11/13/1990 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington November 13, 1990 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular sessior by Mayor Leslie J. Weatherill at 7:30 PM. Councilmembers present: Clauson, Childress, Morrison, Geiger, Powers, Smith and Grable. Staff present: City Attorney Sells, Deputy Clerk Thomas, City Engineer Curles, Fire Chief Snow and City Clerk Hower. Councilman Morrison led the audience and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council approved the minutes of the October 22, 1990 regular Council meeting as distributed. Mayor Weatherill presented a plaque to Bob Hampton voicing appreciation for his community spirit and his organization of the downtown marquee painting project. Derek T. Krueger of Boy Scout Troop T1531, addressed Council concerning the need to extend weekend hours of the Port Orchard Library. Mayor Weatherill thanked Derek for his letter and gave assurance that his request would be forwarded to the Library Regional Office for review. 'im Heuss, Bremerton/Kitsap Co. Visitor and Convention Bureau, updated ouncil on where City Hotel/Motel tax dollars are being spent and how they will be used in the 1991 budget. Randy Casteel, Director, Kitsap County Public Works, presented the final draft of the Moderate Risk Waste Management Plan. Mr. Casteel availed himself to answer questions from the Council. Walt Berschaurer, Parametrix and Diane Lenius, Project Engineer, presented the final design drawings and a brief overview of the Bethel Widening Project. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council adopted Resolution No. 1558 supporting the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency in its roll in protecting Puget Sound region's air quality, and asking for reevaluation of PSAPCA's position on woodstoves. Councilman Clauson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1495, amending the 1988 Uniform Building Code providing for permanent exemptions -Uniform Building Code Section 301(b), seconded by Councilman Powers. Councilman Geiger moved to table motion to approve Ordinance No: 1495, amend the 1988 Uniform Building Code providing for permanent exemptions -Uniform Building Code Section 301(b), for further review, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. November 13, 1990 Page Two On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council approved Ordinance No. 1496, amending Ordinance No. 1035 to correct clerical error and properly designate zone classification for 2051 Pottery Avenue, as MF-20 (Donald Ostrom - Ridgemont Terrace). At 8:45 PM Mayor Weatherill called for a 5 minute recess. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council changed the title on the Wage Classifications Schedule of General Clerical -Secretarial to General Clerical. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized a one year step increase for the Court Secretary at the Municipal Court. This position is classified in the General Clerical Wage Schedule. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council concurred on the adoption of the 1991 budget for the Joint Wastewater Sewer Treatment Plant. On motion by Councilman Grable, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council authorized the City Engineer to purchase a Multi -Gas Monitor, used for ntering manholes. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council approved purchase of Kitsap County Sewer District No. 5's interest in the 1984 Ford F-8000 Sludge Truck for 60% of the value or a total of S15,000, upon approval of City Attorney. Councilman Powers moved to grant AGAPE an additional 30 day extension on their lease for the 810 Bay Street Building, with funding to be in place by December 15, 1990. Motion seconded by Councilman Smith and carried unanimously. On motion by Councilman Powers, seconded by Councilman Morrison, Council removed from table motion to deny request for installation of a spot light on the Library Suilding Centennial Mural. After much discussion and for further review, Councilman Powers moved to place back on table the motion to deny request for installation of a spot light on the Library Building Centennial Mural, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council adopted the proposed 1990-1993 Uniform Union Police Contract, subject to approval of final wording by City Attorney and negotiation committee. November 13, 1990 Page Three On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Clauson, Council adopted the proposed 1990-1993 Non -Uniform Union Contract, subject to approval of final wording by City Attorney and negotiation committee. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council unanimously approved payment of those vouchers as follows: Claims Warrant No. 14095-14176 on the amount of $136,585.86 and October 1990 Payroll in the amount of $116,280.42 (Warrant No. 112520-112652). Councilman Morrison moved to place a 12 month moratorium on any land use action in the Tremont Corridor to Blackjack Creek Overpass to allow for the development of a Comprehensive Plan. Motion passed with 4 ayes and 3 nays. Councilmen Smith, Childress and Clauson voting nay. On motion by Councilman Clauson, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council declared miscellaneous inaccruate locators from the Water Department and an inoperable generator from Fire Station No 2 (listed below) as surplus and dispose of in the best interest of the City. Metrotech 220 Serial No. 23607 Metrotech 480 no Serial No. Metrotech 480 no Serial No. 5 KW Generator, Serial No. 2881 On motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council authorized the City Engineer to invite Coffman Engineers to speak at the December 10, 1990 Council meeting regarding the seismic study done on the Municipal Building. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded by Councilman Grable, Council approved Resolution No. 1559 adopting the Sewer Comprehensive Plan. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 PM. i CLERK MAYOR