07/12/1982 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington July 12, 1982 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Childress, Wilson, Geiger, Miller and Grosso.'` Also present: Attorney Riehl, Police Chief Trotter, Engineer Curles and Fire Chief Snow. Councilman Caldwell excused. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved. the minutes of the June 28, 1982 meeting as circulated. Councilman Grosso moved to appoint Leonard Clark to fall vacancy Council position, seconded and carried.. Mayor Powers directed Mr.. Clary to be seated at Council table. Rob Stubbin, representing Awareness Express, inquired as to status of their request for support of this program.. Councilman Geiger, Chairman Finance Committee stated they have not completed a review of the budget. Councilman Miller, Chairman Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Committee reported the Library Advisory Board has withdrawn proposed plans for expansion of the Port Orchard Library facilities on Prospect Street. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council moved to authorize proposed revisions to the Police, Fire and Building Department telephones at a cost of approximately $1,100.00. Seconded by Councilman Clark. Councilman Geiger moved to table motion until budget can be reviewed for source of funding. Seconded by Councilman Wilson. Motion to table carried with five ayes and one no. Councilman Grosso reported on City Hall electrical problems citing inadequate electrical system as source of problems. He recommended an electrical survey be completed to assess what can.be done to alleviate problems. Councilman Grosso moved to authorize Engineer to have an electrical survey made of City Hall and provide Council with written report of findings. Seconded and carried. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1272 adopting the Six -year Transportation Improvement Program for the years 1983-1989. On motion by Councilman Clark,seconded and carried, Council moved to authorize Engineer to resolve membrane topping problems on the two million gallon reservior (Tremont & Sidney) in exchange for Engineering Services on existing water tanks located at Fire Station #2 and Kendall and Sidney. Councilman Miller moved to authorize Engineer to prepare Coastal Zone Management Grant application and also authorize Mayor Powers to sign grant application. This Grant is for planning phase of water .front revitalization projects. Clerk presented Ordinance No. 1205 relative to increasing sewer rates to Council for their consideration. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1206 relative to consumption of intoxicating liquors by minors. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1271 authorizing the Mayor to sign a Professional. Services Agreement with Kramer, Chin and Mayo.relative to design of water line across Blackjack Creek.:.' Mayor Powers directed Police/Fire/Safety Committee and 'the City Attorney to formulate an ordinance relative to video game and amusement machines. Mayor Powers directed Clerk to prepare an ordinance relative to establishing'a real-estate transaction tax within the..city limits. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council authorized Entranco Engineers to proceed with By -Pass project design changes and, upgrade existing two .lanes of Tremont Street from Port Orchard Boulevard to SR16. Mayor Powers informed Council he has met with City's'Financial Advisor relative to the Joint Sewer Treatment Project and discussed possible methods of financing which would.keep:the cost to the 'citizens as.low as possible. On Councilman Grosso's request Mayor Powers.declared. recess with meeting to reconvene at 10:00 P.M. Mayor Powers explained time schedule necessary to 'form a'U.L.I.D. and requested Council guidance on how-to proceed:with treatment plant.project. .'.. After much discussion as to time schedules, state requirements, projected cost to property owners, Councilman Clark moved to grant Mayor Powers and the City Engineer authority to proceed with formation of a U.L.I.D. in conjunction with`.Kitsap County. Sewer District #5. Seconded by Councilman Grosso, Councilman Geiger moved to amend motion to prepare and mail informative letter to each property owner within the City's:proposed.U.L.I.D. area and request Kitsap County Sewer District #5 do the same in`.their area. Seconded by Councilman Wilson. Motion to amend defeated by tie vote. (three ayes and three nos) Original motion as presented carried with five ayes and one no. Councilman Gieger voting no. Mayor Powers informed Council that support of the U.L.I.D. must be unamimous until such point that a final decision on the formation of the U.L.I.D. is called for. After further discussion relative to methods of informing property owners of requirements mandated by the State, methods of funding and time schedules, Councilman Grosso moved to reconsider motion authorizing Mayor Powers and Engineer Curles to proceed with formation of a U.L.I.D. in conjunction with Kitsap County Sewer District #5.:..Seconded by Councilman Clark. Councilman Geiger moved to .reconsider amending motion.to prepare and mail informative letter to each property owner within proposed U.L.I.D boundaries and request Kitsap County Sewer District #5 do this within their boundaries also. Seconded and carried, unanimously. Original motion as amended carried unamimously. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved to authorize payment of the bills (Voucher No. 506 - 606) in the amount of $61,616.03 and the June Payroll in.the amount of $77,721.37 (Warrant No. 100588 - 100703) .