07/06/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 6, 1994 Mayor Protem John Clauson called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:30 PM. Joining Councilman Clauson in this special session were Council members Jack Grable, Robert Geiger and Don Morrison. Staff present: City Engineer Larry Curles, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Hager. Mayor Protem Clauson reopened continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from June 15, 1994 Special Council Session). City Engineer Curles presented the most recent draft of the Comprehensive Plan dated June 1994 which includes amendments by the City Council thru 6/16. Mayor Protem Clauson opened discussion relevant to the Transportation Goals and Policies. City Engineer Curles outlined the 6 Year Transportation Plan which will come before the City Council on July 25, 1994. Council discussed Goal #1 - Promote the expansion of transit opportunities and concurred with changing the following three policies: The City shall ft6'lt€ develop a mixture of land uses that reduces the number of ................ home w()r4v } 'trips. The City shall es+�'�;=gin r co t ari i t the placement of bus shelters and bus turnouts to assist traffic aria"sa"f6tj'and efficiency. The City shall o require, vo a e< °'a e parking designs that locate P;: parking areas to"I :"rear or sides* ... 0 bui`fi`di gs.- Under Goal #2 Provide aesthetically pleasing streets. Council concurred with Policies No. 1 and 2 and made no changes. Leslie Banigan, 901 SW Harper Road, Port Orchard, expressed the need to reduce single occupancy vehicle traffic. Council discussed and expressed a concern with the City making provisions for adequate parking. Pete Engle, Kitsap Transit, advised Council Kitsap Transit is working on a model traffic ordinance and will be willing to work with the City to help develop a new parking ordinance. At this point, City Engineer Curles recommended the following policy to be placed under Goal #2 with Council's concurrance. Council also concurred with moving Policy #3 "The City shall encourage reciprocal access and parking agreements between adjacent compatible developments" to Goal #4 Maintain a circulation system that facilitates efficient and safe pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic. Under Goal #3 Promote pedestrian use. Council deleted Policy #2: This policy was incorporated under Goal #2 as recommended by the City Engineer. After much discussion Council concurred with the changes to Policy #3 under Goal #3 as follows: The City shall require private development to provide pedestrian aetiy;+;eS ^^a^S through at private development projects. Council discussed Goal No. 4 Maintain a Circulation system that facilitates efficient and safe pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic, and concurred with the following changes to Policy No. 1 The City shall establish levels of service;+ ':equivalent to or- better than present. - As recommended by the City Planner, Council also added the following policy to Goal No. 4 as follows: 'Under "Recommended Actions:" Council concurred with the following changes: Develop a bikeway and pedestrian plan by 1995 On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council continued Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 7:30 PM, July 20, 1994. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. c - c7azn_ Michelle Hager, Deputy CiU Clerk Sohn Clauson, ayor Protem