01/22/1979 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 22, 197,9 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Pro--t'em Robert Geiger. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Wilson, Lee Caldwell, Miller, Roos and Clark. Also present Attorney Haberly, Fire Chief Weatherill, Engineer Knobbs and Police Chief Mares. Mayor Powers excused. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the January 8, 197.8�meeting as circulated. Larry Bauman, 2825 South Flower, approached Council concerning the condition of the portion of South Flower Street adjacent to his property. The street is in a deteriorated condition to the point that the school has forbidden drivers to travel that portion to pick up children. Councilman 'Lee Caldwell explained to Mr. Bauman that State Law prohibits the City from doing initial improvements to an unimproved street. If the adjoining property owners bring the street up to standard specifications, the City will then main- tain the street. Mayor Pro-tem Geiger referred the matter to the Street and Alley Committee for recommendation. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Coi:ncil approved Ordinance No. 1082, relating to and providing for the annexation to the City of Port Orchard, property owned by Lavina G. McIntyre described as follows: The N2 of the NE4 of the NW4 of the NW4, Section 35, Township 24, Range 1 East, W.M., situate in Kitsap County. Also known as 1067 mill Avenue, Part Orchard, Washington On motion. by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council set date of February 12, 1979 as date of hearing relevant to application as submitted by Frank Karas, for zone reclassification from Residential High to Multiple -family 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9, Block 5 Railroad Addition to Sidney as per plat recorded in Volume 1, of plats, page 69 Records of Kitsap County. Mayor Pro-tem referred matter to Finance Committee for recommendation. On motion by Councilman Wilson, seconded and carried, Council approved Ordinance No. 1084, an ordinance establishing "weight limits" for certain streets within the City of Port Orchard. Clerk read letter from Chief Kitsap Chapter of Sweet Adelines requesting use of the Youth Activity Club Building on February 10-11, 1979 for the purpose of holding a rummage sale. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council granted permission to the Chief Kitsap Chapter of Sweet Adelines to hold a rummage sale at the Youth Activity Club Building on. February 10-11, 1979. Clerk read letter from the South Kitsap Western Little League requesting use of a portion of the city dump located off the Old Clifton Road for use as a ball field. Mayor Pro-tem Geiger referred request to the Parks Committee for recommendation. Clerk read proposed amendments relevant to Volunteer Firemen reimbursements by City for personal expenses incurred when acting as a volunteer fire fighter for the City. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to amend ordinance to state; a sum of $3.00 per alarm or per drill to cover personal expenses. Seconded by Councilman Eugene Caldwell. After much discussion, Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved to table matter to allow Fire Committee an opportunity to discuss proposed amendments with Volunteer Firemen. Recommendation of Fire Committee to be made at February 12, 1979 meeting. Seconded. Carried. Councilman Eugene Caldwell requested that Councilman Leonard Clark act as Fire Committee Chairman on this matter. Mr. Caldwell stated he will not be available to conduct meetings necessary to allow Committee recommendation by February 12.1979 Council. meeting. Councilman Leonard Clark accepted request. Clerk read letter from Pacific Northwest Bell requesting an easement for manholes, conduits and underground communication lines along a route between the end of Harrison/Kendall Streets and Rockwell/Kendall Streets parallel to the City owned water main. Councilman Wilson moved to table matter of granting Pacific Northwest Bell easement for underground communication lines .for further investigation. Seconded and carried. Mayor Pro-tem Geiger presented a summons which had been served on him as Mayor Pro-Tem. The summons is a complaint for damages against the City of Port Orchard, a Municipal Corporation and Thomas Clauson and Jane Doe Clauson, a marital community d/b/a/ Port Orchard Towing for alleged damages to Howard J. Kauffman's car incurred during impounding by the City of Port Orchard. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council rejected complaint for damages filed by Howard J. Kauffman for damages incurred to his car during impounding by the City of Port Orchard and Port Orchard Towing. Council referred matter to proper agencies for dis- position. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council authorized Fire Chief to proceed with installation of lines and signal equipment for remote traffic light control system as set forth in the Federal Shared Revenue Fund Budget for 1975. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved replacement of.. four existing lights at Port Orchard Fire Station 2 in front of the building, with mercury vapor.lights. Mayor Pro-Tem Geiger declared recess with meeting to reconvene at 9:15 P.M. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council authorized purchase of strobelight, complete with accessories in the amount of $250.00 for Police Department camera used for investigation. Councilman Lee Caldwell, Chairman Street and Alley Committee reported that center median of Pottery Avenue adjacent to the Port Orchard Convalescent Center and Cedar Heights Jr. High School be paved to allow trucks, school buses and other vehicles to make left hand turns. Councilman Lee Caldwell, Chairman of Street and Alley Committee reported that Committee recommendation relevant to parking lot barricades which were to be constructed at the Shobert Building on Bethel Avenue is that the City Engineer inform Shobert Construction that if they do not install proper, parking barricades, the City will do so and bill them. Street and Alley Committee also recommended that signs be installed on Port Orchard Boulavard warning of rough roadway or bumps, and that the speed limit be lowered to 25 MPH. (See attached Street and Alley Committee meeting report). Councilman Lee Caldwell moved that the city install "rough roadway" signs and lower the speed limit to 25 MPH. Councilman Eugene Caldwell seconded. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved to table motion to allow further study of matter. Seconded by Councilman Miller. Motion lost with tie vote. council- man Lee Caldwell, Roos and Clark voting nay, Councilman Eugene Caldwell, Geiger and Miller voting aye. After much discussion, Councilman Roos moved to table motion relevant to installation of "rough roadway" signs and lower the speed limit to 25 MPH to enable department heads to submit recommendations. Seconded by Council- man Miller and carried. Councilman Roos reported that the Parks Committee has investigated the building located at 905 Bay Street and finds that no City codes or ordinances are being violated and that the building does not have electricity, therefor no fire hazard is caused. Committee recommends that the Clerk write a letter to Downtown Merchants Association informing them of their findings and suggest that they (Downtown. Merchants Assoc) may wish to contact the owner of the }wilding direct. Engineer Knobbs reported to Council that the 11m. Van Zee Park perimeter fence is completed to his satisfaction. On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded and carried, Council approved and accepted the construction by Vern's Fencing of fence encompassing Van. Zee Park. Councilman Lee Caldwell, Chairman Street and Alley Committee, recommended to Council that committee be established to review an amusement tax on gross sales of carnival rides, concessions, card games, pull tabs, pool tables, pinball, machines, all games of chance, theatres and all places of amuse- ment. Engineer Knobbs reported on UAB meeting in Olympia held January 18th, 1979 attended by Entranco Engineers representatives John Bannon and Karl Kurtz, City of Port Orchard Engineer Les Knobbs and Assistant Engineer Allan Kane and Kitsap County Commissioner Mahan, in an effort to get the Port Orchard By-pass project on the priority list for funding. July has been set as a possible date for the By-pass project on the computer priority list for UAB funding. Letter will be written to Senator Gallaghan requesting he acquaint himself with the City of Port Orchard problems including the By-pass project, and that the City would appreciate his assistance. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Clerk 411_06t,42� / Mayor STREET & ALLEY COMMITTEE MEETING January 18, 1979 Entranco Engineers representative�John Bannon,, Karl Kurtz, City of Port Orchard Engineer Les Knobbs , Assistant Engineer Allan Kane and Kitsap County Commissioner Mahan attended the State Highway UAB meeting in are e;fort to get Port Orchard on the list for funding. July has been set as a possible date for getting the City of Port Orchard on the computor priority list for UAB funding for By -Pass money --approximately three (3) million total cost of jab-1979. The median crossing at the north drive of the Port Orchard Conval- escent Center recommended to be black topped, to facilitate a two- way left turn lane for traffic into the Convalescent Center and a "U-turn" route for school buses proceeding north to go to Cedar Heights School. Recommended to purchase four (4) readout counters for Street Dept. use from Revenue Sharing. Letter to Arco Station Car Wash restricting left turn lane as per motion at previous council meeting. Recommend a. letter to Shobert Construction regarding barricade bumpers across front of parking lot be installed immediately. Move to establish an amusement tax on gross sales of carnival rides, concessions, card games, pull -tabs, pool tables, pinball machines all games of chance, theaters and all places of amusement. Establish by ordinance - City attorney to prepare. It is suggested we investigate Government Block Grants for upgrading., of street & neighborhoods to better our street conditions which could be available up to 100% funding. No design plans have been received from school district showing exit to highway 160 for buses. Recommend posting of Port Orchard Blvd. with rough roadway sign due to liability that could be incurred because of an.accident,recommend also reduction of speed limit to 25 MPH. Lee Caldwell, Chairman -