?! 0-2 0- a- s omg; m 0 &%E Sln' 0 (Uamx E&Z - - BS -a - - m m - - - -k -o m- =%? =E presented et the Meeting, we iher@ore conclude.that the proposal to develop a 50-unit BE IT RESOLVED that the Pl-g COnrmission of the City of Port Orchard , p-2 consistent with the he&&, safety, and welfare of the City of POrtorchaKt 0 - mcl does hereby respectfidly request that the City Council approve the proposed PRD & Rezone Application with the Revised Recommended conditions of Approval: 1. An =A conditions and applicable code requirements shall be met. 2. The planning department recommends a minimum 10 foot separation' between structures to allow for circulation of light and air between structures. gutters along the.fulI length ofthe project dong Olney Avenue. 4,' To accommodate safc pede& amenity, a cross walk slid be piovided and located near the Kitsap Transit shelter and South Kitsap SchoolDkkict Bus stop. - == N =. =a -a. -m 3. The developer shall construct COIlcTete sidewalks that are 5 feet wide, cubs and ' - 5. 7 v- -0 -I -0 - -c -E -0 -0. I - - . . ... ..I ...... , .. . .. ._. I...-....-_-... .. . . . . . . . . --- - I 1 ! !, ...... I P , .. e, . 6. TO ensure public safety and to accommodate for road maintenance and adequate circulation for qport agency vehicles, the fire department ShaIl approve d road designs. 7. TO bring the redg section of OJney .up to the condition of adjoi&g road segments, the developer shall overlay that section of Ohey Avenue abutting the properQ for the full width of Obey Avenue. Repaving'wiU include strip&g, thermoplastic markings, apd any necessary road repairs, 8. 9. Prior to fbal plat approval, theDeveloper'shalI pay the city $150.00 for one stop sign, one dead end sign, and miscellaneous .signs for street names and parking 10. Prior to fd plat approval, the requirements for the streets, chrbs; hd sidewalks shall be physically completed. 11. The project shall provide a playgmund area that is a rhin;mum of 7,000 square feet, which is owned and xnainbined by the homeowners associatioa 12,Prior to the City issukg the 25' building permit the phyground shall be coutdmcted and open to the residents apd m&tained by the Homeowners hwodation. ' 13. Unless oth4e approved by the City Engineer, the playground shall 'contain equipment.of commerckd use quality with and iidude or be equivalent tQ at a Aswiag; Aslide; Aspringtoy will not b'e any driveway access directly to Olney Avenue. regulations. .. . .. Impact resistance surface, as reco&ended by &e manufkctura;~ . I. ... .... a. .A-f~ce.~ou&he.e&e lot ........................ ........... ....... 14. AU utilitiq except water appytenances shall be underground, 15. Provide catch basins at the entrance frcm Olney Ave.. 16. Covenants fdr the perfoTmanct? of the Rrosidedimentation Control Facility and Stomwater Maintenance and Operation is requked' and must be submiked to ffie City for approval prior to final plat approval. 17, The one fie hyht shown on lot 38 needs to be relocated amy the .street between lots 13 and 14. 18.Beforeconstmctionmaybeginansnylot, frreffowandfire deparh;zentvehicle mess must be provided 19. Pi pIaf approval will not be graated until the Annapolis Water District provides , . I CliSbiCt. 20. Final plat approval will notbe granted unk the kch& Creek Sewm Disk& . provides concmace that the sewer system is constructed to the satisfaction of the sewer district. PASSED this 30* day of October 2002. . .t concurrence that tlie water system is constructed to the satisfaction of the water: - - 200303060154 Page 13 of 14 I llllll11111111111 llIl11 Ill1 1111 lllllll Ill 111111 111 llll 63 66/2883 12 28P PORT ORCHRRO CITY OF ORD 02.88 Kitsap Cot Ufl 2 .... ... .- - ._.L__. ........... . -. ........ , ....... CprY OF PORT ORCHARD PLANNINQ COMMISSION . .. 5 ,_____. -- - - 2003030601 54 Page 14 of 14 83/86/2883 12 28P PORT ORCHRRD CITY Of ORB $32 89 Kllsap CO. hi( 3 . .. .... ..... .. . .-