09/27/1982 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington September 27, 1982 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers,; Jr. Councilmen present: Childress, Wilson, Caldwell, Geiger, Miller, Grosso and Clark. Also present:. Chief Trotter, Engineer Curles and Fire Chief Snow. Mayor Powers led the Council and audience in 'the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the September , 13, 198.2 <meeti ng as'`ci rcul,ated Mr. Roy Rio, 2443 S. E. Lori Linda,`Port Orchard, Washington, addressed the Council relative to the pro ;posed;roller rfnk�:in the'01d Thompson Building at the corner of Frederick and Bay"Streets,'spoke on'the design of the building as to size, video, safety of participants, noise factor and parking. He "also stated he had °°suet'with the'Police Chief, City Engineer and Street/Alley Commi.ttee'and'felt that they were favorable toward the venture: On''motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved 'that'`a`variance.be,;aranted relative to the required number of parking spaces. Mayor Powers at this time opened 'hearing ::on. :the petition presented by citizens in the following described area Property,.lying contiguous to the east side of Bethel Road and southerly from the ``Port Orchard City limits to the north side of Lincoln Avenue. More than seventy: five per cent (75%) of the property value was represented by twelve .(12). petitioners. Victor Barsay, J. D..Realty,' spoke at length on the merits of the annexation which was presented. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded and carried, Council accepted the 'petition which in part stated that the City Council does require the assumption of all or portion of any City indebtedness and requires the adoption of a comprehensive plan for the area. The City`Clerk instructed them to forward the request to the County Boundary.Review Board for their consideration. The Council suggested thatMr. Barsay contact others in the adjacent area as to annexing to".the-City.'`Mayor Powers closed the hearing. Mayor Powers opened hearing on the proposed LI.D for the improvement of the west side of West Avenue with''sidewal.ks and"gutters from Tremont to South Street.Engineer Curles informed`the`Council and audience that due to notice to public Aid`'not conform with the R.C.14.9 he would like to set another hearing for October..25, 1982, at 8 : 0 0 P.M. On motion by Councilman Grosso, seconded.and carried,.Co.uncil. approved October 25, 1982,at..3:00 P.M . - Mayor declared recess at 8;30 P.M.'to reconvene. at>8;40'P. . Mayor Powers opened the hearing on Block Grant for ti.L.I.D Asssessment Assistance Program. As there were no citizens present to speak for . or against the Grant, Engineer Curles spoke to both the Council and: the audience on the procedures relative to acquiring the Funds (seven hundred fifty thousand dollars - $750,000.00) which funds would be tendered to those who qualify to pay for the assessments relative to Secondary Treatment Plant which is`being considered. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Councilapproved the. submission of the application for the Block:.Grant., Councilman Miller informed Council that the :firm of Kasprisin- Pettinari was chosen to design the waterfront revitalization. Engineer will negotiate a contract within the next -thirty (30) days. Councilman Clark informed Council that the Water/Sewer/Health/Animal Control Co;�mittee will present a recommendation relative to animal control at the next regular meeting. Mayor Powers stated that some investigation has been done relative to the procedures for animal control in Shelton and that maybe the.City should explore going on our own and dropping ,from the. 'Humane Society. On motion by Councilman Grosso, :seconded the use of a portion of garbage property the existing pistol range) lying in the and carried, Council'approved (area hying northeast from ravine for live ammunition practice and training. County forces will''supply the 'material and labor for use of the course. On motion by Councilman Wilson,seconded a"nd'..c.arried,'Counc l approved that Chief Trotter hire two of the Police 'Reserves'to serve on'`the regular police force from October 4, 1982 through December`.221,.1982, to replace Policemen Payne and Payers while they are '`at the State Academy Training School. The cost of the two replacements will be reimbursed to the City by the.State ';Training =System. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, "seconded and carried, Council`. approved Ordinance No. 1212 designating:City of Port`Orchard Fire Department as the Hazardous Materials Incident'Command Aqency. On Motion by Councilman Caldwell,' seconded and",carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1213 fixing.the amount of the Ad'Valorem'taxes for the City for 1983. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded 'and carried,' Council approved. Ordinance No. 1214 amending.Ordinance.:No.:.1163 (yard 'setbacks) Council set date of hearing on proposed uses:of Federal Shared Revenues for 1983, October 11 1982 at 8:00:p.. Letter was read from. Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Marty appealing Planning Commission Resolution No. 017-.82 relative to.the`variance'oranted'. to the Leightons at 555 Tracy. They s"tated they `had -not `'been notified and that they were adversely affected Date of hearing'on appeal will be at 8:00 P.M., October 25 1982 Mayor Powers informed Council''of meetinq with the Commissioners and their financial consultant relative'to By -Pass Funds County will contribute two-thirds ( 2/3 ) and "the City on.e-third '(1/3)•for, a total of three million dollars ($3,000,000.00). The funds:will`'"be`raised. by selling G.O. Bonds. Kitsap County will."s..ell the bonds and the City will enter into a contract for the life`'of;'the`bonds (twenty 20) years and pay annually to the County the""amount'ofapproximately one hundred fifteen thousand.do.11ars'($1.15,000.00)'`i=or bond redemption. Matter continued to the next,Counc.il meeting Some, questions' were raised by Councilman Geiger as'to "ratio of two' thirds '`(2/3)' -`' one third (1/3) as to how it was determined and,if it is. fair., Mayor .appointed Councilman Geiger and Engineer" Curles to"meet with Nor. Mahan to clear this item. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the Mayor's appointment of Ruth,.Strube, 1411"Garrison Street, and Alan Barger, 217 Tracy Street, to the Port�Orchard Planninq Commission. On motion by Councilman Caldwell, seconded `and carried; Council approved the Mayor's appointment of Arthur Mikelsen,'`2358 Garden Grove, to the Port Orchard Civil. Service Commissi,on'with%four (4) yeas and three (3) nays. Councilman Geiger brought to the attention `o:f'the'Council` that the per capita cost being assessed to the Cities'in the `incorporated area and the County in the unincorporated-area`'ar.e all. different; and that perhaps the formula now being used should'be'reviewed. Also that there are funds collected 'by the County for tuberculosis use in the amount of sixty five thousand dollars (65,000.00), that could be transferred to the Health"Department. Councilman Geiger moved that the Council direct the Mayor to investigate the above and see if the costs could be balanced"out. Seconded and carried. Councilman Geiger moved that the City look into thepossibility of City participation in the installation of sidewalks `gutters acid streets. Matter referred to Finance Committee for consideration. On motion by Councilman Miller,` seconded and carried,.Council authorized payment of the bills (Voucher No s 85.4 and 868 - 908)`in the amount of $10,924.55 and the September payroll (Warrant Nos. 100904 - 101009) in the amount'of $76,489.70.' o'- .,..� t � '- � ,. � _, ,� � � Cil � cU � � _. s