08/03/1994 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 3, 1994 Mayor Leslie Weatherill called the Port Orchard City Council to order in Special Session at 7:30 PM. Joining Mayor Weatherill in this special session were Council members Chuck Childress, Robert Geiger, Carolyn Powers, and Jack Grable. Staff present: City Engineer Larry Curles, City Planner Donna Brown and City Clerk Pat Parks. Mayor Weatherill reopened continued Public Hearing relative to consideration of the Draft Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from July 20, 1994 Special Council Session). Planner Donna Brown discussed draft comprehensive plan revisions outlined in her August 3, 1994 memo to the Mayor and City Council. Council members concurred on following revisions: (1) Capital Facilities and Utilities -- Goals and Policies, Pg 9, Amend Goal #6 Improve utility service provision, policy #1 to read: The City shall require (2) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Amend policy which was added to Goal #2 (Provide aesthetically pleasing streets) during the public hearing session on July 6, 1994 to read: The City will allow a reduction in parking requirements if t#e development provides alternatives for multi -modal uses, such as bike lockers,"'or other Transportation Demand Management measures. (3) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Amend Goal #1, Promote the expansion of transit opportunities Policy #1 to read: The City shall develop a .................:. mixture of land uses that reduces the number of #e�+e to 1 `::p e e} trips......................:.........:....:........... (4) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Goal #1, Promote the expansion of transit opportunities Policy #2 to read: The City shall establ4s et Q€ It the placement of bus shelters and bus turnouts to assist traff c` safei'y and efficiency. (5) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Goal #1, Promote the expansion of transit opportunities Policy #3 to read: The City shall €'t' require >�*> "' has s p iITarking designs that locate parking areas to tie rear of s d:es: of budings. (6) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Goal #3, Promote pedestrian use Policy #2 should be deleted: The -Gity—shall for adequate park; g (7) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Goal #3, Promote pedestrian use, Policy #3 should read as follows: The City shall require private development to provide pedestrian aG ' nodes thv private vate ...development projects. a circulation and vehicular August 3, 1994 Page 2 of 3 (8) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Goal #4, Maintain a circulation system that facilities efficient and safe pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic, Policy #1 should read as follows: The City shall establish levels of s e r v i ce equivalent to or better than —present. (9) Transportation -- Goals and Policies. Goal #4, Maintain a circulation system that facilities efficient and safe pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic, Policy #3 was moved from under Goal #2 to read as follows: The City shall encourage reciprocal access and parking agreements between adjacent compatible developments. (10) Transportation -- system that facilities traffic, Policv #4 was Goals and Policies. Goal #4, Maintain efficient and safe pedestrian, bicycle, (11) Transportation -- Goals, Recommended Actions: Amend proposed recommended action #3 to read: Develop a bikeway and pedestrian plan by 1995. w� tlt the 1Ctap..a€tnty . enra�y::. �`: (12) Transportation -- Goals, Recommended Actions: recommended action #4 deleted as follows: DeTelea dr f+ des•, Qe1ines—#ter bee turauts. and bus she! Councilman Childress questioned definition of "curbs and gutters" in the Transportation -Goals and Polices, Page 15, (Goal #3 (Promote pedestrian use). Policy #1. Engineer Curles stated that the standard would be concrete curbs and gutters. Councilman Childress spoke on additional costs developers would incur by requiring concrete curbs and gutters. He stated that within Kitsap County the most traditional curbs/gutters for plat development is thickened asphalt. Doug Eide, real estate agent, spoke about the costs of development and how they affect the amount of affordable housing available. The Planner reviewed updates to the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Map land use designations along with an overview of some of Kitsap County's Comprehensive Plan area designations of Commercial and Residential High. Councilmembers discussed areas on the City's Comprehensive Plan Map which have not been resolved and made recommendations as follows: (1) Area north of Albertson's and Olney Creek Condos, and west of Olney Avenue. Councilmembers agreed to designate this area as High Density Residential. (2) Area East of Olney Avenue, south of Horstman, north of Orlando and the K- Mart shopping plaza. After lengthy discussion on current uses and land use designations, Council concurred on retaining High Density Residential except for that portion already approved as Commercial for the proposed Comprehensive Plan Map. August 3, 1994 Page 3 of 3 Councilmembers discussed land use designations should be the highest and best use for the betterment of the community as a whole. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council continued Draft Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 7:30 PM, August 17, 1994. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. Patricia Parks, City Clerk �tGt, Leslie J. Weatherill, Mayor