06/15/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 15, 1994 Mayor Protem John Clauson called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:30 PM. Joining Councilman Clauson in this special session were council members Carolyn Powers, Robert Geiger, Don Morrison and Chuck Childress. Staff present: City Engineer Larry Curles, City Planner Donna Brown and Deputy Clerk Michelle Hager. Mayor Protem Clauson reopened continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from June 8, 1994 Special Council Session). City Planner Brown presented the most recent draft of the Comprehensive Plan dated June 1994 which highlighted the changes made to the Capital Facilities and Utility Goals and Policies. Council discussed in great detail the Urban Growth Boundaries and stressed the need to notify Kitsap County, the City is not satisfied with the Urban Growth Boundaries and the Population Allocations. Leslie Banigan, 901 SW Harper Road, Port Orchard, expressed concern with Kitsap County not recognizing or listening to citizens. Councilman Clauson requested the Mayor to address a letter to the Kitsap County Commissioners with a courtesy copy to K.R.P.0 advising them the City is not satisfied with the Urban Growth Boundaries and the Population Allocations. At this time the City Planner opened discussion to the Housing Element. Council discussed in depth "What is affordable Housing?". Council concurred to the following change to Policy No. 1 under Goal "Maintain affordable housing" (page 13): +^ The City shall" develop""' ;^ a ^sue a ..� l o i eft # €> t r ar >s< s cs �, e t 4 y e eneo�=age affordable":housing...........:.::::...:.:.::..:...:...:.:..:............:.............:::........................ Councilwoman Powers questioned Policy No. 2 stating the City must first identify alternative financing then seek ways to secure the financing, after discussion Council concurred with the following change to Policy No. 2 under Goal "Maintain affordable housing" (page 13): The City shall seek, a^a^n+; ' ^� ^ szy€I alternative financing for affordable housing such as state or "private grants"''and loans for rehabilitation or new construction. Council discussed "flexible development standards" and concurred no wording change for Policies No. 1, 2 and 3 under Goal "Improve the usability of the available and supply within the city limits" would be necessary and should remain as recommended. Under Goal No. 3, Policy No. 1, City Planner discussed "creative housing" after much discussion Council concurred no revision to Policy No. 1 was necessary. On page 14, under "Recommended actions" Council expressed concern with "design guidelines", Council concurred with striking the following policy: June 15, 1994 Page 2 of 2 On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council continued Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 7:30 PM, June 22, 1994. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. Michelle Hager, Deputy CUty Clerk J n ZU-auslon,'Mayor Protem