01/01/1945 - Regular - MinutesPort Orchard, Washington January 8, 1945 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orcha*d called to order by the Clerk in the absence pf Mayor 0. A. Hanks. • present Councilman, M. H. Thompson, D. J. Talbot, Roy Hove, George Cline and W. H, Cosbey; City Attorney John M. Bogle; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, Sf V. McMullen, street foreman, and F. T. Woelly Ma yo r�rel ec t. Mgved by Howe, seconded by Cline that Councilman Thompson be elected Acting Mayer. Motion carried. Councilmen `Thompson assumed the Mayor's position, and invited Mayor - elect Woell to occupy the rostrum with him. Minutes of meeting of December 26, 1944 read and approved. Charles L. Klinefelter, executive director of the Housing Authority of the Town of Port Orchard, addressed the council in regard to the Government project to erect standard housing, as a post-war project, to replace sub-standwd construction. He stated that a general survey in this area, disclosed that there are in the neighborhood of 680 sub -standard units within a five -mile eadius of Port Orchard, which should be replaced, and that under the present plan of the Government for better housing, that Government would assist in the erection of 25% of these buildings under standard specifications. He stated that the Government would only act in case of an emergenoy, or when private resources were exhausted, or when material was hot available to individuals, and then only.on application of the municipality. He stated that if the city would endorse the proposal that the city would then be in a position to ask for federal aid, if and when it became necessary, and that the construction would not be in a combined area, but would be on individual lots or blacks as may be selected. He further stated that the property so constructed would be subject to payments to the city of sums equal to the regular taxes, as payments in lieu of taxes, and that the property would also be subject to local assessments the same as privately owned property. The enterprise would be administered by the local Housing Authority. He stated that the planning committee of the town, and also the local Housing Authority have endorsed the project. After a discussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by -Talbot and carried, that the proposal receive the endorsement of the council. -S. V. McMullen, street foreman, and George Givens, superintendent of Publior4orks, -stated that a bull -dozer, equipped in such a manner that it would be most useful to the town, was available, and asked the council to pass on the matter of 'its pur- chase. The cost of the bull -dozer and a trailer on which to move it around was given at 64,350.00. After a discussion it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried that the matter be referred to the Street and Alley oommittee for investigation and that the Clerk be directed to issue a call for bids for purchase of a bull -dozer. The condition of the highway from Black Jack bridge to the city limits leading toward the housing i'rojects was brought up, and after an investigation, it was stated that maintenance of the highway during construction of the improvements thereon, is the responsibility of the contractor, and that the city should not attempt to do any repair work while the re-oonstruction is in progress. Application was received for street light on Taylor Street, one block west of U ine street, and also on Harrison and Taylor otreets. This matter was referred to tie Btreeend Light committee. Superintendent Givens reported that pump at the brewery well is being repaired and that no further trouble is anticipated with it. A letter from the Horluck Transportation Company relative to lights on the dock and waiting room facilities was read to the council, and the matter was passed to January 9, 1945. George Wraith and H. B. Dingle of the Puget 6^und rower &c Light Co., stated to the council that no current had been comsumed at the First Aid otation at Givens Field for many months, and suggested that the service be ordered discontinued as of the last date current was used, and that an effortwould be made to have the amount paid for service refunded. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried that service 'ire ordered discontinued at the first aid station as of the last date that service was, consumed. `\ Councilman Howe reported that he had contacted Capt. Welsh of the Army regarding releas of the Central School property, and stated that a conference would be held in the near future, when approval of proposed action is received from Washington, D. G. A letter from Grace Nash -asking information as to address of he r brother was referred to the Clerk for reply. Insurance policy insuring city hall and contents for $3,000.00 was presented to council. It was explained that there has never been any insurance on the property, and it was moved by Talbot, seconded by Cline and carried that city hall and contents be insured for 63,000.00. John c. Gilchrist of the firm of Pendleton & Gilchrist, funeral directors, addressed the council on the necessity of acquiring a cemetery, and stated that he had received information that there was no more property available at the existing cemetery, and that -ome steps would have to be taken to secure a site and construct a cemetery. t I i i After a discussion, the matter was referred to the Planning Committee a;nd the Mayor- elsot for future action. I Mr, Russell of the Port -Orchard Planning Committee stated that the boat, Lesehi is a derelict, and is beached on town property near the corner of Kitsap an4 Bay ''treets. He submitted a diagram showing the location of the boat, and asked that' some steps be takdn to have it removed, as the boat is unsightly and a menace. GJerk was directed to ascertain the name of the owner and notify him to remove the boat. � The matter of refuse containers for the streets was also brought up byillr. Russell, w 10 stated that he oould secure specifications for covered refuse containers, and suggested that they would be helpful in keeping the streets cleaner. The matter�was passed for later consideration. The following bills were presented and examined by the Council, and one motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey andcarri6d, were ordered paid: Alocum Hardware Kitsap County Auditor Standard Oil Company of C&lifornia Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Ckawshaw Motors Lolita Bliss Port Orchard Independent Welsh Fuel Co. Hodge & Davis C. A. Hanks Howe Motor Co. Johnson & Hubbard Kitsap County Auditor We L. Johnson Port Orchard Lumber Yard Howe's Hardware Port Orchard Independent Howe Motor Co. Johnson & Hubbard Hodge & Davis Slocum Hardware Kitsap wounty Auditor Western Asphalt Co. Blatt's Auto Glass Dowling's Texaco Service Hosge QL Davis Standard Ool Go., of jal ifornia L. J. Birbeck Trick & Murray CURRENT EXPENSE FUP1D Flashlight Cells, etc. 2 licenses for fire trucks Gas for paddy wagon June 1944 Board of Prisoners, Oct.,Nov.,Dec.,1944 Paddy wagon repair Typewriter rental, Dec. , 1944 (tolice) Publishing Notice at Caucus, etc. Coal for city hall and fire station Charge Battery, Police Insruan ce premium, city hall Car repair and supplies Anti -freeze for Police car WAT E R FL'14D Lioense for pick-up truck Labor Lumber Stove Oil, pipe etc. 5,000 Water Bills on Postal Cards Repairs to pick-up truck Tire chains Charge battery Pipe fittings STREET FUND Licenses for 2 street trucks 4 tons plant mix asphalt Glass for dump trucks Tire repair Battery charge and tire repair Deisel Oil Grader rental for street oiling PARKING iAETE R FUND Panny Wrappers 5.lb 2.50 16.78 339.00 7.(k1 2.50 3.14 23.18 .77 92.86 14.65 1.33 1.25 83.75 1.32 38.97 72.97 96.10 4.89 1.03 7.17 2.50 22.67 7.21 2.06 3.00 6.46 518.00 On motion by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried, council adjourned to January 9, 1945 at 2�o'clock pia. C erk Mqy or 0 - - - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington January 9, 1945 6.00 Adjourned meeting of council called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, George Cline, Roy Howe, D. J. Talbot and M. y". Thompson present. Mayor Woell, after greeting the council members and otherspresent, announced his ap- pointkents as follows: Clerk, Guy L. Wetzel; Attorney, John id. Boyle; ,thief of Police, Wm. H. Hankin; Police Judge, Boss W. Watt; Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens; Nhief of Fire Department, Alan Totten; City Health Officer, Dr. H. E. 'kilson; The Mayor asked that the council approve his appointments, and at his request, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, the appointments as announced by the Mayor: were confirmed. Matter of lights on local ferry dock, deferred from January 8, meetingo was referred to the Street and Alley Committee to confer with the representatives of the ilorluck Trans- portation Company and Dr. H. G. Swanson, owner of the Central hotel. Mayor Woell designated the Health, Sanitation and Parks Committee to investigate the matter of a cemetery site, and to confer on the matter with the Planning Committee, ,7) �D _ this matter having been continued from the meeting of January 8, 1945. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, brought up the matter of the need of :mother pick --up for the city, and this was discussed by members of the council. It was pointed out that it night be possible to procure an,"Army truck, and Councilman Howe explained the method by which these vehicles are being soli.. After a discuss ion the matter was referred to Councilman Howe for investigation and report at a later date. Capt. Cecil Both of the local unit of the Washington State Guard Reserve, presented a resolution endorsing the construction of an Armory in Port Orchard for use of the equipped companies of the Washington State Guard Reserve locatied in Kitsap County or the immediate vicinity. Capt. Both explained the efforts being put forth to % secure the Armory for the community and of the hopes of thelocal Company of the State Guard of .having the Armory located here. After a discussion by members of the coun- o il, it was moved by Hove yseco nded by Cosbey and carried that the coum it endorse the establishment and erection of an Armory in Port Orchard, and that the Clerk forwadd as copy of the Resolution to Representative C. A. Hanks at the Cady ital , and to request Mr. Hanks to give any help possible in the matter. Mayor Woell announced his committee appointments as follows: eater and Sewer: Roy Howe, Chairman; D. J. Talbot and W. E. Cosbey. Street and Alley: W. L. Cosbey, chairman; M. H. Thompson and George Cline. Fire and Light: George Cline, chairman; Roy Howe and u. J. Talbot; Finance and Planning: J4. H. Tlliompson, Chairman; Roy Howe and W. E. Cosbey. Health, Sanitation and Parks: D. J. Talbot, Chairman; W. E. Cosbey and Roy Howe. License: Roy Howe, chairman; M. H. Thompson and George Cline. Council ad jo ned on motion by Thompson, seconded by cline and carried ''y clerk M"yor _...._ --0- Pgrt Orchard, Washington January 22, 1945 Regular meets of the council of Port Orchard Washington called to order b g meeting , y Niay o r F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen B. J. Talbot, Hoy Howe, George Cline, W. E. Cosbey and M. H. Thompson; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens and Street Foreman S. V. Mc"Lullen. Minutes of regular meeting of council of January 8, 1945 and adjourned meeting of January 9, 1945, read and approved. Chairman Cline of the Fire and Light committee stated that his committee had investigated requests for street lights, and recommended that a light be paaced on Taylor street on the seoond pole west of Cline street; one at corner of Cline and Smith streets; one on the corner of Smith and Austin streets, and one on Harrison street between Smith and Ada streets. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that recommendations of the committee be adopted and lights ordered installed according to the recommendations. Councilman Howe reported that there is nothing new to report in the negotiations with the Army relative to Central school property. Councilman Howe also reported visit to the Army Ordnance Depot in guest for trucks, which was visited By Mayor Woell, Councilman Howe, Superintendent Givens and Street Foreman McMullen. He stated that they had examined available vehicles offered by the government, and that the trucks were little more than useless junk, and recommended that efforts to secure tracks through this source be abandoned. Reporting on the matter of the proposal that the town secure a cemetery site, Councilman Cline stated that tentative bids had been received by the owners of the undeveloped portion of the existing cemetery, and that he believed that the situation would be taken care of by private investors and operators. A letter from -Hon. 0. A. Hanks, State Representative, relative to the Resolution passed by the council endorsing the establishment of an Armory, was read to the council and ordered filed. Representative Hanks stated that he would keep in touch with themetter and do everything in his power to follow the recommendations of the council. Application from the Standard Oil. Company of California to construct a garage and build approaches thereto on Prospect street, according to plans submitted,- was examined- by the council, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried, application was granted, the work to be done to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Works. Matter of reported fire hazzard for tenants in apartments in People's Second hand Store - Building was brought to the attention of the council. After a discussion it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that the building be inspected by the Building Committee and the Chief of the Fire Department. George Givens, Superintendent of Public �Oorks, reported that he and Foreman cj ullen had visited Seattle in search of trucks, and that it is quite probable that the city cen`se i I cure priority for a dump truck. Tie stated that a truck such as the city needs was available frornthe S. L. aavidge Company, and that this firm would assist in p.Viority effort. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that application for priority for truck be filed, and that bids for equipment be invited. Calls for bids are to inolude power takeoff for the truck. Cecil Both brought up the matter of delay in starting work on the Sidney Street water extension. Superintendent Givens stated that from information he had received that work should start t1i s week, and tha tbdelay is charged by the contractor to neces- sary repairs to equipment. i4r. Both expressed the appreciation of the people of his community for the co-operation of the city in extending the water lines to a point where outside residents could avail themselves of the serviced The matter of the delay in starting work was referred to to the Water Committed, if a start is not made within a reasonable time. 111r. Both, president of the Port Orchard Planning Oommittee, also stated that he desired to meet with the Health and Sanitation Committee after the session, to confer on the cemeta ry matter. Mayor Woell brought up the matter of painting pedestrian lanes on crossings on Bay Street, and stated that this Should be done at the earliest possible date, in the interests of public safety. Supt. Givens stated that this work would be clone at an early date, but that the work had been delayed by slow deliveries of material, and also by weather conditions and the inability to secure necessary heap. Mayor -yoell stated that he had checked salary schedules in other cities with those paid in some instances in Port Orchard; had held a conference with the Finance Com- mittee, and after considering the findings and examining the budget 1that he recom- mended an adjustment in some salary brackets. He recommended that the Chief of Polioe be raised from $250.00 to $260.00 per month; the Police Vapt4in from $215.00 to 4225.00 per month; the Police Desk Clerk from $135.00 to $150.00'iper month; the Town Clerk from $225.00 to 4250.00 per month; the vuperintendent of 'Public Works from $280.00 to $260.00 per month; and the Street Foreman from $22500 to $240.00 per month; and the Water Foreman from $200.00 to �215.00 per month. In the case of patrolmen on the Police Department he recommended that the pay be fixed { at $185.00 per month for the first year of service; $190.00 for second year of service and $200.00 for the third year of service. Those in service more than three years to be considered by the council for adjustment, if deemed advisable* After a discussion it was suggested by Harold Anslow, a citizen in tittendance at the meeting, that some arrangement be made for payment of overtime for workmen in the Public riorks Department. The matter of budget allowances was brouglit into the discussion in this regard, and the matter ofovertime payment was pa'sed, under the existing budget situation, for later consideration, if deemed advisable. It was moved by Oline, seconded by Thompson and carried, that the rocolamendations of the lolayor be adopted, and that the salary schedule be adopted as recommended. :URREZ��' El7h:SE FUND Pacific Tele hone & 'telegraph Co. Puget 0ound ower & -Light Co. D. J. Talbot Crawshaw Motors F. E. Langer Cruikshank Variety Store Trick & Murray Rall.way Express Agency Puget Sound Navigation Co. Fire, rolice dnd Clerk Telephone Street and cuty hall lights, and Traffic right maintenance Replace valve, library Repairs to paddy wagon Premium Police chief bond Rest room supplies Supplies for Treasurer Charges on fire siren Freight charges ,IATE R FUN-D Trick &Murray Puget -ound Power oc, Light Co. American rlumbing & :3team Dupply W. L. Johnson Howard Cooper Corporation Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Crane Oompany Water ledger sheets rower and light at pump stations Various supplies for :'dater Dept. Labor 2 month's rent on emergency pump pater Supt, and Plant telephones i STi1d;;ET FUND Traffic Faint HEALTH, FIRE 9 D PODICE AID FUND W. 6. Darley & Co. Fire siren Puget -Jound rower a. Light Co. Fire station light Howard Cooper Corporation Fire Department equipment Council on motion by Cosbey, , seconded by Talbot and c ied, adjourned. Mayor 18.75 135.40 5.15 7.11 5.00 10.63 8.40 2.45 .64 21.47 142.48 158.26 35.00 90.00 16.88 50.93 38.40 3.44 73.95 (, Port Orchard, Wa s hing t onn February 13, 1945 Regular meeting of the council of PortOr is �,,,Wqshington called to order by 11ayor F. J. = oell, withCouncilmen r�. N. GOB eyRR*� , George aline and D. J. Talbot; City Attorney John 1d. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, ;and T. 0. Brieten- stein, engineer in charge of water.extr-tasions present. Minutes of meeting of January 22, 1945, read and approved. J. 14. Welsh of the t7. S. Army Engineers, appeared before the council in connection with the release of the Central School property by the Army. He explained the terms of'the proposed termination agreement, presented the necessary documents, and the matter was discussed by the ;Mayor and the members of the council. The termination agreement was examined by City Attorney Boyle, who, after explanation of some points by Mr. Welsh, stated that he believed the agreement was in order. It was moved by 'hompson, seconded by Cosbey, that the city ratify the terms of the agreement, and authorize the execution of the same on behalf of the city. motion carried. Under the terms of the agreement the city would receive the property from the Government about March 1, 1945. Councilman Cosbe reported that inspection had been made of the purported fir., hazzard existing at the eople's Second Rand Store building, and stated that condit ions as they now exist are satisfactory. Superintendent Givens reported that efforts were still under way to procure priority for dump .truck for the 6tree3t Department, and it was expected that a report would be received within a few days. .A letter from batan Radcon, District Inforuation Executive of the OPA, calling attention to the work of the members of the local War Price and Rationing Boards, and suggesting that a Proclamation be issued by the City, expressing its appreciation for this gratutious service, was read. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the following Proclamation be issued by the ldayor: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Our War Price and Rationing Boards now are entering their third year of war service, and WHEREAS, These patriotic men and women of our community have given long and arduous hours, voluntarily, and without pay to serving their neighbors and their country in handling problems of rationing, rent and price control, and WHEREAS, Here in the Paczif ie Northwest we realize we must face tighter rationing and in- creased inflationary pressure as the full weight of the war sweeps the Pacific, NOW, THEREFORE, as 14ayor of this city, I call upon our citizens, as individuals, and through clubs and organizations, schools and churches, to pledge to our War Price and Rationing Board on this, their third anniversary, our loyalty and co-operation, and our help as volunteers that we may all share in the home front service which will help win the war." A letter from City Attor ney John D1. Boyle, relative to the claim for damages filed by. Rex Leland 6melser and recommending that the claim be rejected, was read to the cpuncil. It wa moved by Mine, seconded by Howe and carried that the claim of ibex Leland Smelser be rejected, and that Mr. Smelser be notified of the action of the council. A letter was read from Walter Harvey, owner of property on Cline Street, where sewer connection is unsatisfactory, stating that he expects to be home within a few days, and ads - ing further time in which to make repairs. The matter was referred to City Attorney Boyle for reply. A monthly estimate of work done by the Valley Construction Company on the contract forte installation of water mains, submitted by T. C. Breitenstein, special engineer on the work, was read, showing amount earned to be $7,234.13. The engineer recommended that 15% be withheld pending final acceptance of the work by the city. On motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried, warrant was ordered drawn in favor of Valley Construction Company in the amount of $6,149.01, according to the estimate. Council took up consideration of certain bills introduced in the Legislature effecting municipalities. House Bill No. 133, prohibitingimprovement of property within established distances from a highway, without first obtaining permission, was considered, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried, council went on record as opposing the passage of the bill. On motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, council went on record as opposed to Senate Bill no. 95 and Senate ,sill No. 158, dealing with hours and monimurn compensation of firemen, as they apply to third and fourth class cities. Senate Rill No. 146, re. 'ating to increased taxes by the Mate on pinball and other mechan- ical devices, on the ground that this bill would hamper the towns in collecting present revenues, was opposed by the council, on motion made by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried. On motion by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried council went on record as favoring House Bill No. 156, which provides for setting aside funds by the :state for use by the cities for post war projects. Council also went on record on motion by Thompson, seconded by 3osbey and carried, in w.o favor of douse Dill No. 234, providing for extending Vie life of the itate Census Board and provide for allocation of all state monies shares by eit ies 'ion basis of current census for the forthcoming biennium. i Notice of application for transfer of license from I. Charnstrom and Joseph Briskey to Joe and Mary Briskey, under the trade name of the Star Cigar Store, was received from the Washington State Liquor Hoard. On motion by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried, transfer was approved. Matter of chazge of sidewalk alignment on Bay Street in front of Kres.1 � More Garage, was referred to the Street and 41ley committee and the Superintendent of Public Works. Superintendent of Public 'Works George Givens subs -pitted a partial list Hof' obstructed sidewalks, and the cases were referred to the Police Department to notify owners to clean walks and remove weeds and detris. Mayor Woell brought up the .matter of the use by the Chief of Police of his private car for city business, and figures of costs incurred in the service durin,t the year were submitted. After a discussion it was moved by Thompson, seconded by ti�osbey and carried that Chief of rolice be paid 425.00 per month for use of his car in c�ty business, and it was definitely directed that the paddy wagon is not to betaken out of town except on permission of the 11ayor. The matter of cross walk signs in connection with cross walk markers eras discussed but no definite action was token. Ray Hall brought up the matter of drainage on 13ey -treet east of :1cc1qvell Avenue, and after _.a discussion the matter was refereed to the 6treet and Alley co*ittee anu the superintendent of rublic +corks. Robert L. Bruhahn, representing the Port Orchard t-ro�;ressive Club, stet ed to the council that the Club is ready to take over oertri.in uildin;;w on the GeLtr tl .,Ichool grounds, if and when they become available. He also stated that the club had gone on record as favoring the mr3intenance by the city of the Central chooi property afi a i,ublic center. Superintendent of rublic .corks brought up the matter of difffaculty in securin,,_ help for street work, and asked that the Street Dej)artraent be a. thorized to pay "1.141 per hour for this service. On motion by 0osbey, seconded by '_''albot and carried, recuE:st of Superintendent was granted. The following bills were presented and examined ;;y the council, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried, were ordered paid: I'ULl111J�Yi .. Jti�"�'l�V r7L �,UN Howe Is Hardware Stove oil; flashlight batteries 5.27 Art Burnside & Co. 4 cap badges, police 15.96 Howe Lotor Co. Patrol car repair i 247.19 Lolita Miss Typewriter rent for January, l945 (Police) 2.50 W. H. Hankin Re-imbursement, patrol car expense 8.70 Port Orchard Independent Stationery and printing 48.63 li4ashingtac n Typewriter Go. Typewriter rental, Clerk 15.45 Puget found mower L Light Co. ;street lights, January, 1945 97.50 Floy G. Applegate 11'remiu.n Clerk and Treasurer bonds 30.00 Thom�son's Supplies for various offices 40.27 Howe s Hardware Door spring .67 Bremerton Police Lepartment Board of prisoners 1u.50 Bourpuois Radio Ohop Repairs to rolice car radio 2.52 Trickiwurray ::tamp pad for Clerk 2.41 Puget pound rower & Light Co. Maintain traffic light 11.44 Slocum Hardware Look for Clerk's office 1.80 PugetcSound Power & Light. Co. Po.er and 16ght for pump plants 348.40 Hobert Gillispie 4 padlocks and keys -3.20 Howe's Hardware :Move oil 3.89 Port Orchard Independent 9,400 water receipts 53.76 T. C. Breitenstein Engiheering water extensions 250.00 Wilkins-Lursen Co. Tire, lube oil, etc. 25.00 �`� ilkins-Lursen Co. 500 gallons gasoline (contract) 80.00 W. L. Johnson Labor 52.50 Valley Const ruct ion Co. 85 o estimate watervextension 614.9.01 :3TR1,ET FUND Kerr Motors Repair street truck 42.51 Standard Oil Co. Deisel Oil 6.70 Howe motor Co. Fuel pump 2.47 Western Asphalt Jo. Plant mix asphalt 113.30 Minnesota mining 6c Manf. Co. Sign material 28.12 PAR__11' TER ITULD i Howe w Hardware Tools rind material 4.33 Ki1 , .__nd.. repairs 250.14 SVEWER FUND Howard Cooper Corporation Rental of portable pump MALTH, 1'IRE UM POLICE AID FUND Puget 6oun�_ "owe r Light (to. Light at f ire hall Hodge aL Davis Battery and 5 re -charges Council ,gAjourned onc,motion by Bowe, seconded by Talbot and carried. lark _ .. .. .. _ _ .. -0- - - - - -- Port Orchard, Washington February 26, 1945 45.00 4.26 13.36 f Mayor Regular meeting of the council of -tort Orchard called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell,with Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, George Cline, Roy Howe, D. J. Talbot and M. B. Thompson; City Attorney John LZ Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens; and S. V. McMullo n, foreman of the Street De par tment present. Minutes of meeting of February 13, 1945 read and approved. Superintendent Givens reported that while nothing definite has been heard of the appli- cation for a priority for a truck for the Street Department, indications for the success of the application were favorable. Matter of application of Kress & More for construction of entrance to their garage was discussed, and it was re -referred -to the Street and Alley committee for further investi- gation and report. Superintendent Givens reported tbet drain on east side of Rockwell Street across Bay Street had been located, and that investigation would be made to ascertain if it could be put in service. Matter of driveway to Albert 5calf property on Hull Street was discussed, and action deferred to a later date. Letter from Mrs. W. C. Mackey, relative to boat Leschi moored on the beach near Bay Street was real and ordered filed. A letter from John M. Boyle, City Attorney, relating to right of city to lease or permit use of public property to Teen Age Club, was read and ordered filed. Letter from lion. C. A. Hanks, in answer to a letter from Mayor Woell, touching legislative matters in which the town is interested, was read and ordered filed. Mayor Woell brought to the attention of the council, many bills pending before the Legislature, and which are of. particular interest to cities and towns. Several of these bills were considered and discussed, nd after full consideration, on motion by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried, the council went on record as opposed to the following measures: S. B. 103--Relating to public works ;;. B. 1170--Relat ink; to public officials S. B. 178--Relating to public employees S. 165--Relating to parking meters S. B. 192--Relating to overtime pay S. B. 217--Relating to fire districts S. 3. 229--Relating to Progress and Industry Development Department :3. B. 231--Relating to public health H. 13. 246--Relating to county tax sales I1. B. 261--Relating to pinball games H. B. 297--Relating 'to Sunday closing H. B. 342--Relating to pu',-lic utility districts H. B. 354--Relating to mechanical devices H. B. 356--Relating to Peace officers H. B. 360--Relating to utility taxes H. B. 401--ktela ting to public depositaries H. B. 403--Relating to city funds H. B. 420--Relating to municipal. corporations H. B. 421--Relating to Motor Vehicle Excise tax. An informal application was received from Mr. H. C. lliott for purchase of Lots in Sidn 3 Villa's Addition, owned by the city. The matter was discussed and was referred to the Finance and I'lanning committee for investigation and report. Mee or yroel.l. brought to the attention of the council the unselfish and efficient labors by the members of the Selective service Board for the past four years, and stated that he believed the city should go on record as recognizing this patriotic service.. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that that the following resolution, commending the members of the Board, the several. Appeal _gents, and the members of the medical pros fession who have given unreservedly of their time and talents, be passed and publishes and copies sent to the Board .-,nd to Col. :falter J. DeLong, Dtate __Aregtor of �el.ective Service: PROCL 1 ITION In the midst of war, ind with thousands of young men of our country being called into various branches of the Armed forces of the nation, attention is called to the excel- lent s�ork which h. s been done, and which is being; done by the B&bectiVe :service or- ganizations. .Four four years the members of the 6elective `service Board, the 'our Agents, and the .Medical profession, have given without any compensation whatsoeve , hours, days and months of their time in ad-,inistering efficiently and impartially the duties of their trust, which have resulted in the formation of an invincdble fi hting force, all engaged in a gigantic struggle for hu-nanity and freedom. THEREFORE, in appreciation of the wonderful service being rendered by(these patriot- ic individuals who make up the Selective oervuce organization, the Council of Port Orchard, Washington, in regular session, does commend the members of the hitsap County w:s elective :service Board, the Appeal agents and the members of the bil�edical 11-1ro- fession, for their faithful, impartial and patriotic service, and extends to the individuals and th the c onbined group, the gratitude and commendation of the community. Passed by the ' ouncil of Port Orchard, VIashington, this 26th day of February, 1945. (Sgd) F . J . OE LL, Nla yor Councilman Talbot stated that complaint had been made to him that garbage is being dumped on property south of Division -treet, and that the matter should be attended to. The matter was referred to the health and c-anitation committee for action. Chief of Police nankin stated that property owners had been contacted in regard to cleaning parking strips and sidewalks of rubbish and debris, and that all had expressed themselves as being willing to co-operate and he believed t t the watte ma- terial would be removed as rapidly as possible. Request was made for driveway in to the new r'orte. r ul jnic on oidney street. I+utter was deferred for further investigation. George retry representing the Upper Ross Creek 'eater District appeared before the Council regarding water connections between the city and the Boss Creek system. The matter was referred to the 'eater and Sewer committee and the -uperi ntend e nt of Public Works with power to act. Ronald Rice of the Rir-e Electric Go. as.ced that some arrangement be worked out wherre- byservice ears of contractors and workmen could procure -parking spaces near their work by paying a stated sum per month, instead of having to make retrular trip to the por'Ang meters. This matter was deferred for further investigation. The question of non-compliance with the city building ordinance was brought to the attention of the council, and after a discussion the matter was referred to the Building; committee to m-Ake recommendations and report. It was brp..ght to the attention of the council that the old grandstand at Givens -Field is in unsatisfactory condition, and that it should be removed. R. A. Johnson stated that he would tear the grandstand clown and remove the material nor the salvage. On motion by iline, seconded by Talbot and c-irried, it was decreed that if the material is not vt.luable to the city that the offer of sir. Johnson be accepted, other- wise the grandstand is to be removed by the Department of Public Odor ks Clerk stated that Mr. Rex Leland Sme lser had informed him that he will institute suit against the city for claimed damages in an automobile accident, f llowing the rejection of his claim for damages by the council. Following bills were examined by.,!Lthe council. Bill of 31anchard&s Department Store for rain clothes for police was rejected, and bill of Pacific Tele�hone & Telegraph Company for Treasurer's listing in the telephone directory was laid ov r for inves- tigation, on motion by '.2hompson, seconded by ::line and carried. Following bills were orddred paid on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried: 1 R.REi.T11 EXPEIvSE FTiLD Pacific Tel & Tel Go. Clerk 0.50; Police $558; Fire inept ; 7.5b Stevenson Furniture Linoleum (Police office) 20.27 Peninsula-tationers Repairs to typewriter (Police) 2.58 Wendell �. Vaa Election supplies, etc. 23.38 Port Orchard Fuel Oil Del. Stove Oil for Police 22.51 'iATER FUND W. H. Dalton Rental puckup truck (Fe., 1945) 75.00 PacifiE Tel u Tel Co. Oupt. Tel ;�4.15; Plant Tel. 17.45 11.60 Worthington Garcon ;deter Go. 'dater meters (Contract) i 284.40 H. H. Stephenson Gasoline and parts 9.08 i� r STREET FUND H. H. Stephenson. Tire chains 11.80 Joe Fah La bor 54.96 Ray Smith Labor 30.91 L. P. Jarvis Labor 45.80 PARKING IZITER FUND Diller deters Parts 97.W ; 86.75; 90.30 HEALTH, FIRE AND .POLICE AID H. 11. Stephenson Ethyl Gasoline Howard Cooper Corporation dose (5 invoices) SE10 R FUND Howard Cooper Corporation Utility pump (Balance after rent cr(y4it) Moved by,?Thompson, seconded by Talbot to adjourn. Carried. Clerk -0- - - - - - - - yor 274.61 2.35 253.92 96.01 Port Orchard, Washington March 12, 1945 Regular_ meeting of the council of k'ort Orchard, 'V ashington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell. Present Gpuncilmen George Cline, W. E. Cosbey, Roy Howe, D. J. Talbot; City attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public docks George Givens, and a score or more of citizens of the town and surrounding territory. Minutes of meeting of February 26, 1945 read and approved. The matter of monthly rates for contractor's and service cars for parking while engaged in working at various places in the parking meter zone, passed from the bast meeting, was again discussed by the members of the council. Following the discussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried, that a monthly rate of $10.00 be charged for service and contractor's cars occupying space in the parking meter area, and that such cars occupying the meter space be properly designated. The matter of paving of Sidney Street came up for discussion by Councilman Howe. The matter was thoroughly discussed, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by tialbot and carried, the Clerk was directed to notify the engineering firm of Parker & frill to prepare specifications and call for bids for the improvement; the specifications to provide for an eight -inch pavement; renewal of sidewalks as originally planned, and enlarging the drain across Bay street to 18 inches in diameter. Also to request a representative of the firm to meet with the council either at a special meeting to be called on an agreed date, or at the next regular meeting on March 26, 1945. George Kress of Orawshaw ►dotors appeared before the council relative to entrance and sidewalk alterations in front of his place of business.. The matter was discussed, and T. C. Breitenstein, engineer, stated that he had examined the proposed changes and believed that no one would be injured, and that there would be a benefit from the changes suggested. After a discussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried that permission be granted to lower the sidewalk, the walk to be replaced by a concrete walk, and that work be done according to engineer's grade stakes, and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public ';Yorks and the Street and Alley committee, At this point in the meeting, Russel Sweeny, president of the Port Orchard Progressive Club, addressed the council relative to plans of the Club, and particularly in relation to the Teen Age Club. He stated that the Progressive Club would like to secure pouseaeo sion of the Central school property, including the main building, the barracks buildings and the grounds with a view to beautifying the pl&ce, and making it a combined Civic Zenter to include facilities for the Teen .Age Club and various other organizations which desire a place to meet, for recreation and for headquarters. Others who spoke in favor of the proposal by Mr. Sweeny were George Smith; M. P. Sutton and R. J. Caretti, repre- senting the Kiwanis C1ub;Mr Caretti suggested that application be made to the proper Federal agency for funds for recreational activities and for recreational aid. Maynard Lundberg, Mrs. Henry Grosso, Mrs. vaun Allen, Mr. McLain, E. H. Erickson, all of whom spoke in favor of the Progressive Club plan, and urged that the property be turned over to the Progressive Olub. Cecil Both suggested that perhaps permission might be secured from the Army, who now his control V the property, for temporary use of the barracks buildings pending final relinquishment of the property to the city. Ross Matt suggested that it might be a good plan to contact the Bremerton group to ascertain how that group operates, and what steps can be taken to get Federal aid. 9thervspeakers were Mrs. George omith, Mrs Bon Busson, Ray Kratz and Harold Anslow. Following the remarks by the people, a definite answer was asked as to the standing of the council relative to the group getting possession of the property, and it was stated that anmmitments for use of the property already made were still in force. Fallowing this the delega- tion retired. John Lofstad, representing the tort Orchard Planning %ouncil, presented to the council. En ordinance, based on the 6tate law, creati4� the Port Orchard Planning Council. The ordinance was read, and on motion by Cosbe,y, seconded by Talbot and carried, the ordinance was passed as Ordinance lio. 508, and ordered filed. The Mayor stated that he would announce the names of the members of the Planning Council for ratification of the co unc i 1. Albert :3ealf appeared before the Council relative to vacation of a strjip of land bordering^ Bull Utreet. Mr. Breitenstein presented a map showing that tIm street is now part on Scalf'd property to an extent that about e�ivals the property sought by Mr. 8ealf, and stated that in his opinion a legal exchange of property involved would be equitable, and would not effect the present alignment of the street, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that the city vacate the tract re uesid d by Mr. -Scab' on condition that ifAr. 6calf deed to the city the part of the street now on his property, and 141r. Scalf agreed to pay the cost of puClishing the ordinance, recording the,deed and other expenses incident to the transfer. A letter from Mrs. Alberta liclntyre concurring in the recuest of Mr. Scalf was filed in nnection with the application. Cecil Both, representing the oldney otreet water system, appeared before the council and mad a tentative offer for the city to take over the system recently installed south of the city limits without purchase cost to the city. The matter was passed without action. The matter of proper drainage at the Black Jack-�;ig Harbor intersectia and adjacent territory, was brought up by Mayor 'v+oell. Superintendent of Public ��Iorhs r=eorge Givens, stated that he had been keeping close touch with the situation at this point, had made a careful inspection, in company with ­�r. .3reitenstein, and made certain recommenadtions of what he believed should be done at this location to produce a satisfactory job. He stated that he would contact the State Engineer in charge and keep the Mayor and council informed of whatever conditions might arise Councilman Cline brought up the matter of the sewer assessment against the Ralph Peterson property, stating that this property should have been taken from the assess- ment roll when the ordinance revising the roll was passed, but apparently in some manner it was omitted. After a discussion, the +Jity Attorney was directed to draw an ordinance removing the property in cuestion from the assessment roll and present it to the council. Councilman Howe, making a report for the finance and Planning Corzmitte , stated that the committee had looked over the lots which the city owns in the sjdn y Villa's Addition, Hlad had received an appraisal from real estate men, who had fixed 4150.00 per lot as a fair price for the lots. The Committee also rccommended hat if the lots are sold that no sale of lots less than two lots should be considered by the council, due to the fact that the lots are only 25-foot Frontage. Police Chief Hankin brought up the .matter of sending a man to the 0eat le Police school for special training. The matter was discussed by the oouncil and action was deferred to a later date. Application of .ldith A.. Iverson, for a permit to construct a dwelling o South 1treet was discussed, and on, redommendation of the i3ui.ldint; Cotumittee, the Cl rk was authorized to issue the permit. The matter of permitting the pdddy wagon to be t,-jken outside the city of emergency was discussed, ,and it was moved by Talbot, seconded by Jl that the paddy wagon may be taken outside t'e city limits on perLissio or any member of the council, ind if any of these are not available, t discretion of the Chief of rolice. Bills were presented to the council, examined in detail, and on motion seconded by Talbot and carried, the followin;r clairas were ordered paid Don's Service eta t ion Lumber Supply Howe L otor Co. Harrison J. Kilpatrick Ray Smi th L. P. Jarvis Joe Fah Don's aervice eta tion Jackson's i::ac hine chop Amer joan rlumbing & Steam Howe s Hardware blQcum hardware Pittsburgh Equitable iQeter ,)TRiuIi1`2 FUND Bat to ry Lumbe r 3e It La bo r Labor Labor La bo r for truek and c eme nt 3UND 7ra�,e fluid :And Tire pump L,hut-off wrench wupply Co. Fittings and connections otove 019 Tools an' d equipment Co.. Gaskets for inet ers P1RU G ivies'TL.c _7UID .imits in cases .ne and carried i by the 2,ayor, ien et the by Howe, 16.43 4.46 1.29 9.16 55.50 36.64 87.02 4.74 'A.09 40.16 7.87 9,38 �.21 Hlo,vie's Hardware Paint and ,,Iaterial 'i 2.86 IL CURRENT EXPE -5E FUND Fred G. Vet ter s , -he rif f ITT. H. Hankin, Chief of Police Lolita -bliss Kitsap County Dank Lowman & Hanford Thpmps on t s 0. 4. Rubber Welders Crawshaw i+iotors Howe Motor Co. ielsh Fuel Co. Howe's Hards'are Puget Sound rower Light Co. n Pacific -builder & Engineer Howe's Haddv re 3oa rd of prisoners 99.00 Re-imnursement for ammuni t ion 6.46 Rent of typewriter (Feb. 1845 2.50 Safety Deposit -box rent (Treasurer) 4.80 Books for Library 8.80 Supplies for Clerk 7.98 Tire repair, ,Paddy wagon 2.06 Repairs to paddy wagon 4.48 Paddy wagon repair 13.91 Coal for city hall 18.52 Axe 2. 58 Maintain traffic light (Jan. 1945) S.33 Call for bids (Sidney Street - 12.80. Paint and`material, police office 4.69 Councilman Talbot brought up the matter of parkin; space ihrfront of Porter Clinic. The matter was discussed and no action taken. Clerk reported that further documentary evidence for justification for priority for purchase of grader had been submitted to the 111PB at the request of that agerney, the matter submitted consisting of letters from the Clerk, one from the Executive Director of: the port Orchard Housing Authority, and one from the County Engineer.. Superintendent Givens reported that, so far no word had been received regarding priority for dump truck. Letter from Representative C. A. Tianks and letter from the estate Liquor Control Board read and ordered filed. n Council adjourned on motion by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carr - Cl rk �Yi --.._.. ----- -0--------.._-� Port Orchard, Washington �.� March 26, 1945 Council of Port Orchard, Washington swelled to order in regular session By error 7, J. Woell, with Councilman D. J. Talbot, Ray Howe, W. E. Cosbey and M. H. Thompson; City Attorney John M, Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, and Street Foreman S. V. MoMullon, present. Absent Councilman George Cline. Minutes of -meeting 0. March ;,. 1945 read and approved. Russell Sweeney, president, and various members from the Port 4rchadd Progressive Club were present and made reports on progress and ambitions of the Club. R. J. Caawetti asked that permission be granted for a committee to inspect the Central School prup- orty throughout, in company with a Federal . nepqH1 q ascertain what would 'be practical and what would be the-yrobable expense to a `: rovemeata .to place the ropert.y In condition for rootra;- anal purposes. 0ftlaaa ° *as granted for the oomittee to inspas the property. The matter of the "Te _Age'". pup Uew banlacks - bui ldiage a tbthe Central school property w0riAgain 4�1se---A*. find it was setae tha , , * . no objection to the Club mov into the hnrpa i when the y is turned b ,e' to the city by the Army, and under the o*nditiono as agreed upon when negotiationa� .first started. Alan Hill of the firth of. Parker & Hill, engineers on the Sidney Street paving, pre" sented revised plans for the paving of Sidney Street, and the seeps were examined 4r4 the plans discussed. The engineers were instructed to prepare sptsifioations as adoptA ed by the co unc il, and to issue a call for bids to be opened on April 8,. 1945. in- s true t ions were issued aid motion by Howo, seconded by Talbot and carried. Attorney John M. Boyle filed a written report on the matter of the assessment under- L.I.D. No. 48 against the Ralph Peterson property, setting forht the findings in a let- ter to the Mayor and Council.. Clerk was directed to sebd a copy of the Letter to Mr. Peterson. Matter of sale of lots in Sidney Villa's Addition was dis'oussed, and can motion by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried, it was directed that bids for the sale of the property be called, the minimum price to be fixed at $150.00 per lot; that the lots, be sold in pairs or in the entire tract; and in ease of the sale of the entire -tract. under a single bid, the minimum price for the twelve lots be fixed at $1,500,00. nClerk reported that J. A. Holmberg had made an offer of the Water Right on Black Jack Creek, which he holder, to the city; the only liability being that the city is to pay any expense in connection with the traAsfer from Mr. Holmberg to the city, and assume the annual fee involved in connection with op;tag the right perpetual., which it was reported is #10.00 per a nnum. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried, that the offer be accepted, and the water right be taken over by the city.- dames L. Heron and Glenn C. Gresss3eth, representing a group of residents owners living on the Mitchell road south of the city limits, filed a pat for water service. The group proposes to lay a 4-inoh water made, whiob tamed by them, and ask that regular water taps and motors be installed under the regulations of the Meter Department. Superintendent of Public Givens stated that if the service is to be granted that he belueved the be installed according to city standards, and that the work should be in qualified officials of the oityt After a discussion it was moved by Tho by Talbot and carried that the city agree to furnish water to this distri under regular regulations, and that the installation of the extension be inspection by city officials, and that the installation be made under at proved by the city. nd property tion asking will be - maf n- the city Works George yatem should pentad by the :peon, seconded t in question subject to adards ap- V. B. Caldwell made application through the Clerk for a building permit o make alter- ations to the Bethel Taberns cle Building, presenting drawing to show wha is contem- plated in the way of improvements. The matter was discussed and it was ved by Talbot, seconded by Howe and carried that permit be granted. Clerk stated that priority for dump truck had been received. It was mov by Thompson, aeoonded by Talbot and carried that a call for bids be issued for a dump truck, accord- ing to specifications to be supplied by the Superintendent of Public Works. Digs. • Sidney Stokes brought up the matter of the caretaker's house at Givens Field, which has been used more recently as a first aid station; that it is being 4anAged, and that It is no longer an asset in its present condition. Sale of the buibdtng was suggested, If the same is salable, and if not it was suggested that it be torn ddvinThe matter was referred to the Finance and Planning committee for investigation and report. A letter was received from the Janneen Drilling Company, giving a tentat ve pries for flushing and swabbing the large well. After the matter was discussed, i was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that call for bids for developing; t e well be asked* This condition at Prospect street where oars park on the north side, wa,s sported as - being had in some places. The matter was referred to the Street and All y committee and the Street Foreman for action. Street Foreman McMullen reported that a drainage problem exisstss, on Prosp of 6treet at the Navy View Apartment House. The beat method of disposing of the wa to was dis- cussed, and this matter was also referred to the Street and Alley committee* Also referred to the Citrest and "lley committee was the drainage at the Signal Station corner, and at the corner of Harrison and Bay Strees>;ts. Councilman Cosbey stated that bank on the upper side of the Alley between Bay and Kitsmp Streets, east of Sidney street was caving on the alley right-of-way, and should be taken scare jai'* Clerk was directed to write to the property owners to take measures to protect the bang, an motion by Cosbey, •seconded by Howe and carried. The matter of the transfer of certain properties between the city and Al rt Soalf to clear the Hull street right-of-way, came up for clarification on sats3te#s t by City Attorney Boyle, oho stated that the engineer's map and city map did not seem to agree, and asked for clarification before presenting the ordinance and making t e deed. latter was referred to the Street and Alley committee. ftperintendent of Public Works was directed to take measures to protect the material and equipment atbths Central School property. A letter from M. J. McHenry, Secretary of the Port Orchard Kiwanis Club, urging the city to take steps to procure federal funds for recreational facilities i the' port Orchard area, was read and ordered filed. Chief of Police Hankin brought up the matter of bringing a carnival to Po t Orchards trader the sponsorship of the Pollee Department, stating that the Depart- t would ftoolve $500.00 which could be used tar radio equipment, After a discussion, the matter was referred to the License committee. Bills were presented, examined by the council, and on motion by Howe, saeo Talbot and carried, the following bills were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Paasifics Telephone & Telegraph Co. i'ohnson �& Hubbard A. J. Brockmvols Xit sisap- County Th9upoon'ss Stationery ,J*ft Orchard Fuel Oil Delivery ITVAO'k & Murray C ' H. Dunkin, Chief or Pollee Rise 191setric Welsh Fuel Co. Street Tights and various Telephpnes and toll, police and clerk Merchandise for Clark eta. Laying linol®tam, police office Board of prisoners Supplies for C1drk and Treasurer Stove ail for Police office Ledger shoots and blotters stamps and P. 0. Box rent Material and wiring Coal for city hall by 185.78 9.15 6.18 15.45 98.00 1.85 11.67 4.22 d. it. �8 19.57 r') 7) WATER FAD American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Pipe, fittings, - eto. 207.43 Paget Sound Power & Light Co. Power and light for plants 210099 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Coo Telephones and toll 1.4.10 Washington Typewriter Co. Rent of typewriter for Clerk 7.73 Dale Treanor Auto glass for pickup 8,95 Ries Electric Material 21.20 Ft 4 ;ii 1 41) p Part Orchard signal Service Tire repair 10.71 Joe Fah Labor on streets 45.80 L. P. Jarvis Labor on streets 11.45 Harrison J. Kilpatrick Labor on streets 91060 A. W. Moatsinger Labor 2n streets 21.48 Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Drain rile 12.48 HRALTH, FIRE AND POLICE AID M b Pacific Telephone is Telegraph Co. Fire Department Telephone 7.50 Mqyor submitted tolliwing names for Planning Committee; Harold Anslow, Ted Hubbard, J& n Lofstad, Robert Bruhahn, George Wraith, Capt. G. G. Hanson, Dusty Winebrenner, and Charles Russell. Council adUourned on motion by Talbot, seconded by Howe and carried; Clerk Ulhyor Port Orchard, Washington Apri 1- 1945 Council met inregular session, called to order by Mayor F. J. Woe11, with Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, U. H. Thompson and W. E. `osbey; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of rublic Works George Givens, and street Foreman S. V, liullen present. 2dnutes of meeting of liaroh 26, 1945 read and approved. Clerk read a letter from T. V. Breitenstein, engineer in charge of Hull, Sidney and Nelaher Otreet water extensions, including fined estimate of cost and recommending that final payment be deferred until such time as streets are repaired to satisfaction of Superintendent. Moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried that recommendations of Mr. Breitenstein be adopted and payment deferred. Letter from Jennie Lowary regarding dirt in alley, read and referred to the Street and Alley committee. This being the date upon which bids for paving of Sidney otreet were advertised to be vP#i6ted and opened, Clerk stated that three bids had been received. It ways .directed that bids be opened, and the following bids were opened andread; Tacoma Gravel & Supply Company, total bid, $55, 554o 58; Northwest Construction Company, total bid, $599048.60 •, R. L. Moss & Go., total bid, 37,400.11. Bid bands and certified checks aoaompanted bids. Mr. Hill of the firm of Parker & Hill, engineers on the project, was present and examined the bids. After a discussion, it was moved by 1hompson, seconded by Howe and carried that making award of contract be delayed for further study of the bids, and that 2'lerk be directed to notify property owners of a hearing on the bids to be held at 8 ofclook on Friday evening, .April 20, 1945. ` This was also the date upon which bids were to be received for sale of lots in Vlook 149 Sidney Villa's Addition, owned by the town, and one bid was received for Lots 22 and 23, Block M. Sidney Villats Addition, from H. G. Elliott, who offered 4150.00 per lot, or $300.00 for the two lots. On motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, the bid was accepted, and attorney was directed to draw ordinance providing for the sale, and to .designate the Mayor as signatory officer. One .bid was received for li-ton truck for Street Department, advertised to be received and opened this date. Bid of S. L. Savidge Co. offering a bodge truck for 41, 758.44, f.o.b. Seattle, was read. Bid was rejected on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe, and oarried, for reason that bid did not conform to specifications advertised. Mrs. Ray Boedooker appeared before the council and asked about the vacation of alley running from Austin Street to Cline street, between Dwight and Htwision streets. Matter was discussed, but did not receive the favor of the council. Superintendent Givens reported on his investigations regarding development of now well: Matter was discussed and referred to Councilman Thompson for further investitatlen and report. i Clerk reported that so far no word had been received 'from Stated Supervi 0or of Hydraulics regarding transfer of water right on Black Jack Creek from J. A. Holmbe�g to the city. Matter was deferred to next meeting. Cecil Both of the local company of Washington state Guard Reserve stated that his com- pany was desirous of presenting a carnival under similar oondit ions as those under which they operated last year. Matter was discussed, and Chairman Howe of the License oomtiittee r000mmended that permission be granted to the local unit of the WSGR. By consent of the council, the mayor referred the matter to the License committee with power to act. ii'' from Trick A Murray regarding safe suitable for treasurer was read, and action deferred to April 23, 1945. 1 Mayor stated that considerable material had been removed from the Centrall School prop- erty and stored at the water plant. .Matter of disposition of material s deferred to April 23, 1945. Matter of drainage on Prospect Street down ink Street was discussed. Cleric stated that he had written to the Otandard Oil Compmy relative to installing curbs and gutters and had also contacted the Commander of the American Legion, and wold also write to this organization regarding curbs and gdtters. T. C. Breitenstein repor ed jrhat he hall looked over the area and that in order to secure a 36-Foot right-of-way tween eurba It would be neoesdfs cry to make a light fill at the top of Bank Street* Aotion on the matter was deferred to April 23, 1945. Ceeil Both agaft made an offer to the city to take over the water system recently in- stalled on the Sid.ney road, without cost to the oity. The matter was discussed, and the opinions of the members of the council appeared not to favor taking the system over. Capt. Charles A. Heath of the -'olive d9partment brought up the matter of garbage ool lection on .Bay Street during the rush traffic hours. Mayor stated that he would oc7 n- taot the Garbage 6uperintendent concerning the matter. Following bills presented, examined by the council, and on motion by Thoson, seconded by Howe and carried, were ordered paid: Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Port Orchard Fuel oil Delivery Port 0r®hard Independent. Port Orchard Independent Port Oraha rd Independent Trick & Murray Howe Wotor Co. Howe's Hardware City of Bremerton Daily Journal of Commerce Port Orchard Lumber Yard Puget Sound lower & Light Co. Puget Sound News Co. Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Crawford Motors Howe's Hardware T. C. Breitenstein Slocum Hardware W/ H. Dalton Supervisor of Hydraulics A. W. Montssinger Harrison a. Kilpatrick Neil H. Hankin Washington Asphalt Co. Part Orchard Lumber Yard Howe's Hardware Howe 4otor Co. Murphy's Service Sloo um Hardware Sanderson Equipment Co. WATER FUND STREET FUND Board of prisoners, Marc'. 945 $ 130.00 Stove oil for Police Dept. 13,62 Call for bids, Sidney street 5.60 Call for bids for truck and realty 10.10 Report cards for Police 11.38- Warrant register, Filing case, forms35.56 Paddy wagon repair 3.76 Broom and mop for Police 2.41 Board of prisoners 1.00 Call for bids, Sidney -4treet 14.60 Celotex, Police 1.45 Street lights for Asrah, 19 5 124.85 Books for Library 24,22 Re-imburse for telephone o ge 5.64 Repairsto pickup Vittings and oil Engineering, water extenal Paint and brush Rent on pickup .Annual fee, Holmberg water Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets 2 to ns plant mix Cunt 30 lbs nails Parts for truck Wrecker service Lag screws HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FUND Coats for Fire Department Council adjourned on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried. _-------0--__---_ ight or 10.15 9.34 30.89 3.03 75.00 10.00 82*44 91.60 9.16 11.33 5.41 2.22 1.24 8.00 .82 98.88 Port Orchard, Washington April 20, 1945 In response to a call through news stories and individual notices mailed to propert y owners, a meeting Was held in the City Hall at 8 o telock p. m. April 209 1945 to better Acquaint those interested with the conditions surrounding the bids for paving Sidney Otreet, Present Mayor F. J. Woell; Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey, George %line, Rcy Howe and D. J. Talbot; Wm. R. hill of the firm of Parker & Hill, engineers on the pro- jeot; George Givens, Superintendent of Public Works, and several interested citizens and property owners. Mayor Woell read the bids which were opened at the regular meeting of April 9, 19459 explained the bids in detail and asked for expressions from the citizens present. Ross W. Matt explained the legal conditions surrounding the awarding of the contrw t; Mr. Hill explained some of the engineering details, and the following citizens address- ed the meeting: Harold Lundberg, Dean Uorliss, Ross W Watt, George Wraith, Mrs Mildred Cohen, Ed Howe and Frank E. Langer. A letter endorsing the improvement from the Executive Committee of the Port Orchard Progressive Club was read; and the members at the fort Orchard Planning Committee, which was in session at the time of the meeting, endorsed the project and urged its prosecution. Mayor Woell stated that the meeting had been called to secure an expression of opin- ion from property owners, as the bids exceeded a original estimates upon which the preliminary rolls were based. Following the discussions, it was moved by George Wraith, seconded by Frank Langer and carried, that the meeting of property owners adjourn, with a vote of thanks to Mayor and members of the Council for their efforts and fairness in putting over the improvement. n Meeting adjourned. �j n the Port orchards Washington April 23, 1945 Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell., Present Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe and George Cline; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Surintendent of Public forks George Givens; Street Foreman S. V. McMullen; and T. . Breitenstein, engineer. Minutes of meeting of April ®, 1945 and the Citizens Meeting of April 20, 19+45 read and approved. Matter of paving of Sidney Street, awarding of contract for which was deferred to April 89 1945, was token up and discussed. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe that bid of R. . Moss & Go. be accepted and the contract awarded subject to receipt of priority and proper qualification of the contractor, Motion carried. Rev. Robert Gillespie of the Bethel Tabernacle appeared before the council and re- quested a building permit for the construction of a church for his congregation on the corner of Sidney and Division Streets. ` The matter was referred to the Building Committee with power to act In granting the permit. Matter of light at west city limits was brought up by Rev. Gillespie, and the matter was referred to the Fire and Light Committee for investigation and report. A letter was read from the Fort Orchard Planning Council, calling attention to the fact that Lots 1, 21 3 and part of 4, Block 10, Sidney Tidelands, now woned by the State, might be available to the city under provisions of Ohapter 157 of the Laws of 1039, City Attorney Boyle read the statute and explained itsprovisions; the matter was dis- cussed by the council, and it was directed, on motion by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried, that Attorney write to the Oommissioner of Public Lands relative to °arzcgiztxlti acquisition by the city to the lots in question. Cleaning and developing the new well was again discussed. Bids were received from N. C. Jansen Drilling Company and d. E. Erdman, and letters declining to bid were read from dames J. Bell & Son and O. E. Miller. After a discussion, it was moved by Cline* seconded by Talbot and carried that the matter be turned over to Superintendent of Public Works with power to act. Superintendent Givens reported that he would contact 0. B. Erdman at once, as he would move in and start work immediately. Action approved by council by unanimous vote. The matter of water right on Black Jack Creek, which has been offered to the city by J. A. Holmberg, was brought up as unfinished business, and again deferred pending furth �j information from the state Oupervisor of Hydraulics. Clerk was instructed to again contact Port Orchard Post American Legion concerning installation oC curbs and gutters on Bank Street, it being stated that Standard Oil Company is interested in the proposed improtrement. In response to previousoall for bids for piwk-up truck, W/ H. Dalton tendered a bid for $350.00 for 1938 D 2 International *-ton pickup; title No. 1151647; Motor No.33443; serial No. 349; weight 3650 pounds. It was moved by Olin, seconded by Talbot and carried that bid be accepted, and Clerk was authorized to draw warrant on Water Fund for $350.00 in payment for truck. Clerk reported that residents on Sherman Avenue had made complaint about condition of that street, and Robert Rylander also stated that street needed repair. It was pointed out that the bad condition was due to regent laying of water main by Rose Creek Water District, and that its repair should be the responsibility of the contractor. T. G. Breitenstein stated that he would take the matter up with the contractor at onoe and as see that repairs are made. Mr. Breitenstein reported that he had contacted representatives of the Federal Works Agency relative to matching funds with which to construct a city hall in Port Orchard. He stated that apparently there is no possibility of securing any aid at present, but that his information was that the construction would receive consideration as a post- war project. Matter of construction of a city hall was discussed at length by the council, and the matter of financing such a project was also discussed. Available funds were considered and the matter of the sale of the Central School property was brought up. After lengt# argument on these matters, it was moved by `shompson, seconded by Howe, that bids be called for the sale of the Central School property, and also for the sale of that preset town hall building, the two properties to be bid on separately. Aotion carried, all members voting in favor of the motion. S. V. McMullen, Street Foreman, brought up the matter of wooden grates over street drains, stating that these grates were very unsatisfactory, expensive to maintain,, and are easily wrecked. He asked for permission to install iron grates to replace eleven existing wooden grates. On motion by Oosbey, seconded by Cline and carried, Street Foreman was authorized to procure eleven iron grates for street drains. Mr. McMullen also brought up the matter of the necessity of extending the culvert under Division Otreet leading to the court house from Sidney Street. This matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. Alan Totten, Chief of the Fire Department, presented a letter relating to Clean-up week in the interest of fire prevention and sanitation, and asked that. Mayor issuer a proclamatioandesignating the week of April 28-tray 6 as Fire Prevention Clean-up Week. Request granted and Mayor VMoell issued an appropriate proclamation. The following bills were presented, examined by the council, and after consideration it was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried that the following bills be ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Trick a- 1durray Lolita Bliss Chloe _Sutton Police telephone and tolls Chair for Treas; supplies Police Typewriter rent, Police Telephone, Treasurer WATER FUND W. H. Dalton Purchase pick-up truck Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power 3 pumping plants Paoifio Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephone, Water Supt. American Plumbing & *Jteam Oupply Co. Pipe connections and fittings W. L. Johnson labor on water lines James W. Carey Engineering new well (contract) STREET FUND A. W. Monts ingeor Labor Harrison J. Kilpatrick Labor Neil,H. Hankin Labor L. J. Birbeck Grader rental and repair BrerAerton Concrete Products GO. Sewer and drain tile F William Gephardt melding and cutting HEALTH, FIRE AND POLICE AID FUND Paoif ics Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fire Department Telephone Puget bound Power & Light Co. Fire Hall light' SEWER FUND W. L. Johnson La bor WELL CONSTRUCTION FUND James W. Carey Engineering new well (contract) On motion by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried council adj call by the Mayor. C e rk 0 Port Orchard, Was 11, 1945 Adjourned meetin g ng of the council of Pit' Orchard, WashingtDn called to F. J. Woell at 8 oIgl.ock p. m.., with 0ouncilmen Ai. H, Thompson, W. F. C Howe, George Cline and D. J. Talbot present. Also present were eommItt Port Orchard Progressive Club; the Port Orchard Y4wanis Club, the Port Planning Committee and the Port Orchard Chamber of 06rage. Mayor WQ01 made a -atatement relative to calling the 'ittess fzom th organi2+iifons to the meeting, and explai#ed the city lq7 terest and des ing the Central school property. He -stated that he hu ed to get the a8 4*M=nity from the different representativos of the clubs regarding the of the property, and. expected that fre�,14o disoi�sions and interchange that a definite solution,;opuld be reabhek. Aepresenting the Progres1r6 Club were H. J. McLaughlin, Ralph Todd and Dr. McLaughlin made a statement for the Progressive Clubp The Kiwards represented by . .:: H. Pattison, Alan Totten and Ed Howe, and these ae U g as to the property. For the Planning Committee Capt. C% G. Hansen, Dus and John Lafstad were present and spoke for their organization. A14n Trustee of the Chamber of Conmeroe, represented that organization.. 4.8D 27.62 2.50 1.73 $350.00 253.23 7.30 31.50 5.00 147.61 82.44 91.60 91.60 129.28 70.33 64.34 7.50 2.56 36,00 452.39 subject to t • Drder by Mayor os be y, Roy ees From thy Orchard various roe regard - le of the disposition of ideas John Jarvis; lub was ve their ideas y Wine brd.nna otten as a From the discussions it appeared that the on=ittees all regarded the a isting school building as unsuitable for practical use, but that the grounds should retained and used as a -playground for small youngsters. Following the discussions, which were freely expressed by the representatives and tEe I I i members of the counoil, a definite expression as to retaining the grounds and disposing of the school building was oakk®d for by Mayor Woell, and Dr. McLaughlin for the Pro" gressive Club; John Lofstad for the Planning Committee; J. H. Pattisen for the Kiwanis I Club and Alan Totten for the Chamber of Commerce voted in favor of disposing of the II school building and retaining the real estate. The matter of supplying water to the local Housing Projects was brought up and discussed, and it was pointed out that information has been disseminated to the effect that the F.P:H.A. _ is contemplating increasing the water supply at a cost of approximately $170,006.00. It was suggested that the city could furnish 400 gallons or more water per minute by procuring another well, that the city would profit by such a deal and that It would be a saving to the F.P.H.A. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe arA carried that letters be written to representatives of the F.P.H.A that the City or Part n Orchard will guarantee to supply 400 gallons of water per minute to the Housing; Author- ity" if the Authority will guarantee to take this amount at 10o per thousand gallons, and to point out the saving which wouod reslut to the Authority by making such a contract. The necessity of a city ,ball was discussed by .members of the counoit and representatives of the various organizations present. Methods of financing and proposed plans were gone into quite thoroughly, but no action was taken. Clerk reported that it Is possible for the city to procure six lots between Austin and Cline streets on Kendall street, which are particularly adaptable for the Street Tier partment. S. V. McMullen, street foreman, stated that he had gone over the property and that it would serve for many years as headquarters for the Street Department and for housing and repairing equipment. The six lots were reported to be available at 4100.6 per lot. It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried that the city purchase the six lots at 4100.00 per lot, or $600.00 for the six lots. It was pointed out by Councilman Thompson that he had inspected the old Fdrst Aid Sta- tion at Givens Field, and that the building is in a condition which makes it a Menace. After a discussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried that the Clee be instructed to call for bids for sale of the building, the material to be removed within a reasonable time. Council adjourned to the regular meeting date of Ilay 14 Clerk —- _ - 0_-- Port Orchard, Washington May 14, 1945 Counciloalled to order Inregularsession by Mayor F. J. `Woell, with Councilman D. d. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, W. E. Cosbey and 11. H. jhompson; City -Ittorneey John M. Boyle; 'superintendent of Public ►Yorks George Givens, and T. C. Breitenstein, ens rer present. Minutes of meeting of April 23, 1945 and adjourned meeting of May 11, 1945 read and approved. Councilman %line of the Fire and Light Committee stated that he had made an investiga— tion of the street light near the crest city limits, and that it was foul that the trees said to be obstructing the light are can private property. A suggestion that an additional light be placed further west on Bay street was not approved by the committee. Report accepted by the Council. George Givens reported that the new well, after being developed, is far better than ever, and is now producing a very satisfactory amount of water and Is capable of being pumped to an amount of approximately 500 gallons per minute. Clem reported that so far no word has bee4 received from Port Orchadd Post American Legion relative to curbs and gutters on Bank street, and Mayor Woell stated that he would contact personally officers of the Post to asoertaln their intentions in the matter. Chairman Cosbey of the Street and Alley committee stated that his committee has investi- gated extension of the culvert under Division street.near the court house, and recom— mended that the culvert be extended by adding 36—inch tile to the so uth end of the culvert. Recommendation adopted. Mrs. Margaret Roberts, vice-president of the Port Orchard Progressive Club, presented a Petition to the council, objecting to the sale of the Central School property, and the same was received and ordered filed. T. C. Breitenstein, engineer rude a reporton preliminary city hall plans and investigations and also on proposed Bank Street improtement. Matter of salary of City Attorney referred to Finance and Planning Committee with power to act. Ordinance providing for expenditure of $15,000.00 for extensions and bet water system, and declaring an emergency was introduced. The matter wai members of the council, and the ordinance was filed for action after lqg passage has elapsed. The following bills were presented, examined by the Council, and on motio seconded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid: ruget,.Sound Power & Light Co. Prick & Hurray United "ta tes re nc it Co. F&Gific Telephone & Telegraph ;o. Howe's Hardware Howe Motgr Go. Thompson s Guy . Wetzel, Clerk Merchant's Parcel Delivery Howe's Hardware Jackson es Mao hive Shop Slocum Hardware Neil H. Nankin A. W. Montsinger Harrison J. Fitzpatrick Puget mound rower & Light 'Jo. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Maintain traffic light; city hall blinker and traffic lights, and S- lights Triplicate receipts .for Police Staples -for Police Clerk's telephone and toll Stove Oil for Police Repair paddy wagon Var ions supplies Postage and supplies (re-imbursemt 2 transfer charges STREET FUXD Merchandis6 for Street Dept 105 lbs steel Paint brush and oil can Labor Labor Labor HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID Fire hall light PATER FUND Puget "�ouna lower & Light Co. Power at pump plants Mill & Xine Supply 00, Pressure Guage Slocum Hardware . Various Merchandise Paoif�ic Telephone & Telegraph Co. Dater plant telephone and toll Howe s Hwdware Stone oil for water plant American Plumbing & oteam supply Co. Curb cooks Rice Electric Wiring and material Bremerton Concrete Products Co. 5 doz meter boxes W. L. John so # Labor Sitsap Couilty Auditor License and transfer on pickup Maarten &Williams Tapping machine Drilling Co. Developing new well rrments to the [scussed by . tics for by Cosbey, light; treet 160.60 51,51 2.81 4:25 5.79 15.81 8.24 :nt) 13.06 1.04 5.43 8.65 7.77 -135.11 114.1k 137.40 1.81 237.93 6.36 6.94 6.15 3.73 9.21 102.25 114.00 28.75 2.50 23.64 825.16 Bill of Parker & Hill for engineering -services on Sidney Street deferred for action to next meeting. Council adjourned on motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey, and carried, ject to call of the Ma or. ©lark - - - - - - - - - - r 0- Port Orchard, Washington May 220 1945 0 Adjourned meeting of council galled to order by mayor F. 4. W'oell at 8 o 1c with Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, George Glins, M. H. Toompson, D. J. Talbot a City Attorney John it. Boyle and 6uperistw4ent of Public Works George Give Also present were four representatives from the Federal Public Housing .hut were present to discuss with the wunail the matter of securing a state4 a supply or water from the moan of Port Orchard for the East Port Orchard l an Heights Housing Projects, Dr. H* $, Wilson, chairman, and Harry Radey,'co the local Housing Authority were also present. George West of the legal department of the FPIIA presented the request of tio&s in response to a letter received from the council, and a general 41 water situationin Port Orchard and at the Housing projects was entered In of the council and representatives of the MIA,. The main discussion cents ability of the town to Furnish the desired amount of water, and legal ang ed into the transacts:%, which were discussed by City Attorney Boyle and discussions lasted for about an hour and a half, and the outcome appeared .Housing Authority is desirous of ring 400 gallons of water per minute ; f 10c per M. gel&ons and the city 4evernment is desirous of selling that an Housing Authority. There appeared to be general agreement on the nain is Look P. 14. , ad Roy Horne; is present. iority , who Ld regular l Orchard =i ssi oner of at organiza- ussion of -the by the members d around the s which enter- . West. The' o be that the m the town at nt to the es and the . only deterent to a def'Wte agreement wppeared to be any legal angles w4i i entered into L the discussions. The FPHk representatives retired with a statement that definite word would be forthcoming on the proposition, probably within the neA forty-eight hours. In; response to a call for bided for pump and motor for pumping equipment at the main ( pumping plant, bid was received from Fairbanks Morse & Go. for bronze fitted split case centrifugal pump, complete with base and coupling, mounted with a 75-hp motor to be supplied bybthe oity, the unit to deliver 500 gallons per minute at 314 TD$, at a cast of 4430.23, Bid was received from N. C. Jannsen Drilling Go.' for 75 hp, 440 wt 3 phase 60 cycle Fairbanks Morse motor for $500*00. After considering the bids, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that bids of Faibrbanks horse do Co. and N. C. Jannsein Drkll- (� ing Co. for pump assembled,and motor, respectively, be accepted. Ordinance providing for the expenditure 'of 415,000.00 not provided for in the budget, and declaring an emergency, introduced at the meeting of the oo unc it of May 149 1945, was presented, read and passed by unanimous vote of the council as Ordinance No. 610: Matter of securing an additional well for water system was discussed, and it was moved by Hoge, seconded by Talbot and carried that Clerk be instructed to call for bids for constructing an additional well, together with separate bid for developing the well, under specifications to be furnished by the Superinteendentof Public Works. ` It was. moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that Superintendent of Public Works employ an engineer to determine site and ownership of property on which to drill well. Council gave onnsideration to bides for truck for Street Department, and after considering the bide, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Thompson and carried that bid of Crawford Motor Co. for N 6 Inerne.ttiona� lyusk a 2,300, subject to OPA veiling ,prices, be aoeepteds the award to be cunt gan on a very la e. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried that Superintendent of Public Works be directed to investigate possibilities of securing suitable pumping, equipmnt. for proposed new well. On motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey a#d carried, council adjourned, sub j�* to call by the Mayor. r�1 Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - 0 yor Port Orchard, Washington May 289 1945 Regular meeting of the council of :fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. yioell with Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey, George Cline, Roy Howe and D. J. Talbot; City Attorney John M. Boyle; .and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens presentp Minutes of regular meeting of May 149 1945 and adjourned meeting of May 22, 1945 read and approved. Letter from liar Production Board relative to priority for grader purchase, indicatdng that priority is to be denied, was read and ordered filed. Clerk submitted plans for new laundry and dry cleaning plant on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shannon. The proposed plant is to be located on Bevy and Dehalb Streets, is to be of concrete construction, and the estimated cost was given at $229000000. A permit for construction was sought, and after examination of the plans by the members of the Building Committee and the council, the permit was authottedd, and the Clerk directed to issue the same. Request for dddress of former pen -pal by a former friend was referred to Councilman Cosbey for reply. A letter was received from R. M. Wade & Co. relative to supplying pump and motor for proposed new well. After discussion 'lark was directed to .issue call for bids for above -mentioned equipment. Clerk stated that so far no word had been received from .the Pederal Public Housing Authority or any of its representatives regarding proposal made to the FPHA by the. - Town, and which was discussed at an adjourned meeting of the Council on May 229 19450 After a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried that Clerk be directed to write to representatives of the FPHA notifying them that the offer of the (--1 town for the supplying of water under the terms of the Council's letter of May 15, 1946 would be withdrawn as of June 4, 1945, If definite answer is not received from the FPHA. before than date. J. S. Telvik of the Port Orohadd Feed 6c geed appeared before the epuncil rggardi.ng sidewalk and curb in front of their property ot Bay Street. The matter was referred to the Street and Alley Committee. New contract for supplying poorer to the main pumping plant, based on increased pumping facilities being installed by the city, wasepresented by H. I,. Dingle of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried that contracts be referred to the City Attorneyand Water and Sewer committeee for investiga- tion, and if approved, that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign t e same. Letter from Mrs. Ella Brauer relative to drainage on Sidney Street near Division Street intersection, was read. Councilman Cosbey stated that drainage would be taken care of in new storm sewer being installed as part of the Sidney Street paving job, W. a. Pauley appeared before the council seeking water -.tap to his property at Forest Park. He filed an agreement signed by several water users in the area eranting per- mission to connect with the Forest Park system. However, it developed that there was some objection on the part of the owners to any additional taps in the larticular locality, and the matter was referred for complete list of signatures -of interested water users and property owners on the system. The matter of an additional well for the city was brought up by Councilman Howe, and discussed by members of the council. Superintendent Givens stated that he would reoommend the construction of another well as a further guaranties of an adequate supply of watery Matter deferred. Finance Committee recommended that for May, June and July, 1945, salary of City Attorm ney be fixed at $75.00 per month, and thereafter salary shall be $100,00 per month. Recommendation adopted on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried. Metter of larber and additional overflow facilities at the main sump Was discussed, and it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that additional outlet be installed under supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works, J. 6. Riley, operator of the dances at the Odd Fellows hall, reouested that dances be permitted to operate until 1 o'clock a. m. instead of the present midnight deadline, as the national curfew has been lifted. Capt. ihas. &. Heath of the Police I'epartment endorsed the request and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, the request was granted. Construction of a concrete walk in front of the city hall and the local Derry dock was discussed, and the matter was referred to the Street and ,alley committee. Capt. C. G. Hansen of the i'lanning Committee presented a proposed buildi code for consideration of the council and explained the outstanding features of t e proposed ordinan000 After a discussion the; proposed ordinance was referred to th Building Committee of they council to meet with a committee from the rlanning Comm ttee and study the provisions of the proposed ordinance. Supemtendent livens stated that he had received an approximate estimat of surfacing tdth asphalt that portion of .daay Street from a point near B bridge to the city limits nea r.the foot of <ditchell Hill, and also fdr s shoulders between the pavement and the curbs on Cline Street. He expuai visability and the need for these improvements, and after a discussio4, by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that wlerk call For bide for t hi Following bilks were presented and examined by the council, and on moti seconded by Thompson, and carried, were ordered paid: Puget Sound Ex pre s s Fred G. vetters, Sheriff Pacific Telephone & Telegrapil Robert Lavay W. H. Bank in Whittaker Fuel. Co. Chloe Sutton Worthington Gaipon Motor oo. Pacific Telephone & Tel. Co. R. F. McCluskey Don's Servioe Station American Plbg and Steam Sup Co. N. C. Janneen Drilling Co. Neil H. Ha nkin Harrison J. Kilpatrick A. W. Monts inger Solastic Products Co. Holmberg & Norman OURRE14T EXPENSE FUND Cartage Board of prisoners, April, 1945 Clerk's telephone and toll Repair Police radio Re-imbursement for expenses Coal for city hall Postage, etc. WATER FUND Water Meters (contract) Tel a phone and tolls Labor Spark Plugs Tools Motor (bid) and State tag S', IME T FUND La bor La. bor La bor Paint Thinner Land purchase SEWER FUND of the cost ack Jack rfacing the ad the ad- t was moved work. by Cline, $ 1.28 107.00 4.00 3.61 7.05 10.30 1.60 254.62 12.05 5.,00 4.02 8.28 515.00 89.31 91.60 82.44 3.76 600.00 W. L. Johnson La bor j 12.00 L.I.D. No. 49--Sidney Street Paving Parker & Hill Engineering services (contract) $ 1545.00 Matter of acquisition of property for site for new well was discussed, and the matter was referred to the Finance and Planning Committee to investigate suitable sites aAd negotiate for pur!chasas., Moved by Bowe, seconded by Talbot and carried that council adjourn subject to all of the Mayor. i Clerk or v - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - .. Port Orchard, Washington June 4, 1945 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by yor F. J. Woell, with Vouncilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, W, E. Cosbey and J M. . Thompson; and Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens present. This being the date on which bids for drilling well were advertised to be received, Clerk reported that one bid had been received. Bid.of O. E. Erdman Drilling Co.., Inc., was opened and read to the council, the Erdman Drilling Company offering to drill a 10-inch well to a' de th of 150 feet or more, and eight --inch to a total depth of 450 feet at the rate of 110.00 per foot, the contractor to furnish all labors material and equipment. For developing the well to the full capacity of the water strata, furnis hIza test pump, testing well, installing permanent pump and other incidental wort/ at the rate of 010.00 pe hour. The city to furnish the site and road cleared and levelied:. After a discussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried that the b.l of the Erdman Drilling Co., Inc. be accepted. Letter from Stanldy A. Furman in reply to a letter from the Clerk, with relation to proposed water contract with the Federal Housing Authority, read to the oouneil. Clerk also submitted the contract proposed by the FPHA for supplying of water to the local Housing -'uthority. After a discussion, it was moved by Talbot, seconded by Howe m d carried that the contract be referred to theF, City attorney, to be returned to the Federal Housing Authority for correction of the rate from 8c per thousand gallons to 10c per t�iousand gallons. Councilban Thompson submitted a report of a trip to Olympia, where the matter of the submitted contract for pumping energy at, the uitsap and Cline otreet location, wilh the Puget Sound power' & Light Go. was discussed with the State Department of Public Util- ities. He stated that from conversations, it appeared possible that a contrsct under the same terms as the existing contract could be procured. Clerk reported that application for priority for purchase of grader has been~ denied by the War Production Board. Application from Ross W. Watt for building permit was deferred to meeting of June 11,1% 5. Councilman Thompson reported that he had investigated the possibility of the acquisition of Lots 1 to 4. Block 10, Sidney Tidelands, and that before a sale is made the city will be notified. He also stated that there are methods by which the city may acquire the property if it so desires. Matter of vacation of Maple Street Waterway was brought up, and after a discussion, it was moved by Howso seconded by Talbot and carried that City Attorney be requested to draw an ordinance or resolution requesting the vaoatlon of the Maple Street Waterway' by the State Department of Public Lands. Ray Hall appeared befrre the oouncil relative to sewer connection at the Masonic Ten.ple to the Sidney Street sewer. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried that permission be granted to Masonic Temple to make connection with the Sidney Street sewer at its own expense, there being no service charge due until such time as the sewer is connected with the building and put in use. n Council,fid journed on motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbe Clark - - - - - - -- 0 May or Port Orchard, Washington June 11, 1945 Regular meeting of council of port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, W. E.-Cosbey and M. H. Thompson; City Attornef John M. Boyle;Superintendent of Public %forks Geo ge F. Givens and Street Foreirmn S. . McMullen. Minutes of regular meeting of May 289 1945 and adjourned meeting of June 4, 1945 read and approved. Blotter of well site and acquisition of property in proposed area for ne reported on by Councilman Thompson, who stated that J. R. Stewart would 10-11-12, Block 4, Central Add to Sidney for $600.00; and that so far n been received from C. J. Carlson, owner of other lots in the area. Aft lion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that well be west side of Railroad Avenue between Sweany and Division Streets. This being the date upon which bids for surfacing of Bay Street from Bla to north city limi4s, and the shoulders between the pavement and curbs c DeKalb Street and Austin Street were asked, the bid of Rush & Baird was filed with the Clerk. Bid was opened and read by the Clerk, and Rush ,& to surface the Bay Street 'area of approximately 1200 square yards at 41. and 20o per yard for preparing road bed. The Cline-DeKalb-Austin street proximately 2000 square yards at $1.20 per yard for surfacing and 20o pe "preparing road bed.. After considering 'the bidq it was moved by Thompsc Cline and carried, that bid be rejected, and Superintendent of Public Wo to have t e surfacing of Bay Street from Black Jack bridge to the foot a done in the most suitable manner. R. J. Caretti, president, and M. P. Sutton, vice president of the Port 0 Club appeared before the council and stated that the Kiwanis Club had vo the construction of tennis oourts on the Central school grounds, and ask to move some buildings which obstructed the plot where it was proposed t announcement exploded a discussion which was entered into by all members the Mayor, and the Kiwanis Olub representatives. At the close of the cis was moved by Thompson, seoobded by Cosbey that permission be granted to Sohool rounds for any recreational purposes, provided the `Town of sort properfy covered by liability insurance to be furnished by those orgsniz ing the recreational programs and facilities. On roll call Thompson an for the motion and Talbot, .Howe and Cline voted against the motion. May motion lost. well, was ell Lots reply had a discus- r illed on k Jack bridge Cline S.*reet he only bid gird offered 0 per yard;" area of ap- yard for seconded by ks be directed Mitchell hill chard Kiwani s ed to sponsor d permission build. This of the council, ussion, it se the Centrd rchard is tions sponsor- Cosbey voted r declared Street Foreman Mc,�Iullen reported that street drain on Division street, west of Cline stree-t needed repair and asked about drain the for the job. The matter was discussed and Was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Street Fordman with power to act. The following bills were examined by the council after being presented, by Thompson, seconded by Howe that bills be paid, except that the 15% ,on struction Company contract be withheld pending satisfactory repair of at carried: Puget mound rower x Light Co. W. S. Darley & Co. Lolita bliss Thompson's J. A. McBride Howe Motor Co. Grace Newman Art ,Shop Jaokson Machine chop Paoifif Telephone &' Telegrap$ Co. Port Orchard Independent R. F. NbCluskey W. L. Johnson Valley Construction Co. Crane Company George F Givens Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Lent's Palmer Supply do. American Plumbing & Steam Sup.Co. .Amarillo Welding and Machine Wks Howe's Hwadware CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Street, fire hall light --and changing fire alarm system Siren for emergency car Return bail reimbursement Supplies for Clerk, Treasurer and iol: Labor cleaning Memorial plot Repair to paddy wagon Cleaning drapes for city hall Repair door to police car Police telephone and toll Printing and publishing ` WATER FUND Labor at pump station Labor installing service lines Sales tax on c ontrac t Flanged reducing, ell Ferry fare, truck & driver to Seattle Power and light at, pump plants Pipe fittings Flanging tool Fittings and tools Steady bearing for pump Hacksaw STREET FUND ind on motion Valley Con- !eets. Motion 169.94 13.75 2.00 Lee 9.55 9.16 6.23 3.09 2.06 7.70 59.18 50.00 10.00 21'7.02 20.12 2.88 227*49 2.01 2.2'7 14.05 5.29 3.04 Neil H. Hankin Labor on streets 82.44 Harrison J. $ilpatriok Labor on streets 64.12 A. W. Montsinger Labor on streets 59.54 Richards Brush Co. Garage brooms 12.46 T. C. Breitenstein Howe Motor Co. Lumber Supply Co. Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Surveying Kendall atree t lots Merchandise Lumber and nails Drain tile $ 35.00 .73 5.87 56.85 In responses to call for bids for pump and motor for new well, bid was received flom R. M. Wade & Oct., offering 20-hp 3 phase 80 cycle, 1760 rpm vertical hollow shaft motor; H49 discharge head; 150' of 6 x 1 1/8" column and shaft; 8-stage U0 turbimr assembly; 10' 6" suction pipe; 6" strainer. Total price FOB fort Orchard, $1.,,3 0.00. Magnetic starter for &ve with push button, 440 volts, $29.60; shipment of ter rboeipt of order and priority, 8 weeks. Moved by Howe, seconded by Thompson and caarrietd that bid of B. M. Wade & Co. be accepted. Moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried to adjourn, subject to the q'a�111 of the Mayor, or until the next regular meeting. � / J yor ------0_- Port Orchard, Washington June 25, 1945 Regular meeting of the council of fort Orchard, Washington called to order by Ma or F. J. odell, with Councilmen M. H. T-hompson, W. -6. Cosbey, Ge6rge Clines, Roy Howe and D. J. Talbot; City Attorney Sohn M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens and Street 'Foreman 6. V. McMullen present. Minutes of meeting of June 11, 1945 read and approved. Mayor ra de a statement about negotiations for property on which to drill well, stating that well could not be legally constructed on a street as previously decided by aDuncil. After a discussion, it was moved by Clineseconded by HowO and carried that city urchase Lot 3, Block 2, S. M. Stevens Towi Plat of Sidney (now Port Orchard© fir 1, OOO. OO. Mayor also made statement relative to sufficing that portion. of Bay Street from Black 'Jack bridge to the foot of Mitchell Hill, stating that a deal had been made in co-op- eration with the Jounty Oommissioners whereby the area had been surfaced at a large saving over the amount bid for the work. Action of the Superintendent of Public Works in having the work done was ratified by the council on voice vote. Card was received from Port Orchard Post No. 30, American. Legion, agrereilig to installa- tion of curbs and gutters on Bank Street, the cost to be bourne by the abutting proper- ty. After a discussion, Councilman Cosbey agreed to contact R. L. Moss & Co., relative to installing concrete curbs and gutters according to plan to be furnished. Mat ie r of sufaacing Frederick Street, which came up for discussion, was deferred to later date. City Attorney Boyle presented a resolution requesting vacation of Maple Otreet Waterway in the (%ity of Port Orchard by the Commissioner of Public Lands. After a discussion of e the resolution, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe andearried that resolution be passed and adopted. Letter from Commissioner of Public Lands relative to acquisition by the city of Lots 19 29 3, and part of lot 4, Block 10, Sidney Tidelands, was read and referred to the City Attorney for further action. Clerk presented contract from Worthington Gamon Meter Co. for purchase of water meters under the same conditions as now exist. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried that contract be entered into as presented, except that price on larger size meters be made to read "45% from list." Matter of purchase of l*-ton truck for Street Department was agajln discussed, as deliver on truck previously ordered was iIIdefSnite. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for truck according to specification to be supplied by the Superintendent of Public Works. Letter from Housing Authority of the Town of Port Orchard, requesting that representa- tives of the council be present at a meeting to discuss disposition of War Housing after the duration, was read. mayor designated Councilmen Thompson, Cosbey and Bowe and City Attorney Boyle to represent city in the deliberations to be held at the Housing Authorit office on June 28, 1945. Letter from Treasurer Chloe ..�utton asking instructions regarding securing license tags for dogs and cats was read. On motion by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried, Treasurer was directed to procure necessary tags for drbg and cat licenses. Letter from State rollution Control Commission relative to sewer disposal was referred to Health and 6anitat ion Comriittee for inve s tiga t ion and report. Street Foreman McMullen submitted plan for street Department headquarters and also list of material required. On motion by Talbot, seconded by 'Thompson and carried, Clerk was directed to advertise for bids for material. Report of action taken by the "'finance Committee of the Town of Port Or hadd, recom- mending certain action by th-,Council was read. Paragraph I recommend d that Section 5 of Ordinance No. 505 (Sidney Street paving and L.I.D. ordinance) b§: Emended to speci- fy interest rate of 4% on outstanding warrants or bond: under $L. I.D. No. 49. Ross Watt, attorney on the project, reported that the interest rate of 4*% specified in the Ordinance fixed only the maximum which may be paid, and that any lower rate ors uld be fixed without change in ordinance. Also recommended by the committee was the creation of a Current Expense Investment Fund, into which shall be transferred any funds remaining in the water Investment Fund and that any securities now held by the Water Investment Fund be purchased by the 61urrent fxpehse Investment Fund. On motion by'Howe, seconded by Cline and carried this recommendation was adopted. Finance Committee also recommended that that portion of the Parking Meter Ordinance providing for the Parking Meter Fund be repealed, and that all receipts from Parking Meters be turned into the Current Expense Fund and all charges against the rarking Meters be paid from the Current Expense Fund beginning; with January 1, 1946. It was also recommended by the committee that monies now in Library Fund be tarans4-rr ferred to Current Expense Fund and receipts hereaf*6r collected also be placed in the Current Expense Fund. These reodmmendations were adapted by the council on motion by Cline, Talbot and carried. Letter from Washington State Library regarding available assistance f'o read and referred to Library Board and Clerk for preparation of reques Letter from State Department &f Highways relative ' to traffic lines on highways read and ordered filed. Proposed contract for supplying ,ater to Housing projects. which had b to Regional office of the FPHA for correction, was submitted, and on.m seconded by Talbot and carried, Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sag approval or City Attorney. Councilman Thompson broughtnl.p the matter of calling for bids for pump well, and required pipes and fittings for proper installation of the pl was discussed, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Howe and', earriod, rected to call for bids for construction of pump house and derrick, and sary pipes and connections, under specifications to be furnished by the of Public "corks, econded by libraries, ddata. reets snd en returned tion by Cline, same upon ouse for new nt. The matter Clerk was di - for the neces- Supe rintendent On motion by Iline,'seconded by Cosbey and carried, a minimum of 5,500 gallons of water for 1.50 was allowed for the months of June, July and august, 1945. Matter of _rate of pay for night can for eater Department was referred tothe Water Committee for investigation and report. On recommendation of Light Committee a lightwas ordered placed,on Kendall Street between Austin and Cline Streets, the exact location to be designated by the Light Committee. Letter from State Department of Public Utilities acknowledging communication regarding pumping rates, was read and ordered riled. Communication from Census Board of the State of Washington regarding p pulation esti- mate for Fort Orchard, was read and referred to the Clerk to ga,ther int ormation and transmit same to the Census Board. A letter from J. M. Peterson in reference to preparation of Annual Report was read and ordered filed. Counoilmen Howe and Thompson reported on a meeting which they had with the County Commissioners regarding keeping city prisoners at the county jail, and stated that after a conference, it had been tentatively arranged to keep c� ty prisoners at the county jail under the same conditions as at present, and that it had ben agreed that an effort would be made by the city and the Housing Authority to secure funds for ex- tension to the jail facilities to relieve the present crowded Icondit'io s. Letter from the ota.te Supervisor of Hydraulics regarding dater, Fight A plication _No. 1278, read, and Clerk authorized to send payment for recording ass gnment to the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. Following bills presented, examined by the council, and on motion by Csbey, seconded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid: Carl Gaut Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Gity of Bremerton Pao ifi o Telra& Tel Co Chloe Sutton Washington Typewriter Co. o k Rubber Welders Howard Cooper Corp. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Return Bail Board of City prisoners Board of City prisoners Police, Clerk and Fire Dept, telephor Re-imburse Treas. for telephone Typewriter rental Tire repair (Police car) Hebert Hose clamp -Fire Dept i 50.00 124.00 6.00 s 20.60 3.75. ry 7. l3 4.54 20.60 r'� Z. M. Pe to rson preparing Annual Report voloc Thomp son's Warrant Register (Treas.) 4 05 Art Burnside & Co* Police Badges and repair 6.13 WATER FLt1313 George F. Givens Overtime Pay 50.00 (� J. A. NbBride Cutting weeds at new well site 27.48 W. L. aohnson Labor on water lines 8050 Paoif ie Telephone & Telegraph Co. Supt. Telephone and tolls 5.40 Crane Company Flanged reducing Ell 20.12 A. M. Castle Co. Shoot steel 16.41 T.•'a. Breitenstein Locating well site 25.00 Slocum Hardware +cis 23.26 Lent's Flange 4.22 Ma.rokmann & Williams, Copper Tubing *Ad. 13.45 Puget Sound Nav iip tion Co. Freight on, pump 8.86 Fairbanks Morse &�Co, Pump for main plant (Bid) 415.27 r No it B. Nankin Labor 91.60 Harrison Jo -Kilpatrick Labor 91.60 Slocum Hardware Pa int Nand tools 25. lA L. J. Birbeck Grader rental 266.00 Puget Sound .express, Inc. Freight charges .64 Gladdigg MaBean Co. sewer the 95.11 W. L. ohnson Labor 60.00 HEALTH* FIRE & POLICE AID FM S. V. McMullen Speoial Duty as Patrolman 36.96 PARKING Trick 61- Murray Coin wrappers 4.40 Partial a st imate for R. L. Moss & Co.- on Sidney Street pavement (L. I. D. No. 49) in the amount of 29029.00--15% retal d-- 2,489.65 approved and allowed by the Council and Ulerk was directed to issue warrants in payment of the e9timiate on L.I.D.No.49, on motion by Thompson, seconded by Howe andoarried. Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor, on motion by Thompson, sew ad by -Cline nd earr �--' 0Ark V Mayor 0 - - - - - - - - Port arob+ard, Washington June 30, 1945 Adjourned meeting of council called to order by Dwyor F. -T. Woell, with Councilman Roy Howe, W. E. Cosbey and M. H. Thompson; and Superintendent of Public Works George Givens present# Thia being the date upon which bids for 1*-tan truck were advertised to be received and -operated, Clerk reported the receipt of one bid from S. L. Savidge Co. Bid was opened and So L. vidge Co. offered 1*-ton Dodbe truck, equipped according to. specification foe $10767.48. Moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried that bid of S. L. Savings Co. be accepted. Clark reported that one bid, that of Port Orchard Lumber Yard had been received for supplying lumber fornew street Department building. Hid of Fort Orchard Lumber Co. opened, read and accepted on motion by Oosbey, seconded by Thompson and carried. Councilman Howe reported that thore is a possibility that the owners of they property abutting Fredericks Street south of Say. Street will be interested in paving if the . engineering is taken care of by the dity. Sup%. Givens stated that if this cone, that the -tarn shoubd replace the exleting ureter resin with cast iron pipe. -: Matter wee.disc. cuseed, and members agreed that if the property owners will pave the street that the city will pay engineering cos egg costs of renewing water main. n seconded by Hews and carried to adjourn. Port orchard, Washing t n July 9, 1945 Regular meeting of the oounail of Port Orchard, Washington called to order by Mayor p`. d. Woell. Present Councilmen v. J. Talbot, Roy Hoge, George Cline, W B. Cosbey and M. H. Thompson; Superintendent of Public Works George Givens; City Attorney Jahn M. Boyle, and Street Foreman S. v. McMullen. Minutes of nesting of dune 259 1945 and adjourned neeting of June 30, 1945 read and approved. - Clerk reported that one bid had been reoeived for lumber for the Street apartment, and read the bid of Port Orchard Lumber Yard. On motion by Thompson, sew nd d by Talbot and carried, bid of Port Orohard Lumber Yard as eatlmated, was accepted. Matter of painting outside of East water tank and standpipe on West tower, was discussed and it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that Clerk be' directed to call for bids for painting East water tower and standpipe on West water tower, under speeei- fioations to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Works. Mayor brought up the matter of overflow from water tanks, and after a di dussion 1t was referred.to. the Health and Sanitation committee and Superintendent of Pu lio Works for investigation. Superintendent Givens brought up the matter of calling for bids for I2 road oil, and listed several streets which should be surfaced. After a discussion the matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent of Public Works with power to act in calling for bids for oil for street surfacing. Mayor Woell brought up the matter of securing plans for a city hall, pointing out that funds might be available from outside sources for this construction, and that the town should be priepred to partioipate, if and when the money is released. kflwkr a disous- sion, the. matter was referred to the Finance and Planning Committee to contact architect or take such other steps as may be necessary for preliminary action, and report at nest meeting of the council. Oounoilman Cosbey brought up the matter of cleaning chimneys by burning, pointing out the dangerfrom this practice. The matter was referred to the Building C mmittee. Bills were presented, examined by members of the council, and the follow ordered paid, on motion by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried: Port Orchard Independent Newton & Greer City of Bremerton Puget Sound Power & Light Co. C. A. Hanks . Trick & Murray W. H. Hankin Ida May Rankin Puget zound Mews Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Association of Washington Cities ��� �• •° a ,p� Envelopes and cards for folio e Premium on Liability Insurance Board of Prisoners Street lights for June Premium on .Insurance (Central Sol Pri.plioate receipts, Treasurer .1-lahur-sement for expenses -29:3sfe Fella a Clerk Books for Library Maintain traffic lights for May 1945 Membership WATER AMD Wilkins Lursen Co. Gasoline, Oil, etc. (Contract) Lumber Supply Lumber and cement morijoin X=44ng & Steam Supply Co. Pipe fittings ;ohnaan & Hub 34 Tools Port Orchard =endent 5 M. Postal Cards; call for bids Pacific Tole- Te]graph Co. Plant telephone and tolls C. G. Hansen Labor Wilkins Lursen Co. Port Orchard Independent Lumber Supply Rush & Baird S. L. Savidge Oo. How* 'a Hardware Winfield G. Miller Neil g. Rankin Harrison a. Kilpatrick S. Y. McMullen W. L. 9ohnson STREET FUND Grease, oil, battery, etc. Call for bids for surfacing Lumber and cement Bay Street surfacing and; pleat Truok (Bid) Furnaee Oil and Tools Labor Labor Later 193pmsom trip to Seattle, Labor IMALTH, FIRE & POL:LGE. AID FM Wilkins Lursen Co. Lubricate pad4y gaggon Wilkins Lurson Co. Prestons, f4'xo tru1 Howe's Hardware Qt. Brilliantshine Moved by , seconded by Talbot to adjourn, sub.J" t to call of ay re claims were � 12.41 332.99 10.00 12 7. 85 1) 31.54 18.27 6.25 81.25 20.71 5.60 75.00 187.78 2.72 36.73 27.12 76.67 9.55 99.16 55.34 6.81 8.59 1265.00 1820.50 14.31 25.19 73.28 88.44 2.30 78.00 1.67 5.30 .62 Carried. �1 i Port Orchard, Washington July 16, 1945 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port. Orchard called to order by Yl.ayor F. J. Woell with �ouAcilmen Roy Howe, George Cline and W. E. Cosbey; City Attorney John M. Boyle, and superintendent of Public Works George 1. Givens, present. Absent Councilmen M. H. Thompson and D. J. Talbot. Mayor Woell explained that the meeting had been called to open bids on a pu phouse,, derrick, and pipet and fittings for the new well, and Clerk reported that six 'bids had been received for the pipes and fittings, and that none had been received forcoonstrue- tion of the pump house and derrick. Bids were opened, and tenders on the pipe and fittings were rec ived -from the Hugh G. Purcell. Go., of Seattle; H. D. Fowler Go., of Seattle; Pacific 'as.ter Biovks Supply Co., of Seattle; Palmer Supply Co., of Seattle; Rennselaer Valve Co., of Seattle, and American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co., ofTaooma. The bids were read and considered by the council' and after considering the bids and the materials offered, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried that the bids be turned over to the Superintendent of Public. Works for compilation, and With power to make the award subject to the confirmation of the council. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens checked the bids and stated that he recommended the acceptance of the bid of the Hugh G. Purcell Company. Has stated that the prices quoted in the bids did not vary to a great extent, and that the materials specified in the bid of the Purcell Company he considered best suited to the installa- tion. Recommendation of the Superintendent approved and award made to the Hugh G. Purcell Company. Estimate by Parker & Hill, engineers on the Sidney Street paving job; approvigg the payment to R. L. Moss & Go. of 46,296.91 was presented and approved by the Bonnail on motion by Cline, seconded b)c Howe and carried, and Clerk was directed to iassue<< L.I.D. No. 49 warr'ants in payment of the estimate. Councilman Howe reported that owners of 100% of the property on Frederick Street, between Bay and Prospect Street were interested in having the street paved. The matter was discussed and definite action was deferred. Counti adjourned on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried. Clerk L.Mayor I Port Orchard, Washington July 23, 1945 Council met in regular session, called to order by MayoT F. J. 'Woell, with Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Hove, George Cline, Id. E. Cosbey and M. H. Thompson; Superintendent of kublic Works George Givens, and Street Foreman S. V. idc'Li.ullen present. Minutes of regular re et ing of July 9, 1945 and adjourned meeting of July 16, 1945 reed and ap pro v ed. - 6uperintendent Givens asked for further time to investigate painting of water towers, and extension of time was granted. Chairman Talbot of the Health and z5anitation Iommittee reported that his committee had investigated the problem of taking care of any overflow from the water tanks, and that it could be taken care of by carrying the overflow to the sewer. Superintendent Givens reported that it would be necessary to construct a catch basin and trap in order to have the installation satisfactory to the Health Department. A letter from W. H. Hankin, Chief of Police, requesting three months' leave of absenoeip due to his health, was read, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried, the leave was granted to start as sson as he can arragge to get away. Letter from Treasurer Ohloe Sutton regarding a safe for her office, was read, And definite action was deferred until it was determined what action is to be taken toward building F a new city hall. Mayor 4coell reported that a meeting of the Finance Committee had been held, and detailed the action of the committee, and requested action by the council on the recommenatations. Following the statement by the 14ayor, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cline, andearried that the Treasurer be instructed to transfer $15,000.00 from than Current Expense Fund to the Current Expense Investment Fund. It was then moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that the Treasurer be authorized to invest49 15,000.00i of the Current Expense Investment Fund in warrants of L.I.D.No. 49. The finance %%ommittee-jalso recommended that monthly ;payments from the water receipts into th6 1935 Bond Redemption Fund be reduced from $160.00 to $80.00. This mmt to r was referred to. the City Attorney for preparation of proper resolution or ordinance. The matter of disposition of surplus L.I.D. funds was also referred to the City Attorney. i Superintendent Givens reported that conditions had, been complied with by School Districat No. 402 regarding connection for fire hydrants at the local high school under the term of the conditions enacted by the Council on December 11, 1944, and tha' turned into the high school hydtamt system on July 23, 1945. It was t bey, seconded by Cline and carried that Attorney draw a contract betwef and School District No. 402 providing for the service, and for payment District of the sum of $2.00 per month to the city for each of the fiv( on the high school fire protection system. C. E. Lake, an architect, appeared before the council and explained see looking toward the preparation of pl%nd and designs for a new icity hal: was gone into quite thoroughly by the Mayor and members of the Council change of ideas brought out much information regarding what will be re( paring for the wnstruction of a municipal building. water was coved by Cos - in the city by the School fire hydrants eral angles The matter and the ex- uired in pre - The matter of the Building Code was brought up, and the Building Committee asked for further time to study the matter. Extension of time was granted. H. E. Dingle of the Puget Sound rower & Light Co. stated that his Company had pre- pared plans for better street lighting for the town, and was informed that the plans may be submitted at the next regular meeting; of the council, when they will be studied by the council members. Street Foreman McMullen stated that so far no dump body has been secured for newtruck but that one had been located which would fit the chassis. After a discussion, hhe matter was referred to the Street' and Alley Committee. It was, moved by Thompsonp seconded by Cline and carried that Clerk be directed to issue 'a call for bids for a dump body and equipment, under specifications to be furnished by the Street Department. John Jarvis suggested that signs be procured to direct the public tote Court House and Ration Board, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried that two signs be procured and installed directing travellers to"the two institutions. mr. AiWls also astgd_.&bdut use of the (ventral School grounds for play rounds. The statement was made that this being public property anyone was permittee to use it, under proper supervision, and under regulations laid down by the City, including furnishing indemnity bond or insurance. The matter of disposition of the Central School building, together wit equipment therein, and other equipment owned by the city was discussed by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried, Clerk was directed to ;call for sale of the building and the equipment, separate bids to be asked for and equipment, or for building and equipment together, all material to within a time limit to be set by the council. The following claims were presented, examined by the council and orders bill of Sexton Auto Freight for freight charges on water meters was re, the purchase contract for water meters calls for delivery of meters f.c Orchard: County Treasurer Murphy is Service Station Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Jayne Babb Port Orchard Fuel Cil Delivery Rice Electric Trick & "urray Puget bound rower (% Light Co. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND FFP tax on garbage tract Repair to paddy wagon Telephone Board of prisoners Bail refund :Move Cil for Police Flourescent lamp and starter Supplies for Treasurer 3�inker, traffic and city hall ligh, WATER FUND Puget Sound tower & Light Co. William Gebhardt George Givens American Plumbing & Steam Supply Rice Electrio Caldwell's Trading rust Slocum Hardware W. L. Johnson 0. G. Hansen Slocum Hardware Puget Sound Navigation CoiApany Crawshaw 1dotors W. L. Johnson Harrison J. Lilpatriok Neil H. Hankin Ninfiold G. miller Slocum Hardware Harry Ward Harrison ripe Co. aexton Auto dreiglit R. L. Moss w Go. Wm. Gebhardt Power: Brewery --well No. 2, etc. Welding and cutting Expenses, trip to Tacoma Pipe and fittings Lamps and fuses Merchandise and tools Merchandise and Tools Labor Pump attendant irte rchand i se Freight on valves, etc. Brake hose STREET FUND Labor La bor La bor La bor Fencing and traffic lacquer Photos, Sidney Street priority Culvert pipe Cartage on roller Laying tile, Division Street Welding, cutting and material certain and on motion bids for the he building be removed d pa id-. The eeted, as . b. , Fort w 7.60 10 1'82 2.01 99.00 19.00 10.50 1.41 2.53 31♦30 214.47 28.35 1.74 57.46 3.32 14.94 13.96 47.50 73.34 1.85 3r14 1.03 42.00 90.80 90.80 5V.91 72.45 5.00 27.12 17.50 83.29 15.15 4, L, rf �1 HEALTH, FIRE AND POLICE AID FUND S. V. McMullen Slocum Hardware Muyskens Radio SERVER FUND W. L. Johnson 8 days, special patrolman Enamale and brush:,: Fire Department Repair Police Radio La bor Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Cl "ilerk ------ -0- --- - Fort Orchard, Washington July 27, 1945 55p44 2.75 2.06 12.00 seconded by Cosbey Mayor Adjourned meeting of council called to order by Mayor F. J. 'doell, with Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, M. H. 'Thompson and Roy Howe present. Clerk stated that one bid had been received for MC2 road oil, and the bid of the Bremerton Oil Delivery offering to furnish oil at $3.90 per bbl. was read to the council. After adiscussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried that matter of oil purchase be refereed to the Street and A.11ey Committee and the Department of -Lublic Works with power to act. A letter from Parker and Hill, engineers, enclosing a letter from R. L. Buss & Co., asking for extension of time on Sidney Street contract, due to shortage of Manpower and slow delivery of materials, and recommending a forty -day extension, was read. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Thompson and carried that matter of granting an extension of time be cohtinued to August 13, 1945. Clerk was directed to call for bids for dump body for new Dodge truck, under ppecifiao- tions to be furnished by the Department of Public 'dorks. Counct tion by Thompson, Clerk ----- --0- -- ------ Port Orchard, Washington august 1'x, 1945 Nayor Council met in regular session, called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, George Cline, D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe and 14. 11. Thompson; City attorney John i4. Boyle and Superintendent of X'ublic Vdorks George Givens present. Minutes of regular meeting of July 23, 1945 and adjourned meeting of July 27, 1945 were read. Minutes of July 23, 1945 were approved as read, and minutes of July 27, 1945 were approved after being corrected to show that matter of granting extension of time to R. L. Moss & Oo. was deferred to August 13, 1945, instead of showing that extension of time was granted. City Attorney John M. Boyle presented a Resolution providing for monthly payments of 480.00 to the 1935 Xatdr�,Sdndp damptionFund, In lieu of present payments of $160.00 per month, as provided for by previous Resolution. Resolution was adopted can motion by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried. City Attorney Boyle also presented an ordinance providing for caucus dates for the Town of sort Orchard, and repealing Ordinance ho. 503. gloved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried that Ordinance be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 511. The matter of granting extension of time to R. L. Moss 6r, Co. on Sidney Street paving contract was deferred to August 27, 1945. A letter from W. T. Perkins addressed to Ross W. WatA regarding c -WAted L. I. D. bonds was read to the council, the letter asking that some payments be made on certain issues. The matter vas discussed, and it was moved by Howe, seconded by Nalbot and carried that any payments on these defaulted bonds be' refused, as there are no funds available for this purpose. I This being the date upon which bids for the sale of the Central School build itg , water heaters, stoves etc., were to be opened, Clerk reported that three bids had been re- ceived. Bids were opened and H. B. Farwell offered $519.00 for the Central school building and attached equipment. He also offered $41.00 each for threq automatic hot, water heaters; $55.00 for coal furnace and 250-gal. cast iron pressure tank; and i'?6.00 each for two lavatories, Bid of John F. Uh1te offered �27.75 for one electric hat water heater. Bid of Clarence Jones, presented in form of a check, offered $52.50 for �ne automatic electric hot water heater. Bids were considered, and it was moved by Talbot, seconded by dine and arried that bid of Clarence Jones for one electric hot water heater at w52.50 be accepted, and that other two electric hot water heaters be sold to H. B. Farwell on his bid of $41.00 each. On motion by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried, bid of H. d. Farwel of $6.00 each for t­Jo lavatories be accepted. Moved by Cline, seconded by Thoi:.ipson and cairr;4Ll,,that bid of H. B. Farwell of �55.00 for coal Furnace and 250-gal. pressure tank be dpied. Moved by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried that action on bid of H. 13. Farwell of 4519.00 for Central O'chool building be deferred to August 27, 1945. Communication from .Mate Census Board regarding population figures for P rt Orchard was read, and referred to the Mayor and ilerk for reply. Release documents for lease of property to Federal Public Housing Author ty, formerly occupied by Navy Trailer Camp, was presented, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried, Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign documents, Ross W. Watt appeared before the council and asked that parking meters be placed on Bay Street, east of Harrison Street on the south side of Bay Street to a point where tits pavement narrows down, so that parking may be permitted. Matter was referred to the Street and -illey committee and the Police Department with poorer to act. It wa:- stated by Mr. Hiatt that he proposed to construct a concrete wall on the north line of his property on Sidney street, and that there would be some dirt to be removed f from the alley, and asked that the city arrange to take care of the dirt 14atter was referred to the Street and Alley committee. H. E. Dingle of the ruget Sound Power & Light Wo. introduced George D. Flynn, lighting engineer of the Company, who presented plans for more ade:LLuate lighting Eystem for certain streets in Port Orchard. Under the ply_in as presented modern lighting would be installed on 3ay Street from a point near the 3rewery west to the Mate I ighway De- partment headquarters; on Sidney "treat from Bay street to Division metre t, and on Cline street, Delialb Street and Austin .:3treet from Kitsap Street to the ourt House. : Mr. Flynn stated that the cost to the city would be approximately 161.0 per month more than the present cost, but that the new system would increase light ng efficiency about seven times. Definite action was deferred, and the matterwas ref rred to the Fire and -ight co,,amittee for investigation and report. Stewart Beardsley, representing the Port Orchard Independent, appeared before the coun- oil relative to a "War Album" which the Independent will Issue within a few days, and asked that the city buy a page to advertise the city at $140.00 a page. It was pointed out by members of the council that no provision had been made in budget appropriations for such expenditures, and Councilman Thompson stated that he would not feel justified in spending the people's money for such a purpose. The matter was turns down by the council. J. Co Ballew appeared before the council and asked about improvement of Taylor Street from Cline Street nest to West Street. The matter was discussed' by members of the coun- oil-aand Mr. Ballew stated that the property owners would pay the�oosts of the improve- ment, and asked that the city supply the Rquipment and perform the work. It was moved by Talbot, seoonddd by Cosbey and carried that the Street Department imp ove Taylor Street from Cline Street west to West Street, the cost to be paid by the property owners. Mr. Sipe appeared and asked that street lights be placed on Melcher Street and Garrison Street, stating that this area is entirely without illumination,'and that a greet num- ber of families resided in the area. The matter was referred to the Fire and Light Committee to investigate and report. It was pointed out that parking on Frederick Street north of Bay Street, under present conditions, is unsetisfaotdry , and Councilman Cosbey and Chief o� Police Hankin recom- meAded that angle parking be used on both sides of the street at this Point, ignd that two additional parking meters be installed. The matter was referred to the Steedt and Alley Committee and the Police Department with power to act. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that Hull Street from Kendall Street south should be widened out as it is now too narrow for safety. He stated that it was desired to surface the street and that lines should be established before the street is widened and surfaced.. The matter was referred to the Superintendent and the Street and Alley Committee with power to act. Councilman Cosbey stated that he has been ehevking with property owners abutting the alley in Block 15, Sidney, relative to having the alley surfaced. He stated that the property owners would pay for all material if the city crew would do the work. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that alley be improved by oiling under the direction of the Department of P ublic Works, the property owners to pay the cost of the material. n Superintendent �:'Lvens also brought up the matter of laying cast iron water main on Frederick Street before the street is paved, and stated that it had been suggested that it would be possible to have the water mains laid by the R. L. Moss Company in exchange for the city resurfacing the street ends intersecting Sidney Street. The matter was discussed and referred to the Street and Alley committee and the Department of Public Works. Councilman Howe stated that the Dodge Greater Shows had set up in Port Orchard for a- week's carnival showing, and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried that license be granted. Councilman Howe than asked that the show be permitted to operate on Sunday, stating that the larger thr return from the show, the greater benefit would accrue to the Port Orchard Unit of the Washington State Guard. This matter was dis- cussed, and it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cline that carnival be permitted tooperate on Sunday. On roll call vote, Talbot, Howe and Cline voted for the motion; Thompson voted against, and Cosbey did not vote. Motion declared carried. Mayer Woell brought up the matter of more police during certain hours • of the night. This was discussed by the council and the Chief of Police and was referred to the Finance•and Planning committee and the Chief of Police to endeavor to work out some system for more patrolmen during certain hours. Mayor also called attention to the serious auto wrack on Bay Street esari(Nobkw6ll iAv&nne Saturday night, and stated that he believed more adequate caution lights should be placed both sides of the curve near that point. The matter was discussed, and referred to the r and Light committee. It was also suggested that reflectors should be placed on the curve near Ainsworth's ✓tore. This matter was also referred to the Fire and Light Committee. 0. E. Erdman asked that he be paid $2,500.00 as partial payment for drilling, Well No. 3. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that Erdman DrilliT Co., Inc. be paid 42, 500.00 as part payment on well. Superintendent Givens pointed out that Mrs. Ella Brauer had paid tapping fees for two lots at oldney and Division streets, in or„pr that taps might be installed before pavement is laid. He stated that lots are vacant,' and conditions are such that taps may be installed at any time without disturbing the pavement, and that under the conditions Mrs. Bkaudr regiested that the tapping fees be remitted. Estimate of I'arker & Hill of amount due R. L. Moss & Co. for Sidney Street paving contract in the amount of $18,263.48 was submitted to the council. The estimate was approved and t the Clerk was directed to draw warrants in payment of the estivate, on motion by Cline, seecaude.d by Howe and carried. The following bills were presented to the council, examined -by the members, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried, were ordered paid CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Ballard Plastics uorporstion Pacific Telephpne w l'elegraph Puget Sound Power '& Light Co. Puget round News Co. Stapleton Thirfty Drugs Port Orchard Independent Bremerton Sun Crawshaw jAotors Bremerton Police Department Thompson's Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Howe's Hardware Dog and Cat License tags Jo. Telephones, various Street Lights, July, 1945 Books for Library First Aid sypplies Letter heads, vouchers, etc. Publishing Calls for .Bids Emergency lever, Polive car Board of Prisoners Stationery Re-imburse telephone charge Friction tape HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID F M S. V. McMullen Special Officer Mine uafety Appliance Co. Inhalator Cylinder SEWERFUND W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral w� �) Wm. Ge bhardt Bremerton Concrete Products Co. Port Orchard Lumber Yard H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Howe Motor Co. Howe's Hardware County Auditor Crawshaw Motors Bremerton Sand & Gravel Co. Charles R. Watts & Co. R. L. Moss w Co. S. V. McMullen .Avery Blowers Neil H. Rankin Harrison J. 4ilpatrick J. .A. .41c l3rid e Repairs to grader Culvert Pipes Cement Dolt and out Leve r Merchandise Registering Battery 7 yards sand Read signs Concrete for Ferry fare Labor La bor La bor Labor work title street sheds 32.96 7.50 127.85 11.21 7.08 30.17 7.69 4,49 5.00 1.80 2.01 .35 6.16 7.16 24.00 10..-80 1013.46 5.41 1.03 .21 23.71 1,75 9.79 9.80 9.47 e�/� 204.70 .85 1WAS IZ50 99 138.55 27.45 Rensselaer Valve Co. Pacific Telephone & lelegraphCo. Crane Company Johnson & Hubbard iiort1iington Garcon Meter Co. 0. E. Erdman Drilling Co. Puget Sound rower c- Light Jo. Hugh G. Purcell Co. Marckmann �c irilliams Sexton Auto Freight H. D. Fowler Co. Port Orchard Independent Wm. Gebhardt :Fairbanks d1orse & Co. Palmer Supply V'o, C. G. Hansen WATER ArLl4iD Valves and hydrants Telephone and tolls Asphalt paint Soap Meter connections Partial payment on we U No 3 Power and light main plant Pipe and fittings for new well Reducer Freight on material Water main and fittings Call for bids etc. Tool box for water truck 5 tubes grease Bitumastic Solution Pump attendant Mrs. Ella Brauer Refund Water Taps 767 and 788 On motion by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried, couneiladjourne�f r%f +)n m T,1utnn rm_ I / Ida y - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - Port Orchard, Washington August 27, 1945 181.59 12.35 3.2; 7 1.08 33.17 2500.00 215.14 568.17 7.26 15.83 232.42 10.50 35.46 7.10 4.79 140.07 32.00 bject to call Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Washington called to ord r by iPayor 8'. J. Woell with Councilmen Hoy Howe, George %line, D. J. Talbot and ►+. '. Cosbey; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of PtibliOsN46rks George Givens, an Street Fore- man S. V. McMullen, present. Minutes of meeting of August 13, 1945 read and approved. The matter of grating extension of time to R. L. Moss &c Co. on Sidney Street paving contract was again continued to the next meeting. The matter of did Central School Building came up as unfinished business, heir. Farwell wa�� present and entered into the discussion of the proposal and the matter was deferred to the next regular meeting, ::ir Farwell con urring in the action. On motion by .line, seconded by Howe and carried, the Clerk ryas directed to communicate a: ith the x-rogressive Club, and ascertain if the Teen-Agers contemplate use of -the barracks bui .dings cat the Cebatral School grounds. Fire,amd, Light committee was gra3ited further time to study proposed street lighting plan submitted by the ruget Sound rower & Light Co., and also further time to investi- gate requests for lights on lAelcher and Garrison streets. Chairman Cline of the Light committee reported that his eommittee recommend installation of proper reflectors on Bay street between Rockwell and Seattle streets at points to be d,dsignat d at given El#s;6a distances on both sides of the curve. On motion by Cline, seconded by dosbey and carried, the .:street and Alley committee and Police Department were authorized to procure necessary an d suitable tra is signs for Sidney Street and other streets where same may be required. 7 The matter of direction signs to the vourt House was turned over to.Stre t Foreman McMullen with power to secure signs. Clarence Cheplak appeared before the Council and asked for Taxi License to operate taxi in Fort Orchard. After a discussion, it was moved by Talbot, seconded by Howe and carried that Clerk be directed to issue Taxi license under the terns of Ordinance No. 509 and other regulations, to Clarende Cheplak. City Attorney Boyle brought up th- matter of rates charged for taxicabs outside the city Limits. The matter was discussed, and the opinion was expressed that the town cannot- control rates outside the town limits, and this shoua.d be, a matter to be handled by the jouth Kitsap Chamber of Commerce. J. W, Doyle appeared before the council and asked that Rockwell street w: through Black Jack valley be vacated. The members of the council again opinion that they did not favor the vaoating; of any streets or alleys in Doyle then asked that water service be provided for residents in the are, K. of V. Cemetery. This matter was referred to the Water committee and dent of Public Works for investigation and report. Oounoilman Thompson took his seat with the council at this point. sere it runs :xpre sled the the town. Mr. i south of the he Su6erinten- I n n J. W. DuRose made a request for taxicab license in Port Orchard. On motion by Cos - bey, seconded by Talbot and carried, request was granted. Matter of taxi stands was discussed, and it was moved by Clime, seconded by Howe and carried that the matter of taxi stands be referred to the License Committee and the Police Department with power to act. A letter from the planning Commission stating that a survey of the Housing Projects i n the area is oontemplated end that the cost.. _ be $25.00 per day for a man to make the survey, and asked 'U6- the town would help eeffray the expense. It was pointed out that there are no funds available for such a purpose, and the letter was ordered filed. Letter from Housing Authority of the Town of Port Orchard, requesting the town start immediate delivery of 400 gallons of water per minute, under the terms at a recent oongrao t, was referred to the City . Attorney for reply. Matter of street cleaning at east end of concrete pavement was, discussed; also wages of street cleaner. Matter was referred to the Street and Alley committee for investi- gation and report. It was stated that w earlYbetart is expected on the paving of Frederick Street, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried, W. g. Cambay was named as in- spoefor on the job. Location of parking meters in front of the Kitsap County .Bank on Bay Street was dis- cussed, and it was suggested that locations be changed to give better ser#ioe to the parking lot in the vicinity. 1 Contract between the Town of Port Orchard and Sohool District No. 402 for supplying water to the high school fire protection system, was presented by City Attorney Bbyls and was read to the oounoil. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Thompson. and-a*rtlea that the oontragt be approved, and thatbthe Mayor be authorized to sign same on behalf of the city. Matter of additional police protection during certain hours of the night was &4A.Odased, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that another ran b• authorized for night duty on the police force. Following bills were presented, examined by the council and on motion by Cline, s000ndd by Talbot,and darried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fred G. Ve there, Sheriff Board of prisoners for July 94.00 0. A. Hanks Insurance premium Central School 3944 paoifia Telephone & Telegraph Co. Clark and Police telephones 9.85 L. W. 'Pen Kuren Re-imbursement for supplies 1.18 Lolita Bliss Stamps for Police 8.00 Trick & Murray Record of prisoner book ".41 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Sewer the for city hall 7.93 WATER FM Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power at pump plants Port orchard Lumber Yard Cement, eta. Amerioan Plumbing & Steam Supply Lead and oakum Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Supt. and plant telephones Go G. Hansen Night pump attendant W. L. Johnson Labor Mahlon McGuire J. A. McBride Neil H. nankin Harrison J. Kilpatrick Avery Blowers Ben "s Auto Farts Kress Trucking Go. Western .Asphalt Go. Holmberg & Norman Harry Brown Port orchard Lumber Yard George; Givens S.. V. Ma Mullen W. L. Johnson Miller Meters r1lit-4401 tr Labor Labor Labor Labor La bo r Ford rear housing Mauling Crushed Rook 2 tons pre -mix asphalt Sand and gravel Roller operator Material for street sheds Re-imburse trip to Tacoma Re-imhurse trip to Taoeema SEWER FUND La bo r Parking meter parts (contract-) 456.09 8.76 66. $0 12.15 83057 48.00 91.60 98.47 85059 1064,78 108.78 15.45 142.35 11.33 91,16 22.50 453.15 2.50 1.30 27.02 LTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FM Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fire Department Telephone I.�Q Puget Sound, Power & Light Co, Fire hail light 1.41 Council Ojourned o"tion by Cline, seconded by Talbo Clerk - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - Port Orhhard, Washington September 10, 1945 Council of port Orchard, Washington called to order in regular session by Mayor' F. Jo Woell, with Councilmen W, E. Cosbey, Hoy Home, George Cline and D. . Talbot; City Attorney John M. Hoyle and Superintendent of Public Works George . Givens present. HinItes of meeting of August 27, 1945 read and approved. Olyde Grainger of the firm of Grainger & Thomas, architects in the Arcade Building in Seattle, addressed the council relative to plans for a city hall, stated that he had visited the posed site in oompagy with Councilman Cosbery, and had inter- viewed the Mayor and Councilman Howe in regard to the proposed buildin He stated that he believed the site Is well suited to the needs of the city, and that he be- lieved that a suitable building can be secured within the amDuAt of the funds hoped to be available. He stated that his firm will prepare preliminary plan for the build- ing, which would be sufficient to wke application for state a4sistanaei; mould ascer- tain the method of making application, and that there would be no char to the city unless the grant is received from the state and the building is oonAtr ted, if and when the building is construoted, his firm is to have the oommission'to prepare plans and construct the building at the regular fee, based on dolts. 'Th matter was discussed by the Mayor and members of the council, and followlA the 'di, cusslon it w� Moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried that Grainger & 1homas be empowered to prepare preliminary plans for a city hall to be dybmitted to the prover state agency In an application for grant, and that Grainger & home be ,given the ;c o tract for the architectural work if the building is ,cons -trusted' under present plans of financing and and under arrangements as now being considered. ]steer of sale of Central School building, and the bid received from J. V . Farwell was disoussed, and Councilman Cosbey stated that he believed that a bet er bid might be received by re-advertsing. Clerk was directed to re -advertise for b ds for sale of the Central Sohool building. Chairman Cline of the Fire and Light Committee reported that his commit" 0 had .inves- tigarte+d the need for street lights on Melchor street and vicinity, but hat be would like further time to investigate a larger area with a view to giving;beltftr lighting coverage in the vicinity. Further time granted. George Givens, Superintendent of Publia Works, reported that hie, had investigated the proposed Doyle water extension, and that by coming to the tract from e i herwes t or north that the extension would be about 1,500 feet. The matter was ref rred to the Superintendent and the Water and sewer committee for further inovestiga ion. Matter of gleaning Day Otreet at into 'reacti.on of Harrison street was -re erted on by Givens, Given, and more tiaras was granted to the street and A11e committee on this matter. The matter of cleaning Sidney street pavement was brought up, and Counc man Cosbey stated that R. L. Moss & Co. would clean the street where dirt bad been spilled in grading operations; and it was suggested that the street be gleaned reg laxly; the suggestion being made that perhaps the rtwork might be done by the Fire D partment on an occasional weekly prootioe. Be G. Hansen, by letter, presented an application for franchise to operate busses in Port Orchard. Mr. Hansen was present at the meeting and explained tho p o,jeoted serviee, asking for a ten-year franchise. The matterwas referred after disoussion, to the License committee to confer with Mr. Hansen and report to the do il. At this point in the meeting Councilman Thompson entered and took his se t with the council. A letter from R. M. Fade & Go., to which company the contract for the pu p and equip- ment for the new well had previously been awarded, was read to the ooanc 1. Superin- tendent Givens reported that he believes, after an extensive investigati a that -it. Will not be possible to get an earlier delivery date than that offered b the R. " M. Wade CoMpany. He also stated that when thenew well is producing, it mig t be possible to install a centrifugal pump, pending arrival of the regular unit, axed roduoe suffi- oient water for the needs. An application for a taxicab license was received from B. s. Coppersmith and was read to the oounoil# Mr. Coppersmith was present and presented his came. Th matter was discussed and on motion by Olive, seconded by Talbot and carried, appl,ic tion was '40- ferred to the next regular a..' mg• The Clerk was directed to notify d. Wo DuB*go 44d 6[larenoe Ghsplak, who were ,gr tad licenses on August 27, b945, 1that if hey do qualify to operate by Septem 24, 1945, that the licenses will; be revo d. Howe Is Hardware W. L. Johnson L. W. Van Kuren Parker & Hill R. L. Moss & Co PARKING METE R FUND Oil and Graphite Labor HEALTH, FIB & POLICE AID FUND Overtime pay as Patrolman L. I. D. No. 49--Sidney Street Pavem Balance Engineering, Sidney Stre Engineer's Final Estimate (Sidne Counciladjourned subject to call of the Mayor on motion by Clines second and carried. i Port Orchard, Washington September 17, 1945 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor with Counoilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, W. E. Cosbeay and M. City Attorney John M. Boyle; superintendent of public Works George Givsn Foreman S. V. McMullen present. Clerk submitted request for emergency appropriation for various departmen that a total of 47,500.00 be appropriated for the Street Fund, to be allo lows: $5,000.00 for equipment, new construction, maintenance and misoella for salary of Superintendent; $165.00 for salary of foreman, an d $29575. Under the Current Expense Fund, $1,050.00 was requested for Poll0e saloi Ail expenses and Board of prisoners; and $175.00 for salary of City Attor sidoring the matters submitted, It was moved ' by Thompson, seconded by Blow -that the appropriations be approved by the Council, and that the ordinanc ,providing for same, be passed on first reading. .62 24.00 42.74 t t 1731.14 St) 13, 411, 47 r Talbot .ems l%i Mayor F. J. Woe ll, H. Thompson; and Street s, and asked aced as fol- eous; 60.00 0 for labor. s; #905, 50 for ey/ After con - and carried as introduced, Messrs. Swanson and Myers of the Tacoma -Bremerton Stages and W. J. Dineen of the Washing- ton Motor Conch Company appeared before the council at the requestt of the council, and the matter of bus stops for the inter -city stages was discussed. C. A. Russell of the Navy Yard Bus system was also present, and entered into the disoussions relative to bus stops, loading zones, eto. The matter of the Bus companies paying fe a for loading zones, .under the some anditions as those imposed on taxioabs Was 'brought p by the Mayor., and this matter was discussed from numerous angles. From linformat on divulged, itbappeared that Navy busses could not be brought under this system, and t Was pointed out that unless all busses operating participated in paying zones fees t t none should be charged fees. It was finally agreed that all west bound busses stop in front of the Muniaipal Building, starting Monday, September 24, 1945, and that east -bound commeroial busses stop at the corner of Sidne end �ree�ts, and that Navy busses stop at the. present bus stop at the corner of y arsi . Srison Streets. A paint was made that drivers often fail to park along the curb, and it Was agreed that this iru a be striotly enforoed. Chairman Howe of the License Committee reported that his committee had co ferred with C. G.. Hanson, representing the Port Orchard 'transit Co., ino., relative t city bus franchise, and that agreement had been reached on major points. City Att rney Boyle submitted an ordinance granting the franchise, and the provisions of the rdinanoe were discussed. Amendments Were suggested which Would grant to the Part Oroha d Transit Co. an exclusive franchise; provide that copy of all insurance polioies filed with the Clerk; and that the franchise is not transferrable except by consent f the council. These amendments were incorporated in the ordinance,. and on motion by Cli e, seconded by Howe and carried, Ordinance was passed on first reading. Matter of participation of Port Orchard Volunteer Fire Department in Stat benefits. as. provoded by state lace was brought up. Fire Chief Totten stated that he h d not had an oppor-Sunity to study the measure, and asked for furtherbtime to c,o#sider. he.provisjons. The matter was referred b1F the Mayor to the Fire Chief, the City Attorney and the Fire and Light committee, P binary budget for the year 1946 was presented bF the Clerk and con�si ered by the CO il. It was explained that the figures Were not completely do.purate as it had been impoasible to ascertain the exact valuation of the property wM*n the ;ton from the Count,y Assessor. The preliminary budget Was amended by making the levy for Current Expense Fund 6 mills instead of 5 mills; appropriating $1,00O.00 'for pe k purposes; appropriating $300.00 for parking suer repair man, and eliminating 1 A111 levy for the 4. 1. D. Guaranty fund. Following further examination, of the proll i ary budget, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and oarried that the pjreliSO'a bucket for 1946 be adopted as amended. Councilman Howe brought up the matter of submitting to the voters at the next general election a special tax of hhree mills for street oiling. This matter was discussed, and it was rived by Howe, s000nded by Talbot and carried that the proposition of a 3-mill special levy for road oiling be submitted to the voters at the election. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for legal advice as to the procedure, etc. Superintendent of Public Works reported that the new well under construction is dawn to a depth of 460 feet, and asked the wishes of the council as to going deeper. A discussion followed, and the matter was referred to the water and Seger committee and the Superintendent of Publia Works to confer with the contractor, mane negotiations, and with power to act. Kenneth .Sevier of the Blue & Gold Taxi appeared before the council relative to taxi licenses and asked investigation of any applicants for new licenses. • He also urged a special break for returned service men in grditnig future licenses, and it was pointed out that the city is already on record as favoring returned service men in employment and awards. Council adjourned on motion by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried. - - - - - - - - o - - - - - - - - Port D rchard , wa sh ing to n September 24, 1945 Council of kort Orchard, Washington met in regg-11or sessionrj called to order by Mayor F. J. �'oell. Present Councilman W. E. Cosbey,`D- J. Talbot, Roy Howe and George Cline; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public works George Givens and Street Foreman R. V. Ncl!'ullen. Minutes of regular meeting of September 10, 1945 and adjourned meeting of September 17, 1945 read and approved. Superintendent Givens reported on his investigation of the proposed Doyle water ex- tension, and the matter was discussed by members of the council. It was the opinion, as exptessed in the discussions, that the city could not make the exphnditures in- volved. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Codbey and carried that the application for the Doyle water extension be denied. Fire and Light eammitteee was granted further time to make definite report on request for street lights on Meloher street and Garrison ,street, at the request of George Cline, -chairman. Clerk read letter from Mayor L. "Hum" Keen of Bremerton; announcing a regional meting of the ,Association of Washington Cities to be held in Bremerton on Septe r 2? end inviting members of the fort Orchard municipal governmoAk to attand,. Several members announced their intentions of accompanying the Mayor to 4t a `meeting. Ordinance No. 512, granting a franchise to the Port Orchard Transit papoperate busses -in Port Orchard, was read on second reading, and on motion by Howe, seoonde& by Talbot and carried, the ordinance was passed on second readi-ng and ordered publi-shed. A letter from Jesse Epstein, Regional :Director of the Federal Public Rousing Authority, purporting to cannel q contract entered into between the Town of fort Orchard and the Federal Public Housing Authority , to furnish water to the local Hou&ing projects, and known as No. AA (wash.-45242-309) mph 103, was read and ordered filed. - Letter From R. S. Hayward Co., Inc. bearing evidence that J. W. DuBose had secured insurance to operate taxicab was read. Mr. DuBose was present, together with Cla-renee Cheplak, and request was made for certain designated taxi stand. Matter was referred to the License oommitee and the Police Department with - power to act. n Applica-tion of Roland samsoz for building permit to erect residence on Hull Street.was referred to the Building Cokmittes. E. H. Eriokson ap eared before the council relative to purported closing of alley between - West and atoms streets and running from Kendall to Sroufe streets. Matter was referred to Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. 0. E. Erdman of the Erdman Drilling Co was present and stated that the new well is now =� milled to $ depth of 500 feet, It was the opinion of the council members, as ex- sed that further drilling should be done in an effort to secure satisfactory supply tr Vatsr- 44 of the Water and 'Sewet committee was that they had contacted' .fir. % Erdman and that further drilling would be done at the contract rate .of $10.00 per fait. Mr. Erdman requested that he be paid #2,000.00 oil his eontract. On motion by Hos;4P, seconded by Cline and carried, Clerk was directed to draw warrant in favor of Erg-mm Drilling Gompany for $2,00000 to .apply on contract for drilling well. Caution markers on Bay street were again discussed and further time wll's ranted for final division. ' g City Attorney Boyie brought up the matter of State insurance for members of the Port OroWd Volunteer Fire Department, under the state law, and the matter was discussed by members of the munvile It was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that Clerk issue warrant to the State for 448.00 as and for payment for premium on insure anoe for sixteen members of the Volunteer Fire Department under the St to law appli- cable in the matter. Councilman Cosbey brought up the matter of widening Frederick Street b tween the Stevenson Furniture Store and the Port Orchard Department Store by fil ing all avail abhe space. He stated that M. H. Thompson, owner of the propertynon th east side of the street, had granted permission to build a bulkhead against the pil a under the Stevenson store.. It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and oarried that Street Department be authorized to do this work. It was pointed out that the wooden sidewalk in front of the Miller Building on Bay Street is in bad repair, and on motion by Hove, seconded by Talbot and carried Clerk was directed to , notify the owners of the property to replace the existing walk with a concrete walk according to standards to be satisfactory to the -Street Department. Following bills were presented, examined by the council. Superintende t Givens stated that the bill of the Shell Oil Company for 100 tons of liquid asphalt s for material which had been purchased in co-operation with Kitsap County commission rs, and that a oonsidera►ble quantity wSutite3amount purchased would remain in storage at the county tangs for future user. On motion by Howe, seconded by Cline and Carrie , bills as presented were ordered paid, exospt those of Holmberg & Norman;., which re to be held up until quantities can be checked by the Superintendent of Public Wor s: Puget Sound News Co. Washington State Guard Reserve Fred G. Fetters, Sheriff Lollta Bliss Standard Stations Peninsula Stationers Lorraine Helder Chloe Sutton Treasurer Puget Sound dower & Light Co. Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Fugat eouad Power & Light Co, Peasirta Tel, 141. 00. Paoifie Tel. Tel. Co. PAc if io Tel. & To&. Co; Paoiflo Tel. & Tel.. Co. Prset Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Bound, Power & Light 000 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Worthington -Eamon Meter c a. Part Orchard Signal Servive 0# G. Hanson 0, Be Irdmin Drilling co. Re L. Moss & Co. Olayton Be )laming Avery Blowers Mallon McGuire H. To Xilpatriok $. Le Moss &Coe Bremerton Concrete Products Co. la, Ge bhardt Wh. Gebhardt South Tacoma Welding Shell Oil Coo Holmberg and Normaa Be]ambor$ and Norma Holmbergg and Norman F Holmberg and Norman TOWio Tol. & Tel. Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. .T. Lingle OR ; A-8- a A -A* 4 W' ]1 ►d!, Library Book Refund Adm.iq s ign tax Board of Prisoners Re-imbursement for payments, etc. Lubricate Police oar Adder paper P. 0. Box rent, Police Telephone expense Traffic light, 2 months City Ha11.11ti, a_ months Caution Light, 2 rAoUths Peon** telephone and tall Clerk telephone and toll t ►r Water plant Sol* and tall Supte tole and toll Power at Brewery pump Power West Hay St. pump Power & Light at stain plant West Bay St. light 15 water meteors Tail light, etc., water truck Night pump man Partial payment for drilling well Street and sidewalk repair Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor *4 streets Patching walks and surfaces Culvert pipe Mfg. 6 grates for drains Mfg. 5 grates far drain covers Install body aAd hoist 100 tons liquid asphalt Equipment and labor Material and labor Shovel and truck rental Grader rental HMTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FUND Fir* Dept. tole Light at Fire Hell Labor on sewer lateral $ .77 1.80 118.00 44.30 5.04 .52 1.50 2.01 9.20 22.06 3.020 6.87 4.10 7.80 4.80 71.48 98.37 171.33 1.00 182. 62 2.79 66.90 2000.00 74.00 79.Q0 37.79 92.75 91.6€B« 60..82 73.70 93,E 68 78.03 309,00 1431.74 349075 250.04 531.84 367.33 7 e'50 1.60 � of 7.5` °��R D. Council adjourned to October 1, 1945 on motion by Talbot, seconded by Cosbey carriead. Port Orchards W hington October is 1948 Adjourned meeting of the council of Part Orchard, Washingtonealled to order by Mayor F. J. Woell, with vouncilmsn W. E. Cosbey, George Cline, Roy Howe and D. J. Talbot; City Attorney John M. Boyle, and Superintendent of Public Works George F, Givens, Mayor stated that meeting haci been adjourned to this date to consider, among other business, bids for the sale of the Central School building; bids for painting water tank, eta., and bids for purchse of a motor grader. Clerk stated that no bids had been received for the sale of the Central School build- ing; thatbtwo bids had been received for painting water tank, under the call for bids; and two bids had been received for a motor grader. Mayor directed that bids for painting water task be opened and read, The Bid of Herbert Nelson and Harry Zachariason of Seattle, offered to do the work of cleaning and painting the tank under the specifications for 1,800,00; and the bid of Sin Painting Co, of Tacoma, offered to do the Gleaning and painting under the specifi. cations for 1*140#00* plus 3% sales, The Saxon Company also offered a substitute proposal to do the painting and to sandblast such portions of the area that in the opinion of the engineer would be more advisable for the sum of $ls,390;00' plus 3% sales tax ce 41, 70, or a total of 1,431, 70+ 1he bids for fainting the tank and other surfaces were considered by the council, and it was moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried that substitute proposal of the Saxon Painting Company; be accepted. I Bids were opened on the motor grader, and the Feenaughty Machinery Co. tendered a bid on a Norco grader under the call for bids of $60845„00,- Howard Cooper Corporw tion bid $7,874.15 for an Adams grader, F.0 B. Port Orchard, These bids were con- sidered,, and definite aetionwas deferred to the net meeting of the council to give the Street and Alley committee and the Superintendent of Public Works oppor... tunity to consider the bids and investigate the merits of the equipment as to the needs of the town., and to report back to the council, Clerk submitted the 1946 budgets which had been passed as a preliminary budget pre- viously and stated that there had been no objections or suggestions filed in con- nection with the hearing, -He called attention to the fact that the only changes from the preliminaaT budget as adopted* was that figures on the actual assessed valuation had been subsequently received and that there was an increase in the assessed valuation of 3*782.00, The budget was considered and on motion by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried* was passed as submitted*. Ordinances providing for emergency appropriations in the Street Fund and the- Current Expense Fund,was presented and passed on first reading on September 17, 1948* was read oh second reading,. and on motion by Howe, seconded by Clines, followed by roll call vote, the ordinance was passed by unanimous vote of the councilmen present, al Ordinance No. 513. Mayor brought up t4a matter of closing hftfta ,'vatavern.s under Standard time, and ai d this was discussed by the councilmen and Capt. Heath of the Pollee Department. CapV Heath stated that as long as taverns were to be permitted to remain open until 1 a, mo in surrounding areass he could see no reason for earlier closing hoar inside the city limits of Port Orchard. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Hoge and carried that taverns be permitted to remain open until 1 a, m. on week days, but that on Satdays closing time shah. be 12 otclock midnight. S A representative of the Blue Cross Hospitalization plan was present and explained the conductband regulations of that organization and stated that city employees are eligible to join. The matter was discussed and action deferred, Matter of painting areas to designate parking rules was brought up, and Street Depart- ment was authorized to have work done under the direction of theDepartment. Superintendent Givens reported that no w well had been drilled to a depth of 515 feet* but that so far no satisfactory flow of water had been obtained, and that the drilling is continuing, Mayor brought up the matter of weeds and debris on sidewalks* and Superin�andeit Givens stated that he. would check the town and report any such conditions to the Police so that vralks may be cleaned bef oae the rainy season sets in,, Council adjournedqn,4notion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and earried,/-)4 Port Orchard, "Washington October 8, 194. Council met in regular session, called to men D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, W. E. John M. Boyle and Superintendent of Public Works Minutes of regular meting of September 279 1945 1945, were read and approved. order by Mayor F. J. Wo 11, with Council- Cosbey and M. H,. - Thomps n; City Attorney George F. Givens press t. and adjourned meeting f October 1, Chairman Cline of the Fire and Light Committee reported that his commit gated the area of Melcher and Garrison streets for installation of stre requested, and that committee reaeoxrmrends that street lights be placed a Melchor; Portland and Melchor; Tacoma and Melchor; West and Melchor; Ga; Melchor; Garrison and Guthrie; and one between Guthrie and SoutlL on Gar: Cline, seconded by Bowe and carried that report of the committee be aec lights as recommended be ordered installed. Chalrom Cosbey of the Street and Alley Committee and Councilman Cline c committee, reported on investigation of ovmpla.int about fence in alley x, Kendall to Sroufe streets, between. Nest and Tacoma streets. They report has not been opened but that it appeared that the fence complained of we right-of-way. After a discussion.* it was --moved by Cline, seconded by Tal ried that Attorney notify the people responsible for placing the fence t same from the alley. Clerk presented ordinance fixing annual tax levies for 1946. Same was i motion by Thompson, seconded by Hoge and carried, ww passed as read, e as Ordinaries No. 514. . H. B. Menees appeared before the council relative to tidelandclots 1-2-3 Block 40 Sidney Tidelands* for which he made application to purchase fro: and the sale of which he stated had been stopped by action of Port Ordha Woell stated the position of the town in thematter, pointing out that th the -water plant, that the overflow from the wells coursed over the lots, there had also been a suggestion that the tract might be desired for par' such as water craft moorings, etc. He stated that the town officials ral ing of the property or the erection of builcUngs on theproperty'mi.ght'be to the town wells located across the street, and also the drainage pr6bl exists at that point. T e had inve s t i-• lights an Spokane and icon and song Moved by ted and the the same nning from d that alley on the a lley of and car - remove t he , and on adopted and part of 4, the State d. Mayor lots fronted and that purposes, that fill - detrimental m which Mrs. Helen G. Beach and Miss Lolita Bliss of the Soroptomists Club appea d before the council relative to public rest rooms in the town. They stated the ms of the Club In this regard and urged that some action be taken to provide publi rest rooms. Some of theproblems concerning such an undertaking were aired and gener discussion followed. No action taken. Messrs. Taylor & McMillan, appeared before the council aftd asked for a b p� t for the construction of a concrete business house for George Blan Sidney Street, adjoining the present Blanchard store. The matter w as ref the,Bailding Committee with power to act. A Consideration of bids for a motor grader, which were opened October 1, 1 taken up and Superintendent Of Public Works George Givens stated that he the purchase of the Adams grader as offered by Howard Cooper Corp; that carefully investigated the numerous poin$a of the two machines offered a opinion the Adams grader is far nbde*� suited to the requirements of t Port Orchard. After a discussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by H that bid of Howard Cooper Corporation for Adams grader be accepted, u on d to 46, was ag ai n recommended :e had ,d that In his .e Town of we and carried The matter of providing parking area for doctors on Prospect Street was rough.t up and discussed, but it did not receive support for the reason, as express d, that it was granting special privilege to one group. No action taken. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens stated that the new well is approximate depth of 590 feet, and that so far no satisfactory flow of w secured. O.E.Erdman, of the Erdman Brillixa Co.0which firm is drilling th stated that while there is no definite manner by which required depth ea tained.* he believed that a good flow should be secured before god a gr father. The matter was discussed by members of the council,, and the opi expressed were that as additional water is required, that it would be ad to a greater depth in an effort to secure the regzired supply, and not 1 has been invested. It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carri be authorized to continue drilling, and to keep the town official as_ the progress from day to day, so that further decisions way be mad to time. trilling to be charged at 10#00 per foot, down to an ter has been well, be ascer- at deal ions as isable to go se what d that Mr* informed from time IQ ,r i Thenfollowing ola ims were presented, exam ined by the members of the caunc il, and es motion by Thompson, seGanded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid: The H. B. Huattin$ Co. Murpphy's Garage Slocum Hardwares Lorraine Helder Howe Motor Co. Bremerton Pol*ae Department Howe's Hardware Puget Sound Power Light Co. Puget sound Hews do. Nhhlon McGuire Clayton. E. Manning H. J. Kilpatrick M. L. Bonneville Wilkins Lurres& Co. Beau I a Hardware Port Orchard signal Service W. E. Cosbey Port Orchard Lumber Yard Bowe Motor Co: L. B. Leonard Slocum Hal-dware Holmberg & Norman Wilkins Lursen Co. .T. A. McBride._ Howe's Hardware Holmber & Ntee•man Slocum dware Miller Meters Stevenson Furniture Sleaum Hardware Trick & Murray Port Orchard Lumber Yard W. L. Jobason 11; !-D1 11 Books for Library Towing cars to parking lot Rest -room supplies, light globes, etc. Stamps for Police Department Repair to paddy wagon Board of pruner Batteries, stove oil, eta. Street Lights for Sept. Books for Library STREET FUND Labor La bor Labor Labor Battery charge --tube 011, steel tape, saw Tire repair Inspector Frederick Street Lumber Repair to dump truck Powder, fuse and caps Merchandise Equipment rental, services, eta, Gasoline, eta. (contract) La bor Machine belts .Material and Labor Tools PARKING METER FUED Meter parts Floor covering, meter r6om Soldering iron, eta. Sewer recetpte -( trip. books ) Sewer the Labor Council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor, on motion by Thompson, e Cline end v grrf.e /7 P or 3.75 6.00 6.31 5.00 14.71 1.00 11,34 127.85 26.83 41.22 91.60 //91.60 9.80 21.94 --12. 77 225.00 26070 31097 9.15 38.25 149+6.96 81.05 29.77 .04 11.95 28.69 180,06 10.77 7.25 z i 00 i IV t Port Orchard, Washington October 22, 1945 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchadd, Washington called to order by Mayor F. J. Woell. Present Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot, Ray Howe; and George Cline; City -Attorney John M. Boyle; superintendent of Public works George Givens, and Street Foreman S. V. McMullen. Absent Councilman M. H, Thompson. Minutes of meeting of Ootobet B. 1945 read and approved. Application of Taylor & MoMillam for building permit to construct a 2-story building, 26x52 feet, to be c ons true ted of c oncret a blocks, to house a c linic on i he f irst floor and two apartments on the second floor, and to be built on the corner o Bay and Seattle Streerts, was read to the council. It was moved by Cline, seconded by T lnot and carried that Clerk be thstructed to issue permit for this building to be constructed for Dr. Curtis Macomber. Clerk was also directed to issue permit to Taylor & M Millan for the . Blanahard Building on Sidney street, application for which was made on foot obey 6, and referred to the Building Committee. Mayor' Woell stated that Mr. Ralph Davisson, state examiner, had asked that a Library Fund be established, due to the state aid which is available, and which under the regulations, shall be in the Library Fund. The matter was referred to the City Attor- ney tb prepare proper ordinance. The possible disposition of Housing.Authority property holdings in the locality came up for discussion, and it was suggested that the Town of Port nOrohard would pro ba'b ly be interested in securing at least one well, some fire equipment and of ar property ipf the Housing Authority. Following a discussion, it was mnlged by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried, that Mayor Woell represent the city 44 any meetings and in any negotiations looking toward the disposition of the property of the Hous ng authority, and ajay acquisition of the property by the city. Clerk presented two copies of contract and the bond of Saxon Painting Company for painting water tanks, under recent award. They were referred tomthe City .Attorney for approval as to legal aspects, and the IAayor and Clerk were authorized to sign con- tract on approval by Attorney. Mr, aAd Mrs. H. F. D tAroy appeared before the council relative to alley between Wiest and Taoma streets, and asked what procedure was employed in opening an alley. The Mayor stated that all streets and alleys in the town were opened at the expense of the benefitted property, under the direction of the city, and that grades a e set and approved by the city before work is undertaken.. Councilman Cline reported that Erdman Drilling Co., Inc., has its rotary equipment about ready to start operating, and it was expected that drilling would be resumed on Tuesday, October 23. Councilman Howe stated that 0. Be Erdman, president of the company, had requested another payment on his contract. After a discussion, it was moved'by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried, that Erdman Drilling Co,, Inc. be allowed $1,000.00 on its contract, and that the Clerk be instructed to draw warrant for this amount. City Attorney stated that he had gone into the matter of presenting a t ree-mill special levy for street ailing on the ballot at the coming election, and that under the regulations ana laws in force, it would be impossible to prepare the question for submissio4 to the voters, due to the time required for advertising and giving legal notice. Matter of nand and gravel, offered for sale to the city by R. L. Moss & Co., was discussed, and referred to the street and Ulley committee and the street Depart- ment. Councilman Cline brought up the matter of assessment in L.I.D.No.48, against Lot 21, Block 11, Sweany's Addition, asking that penalty and interest be suspended, due to the fact that Ralph Peterson, the owner, had been informed that the assess- ment would be cancelled, due to difficulty and inpractibility of connecting with the sewer. It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot that interest and penalty be cancel- led if assessment is paid promptly. 7 111� Following claims were presented, examinednbF_�.the council, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried were ordered paid. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Telephone & 'jelegraph Co. Clerk's telephone and tolls 4.18 Pacific `telephone & Telegraph Co. Police telephone and tolls i 5.65 Port Orchard Police Department Re-imburse for gas for pdddy Wagon 1.50 Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Re-imburse for Treasurer's telephone 2.01 Port Orchard Police Department Re-imburse for painting street signs 4,00 Dr. He E. Wilson Professional services for prisoner 4,00 Refrigerator & Oil Burner Service Repairs to Police stove' 15.68 Fred G. setters, oheriff Board of prisoners 116.00 WATER FUND Puget mound Power &c Light Go. Puget -ound rower & .Light Go. Pugetc6pund kower & Light Co. Puget. Sound Pager & Light Co. Pacific Telephone & telegraph Co. Young's. Body and Fender Don's Service of ation Erdman Drilling Go., Inc. Holmberg & Norman Earl Dyer Lumber Supply Paul E. Tal. be rt Harold n. McCormeck John M. Vaughn rtin G. Spencer IL L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick Don's Service W. L. Johnsen J. A. McBride Daily Journal. of Commerce Power at West Bay St. well Power at main pump plant Light `hest Bay at. pump plant Power at Brewery well Water Plant telephone Fender work on pick-up Grease job, International truck Payment on well contract STREET FUND Bulldozer rental, shovel eta. Starter Motor for Model Truok Lumber Lab or Labor La bo r La bar Labor Labor Tire repair, eta. MORE Water Fund Labor on water lines Labor cutting weeds and grass Cali, for bids painting tank HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fire Jept. telephone Puget -ound -cower & Light Co. Fire hall light �:I1j . l 135.39' 1.00 61.29 4.65 28.43 1.99 1000.00 106.28 5.00 17.42 27,48 . 27..48 46.80 45,80 91.60 91.60 8.83 16.25 4.58 14.35 7.50 .37 Gladd ing MoBean Co. Sewer the 75.71 W. L. Johnson Labor ; 6.00 Bulletin from Washington State Development Board regarding RFC loans was read and i ordered filed. Clerk read copy of information sheet which was sent to the Washington State Develop- ment Board on behalf of the city's application for ,state funds for post war projeatal Council adjourned on motion by Howe, seconded by Cosbey, and carried; subjec/V to call Mayor Port Orchard, Washington j November 13, 1945 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard, Was4ington called to order by Mayer F. J. Noell. Present Councilmen M. H. Thompson, � . E. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe and George Cline; City Attorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of Public Korks George Givens, and Street Foreman $. V. McMullen. Minutes of meeting of October 22, 1945 read and approved. 4 + City Attorney Boyle presented an ordinance creating a Library Fund and provi didg for its j regulation. Ordinance was read, and it was moved by Hoye, seconded by Talbot and carried that ordinance be possed as read. Ordinance regularly adopted as Ordinance No. 515. Councilman Thompson brought up the matter of an ordinance fixing the salary ofthe Town Treeasurer. The matter was discussed and referred to the Finance and Planning Committee for investigation and report. At this Counoilman Qline asked to be excused, and retired from the meeting. A letter from M. J. McHenry tendering his resignation as a member of the Housing Authority of the Town of Port Orchard was read, and Mayor stated that he appointed-T. R. Hubbard as a member of the Housing Authority to fill the vacanoy. Moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried, that resignation of Mr. McHenry be accepted, and that Mayor's appoint- ment of T. R. Hubbard for the unexpired t6rm be confirmed. Letter from Otto A. Case, Commissioner ofrikublic Lands, relative to derilicst boat on estate owned land in Port Orchard, was read. Matter was discussed, and Clerk was directed to r- i supply the inforriation requested by Mr. Case. Letter ordered filed. City t.ttorney presented ordinance providing for salary of Mayor and members of the Council. Ordinance was read, and on motion by Talbot, .seconded by Hoe and carried ordinance was passed as read. Ordinance adopted as OrdinanceNo. 516 Clerk read letter addressed to Mayor and members of the Council, from William H. , Rankin, tendering his resignation as Chief of Police, owing to physical impairment suffered several months ago. Idayor Woell extended his appreciation. o the work done by Chief Hankin, and Councilman Thompson and other members of the car it voiced their appreciation of the services of the ret i ring chief. The clans for the proposed city hall were discussed, following reading, of a bulletin from the Washington State Development Committee. Clerk way directed to notify the architect to be present at the meeting of the council on November 26, 1945, to con- sider plans with the council. Matter of the sale of the Central School building and attached equip nt was brought up, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey that Clerk be di acted to call for bids for the building. On roll call Thompson and Cosbey voted ay , and Howe and Talbot voted no. To settle the tie Mayor Woell voted aye. Motion de lared carried. Councilman Howe moved that the entire Central School property, including improve- ments and real estate be offered for sale and that Clerk be directed to call for bids for the property. On roll call Howe and Talbot voted aye, and Thompson and Cosbey voted no. Mayor rioell cast the deciding vote, voting no. Motion declared lost. Charles A. Heath, Police Captain, exhibited a riot gun, the property of retiring Chief of Police Hankin, which had been in readiness in the Police Department, and stated that the gun may be purchased by the city for $25.00. Moved by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried that the city purchase the gun for use by the Police Depart- ment, and that Clerk be instructed to draw warrant in fovor of W. H. Eankin. in pay- ment for the gun. Superintendent of Public Works George F. Givens stated that the well being drilled is now to a depth of 760 feet, and that indications are that a satisfE otory flow may be available by developing the well at its present depth, although nothing certain can be stated. .A request was made by the Erdman Drilling Co., Inc., contractors on the well, for the payment of 41,200.00 on the contract. After a discussion, it: was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried that Clerk be directed to draw a war- rant in favor of the Erdman Drilling Co.,, Inc., for $1,000.00 to apply on contrsct. Councilman Josbey brought up the matter of moving the taxi office of the Blue & Gold Taxi to a point in front of the city hall. The matter was discussed and City Attor- ney Boyle stated that the city has no authority to relinquish any portion of a street without due process. Councilman 'i'hompson stated that he did not favor granting the "request for the reason that it would establish a precedent which might have serious reactions. l4o action taken. James Hale appeared before the council and requested a taxi stand for the iiamond Taxi in front of Myhre's Cafe at the corner of Bay and ;1dney -Dtreets. Mayor stated that in establishing a taxi zones and bus zones that an effort had been made to keep all available space on Bay Street open for parking by the public, and recommended that no clLange be made at this time. Mr. Hale asked permission to install a tele- phone on the curb at his present taxi stand. Permission was granted, provided that instrument is so plated that it does not interfere with traffic and extend over the walk to an extent that it would create a hazzard. A. P. Kunzelman appeared before the council and stated that he would purchase coal stored in a shed at the Central School and remove the shed. It was stated that it would be necessary to call for bids for sale of the coal and the shed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that Clerk be directed to call for bids for the sale of the material. Councilman '-�hompson brought up the matter of the location of parsing tars in certain stations. He recommended that the first meter on the west side of Rrederick street north of Bay street be removed, as cars parking at this meter extend over the cross walk. lie also recommended thstallation of a meter in front of tie old Post Office building, and that the two meters in front of the Kitsap County Sank be moved about a foot further east in order to clear the driv eway to the parking lot a joining the Bank. Recommendations were discussed and adopted without formal motio . The matter of parking on the south side of Prospect Street, extended parking by busses at the Sidney and Prospect corner, and other parking problems'on Prosp ct street were referred to Street Foreman McMullen, Police Department and otreet and { bley committee. Mayor Woell brought up the matter of acceptance by the council of the idney Street paging and the Frederick street pav&ng jobs. The matter was discussed, and it was moved by Howe, seconded by Thompson and carried that these jobs be accepted on final approval by Inspector Cosbeyas to minor repair job to gutter on Sidney and Ditrision Streets. Mr. Ralph Davisson of the Departmment of kunicipal Corporations was p sent at the eoun- oil meeting, and recommended a payroll systembe installed to replao$ t e present system of paying city employees on individual vouchers. He stated also that 11 claims should r-- be audited before presentation to the Vouncil, and that routine approval of all salary claims should be made by the Council, every in the case of regular employees at Fixed salaries. Following his remarks, it was moved by Talbot, seconded by Howe and carried that pay -roll system, to be approved by "ir. Dav isson, be installed by the Clerk. The following claims were presented to the council and after consideration, were ordered paid, on motion by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried: CURREyti'T EXPENSE FUND Ochry B. Peterson W. W. Alderman Mary B. Peterson Theda 0. Peterson J. E. Wannamaker Puget Sound ::tamp Works The Steak Co. How e ' s Hardware Refrigerator and Oil Burner Service The H. R. Hunting Co. Port Orchard Independent Howe's Hardware Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Howe Motor Co. Thomps on's Trick 1�6 14urray The H. H. Huntting Co. Amerioanna Corporation Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Slocum. Hardware Whittaker Fuel Go. Port Orchard Police Department W, H. Ha akin Holmberg & Norman Fort Orhard Lumber Yard Howe rs Hardware Slocum Hardware Martin O. Spencer Maurice L. Bonneville H. J. Kilpatrick Leo F. Schneider Earl J. Pavers Richard L. Aukerman Port Orchard Independent Shellac and advance postage Inspector of Election Judge of .election Judge of B 1 ee t ion Labor on doors in city hall 3 police Badges 25 krithholding Tax Blanks Glass, putty, labor, etc. Repairs to Police stove Book for Library Publishing ordinances, calls for bids Stove oil and vice for Police Street loghts for bctober, 1945 Tire repair for paddy wagon Twpwr and add machine ribbons,.etc. Supplies for Treasurer Books for Library 1945 supplement to Encyclopedia Stationery and stamps Paint brush and paint 1-i tons coal Bail refund Payment for riot gun STREET FUND WATER FUND Howe's Hardware Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co Worthington.-Gamon deter Co. Valley Construct idn Co. Erdman Drilling Co. Inc. Trick & Murray Port Orchard Independent Welding grader Lumber and shingles (contract) Tools, paint, etop Na it s , etc. Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets Labor on streets painting lines Labor on streets Labor on streets Call for bids for grader 10.00 9.75 9.75 9.75 6.10 11.59 1.70 1.61 9.22 1.12 54.93 10.67 127.85 6.12 8.81 13.79 25.82 2.95 4.00 6.11 30.90 50.O0 2 5.00 2.06 223,57 16.87 9.06 119.08 146.56 155.72 12.60 36.64 17.18 3.30 Stove ail 7.85 Telephone and tolls, 6upt 6.75 2 1-inch meters l eo ntrav t S 52.34 Balance Melcher-HulliSidney extensions 1112.93 Payment on well contract 1000.00 Ledger sheets, etc. 21.36 Call for bids, painting water tank 3.68 SE69ER FUND Trick & liurra y Ledger sheets, binder, etc. 25.23 HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FUND Howe Motor Co. Battery a jarges for fire trucks 2.06 L.I.D. No. 49--Sidney Street Paving n Port Orchard Independent 500 Notices of hear ing 8.65 Clerk brought up the matter of hourly pay for election officers at the recent election and stated that t�e Gounty pays 75c per hour for this service. ,-oved by Thompson, � seconded by Cosbey and carried that election officers at recent city election be paid 75c per hour. Council adjourned on motion by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carri4l. Port Orchard, Washington November 26, 1945 Regular meeting of the Council of Port Orchard, Washington called to F. J. Woell with Councilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline, W. IVY. B. Thompson; City .4ttorney John M. Boyle; Superintendent of PL*lic Givens, present. Minutes of regular meeting of November 13, 1945 read and approved. it I I order by Mom, or E Cosbey and corks George Mayor �4oell reported on a conference relative to the salary of the flown Treasurer for the coming term, and stated that it is recommended that on the basis of a part-time job that the salary be fixed at $130.00 per month; and that if and when the job becomes a full-time operation that the salary be fixed at $175.00 per month, an recommended that an ordinance be passed fixing the salary at these figures. Defini a action d deferred. Ross ii. Watt, appearing for Pendleton & Gilchrist, stated that it is de red to have streets and alleys in Blocks 2 and 3, Tom Cline's Addition, and Block 1 , Wheeler's Addition vacated for cemetery purposes; that a new survey and new plat yld be filed, creating new streets and alleys in the cemetery. after a discussion th matter was ref erred to the Utreet and - lley committee for investigation and re port In response to call for bids for Central School Building and attached e4 uipment, one bid, that of H. B. Farwell, was received for the building. The bid of ered to pay t he city 4519.00 for the building and attached equipment. After a discussi n, it was moved by-Cosbey, seconded by `Thompson, that the bid of H. B. Farwell be accep d, and that Attorney be itntructed to draw proper conveyance for the sale of the bui ding, and that removal of the building be accomplished within ninety days, and the pro rty be left in a condition satisfactory to the Superintendent of Public Works. In response to call for bids for lots in Block 14, .-3idney Villa's Addit on to Sidney, the bid of Jule W. Sehoening for 150.00 per lot for Lots 20 -end '21 was opened and read. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the id be accepted and that ordinancq providing for the sale and naming the Mayor as signa ory for the City of tort Orchard be passed as read. Ordinance adopted as Ordinance No. 517. A. F. Kunzelman entered a bid of $15.00 for the coal and removal of the shed on the Central School grounds. It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and arried that the bid be accepted. Trantfer resolution, authorizing the State Department &f Highways to dr w on City's highway funds to the amount of50.00 for painting traffic lines on Bay Street was passed on motion by aline, seconded by Howe and carried. Councilman Howe brought up the matter of sale of the J"entral School rea estate, and moved that property be differed for sale. Lotion was seconded by Talbot. A general discussion followed. On vote, Howe and Talbot voted in favor of the mo ion, and Thompson, Cosbey and 01ine voted against motion. Motion declared lost. 1 It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried that 4bestionn ire be mailed to water consumers within the limits of Port Orchard, asking expression of residents as to whether or not it was desired to sell the Central School pxrecpertX real estate, and that such questionnaire be returned to the %;it;r Clerk before 7 o'clock p. m. December 17, 1945. Councilman Talbot brought up the matter of f1bod water on Bay Street near the 15r ewery. This matter was referred to the wayor to contact the managers of the Bre�rery relative to have drainage problem cared for. Mud existing on street near Quality Laundry also came in for discussion.! The matter was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works to confer with laundr� operators In an effort to remedy the situation. Councilman Ho ,e brought up the matter ofinearth slides on .Division Street between Sidney and Austin Streets. Superintendent Givens recommended that shrub whidh would form good root growth be planted in an effort to halt future earth slide Matter was referred to the Street and "11ey committee and the juperintendent. Representative of Master Plumbers Dissociation addressed the council rela ite to plumbing ordinance for Fort Orchard. He was informed that proposed ordi ante is in hands of Health and Samitation committee of which Councilman Talbot is c airman. Superintendent Givens reported that new well is down to a depth of 765 f et and that casing is down to a depth of 680 feet. He estimated that several days w�uld be. re- quired to drive casing to the bottom of the well, and that until Viis is done, it is not yikely that anything definite can be ascertained as to what formation exists at the bottom of the well. Superintendent Givens also brought up the matter of installation of a sprinkling sys- tem in Blanchard's store building. The matter was discussed, and it wasimoved by thompson, seconded by Bowe and carried that if such a fire -fighting syst m is in- stalled that a meter be installed, that all expenses of installing and c st of material be borne by property owner; and that a flat rate of $1.50 pfir month be c ged forthe service; this arrangement to apply to any buildings e�,uipped with fire-f ghting sprini-1- ling systems in the town. i On motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried Clerk was directed to write to Regional office of the Federal dousing Authority, informing that bodjr that the city is interested in acquiring Wells No. 6 and 7, and the fire equipment of the local Housing Projects, when the same is no longer required by the government, and that copies of the letter be transmitted to the local Housing Authority; to Senator Magnuson; to Repre- sentative Hugh DeLacy and to the National Housing Authority at Washington, D. C. Mayor Welll reported on a meeting which the Mayor and members of the Council held w1th the County Commissioners on Monday noon, at which was discussed proposed additions to the L-itsap County court house, and at which request was made by the Commissioners that if it became necessary in constructing the kuilding that certain streets be vacated to provide necessary' facilities. it was stated that formal petitions an-d applications would be filed with the council in due time. The matter of water service to Dr. Scrivener was discussed and referred to the Attornar for interpretation of an existing contract relative to water service to this particular property. The following bills were presented, examined by the council, and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by Talbot and carried, were ordered p4aid: Puget Sound mews Co. Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Kitsap County Bank 0 K Rubber Welders Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Chloe Sutton, Trees. Lorra ine - Helder ruget Sound rower &Light Co. Trick & Murray Puget Sound Powee & Light Co. Trick & Murray Puget Sound kower 6c Light Co. Puget pound rower & Light Co. Wm. Ge bhard t Pacific Telephone w Telegraph Oo. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Dale Treanor Puget Sount rower be Light Co. Puget Sound lower & Light Co., W. L. Johnson Trick & Murray Joe Fah Richard L. Aukerman Earl 1. Powers Leo F. Schneider John N. Vaughn Harrison J. Kilpatrick Wm. Go phardt Ennest ine King Books for Library Traffic light--2 months Premium Police Chi ef's bond Tires and tubes for Paddy Wagon Police `telephone and tolls Clerk's telephone and tolls Fire Dept telephone and tolls Board of city prisoners, Oct., 1945 Re-imburse for treasurer's telephone Re-imburse postage, Police Blinker light, 2 months Warrant register sheets Light at city hall, 2 months Warrant register sheets Power for Brewery pump Light at West Bay plant 2 shut-off wrenches Water plant telephone and tolls Superintendent telephone and tolls Plate glass for International truck Power at West Bay St plant Power at main pumping plant Labor on water mains STREET FUND Warrant register sheets Labor on streets » n n n n n n � tt , Welding and cutting L. I. D. No. 49 Clerical work on mailing, notices BEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FUND Puget :gourd rower & Light Co. Fire hall light 8. so 5.00 42.89 7.06 4.50 7.50 35.00 2.01 5.00 2.00 7,97 18.82 3.85 68.12 1.00 3.77 5.70 6.51 20,25 64.71 145.00 22.90 3.85 54.96 42,37 30,92 8o02 73.28 73.28 1.65 22.50 3.50 Applications for building permits for alterations to existing residence and for con- struction of garage, referred to Building Committee. Council adjourned on motion by Hone, seconded by Cosbey, and carried su of the Mayor. May or ct to call I'I Port Orchard, Washington December 3, 1945 Council of Tort Orchard, -das hington met in accordance with adjournment tp consider the assessment roll for L. 1. D. No. 49, the Sidney 4treet paving job. Meeting called to order by Mayor F. J. doell, with ":ounoilmen W. E. Cosbey. �. H. Thompson), D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe and George -line; Ross Watt, attorney for the project, and Alden Hill of the firm of 1arker & Hill, engineers on the job; also several citizens and property owners of the district. Questions were asked concerning the roll by Clara Oookson, Re ina Osburn, I Helena Doug- lass, and others. Written communications were received dnd.-.:read from Mr�. and Mrs. B. E. Mahan, L. Roma, Theo. Ellingboe and A. J. Nute. These communications were con- sidered by the council. Following the hearing, and after ennsideration by the Jounoil, it was muted by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried, that the assessment roll be confirmed. . 11 members voted in the affirmative. Motion adjourned on__m9tion by Cline, seconded by Howe and rk Port Orchard, Washington December 7, 1945 Council met in extraordinary session, assembled at the request of GeorgeF. Givens, Superintendent of Public 4orks, to consider further develppment of the new well. Pres- ent Mayor F. J. Woell, Councilmen W. E. Cosbey, Roy Howe, M. H. 1'hompson� D. J. Talbot and George Oline; and ouperintendent of public 4orks George '. Givens. j Superintendent Givens made a statement of,. -progress being made and conditions being en- countered, and U. 1'. Erdman of the -rdman Drilling Co., Lno.,cnntractors on the job, also stated progress and conditions. It was stated that it appeared tmp iblblec�to 'Lsink the casing at its present size to the water strata found at 765 foot depth, and stated that there is apparently a good flow at this level, as about 35 gallons are flowing at thii level today, and that when the sand is cleared a muoh better flow iz anticipated. Mr. Erdman asked that permission be granted to penetrate the -pao.Dbdble W *er strata by a 4*-inch casing to a depth sufficient to develop the flow to its'full capacity. It was stated that it might be possible to pull the present casing, but 1hat this would be more or less of a gamble, and if it were not successful the well el would be seriously damaged. Mr. Givens recommended granting the request. After discussion by members of the council, it was moved by Thompson, se onded by Howe and carried, that drilling be continued to penetrate the Sktar strata to a point where it is believed to exist, and that a change in casing size to 4�--inch ea ing be authorized, the price to be the same as set forth in the contract. 11 Mee tinged journe4__by;7N�neral consent. Clerk _p_ Port Orchard, Washington December 10, 1945 tM_ The Council of Tort Orchard, Washington met 1A regular session, called to order by Mayor �'. aloell. Present Councilmen 14. H. yhompson, George Oline, Roy idowso D. T. Talbot, City Attorney John M. Boyle and 6uperintendent of Public Works Ge rge F. Givens. Minutes of regular meeting of November 26, 1945 and adjourned meeting of December 3, 1945, and extraordinary meeting of December 7, 1945, read and approved. Letter from City Attorney concerning dalary of Treasurer was presented, a d Mayor Woell stated that under the instructions in the letter that the council could t ke no action to change the salary. M. G. McLeod, building inspector of the Oity of Bremerton, was present and addressed the Council relative to buildirk; code. He suggested that the council mak a study of the provisions of a code which he submitted for perusal, and stated that n some in- stances the provisions of the code are adopted by resolution of the counc 1, and by reference to its provisions, and by certain other acts and procedures. H stated that careful study should be given to any building code before final action is taken. Superintendent Givens made a report on the drainage problem on Hay Street) near the Brewery, and stated that he recommended a drain which would take the wate� on the west side of Day Jtreet from both directions, which would necessitate the inst4lling of a � r I drain through the Brewery property. He stated that he believed that the Brewery would pay half the cost, and the ouperintendent recommended the installation of the drain under these conditions. After a discussion, it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that the drain be installed under the conditions outlined, the city to share the cost equally with the Brewery, the entire cost to be approximately $250.00. Resnbution No. 104, re Local Improvement District No. 49 (Sidney Street paving) was r read, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, was passed as read. Ross 14. Watt, special attorney for L. I. L. No. 49, presented Ordinance approving final assessment roll for L. I. D. No. 49, and ordinance was read in open council. Same was duly considered, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, ordinance was passed as read, and adopted as Ordinance No. 518. Mayor called attention to the fact that dirt is sloughing on the alley from Ross W. Watt's property in Block 121, First Addition to .Sidney, and Mr. Watt stated that he suld take dare of the situation. Matter of vacation of certain streets and alleys in the proposed cemetery tract was discussed, and Councilman Thompson stated that he did not favor the vacation of any thoroughfares bordering the tract under any conditions. This view was concurred in by Jouncilmen Howe and Cline, and Ross W. Watt, representing Pendleton & Gilchrist, stated that petitions for vacation would be drawn acecrdingly. A letter from Saxon Painting Company relative to their contract for painting water tank, was read. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that no pegaltyfor failure to complete the job should accrue until such time as .Superintendent directs thst work shall start under the terms of the contract. A letter from the Department of Transportation of the State of Washington notifying Port Orchard that a new tariff, changing rates of the Fort Orchard Traction Co. had been filed to become effective Jan. 1, 1946, was read. It was moved by Howe, second- ed by 'Talbot and carried that new schedule of rates as proposed are not opposed by the Council of fort Orchard. Ordinance amending Ordinance 14o. 490, Sec. 14 (Parking deter Ordinance) was presented and read and referred back to the attorney for revision. Ross W. butt, Police Judge, stated that as of December 10, 1945, Mrs. Lorraine Hilder is Police Court Clerk, and the 1lolice Judge Filed a letter with the Clerk Making the appointment. Bonds of ors. Victoria Kerbs, assistant to the Clerk, and Charles -i►. Heath, as Chief of police, which had previously been examined and approved as to form by the ,attorney, were approved by the Council. E. C. Reynolds appeared before the Council and stated that he anticipated opening a restaurant and club rooms in Port Orchard, and asked what the attitude of the Council would be toward such an undertaking. The matter was discussed but no action taken. Kenneth Sevier of ,the Blue & Gold Taxi presented a new schedule of rates for his com- pany for Port Orchard and surrounding territory. Following claims were presented, examined by the Council, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND 0 K rubber Welders Balance on trade-in tire deal 12.39 Howe's Hardware Stote oil for Police .uepartment 10.85 Howe's Hardware Belt lacing and light socket .57 ilowe Motor Co. Repaits to paddy wagon 4.02 Richard L. Auekerman Anti -freeze for fire truck 2.70 Port Orchard Signal Service Tire and tube for paddy wagon 19.00 The H. R. Huntting Co. Books for Library 2.94 Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Maintain traffic lights (Oct.1945) 4.22 Sloo um Hardware Paint and material 14.54 Kitsap County Bank Premium on Ass's Clerk's Bond 5.00 Thompson's Supplies for Treasurer <,nd Clerk 4.87 Puget Sound News Co. Books for Library 5.a-1 WATER FUND W. L. Johnson La bor 42. 50 Donis Service Grease joh. for International truck 2.06 Hodge & Davis Battery dnd tire repair 11.80 V. B. Caldwell Trading rost Various merchandise 12.90 H. D. Fowler Co. Threading machine and pipe cutter 84. Slocum Hardware Tools .50 R. L. Lursen Co. Gas and oil 84.80 Howe's Hardware Tools, pipe and fittings 10.88 H. J. Kilpatrick John N. Vaughn M. L. Bonneville Richard L. Auckerman Howe's Hardware Joe Fah Earl L. Powers Howe Motor Co. Don's Service Lumber Supply Johnson & Hubbard Western Asphalt Co. Charles R. Watts Co. Slocum Hardware W. L. Johnson Howe Motor Co. Howe's Hardware Don's Service Rose W. Watt STREET FUND Labor Labor Labor Labor Bolts and Nails Labor Labor Repairs to V-8 Truck Battery Lum'::er and cement 4 reflectors 8 tons asphalt mix Street signs j PARKING IAGI TER FUND IdMerchandise SEIVWR FUND Labor ULTH, FIRE AND POLICE .'AID FUND Recharge battery --fire truck 56 gals stove oil Battery for fire truck L. I. D. ho. 49 (Sidney :street Paving) Attorney's fees Council adjourned to Demember 22, 1945 at 2 p. m. on motion by Thompso Cline and carried. 1'\A 91.60 91.60 48.80 70.99 3.49 91.60 20.61 10.01 15.45 8.79 2.02 45.32 30.95 3.90 25.50 3.09 4.18 9.43 1200.00 lsec) nded by / CleA (Ay ot i 0 Port Orchard, Washingto# December 22, 1945 Adjourned meeting of the council of P'irt Orchard, Vdashington called to orl er at 2 o'clock p. m. by Mayor F. J. 4oell. Present Councilmen M. H. ' hompson, D. J. Tal ot, Roy Howeg George Cline cnd A. - . Cosbey. Clark presented ordinance repealing Ordinances No. 495 and 496, relatcbng o State Aid and health, lire cG l'olice Aid Funds, the same wa = read to the council, a roved as to form by the City Attorney and on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and ca tied, was passed as read. Ordinance: adopted as Ordinance No. 519. i i Ordinance amending Ordinance io. 490, the parking meter ordinance, by amending Section 14 of said Ordinance i4o. 490, was read, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Talbot and Ig carried, said ordinance was passed as read, and adopted as ordinance o. 20. Letter from Fernwood Improvement Club, addressed to George Givens, Superi tendent of Public 4orks, calling :attention to conditions of Sidney otreet south of h.1 lcher street, was read, and the matter referred to the Utreet and _alley committee and t e Superinten- dent of Public Corks for investigation and report. A letter from Leila Nordby, chairman of the Library Roard, recommending; that librarian be paid "50.00 per month beginning with 1946, was read. It -was moved by Thompson, sec- onded by Howe and carried that salary of librarian be fixed at 450.00 per month, beP4 niR4 f ng with 1946. The matter of mail boxes and mail delivery was brought up by Mrs. Sidney Stokes and Mfrs. Vaun Allen, and discussed by the council. Clerk era. dir.cted to ascertain whom to con- tact in connection with these metters, and to write a letter on behalf of the town recom- mending the establishment of mail carries service in .port Orchard, and they establishr:3ent of mail deposit boxes at various places in town, and to notify Tyrs. Gillen lof t1ae proper officials to communicate with in order that;,zabbrespondence may be dispatchQ in support of the matter. The matter of damaged street signs in town was referred to the ouperintendl'�ent of Public dorks. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried that7ayor ap poinit a committee of three citizens of the town to open the ballot box and count ballots deposited in con- nnction with sale of Central School real estate. katter of improvement of sidewalk on Ditision Str�:et between Sidney and Aujstin Streets referred to Street and Alley committee and the :superintendent of Public 4-Iorks. Councilman Cosbe y brought up the matter of oleaning pavement and gutters and stated that gutters in some localities have not been cleaned for many months. Matter referred to Superintendent of i'u":;lic Works. The following bills were presented, examined by the council, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Thompson and carried, were ordered paid: CURREIv`T EXPENSE FUND Puget Sound Xewar 06m Pacific Telep hone & Telegraph Co. South Kitsap Motors Puget Sound Power & Ught Co. Sheriff Kitsap 0ounty Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Chloe Sutton Trick & Murray Solastic Procusts Go. Pioneer, Inc. J. W. Welsh H. J. Kilpatrick M. L. Bonneville John N. Va ughn Joe Fah Richard L. Auckermn South Kitsap Ma'tage Worthington Gamon Meter Co. :south Kitsap Motors Crews Sheet Metal Works nooks for Library Clerk telephone and toll Tire and tute, patrol car Street loghts for Nov., 1945 Board of prisoners, Nov., 1945 Police telephone and tolls Treasurer's telephone Pencil sharpener, Police STREET FUND Traffic paint Warrant Register Sheets 35 yds dirt, loading cost etc. Labor La bor Labor Lab or Labor Battery for truck WATER FUND 3" turbine meter, etc. Repairs to water truck PARKING METER FUND 2M Meter Clips HEALTH, FIRE & POLICE AID FUND Pacif id Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fire Department telephone W. L. Johnson MUM 4.26 4.40 17.47 127.85 23.00 9.00 2.01 5.62 21.44 10.41 9.01 92.75 91.60 89.31 84.73 72.14 7.42 122.40 13.10 32.00 7.50 n.q11C Matter of pay of Police Court Clerk was discussed, and it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that pay of Police Court Clerk be fixed at $12.50 per month. Council reconsidered action of June 25, 1945, transferring $1052.50 from Librayy Fund to Current Expenses Fund,_ and directed that sum of $1052.50 be transferred from Current Expense Fund to Library Fund, together with other income to the library expense} ao-- count, the same to be disbursed under budget appropriations provided for in 1946 budget. This action was taken on motion by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried. Lettbrs from Federal Works Agency, Seattle office of the Federal Public Housing Authority, in reply to letters written bV Clerk regarding acquisition by city of wells and fire equipment of Housing Authority, read and ordered filed. n Moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carri n