05/11/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 11, 1994 Mayor Protem John Clauson called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:30 PM. Joining Councilman Clauson in this special session were council members Carolyn Powers, Robert Geiger, Warren Van Zee, Jack Grable and Don Morrison. Staff present: City Planner Donna Brown, City Engineer Lawrence Curl es and Deputy Clerk Michelle Hager. Mayor Protem Clauson reopened continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from April 27, 1994 Special Council Session). City Planner Brown presented an updated "Draft Comprehensive Plan" (May 1, 1994) which included revised wording to policies #2 and #4 of the Critical Areas - Goals and Policies on page 7, as follows: The City shall "" '' coordinate Hate with s'6�er Y#.:..::g:.::...:.:...:�::;.: argues during th`e process of protecting environmentally sensit`Ve"areas. The City d shall promote preservation and "'3�^ " e t of surface water quaff"ity :::.:..:........:::.:::.. City Planner Brown presented "Goals for a Design Plan of a System of Open Spaces Throughout All of Kitsap County" as submitted by Friends of Open Space, with a request that these policies be included in part or in whole in the City Comprehensive Plan. City Planner requested Council review policies and submit a recommendation at the next public hearing session. Councilwoman Powers expressed concern with Policy #1 of the Critical Areas and questioned, "Who identifies environmentally sensitive areas?" City Engineer clarified that wetlands or environmentally sensitive areas are identified and criteria is set by specialists and reviewed by the City on a case by case basis. Robert Gallegos, Chairman, Citizens' Committee on Growth Management, recommended a brochure be distributed promoting education about the city's critical areas. Council contemplated changing the word "shall" to "should" and after much discussion, Council requested the City Planner review the wording in the Growth Management Act and advise where the word "shall" is required. At this point of public hearing, Council discussed the Parks and Open Space -Goals and Policies. Robert Gallegos, Chairman, Citizens' Committee on Growth Management, indicated Policy #1 was included to encourage people to enjoy the waterfront. Councilman Van Zee questioned if parks were utilized enough to expand as indicated in Policy #2. After discussion Council concurred with the following wording to Policy #2: The City shall enhance and expand existing park facilities. May 11, 1994 Page 2 of 2 The following policies were discussed in detail regarding obstruction to scenic views and maintenance of open spaces, upon concurrence of Council the following changes were made: are The City shall ensure At g obstructions of sual d4seeu Council reguested City Planner review wording of Policy #8 regarding plans for public parks and return with alternative wording at next public hearing session. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council continued Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 7:30 PM, May 18, 1994. Meeting adjourned at 9:29 PM. Michelle Hager, Deputy Ci`y Clerk jioKn Clauson, Mayor Protem