06/11/1990 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington June 11, 1990 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, and Powers. Staff present: City Attorney Sells, Deputy Clerk Thomas, Police Sergeant Loflin, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow. Councilmen Smith, Grable and City Clerk Hower excused to attend AWC Conference. Councilman Geiger led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved the minutes of the May 29, 1990 meeting as circulated. Wayne Wright, Fish Pro, reported on the wetlands inventory taken for the City of Port Orchard and availed himself to answer questions. Marilou Wilcox, representing Port Orchard Senior Citizens, requested permission to purchase a new carpet for Room No. 2 of the Active Club Building with the City disposing of old carpet. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the Port Orchard Senior Citizens to purchase a new carpet for Room No. 2 of the Active Club Building and the City will remove and dispose of old carpet. Aaron Hallgarth, student from South Kitsap High School, read letter from Dr. Novak, principal, requesting the City install a crosswalk on Mitchell Avenue south of high school. Dr. Novak, who was also present, answered questions from Council. Mayor Weatherill referred matter concerning a crosswalk on Mitchell Avenue south of high school to the Street/Alley Committee for review. Mayor Weatherill opened Public Hearing scheduled for 7:45 PM regarding an application for a Zone Reclassification from Residential Low to Commercial General as submitted by N.L. Olson & Associates to establish engineering and architectural offices at 2453 Bethel Avenue. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 36, Township 24 North, Range 1 East WM, Kitsap County: A portion of the Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east right of way margin of State Highway 14 (Bethel Avenue) from which the west quarter corner of said section 36 bears S 89* 24' W 47.35 feet, thence N 89* 24' E 173 feet, thence S 2* 51143" W 125 feet, thence westerly to a point on the easterly margin of State Highway 14 which is S 2* 51' 43" W 125 feet from the point of beginning, thence N 2* 51143" E 125 feet to the point of beginning. June 11, 1990 Page Two City Engineer Curles updated Council on the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval with conditions. Norm Olson, proponent, presented revised site plans depicting ingress and egress driveways on the property. Mr. Olson availed himself to answer questions. Mayor Weatherill called for additional input either for or against the proposed rezone. As no further input was received Mayor Weatherill closed Public Hearing and referred matter to Council for consideration. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 149-90 setting forth findings of fact, conclusion and conditions as their own and approved the zone reclassification from Residential -Low to Commercial General in order to convert an existing residence to professional offices at 2453 Bethel Avenue with a revised condition allowing two access points for ingress/egress on the property. At 8:00 PM Mayor Weatherill reopened continued Public Hearing and called for input relevant to a Petition to Vacate a portion of Alder Lane as submitted by Group Health. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Situated in Section 34, Township 24 North, Range 1 East, Kitsap County: the west half of the City of Port Orchard street called Alder Lane, starting at Tremont Street for the length of 400 feet northwesterly as measured on the centerline of Alder Lane, with the north margin being perpendicular to the centerline. Don Baker, Group Health/Project Manager, availed himself to answer questions. City Engineer reported on the Street/Alley Committee meeting and updated Council on the land value calculations regarding Alder Lane vacation. Mayor Weatherill called for additional public input. As no response was received Mayor Weatherill closed Public Hearing and referred matter to Council for consideration. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council approved Petition to Vacate a portion of Alder Lane contingent upon the City receiving compensation of $1,482.00 to be redistributed from Street Fund to the Designated Unreserved Fund Balance for parks and a Quit Claim deed for the ten feet of property abutting Pottery Avenue. Brandon Sather and Gordon Laiengell asked where they could skateboard in the City. Mayor Weatherill advised Mr. Sather and Mr. Laiengell the fenced area above the water tank at Van Zee Park can be utilized for skateboarding, however no apparatus or materials is to be installed or used for jumps or tricks. June 11, 1990 Page Three Mayor Weatherill referred to letter from Dorothy Williams, 601 South Street, requesting the City to pave South Street, east of Sidney. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Powers, Council added South Street, east of Sidney, to a list of roads to be considered for paving, when funds become available and instructed staff to notify Mrs. Williams of this action. Councilman Clauson moved to suggest an alternative plan to Dorothy Williams, advising her a LID for paving of South Street, east of Sidney, could be established, seconded by Councilman Powers and carried. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council authorized the issuance of a Firework Stand Permit to Stripes Retail, Inc., location of stand 1039 SE Bethel Road. (Thurman's parking lot) Councilman Clauson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1487 amending Port Orchard Zoning Ordinance No. 1469 by amending the area and use maps thereof reclassifying property owned by Doug Eide located at 528-534 DeKalb Street from Residential -High to Multiple -Family 20 with conditions. Motion seconded by Councilman Morrison. Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to require a height restriction of two feet (2') above main floor of Marty mcMurray's residence. Motion died for lack of second. Council approved the original motion, with no amendments, to approve Ordinance No. 1487 amending Port Orchard Zoning Ordinance No. 1469 by amending the area and use maps thereof reclassifying property owned by Doug Eide located at 528-534 DeKalb Street from Residential -High to Multiple -Family 20 with conditions. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 9, 12, 13 and the West 20 feet of Lot 16, Blcok 2, Plat of S.M. Stevens Township Plat of Sidney. Section 26, Township 24N, Range 1E, W.M. (Vote: 4 ayes and 1 nay, Councilman Geiger voting nay.) On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Childress, Council adopted Resolution No. 1541 approving the issuance of a variance authorizing relief from the minimum front yard setback requirements of the zoning ordinance, as submitted by Doug Eide, for 528 and 534 DeKalb Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 9, 12, 13 and the West 20 feet of Lot 16, Blcok 2, Plat of S.M. Stevens Township Plat of Sidney. Section 26, Township 24N, Range 1E, W.M. June 11, 1990 Page Four On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Geiger, Council set July 9, 1990 at 7:45 PM as date and time for a Public Hearing relevant to a Petition to Vacate a portion of an unnamed alleyway as submitted by Dr. Robert C. Browning, Sherman A. Coulon and Westbay Medical Center, Inc., P.S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Situated in Section 25, Township 24 North, Range 1 East, Kitsap County, that portion of an unnamed alley which abuts Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.of Block 1 of Tom Cline's Addition to Sidney as recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 29, in Kitsap County, Washington: together with that portion of the said alley which extends 30 feet southerly to the centerline of vacated Taylor (Central) Street. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Powers, Council adopted Resolution No. 1543 authorizing the Mayor to sign municipal agreements with Washington State Department of Transportation for Federal Funding to install guardrails on residential streets. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council concurred with Mayor Weatherill's appointment of Jim Scott to the Police Civil Service Commission to fill an unexpired term vacated by Al Mares. Term will expire on December 31, 1990. Councilman Powers introduced letter from Kathy Menz, Executive Director South Kitsap Helpline, requesting to be removed from Unfinshed Business because of time limit restrictions. Councilman Powers, Chairman of Property Committee, moved to contact Fur, Fin and Feathers stating the City is giving notice of non -renewal of Lease Agreement, seconded by Councilman Morrison. Councilman Clauson moved to amend motion to notify Fur, Fin and Feathers the City is not going to renew Lease Agreement, however the City is interested in discussion on a new agreement, seconded by Councilman Geiger. Motion failed with 3 nays and 2 ayes. Councilmen Powers, Morrison and Childress voting nay. Council approved the original motion to contact Fur, Fin and Feathers stating the City is giving notice, not to renew Lease Agreement. Councilman Geiger moved to write a letter to Mrs. Barringer to work out a month to month rental agreement with Fur, Fin and Feathers with rent being one half of her sub -rental agreement, seconded by Councilman Clauson. After much discussion Councilman Geiger withdrew motion and Councilman Clauson withdrew second. At 9:30 PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 5 minute recess. June 11, 1990 Page Five Councilman Powers, Chairman of Property Committee, moved to renew Lease Agreement with Ronald D. Ness and David Carl Hill at a rate of 7% of the fair market value with the market value being reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis, seconded by Councilman Clauson and carried. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council excused Councilman Powers from the June 25, 1990 Council meeting. Mayor Weatherill advised Council of a Study Session for Wednesday, June 20, 1990 at 8:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers, to discuss three facility issues concerning Fire Department, City Hall and Parks. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council unanimously approved payment of those vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 13444-13503 in the amount of $39,512.35 and May 1990 Payroll in the amount of $119,981.58 (Warrant No. 111825 - 111935). Mayor Weatherill appointed a special Land Use Committee to study amendments to the Zoning Ordinance concerning open storage yards and named Councilman Geiger (Chairman), Councilmen Morrison and Clauson to serve on this committee. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council declared a 1980 Chevrolet (Fire Vehicle No. 3) as surplus and authorized disposal in the best interest of the City. Meeting adjourned at 10:09 PM. k'r \-fL—MDEPUTY C L E R _ __MAYOR