08/22/1994 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 22, 1994 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington, called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatheriil at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Van Zee and Grable. Staff present: Police Sergeant Duncan, City Planner Brown, City Engineer Curies, Fire Chief Snow, City Clerk Parks, and City Attorney McCluskey. Councilman Clauson excused (page 1, paragraph 5). Planner Donna Brown led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Weatherill asked for audience comments for items not listed on this agenda. No response was received. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved Consent Agenda as follows: (1) Minutes of the following Council meetings: (a) August 3, 1994 Continued Public Nearing relevant to Draft Comprehensive Plan (b) August 8, 1994 regular meeting (c) August 10, 1994 Special Study Session (2) Payment vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 21074-21138 in the amount of $327,094.64. Councilman Morrison moved to excuse Councilman Clauson from tonight's Council meeting, seconded by Councilwoman Powers and carried unanimously. City Planner Donna Brown introduced Terry Reckord and Doug Snyder, from MacLeod Reckord, the consulting/planning group assisting Kitsap County in their preparation of the Kitsap County Greenways Plan. Mr. Reckord and Mr. Snyder gave brief synopsis of the proposed plan including goals and objectives to provide/promote pedestrian, equestrian and bicycle trails and paths within incorporated and unincorporated Kitsap County. The Mayor and Councilmembers were urged to review plan and offer input and suggestions. Dick Hayes, Director Kitsap Transit, discussed their participation in the Port Orchard Library expansion project and requested the City and Kitsap Transit sign a letter of agreement clarifying transit's financial responsibility in the design and construction costs. After much discussion on the library expansion project, Councilman Morrison presented motion to authorize the Mayor, with review of the City Attorney and City Engineer, to enter into a letter of agreement with Kitsap Transit. This agreement is to describe general responsibilities and that Kitsap Transit will pickup any additional architectural and construction costs beyond amount allocated for city portion of library expansion project. Another agreement for Transit's lease of a August 22, 1994 Page 2 of 2 portion of the library building will also be prepared for consideration at a later date. Seconded by Councilman Van Zee. Councilwoman Powers moved to amend motion to include that authorization to enter into a letter of agreement is contingent upon receipt of Grant Administrator's written guarantee for a 12 month extension of the grant funds, seconded by Councilman Geiger and approved with a vote of four ayes and two nays. Councilmen Grable and Van Zee voting no. Original motion as amended was unanimously approved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter of agreement with Kitsap Transit outlining general terms of Transit's participation in library expansion project with Kitsap Transit paying additional architectural and construction costs beyond those allocated for city portion of project, authorization to sign is contingent upon review by City Engineer and City attorney and upon receipt of written guarantee of a 12 month extension of the grant funding; and that an agreement for lease agreement for Transit's use of a portion of the library building be drafted for consideration at a later date. Mayor Weatherill declared recess at 8:47 and reconvened meeting at 8:55 PM. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved Resolution No. 1575 adopting and certifying the Comprehensive Park Plan for the City of Port Orchard. Councilman Van Zee moved to excuse Councilman Morrison from the September 12, 1994 Council meeting, seconded by Councilwoman Powers and carried. On motion by Councilman Morrison, seconded by Councilwoman Powers, Council directed the City Engineer and City Clerk to prepare draft ordinance, for Council review, establishing school impact fees. Council decided the subject of October 3, 1994 Study Session will be the Sinclair Inlet Watershed Action Plan. Councilwoman Powers moved to authorize the City Engineer to prepare Request for Proposals for design of the 1800 block of Bay Street seawall, seconded by Councilman Geiger and carried. On motion by Councilwoman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council authorized the City Engineer to obtain an appraisal of the Kendall Shed property (600 block of Kendall Street). Meeting adjourned at 9:37 P.M. PATRICIA PARKS, CITY CLERK r LESLIE J. WEATHERILL, MAYOR