09/13/1982 - Regular - MinutesPort ''Orchard Washinatgn September`13, 1982 Council of the City of Port Orchard,, 'Washington called to'regular session. by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Or. Council' members present: Childress, Wilson, Caldwell,, Geiger, Miller, -Grosso and Clark. Also present: Attorney McCloskey, Police Chief Trotter,'Engineer Curles and Fire Chief Snow, Mayor Powers led the Council and.aud.ience in'the:Pl"edge`of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell," seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the August.,23,.1982 meeting as circulated. John Kleinbach, Chairman Kitsap County Regional, Library Board, introduced Irene Henniger, Manager of Kitsap,'County Regional Libraries, who outlined budget and services.provided by the library. Adrian Carr, 437 Tracy North, questioned animal control ordinance relative to poultry. Mr. Carr stated,, . an adjoining neighbor"`is keeping chickens within five (5):feet of Carr'.s,property.` Mayor Powers referred matter to PoliceChief: Mrs. Beulah Baush requested reimbursement of'one`hundred`twenty five dollars ($125.00) plus interest which she paid'',to the `City in''December 'of 1969 for a water tap which was° not util`.ized. Mayor Pow'ers'stated he would investigate matter and contact`Mrs.'Baush. Barry Ultican representing several Downtown Merchants expressed concerns of potential negative impact..of.the proposed downtown roller rink. Increased traffic,'parking needs'and`noise levels were items specifically addressed, MayorPowers informed Mr. Ultican that proponents of,the':roller'rink have'not`as`of this time submitted to the City an'application 'for''a building permit. When a building permit is'requested all: aspects will `be considered by code requirements with Council":.decision on items not specifically, addressed in the building;code. Leona Cottrell Adkins requested Council- consider.,financial support for the Performing Arts Guild `:of , So€ath;' Ki tsap in 'their- 1983 budget. Mayor Powers referred request to Finance 'Committee "'for ` consideration during budget process. Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing`relative'to petition for Vacation of a portion of an unnamed alley way as submitted by'William Kamps and Frank Shiers. Mayor Powers called for public Jnput... Robert Love, representing petitioners'offered-to answer any questions Council or citizens may have On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried,' Council approved vacation of a portion of an unnamed alley located between Shiers and Kamps property at Kitsap'and Cline Streets and the property of Hazel Simmons. Mr. Shiers and Kamps will donate dirt removed I from site and deliver it to the Fire Station #2 soccer field in lieu of a cash payment.for the property.vacate.d. (Ordinance 1111o> 1211) E Mayor Powers declared hearing closed, On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council approved Resolution No. 1278 setting September 27,`1982, 7..30'P,M. as date ! of public hearing relative to intent to establish a local improvement district for improvements to the west '.side of'West Avenue.from:Tremont Street to South Street. Councilman Caldwell moved to "adopt Kitsap County Solid Taste Comprehensive Plan, seconded and carried. Engineer Curles reported that the Department.of Transportation has notified the City they do not have the staff `.available to process land acquisitions relative to the Port Orchard By Pass. Engineer Curles requested he be allowed to advertise for proposals.from real estate