08/06/1990 - Special - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington August 6, 1990 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to special session by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 8:00 pm. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Morrison, Geiger and Powers. Staff present: City Attorney McClu_skey, Police Chief Mathews, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Hower. Cou ric,i I meN e ru bl&— ANo SM rr14 FX6u Sa o - 9'011 o Mayor Weatherill explained purpose of this special meeting is to meet with property owners and discuss the Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation which has been submitted by Herbert Loop, et al, for property commonly known as Ross Point. This area consists of all property west of existing city limits and north of SR16 to its intersection with SR160. City Clerk read three question which Council will address: (1) Will the City accept annexation petitions as proposed? (2) Will the City require the simultaneous adoption of comprehensive plan and zoning designations? (3) Will the City require the assumption of the City's bonded indebtedness by property owners upon annexation? Mayor Weatherill called for input and/or questions from those present. roperty owners Doug Campbell, Quentin Ogle, Stephen Tate, Mary Monroe, Jim Miller, Rod Olas, Bill Boyer, Michelle Thompson, Ray Monroe, Kathleen Kimble, B. J. Suldan and Francis Campbell voiced concerns and asked questions which included, but were not limited to the following: What will annexation cost property owners? City Clerk explained 1990 tax rate for City is 13.102295, the County rate is 12.996520 per mill which means, property in the City valued at $100,000 would be assessed $10.57 more than property of equal value in the County. Is there a difference in City and County building codes, shoreline management regulations? Attorney McCluskey responded that the City and County operate under the same shoreline management regulations and basically the same building codes, however, the City has amended some of the codes to waive permit fees for small building/remodeling projects and/or senior citizens. Would State Road 160 become a city street and who would maintain it? SR160 would remain a State road and continue to be maintained by State Department of Transportation. Bay Street is also part of SR160 and is maintained by State DOT. August 6, 1990 Page 2 of 4 Would property owners be required to upgrade Dogwood Hill Road at their own expense? Dogwood Hill Road is a private road, and would remain so. The City does not anticipate a need for this private road to be made a public street and be upgraded. if at some time in the future, property owners wanted to deed the road to the city, it would have to meet standards prior to city accepting as city street. Will property owners be required to hook up to sewer if sewer lines are within a certain distance to their property? Attorney McCluskey read Municipal Code 13.04.140; A. The owner of each lot or parcel of real property within the city shall connect to the public sewer system if the public sewer system is within two hundred feet of the lot or parcel and if one of the following conditions occur: (1) A new building or structure is constructed on an undeveloped parcel or lot and use of the new building or structure generates wastewater. (2) An existing building or structure, which is served by an existing septic tank and drainfield is remodeled or repaired in such a manner that the drainfield would have to be expanded, as required by the health officer. in such a case, the entire structure would have to be served by the public sewer system. (3) The existing drainfield has failed and needs repair or replacement, as determined by the health officer. B. The city council may schedule a public hearing to review the circumstances of the property to be connected to the sewer system, if requested by the property owner. The City Council may modify or remove the requirements of mandatory sewer connection, if it deems it necessary, (Ord. 1466 S14, 1989) What is the break in population to go to the next class city? City Clerk responded Port Orchard is a third class city, 20,000 population would be required to become a second class city. CORRECTION: population requirements are: third class 1,500 population second class 10,000 population first class 20,000 population What is annexation process? What are 10% and 75% requirements? City Clerk reviewed state annexation statute RCW 35.13: 1. A Notice of Intent to petition for annexation must be submitted to the city's governing body signed by owners representing a minimum of 10% of the total assessed evaluation of property proposed for annexation. 2. After receipt of such notice, the council meets with property owners to discuss proposed annexation and respond to three questions outlined earlier in this meeting. If response to questions is in the affirmative then petitions can be circulated. August 6, 1990 Page 3 of 4 3. Property owners representing a minimum of 75% of the total assessed evaluation must sign petition to proceed. 4. After required signatures are obtained on petitions, the annexation proposal is presented to the County Boundary Review Board for review. The BRB reviews proposal and either: a) votes to not invoke jurisdiction (and proposal is returned to the City Council for Public Hearing , or b) votes to invoke jurisdiction and holds a public hearing to receive testimony. The BRB can approve, disapprove or modify the annexation proposal. If they approve it returns to Council for Public hearing. Concerns were voiced that development of this area would further destroy ecological balance. It was that stated heron rookeries and eagle nesting has been damaged or destroyed by logging in this area. Jim Svensson, Kitsap County informed property owners, logging is regulated by the State, but he will look into situation. Would Dogwood Hill need to be widened? Fire chief Snow stated the road is adequate for emergency vehicles and other city service vehicles. question was posed as to why does the City want this area annexed? Councilman Clauson responded, why would the city not want this area. The City is supplementing public safety services to this area now and the city can also provide water and sewer systems which will aid in preservation of the ecological balance when property is developed. If Ross Point property is developed, where will there be access to SR160? Mayor Weatherill stated, no development plans have been presented nor has access to SR160 been discussed. Mel Holgerson, retired State Dept. of Transportation, stated the city would have control of access onto SR160. Jim Svensson, Kitsap County Department of Community Development, addressed county services and reviewed county zoning of subject area. Mel Holgerson, local civil engineer, offered observation that for environmental and ecological benefits, the ability to sewer a property is a positive asset. Mayor Weatherill invited additional input or questions. As no further response was received, The Notice of Intent to Petition for Annexation was referred to the City Council for consideration. August 6, 1990 Page 4 of 4 Councilman Clauson moved to accept Petition for annexation for area commonly known as Ross Point area which consist of all properties west of current city limit and north of the southern boundary of SR16 to its intersection with SR160, seconded by Councilman Morrison and unanimously approved by the Councilmembers present. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Powers, Council unanimously approved adopting City Comprehensive Plan and Zoning designations for the area as closely related to what is zoned by Kitsap County at this time. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Powers, Council required the assumption of all or any portion of existing city indebtedness by the area to be annexed. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM ��-IaL City Clerk Mayor