02/14/1994 - Regular - Agenda PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA for February 14, 1994 7:30 PM REVISED 2/14/94 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 PM a. Pledge of Allegiance 2. AUDIENCE COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA 3. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been (or will be) distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and will be enacted by one motion. If separate discussion is desired on an item, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the New Business section of the Regular Agenda at the request of a Councilmember. a. Minutes of January 24, 1994 Council meeting. b. Approval of Claim Warrants. c. Proposed Ordinance No. 1601 amending Ordinance No. 1538 by rescinding Condition No. 8 which required installation of planting materials before building occupancy for Fire Station No. 1 at 200 Tremont Street. d. Proposed Resolution No. 1657 establishing a parking permit for contractors. e. Proposed Resolution No. 1658 authorizing the City Treasurer to issue Call for Redemption for Water Sewer Revenue Bonds, 1984. f. Proposed Resolution No. 1659 setting date and time of public hearing on a proposal to vacate a portion of Bay Street and a portion of an unnamed right of way located between Lots 23 & 32, Sidney Tidelands. (Approximately 100 feet west of Mitchell Point) * g. Call for Bid - Fire Department Furniture - 1/28/94 at 4:30 PM Moved to new business h. Ordinances and other matters to be placed on 2/28/94 Council agenda: None as of 2/14/94 * i. Ratify Labor Agreement between Teamsters Local No. 589 - Law Enforcement Employees which includes 3% COLA j. Authorize 3% Cost of Living Wage increase for all non-represented employee classifications. 4. NEW BUSINESS: a. Mr. David Peters, Kitsap County Public Works, update on the recycling program. b. Gary Wernet, request permission to continue teaching First Aid Classes at the new fire station - 200 Tremont Street. c. Call for Bid - Fire Department Furniture - opened 1/20/94 at 4:30 pm PLEASE TURN OVER PORT ORCHARD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - February 14, 1994 Page 2 of 2 5. OLD BUSINESS: a. Dr. Howard Minor request for review of water bill charges for 731 Bay Street. (Water/Sewer Committee 1/24/94) b. Civilian Crime Prevention Volunteer Program. (Police Committee 1/24/94) c. Request to locate newspaper recycle bin within the city right of way at the intersection of Kendall and Austin as submitted by Kiwanis Club of Port Orchard. (Street/Alley Committee 1/10/94) 6. REPORTS: a. Councilmember and Committee Reports b. Department Head Reports *THE COUNCIL MAY ADD AND TAKE ACTION ON OTHER ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THIS AGENDA* Next Ordinance #1602 Next Resolution #1660