01/07/1994 - Work Study - Agenda PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION AGENDA February 7, 1994 7:30 PM The Port Orchard City Council meets in Study Session on the 1st Monday of each month to discuss specific items, which are pending before the Council or which will be addressed in future regular Council meetings. Items on this agenda are for discussion only. No final action may be taken at a Study Session. Study Sessions are open Public Meetings. Council may or may not accept input from the public. Item(s) for discussion on February 7, 1994: 1. Discussion on proposed new ferry dock and transit center facility in downtown area. Kitsap Transit is seeking City input to assist in formulating clear directions for design consultant. 2. South Kitsap High School residential structure project. As a class project, students will be constructing a single family residence. City property on Kendall Street has been proposed as a possible site location. 3. Discussion on potential school impact fees.