04/27/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington April 27, 1994 Mayor Protem John Clauson called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:30 PM. Joining Councilman Clauson in this special session were council members Robert Geiger, Warren Van Zee, Jack Grable and Don Morrison. Staff present: City Planner Donna Brown, City Engineer Lawrence Curl es and Deputy Clerk Michelle Hager. Mayor Protem Clauson reopened continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from April 13, 1994 Special Council Session). City Planner Brown advised Council this hearing was to review the last one-half of the Vision Element concerning Economic Policies. During discussion of the Economic Policies, (page 5, sentence 3), Council questioned the need for preserving the unique maritime past. Robert Gallegoes, 340 Tremont, clarified this policy was written to maintain the core of business in the downtown area. Councilman Clauson, noted for record, a footnote on page one should be added, advising public hearing minutes are available, if anyone has a question on the intent and reasoning for the adoption of these policies. Councilman Morrison and Clauson recognized the need for a positive approach to a "friendly relationship with various other governmental agencies". Council concurred with the revision to the Economic Policies, last sentence on page 5 as follows: The City shall ot�t th*t ' i respect and nurture its friendly relationship with ................................ various other governmental agencies within the city limits. Council discussed last sentence on page 6, of the Economic Policies, and Councilman Morrison questioned if the City would become liable or challenged if the City did not provide appropriate selection of goods or services. City Planner Brown advised Council, the City could possibly be challenged if our zoning ordinance was too restrictive in the allowable uses within each designation. After much discussion, the Council concurred to a revision on page 6 of the Economic Policies to read as follows: The City shall ensure a :`>''''>` `anee'<' there is an d selection of housing and recreational pPor* unities. At this portion of the Public Hearing, the Council reviewed the Critical Areas - Goals and Policies with only recommendations to the City Planner, any formal changes would occur at the May 11, 1994 Special Council Meeting. City Engineer recommended the Council adopt the same standards for Storm Water Laws as Kitsap County so contractors and citizens all have the same set of rules to follow. Apri 1 27, 1994 Page 2 of 2 The Council requested the City Planner review the wording on page seven, to include all agencies coordinate with the City during the process of protecting sensitive areas. The Council discussed the enhancement of surface water quality and questioned the affordability of this process. The City Planner was instructed to review and bring back to the next public hearing some different wording for the words "shall" and "enhancement" pertaining to this policy. On Motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council continued Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 7:30 PM, May 11, 1994. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. Michelle Hager, Deput City Clerk �Aon,Z Mayor Pro-tem