05/29/1979 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington May 29. 1979 Council of the City of Port Orchard, Washington called to regular session by Mayor Paul D. Powers, Jr. Council members present: Eugene Caldwell, Lee Caldwell, Geiger and Miller. Also present: Attorney Haberly, Engineer Knobbs and Assistant Engineer Kane. Councilman Wilson, Clark, Police Chief Mares and Fire Chief Weatherill. excused. Mayor Powers led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved the minutes of the May 14, 1979 meeting as circulated. Marvin Coe, President, Downtown Merchants Association thanked the City, Fire and Police Departments for their cooperation during "Paint The Town", Sunday, May 20, 1979. John Bannon and Karl Kurtz, representatives of Entranco Engineers, informed Council as to progress of the By -Vass Study their firm is conducting for the City of Port Orchard. Mr. Bannon stated the study is in the preliminary Draft EIS stage. The preliminary draft is scheduled to be reviewed by the State Department of Transportation dune 20, 1979. Mr. Kurtz .reported on changes in By -Pass Funding. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council authorized amending the 6 year Transportation Improvement Program to increase item No. 4, 5 and 6 to reflect new figures as presented by Entranco Engineers. (See attached.) Buck Gehring approached Council to discuss potential methods of supplying water to the upper nine acres of his property which he proposes to develop with multiple unit housing. Mayor Powers re- ferred matter to Water Committee. Mayor Powers appointed Councilman Lee Caldwell, Geiger, Assistant Engineer Kane and the Mayor as a committee to meet. with Kitsap County Commissioner Mahan relative to the By --Pass Study Project. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to forego the purchase of property located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Tremont and Sidney. Seconded. Mayor Powers ruled matter cannot be voted upon due to insufficient number of Council members present to create a majority vote. Engineer Knobbs reported the grant application package for the Joint Sewer Treatment Project is on the way to Olympia. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved not to adopt the proposed Ordinance creating a Flood Plain Plan. Mayor Powers opened Public Hearing relative to Application for Rezone as submitted by Klaus Kunter. Clerk read recommendation as set forth by the Planning Commission. Councilman Eugene Caldwell moved to accept Planning Commission recommendations and approve the rezone application as submitted by Klaus Kunter, owner of record for reclassification from Residential High to Multiple -family 20 for an area of approximately 31,000 square feet located at the southwest corner of Mitchell and Dwight. The applicant proposes to construct a 14 unit apartment complex. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Wheelers Addition to Sidney, Block 8, Lots 6 to 8, TGW PTN VAC Hemlock Street adj per city of Port Orchard Ordinance No. 863. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved to table motion until June 11, 1979 meeting. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council moved to set June 25, 1979 as date of hearing relative to application as submitted by Klaus Kunter -- Eldorado Properties, Inc. for reclass- ification from residential high to multiple -family 20. The parcel is located on the west side of Harrison Avenue. approximately 230 feet North of Kendall Street. The applicant proposes to build two (2) triplex units. On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council adopted Ordinance No. 1096, and ordinance relating to the licensing for carnivals and circuses by adding new chapter (5.32) to the Port Orchard Municipal Code establishing a License Fee for carnivals and circuses. On motion by Councilman Eugene Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council adopted Ordinance No. 1098, an ordinance establishing a surface water run --off policy in the City of Port Orchard. Mayor Powers informed Council of letter received from the Port Orchard branch of the United State Post Office requesting permission to park two trailer type offices on the Mitchell Street property. On motion by Councilman Geiger, seconded and carried, Council authorized Finance Committee to negotiate lease with the Post Office for property located on Mitchell Street. Clerk, read the following bids which were received by the City of Port Orchard and opened 5/25/79 at Bid Opening, 3:00 P.M..for a car to be used for administrative purposes. 1. Dick Vlist Motors, Inc. $5,416.47 2. Hazelwood Buick 6,306.00 (not accompanied by bid bond) 3. Bennett Ford 6,489.93 4. Lucky's Chrysler 4,939.70 (not as per spec's) On motion by Councilman Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved bid as received from Dick Vlist in the amount of $5,416.47. Councilman Geiger moved to have car purchased from Dick Vlsit Motors converted from gasoline to propane. Motion died for lack of second. On motion by Lee Caldwell, seconded and carried, Council approved lease fee for the Southwestern Little League and Fur, Fin and Feathers in the amount of $1.00 per year plus utilities. Councilman Lee Caldwell moved to Council position vacated by the Seconded and carried, with three voting no. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. appoint Jerry Grosso to fill the resignation of Councilman Alex Roos ayes and one no. Councilman Miller viler] ?, Mayor Route I J� � €T SCHEDU L E PROJECT €D�NTIFICATION ;� � I � `j4f ! � ti�,E�T PhA F AND �- � FUNDING SOURCE _ �� o x 'Jrh j'�fai c EST.MATED COSTS TO TA o r.. I ! Fed z Title, Location/Termini, Description of work x I Vr'J'; MP as MP Leneg St~ i lk'-3-a "FUND S i� LOCAL RA STA E Log No. FLE,.eci7 rd 453 tr "i 0o3 2 1003 3 1017 LOOP 5 1008 .6 1008 3I � 2 Dort Orchard Blvd. Tremont St. to SR#16. Construct ne primary arterial to conned existing Blvd to, SR#16 1 Port Orchard'Blvd., SR#160 to Tremont St., level and .resurface with A.C. install bikeway 1 Pottery Ave`, Lippert St to Tremont St Regrade; . provide drainage resurface C illumination 1 Tremont St,, SR#16 to Port Orchard. Blvd. Construct new primary arterial to connect with new construction of SR# 16 �s 7 1 8 1 9 104 11 12: 13 ! 14 .' 15. i 16 17 18 f t ,C,l N/A N/A j0.76 10 P ; 500' 500 500 I .3 N 1 l � I 2 r,C,N 2 ,C,D 5 ,C,D II E,F 2 Tremont St., P.O. Blvd to Sidney Ave. Improve and 5 ;A,C, upgrade to primary arterial. standard. Widen to 54' and illumination. Increase'r/W to 70' 3 Tremont St. Sidney Ave. to Bethel Rd. Construct a 1 i4,C,D new primary arterial to standards to provide a SR#160 ,F,G by -pass. -I, �3 7 1009 l Bethel Ave (SR#160) Blackjack creek bridge thru Bethel 5 A,C,l "Y" Reconstruct and upgrade to a minimum of three .lanc; - � FIF,C and widen bridge at Blackjack Creek 'v/A N/A 1,1..10 17 l{r r 60 55 N/A N/A j if i0.57 S 01 P 1 ?13J 5� 11d 4, N/A ; N/A °0,61 M P 57.5 -57:°5 138.0 N/A N/A 0.23 d. P 28.8 28.8. 57.5 ". f i _ i N/A N/A lr +0.68 Ni 0 P h p.o 1 P80.0 , 90.0 �OCi.O ,c3 1730,0 r 7 14Q.0 N/A �N/A 0.61 1 40E P R 15.0 1230.01" 35TRTBU71Otd I vo9p: district Ergrseer, Deot of Tron,pn+t:c-r (All Money Entered to 1,000's) ,URBAN ARTERIAL BOARD. SUPPLEMENTAL SECTION �oov Chn,rmon, Urbrar, Arter;ni 8onrd. Vlerrc0 1 21 350.0f t 1 1r0 0 l , 500 103.5 11.5 115 103.5 12.0 115.5' 0 130.0 34.5 11 5, J115 .0 7 20.0 24Q 2400.0 310.51 34.5 I 3,45.0 SIX it POR. A.. O° IMPROVEMENT rO.. M PROORAM9 9tO 19 ,� ty/ County Port t Orchard Hearing Cate 7-2 _ 8 ty No. 1000 Adoption Date 7--24 -78 _ ]unty No. _ � Resolution Date �.__-�� _ _ _..------ - ----- �_.,.. __. Route - - - -- PROJECT 1QENTIFICATIO�a � CK� ^vT - -' 4L"° 1 F rh�!n�G SC]tRCE 4r O 2 "'"' .: - Title, Location/Termini, Qescrtption of work I p .c u^.Y 95 j '� Cede 1A a - S Yiit'c]i F{ , Jl. t._. ... § t,.�' wen�lr I F-S N as r; �1' rosTc (__ � ... i TOrR �. d u Eoq No. � i wpt- c I hr!EiQ �? nt ANNUAL �-^- .. -. Y - j� � � wl c �� T _, FEUE�AL_I STA + � � aAB LOCAL f"U-iDS u v i t ! E E� _• ! 'o t 3,; ., ,n i 5 1, i 3 1 20 2 -f� 7 9 8�1 i iZ ;; a 1 Fireweed St., .Sidney Ave. to East. C.L. constrict - 5 iA,C,D�.Nr/A ;. �j N/A '1 _ 0.37 IiISi Pi 57 5! 57.5 ; 103.5 11,5 115.0 = new secondary arterial to provide an additional IE,F,T SR# 160 by-pass. f I f r l 1014 2 Fireweed St..Salmonberry) East. Cs.L, to Bethel R.D. , 1 ) l A,C,D: NIA ? 1 N/A ': 0.50 1'3! t P # 115>d 575.0 1 ! l 821.0 69,0 690.0 construct new secondary arterial with bridge to i 'E,F,H, I i provide additional SR 160 by -pas.. T ' 1002 1. North Bay St., SR 160 to East C.L.. Upgrade roadway, , 2 A,C,D N/A ! N/A E 0.89 Si P;: 115. i 172.0 259.0 2$.0 2$7.0 add SWKS & bikeway and rebuild seawall .E;F,N I I } I ! 1007 3 Sidney Ave Tremont St, to Fireweed St. widen by two 11' lanes, and side- 3 A C D N/A" ' N/A i i L.Of?'C! �; P 200.E 200,0 ' 360.0 40.0 400,0 paving upgrade shoulders Imo' walk one side L9F I i 1015 1 Cline Ave., Kitsap St to Division St. widen street 2A C D N/A i 1 , E N/A ' ! 0.53 'C, Cr P` i lflB.0 ! I I ; 9810 10.0 108.0 curb gutter one side SWK. & ACP 1: j, { A,C,F� N/A? N/A ° 0.26IR"'' j 115.Oi 230,( • 61,0 241,5 125.0 39.5 406.0 004 1 Kendal St. SF2 16 to Ross Ave. construct a new by-pass roue for S14160, Purchase R/W route J' 1lA,C,F N/A N/A 0.42 "C Pj II). 575.4 460.0 690.0 � 345,0 115.0 1150.0 1004 2 Kendal St., Ross Ave to Pottery Ave. Construct a ,_..� Purchase R� V� new new by-pass route: for 5Rt�160. Pux e / , ff j 11 j'JI 1 bridge I € i j I. opy: D-istr;tt Ergsr, r, Dent, of Tor,-_4)0 t1.r 4` (All Money ."^rtete� f0 �,�J'l�Q S� URBAN �1�T��d�k1t BOARD SUPPLEF_l TAL S` CTii7N oey- Cbasrrmcw-, Urbar Arterioi Board, Dtq€r�i® Route Cis E DE' iF i� 1 r PROJECT IDENTIFiCAT1ON I! c w 4...L 14DINo SOURCE Or o i.� :° k T�1', i� x .� k. j = I IrF.r�i U GCaSTS TOTAL z R 1 TitIe, Locotion/Termini, Description of Work } jC i r 1r: Z �i u ff Fie; . a ANNL%A w_ —� FUNDS E Log No. � �E i 3 ` � " � e' Eu. y; � � � � _ � FECIEFAL STATE 1iA8 LOCAL 5 ,J2_ 43 14 15 16 17 i is r 19 2Q 21 1004 3 Kemal St. Patter Ave, to Sidney Ave. Construct a i I ; 115,4 575 0 464.Q �690.0 ' 345.0 115..0 13.50.0 y Y Ie�,C,D N/A N/A 3 0.$3 t+1 L1E P near by—pass route for SR#160, Purchase F�/4+l, new bridge �. and illumination i J M i 16 1004 4 Kendal St. 'SidneyAve to Bethel Ave. Construct a new l 3 0 P€ 2 ;A C D N/A �I/A 0. $vt ;115.0 690.0 920 0 10 5.0 } 517.5 172.5 17�5.0 by—pass route for SR#160. Purchase R/W, new bridge.& g Gi , Illumination 17 . 1404 b Kendal St. Bethel Ave. to SFr l60 (Mitchel overpass}" 2 A,C,"D N/A N/A 0.12 �i C� P � �115.0 23Q.0 230.0 �. 345.0 j 172.5 11:52.5 5.7Ci.0 l.$ 1020 1 Division St., Cline Ave to Sidney Ave. Level surface, � E ; ' ACP, add sidewalk C,curb part way IC,D,J;'i N/A N/A -0.12 A F 30.Ql ; i 30.0 30.D IS 1021 1 Melcher.Street, Sidney Ave to Garrison Ave. widen 3 iA C N/A N/A 10.31 15.0 „ I. 15.0 15.0 i I _ wearing surface to 241. Correct d�^a:inage IJ ]} 4 tSTRIBUTION -- —� I Copy: District Er4neer, Debt of Tror,soort;on (All Money Egiered to I,000'5) URBAN ARTERIAL. BOARD SUPPLEMENTA€. SECTION I Copp Choirman, Urbon Arterio€ Bolyd, OlYmp,a