01/01/1943 - Regular - MinutesI Lumber..8app.ly . Oilmore Service 3ohr ivan' s Pa i" t Store Howe' s Hardware Howe's Motor Co. Vat's Service D. J. Thlbot :01. 311iott T.H. Frazee T.M. Baker and Co. Hiller Meter Co. '9 ,V, Bruhahn He"dell Vaa 'tr. Hardware Horne' s Hardware Ja Okso"' s Me ah i"a Shop Wil.ki"'s Lures" Howe Motor's Pt* Orahard Lumber Yard wandell Vaa Vms. Hardware Howe'e Hardware Ri lki"' +s Luree" Lumber Supply Txnehauf Trailer. Co. Sta"lard Oil Oo. Jackson's Maahi"e Shop T.W. Frazee Gladding MoBear a"d Co. Mary Peterson egular meeting of t ati"g Mayor M.H. C o u" ei lma" Hodge red AtER FUND $pia terial Ca s Supplies. Material Material Battery Bailer for fire truck Labor Labor Supplies Repa iri-g; labor Lice"se Plates Supplies Pu2olaae Oil Repairs Gas STREET FU` TD Material & Labor Material Li a®"se Plates supplies Material Gas a"d ail supplies U"iversal Joi"t Supplies Repair work Labor Sower Pipes LIBRARY FUND 5.30 2.35 13.00 36.46 9o42 15.60 29.64 24.30 3.50 15.19 25.44 71.60 1.25 4.74 3.36 13.91 3.60 9.89 4.94 2.50 .82 11.90 19.80 7.89 5.26 15.64 48.92 58.10 89.62 Reimburs t - 5600 r er& tow- council of the Tow" of Part Orchard called to order so"* Prese" t were coo u"dilme" Howe, Cline, a~d Cos bey. orted i" later. Mi'"utes of ad jour"ad rs eti"g of Ja"uary 12, read a"d approved. Homed by Doebey, seco"ded by Howe that George Oire-s be allowed $25,00 expe"sea for emorge"cy service re"dered, to be paid from Ouree"t Expe-se Fu'"d4 Carried, all members voted aye. Moved by Hoye, seco'"ded by Cli"e that George Give-s be allowed a"d paid $100, per mo"th from Street fu"d, $100. per mo"th from hater fu"d and $25. per mo"th from Sewer fu"d, aommo"ci'"g on Ja"ua.ry 10th, 1943. Motio- carried, all members voted aye. Moved by Howe a"d secorded by Cosbey that the salary of Gle" Moore of the Police ,Icr ce be fixed at $200. per mo"th. Chief of Police Ha-ki" stated that he .had appoi."ted officer Ole" Moore Captai"of the Police Dept. Hotio" carried V24"im. odely. Moved by Cli"e, aecro"ded by Cosbey that salary of parka"g meter officer be paid 6om. the Meter Pu"d. Carried. Auer a diseassio", it was moved by Howe, eeco"ded by Cli'"s a"d carried u"a"im- 4us3jr that all employees o" a mo"thly salary be paid o" the basis of a 30 day, mo" th. Water .Ouperi'"te'dert George Civev"s stated that although the water shortage is still seriQue, that it is possible that at the preset time a little water may, be gai"ed each day for storage. The matter of the bus station mai"tai"ed i" the Mu"icipal bldg. came up for di scussio" a-d it was moved by Howe a-d seconded by Cline that the Bus Compa"ies be charged 07.50 per mo'"th re"t; that they i"sta.11 their ow" telepho""e, a-d the timeclock which they hod agreed to i-stall whe" they origi-ally made the agreeme" t. Clerk was directed to write to the two operati'ig oompa."ies setti"g forth the fi"di~gs of the con"cil.. It was reported by Mayor Thompso" that there was due to the Sewer LID the am of $29T.68 i" local assessme"ts a"d i"ter+est agai"st the Ce"tral School property which has bee" acquired by the City. 0" motio" by Howe, seconded by Cosbey, a"d carried Wla"imously, it was ordered that a warra"t be draw" o" the mis eella'"eous divisio" of the Ourre"t Pa"d for 29%*68 1" full'for assessme"t a"d i",terest. It was moved by Hedge a"d seconded by Cosbey that salary of assiata"ts in the Clerk's office be 125* per mo"th begiY"-i"g Ja"nary 10th, 1943. The salary cif the Clerk was fixed at 200* Ror mo"the Matter of compe"sati"g Mrs. Mary B. Peterso" a"d Miss Chloe Sutto" for cou"ti"g a"d wrap- pi7g mo"ey from parki"g meters was discussed. It wasmoved by Hodge a-d seco"ded by Howe that Mrs. Peterso"" a-d Miss Sutto- each be paid We per mo"th from the meter fa "d for this service. Carried ura-imously. Mayor Thompso" brought to the atte^tio" of the council that the City Hall buildi-g fa"d isi" the ba"k drawi"g "^o i"terest, a-d it was moved by Cli"e a"d seco"ded by Howe a-d carried a"a"imouely that the Treasurer be authorized to i"vest this fu."d i" U.B. hover"- me"t bo"ds. City Attor"ey Rose Batt i"troduced a" ordi"a"ce authoriti"g the tra"sfer from the mis- aella"soar divisio- of the Ourre"t Expe"se Pard to the Park fu"d, a:"d suthorizi'"g the payme'"t from the Park fu""d of $200. for the purchase of lots 1 a-d Z, Block 6, Pottery Additio" to Sid"ear, "qw a part of Port Ordihard, Washi"gto". to protect the prese"t park property; the ordi"a."ce was i"traduced to provide for a" emerge"cy expe"diture, a-d was passed to the "ert meeti"g of the cou"cil for defi"its actio". The matter of the leasi"g to the Bremerto" Poster Advertisi"g Compa"y of a street e"d for bill board was brought to the atte"tio"" of the cod"oil. City Attor"ey matt advised that the cou"cil had "o authority to e"ter i"to this ki"d of lease, a"d the Clerk was directed to write to the Bremertn" Poster Ady4rtiei"g aompa"y requesti"g that they move the sig" board from the i"tersectio" of Seattle Ave. a"d Bar St. The followi"g bills were read a"d approved a"d warra"ts ordered draw" for the same. The meeti"g ad jour'"ed. Atsey Leavell A. VanHee and So" Wash. 'Typewriter Co. Rice Electric Searohl.ite Press Harold ©bent Ha"ki" a.i. Elliott H • W. Frank Treas. Rep. Books 11.34 I"stalli"g fix. (polioe) 27.55 Re" t of typewriter 7.73 Light fixtures 221.16 Pili"g cards 58.71 Shoveli"g S"ow 2.63 Re imbarseme"t 22.67 Pai" ti"g 17.00 labor 58.10 Howard Cooper....1-co . PoSoP. a"d L. 006 T. C. Baker a-d Co. Chloe 3atto" W.P. Br iabahn T.W, Frazee :. V. R+egua Harold Obert Roy Livi"gsto" any Wetzel 3ta"dard Oil Co. '03exto" Auto Preight Markaa"" a"d Williams Mary H. Peterson Roy livingsto" O*orge Giva" s T.W. P'raeee WiP. Brshah"F Wester" Tractor Co. O.H. Hamra" Pyre-e 17.34 Ele 0. 1.00 Va"^ep wrappers 2.89. Reimb arseme- t 6 618 Labor 130.80 Labor 77.23 labor 11,36 3hoveli'"g s"ow 3.60 labor 48. 3.0 Retimb cue same" t 6.00 Gas . 3.36 Freight service .64 Water relief valve 8.60 LIBRARY FUn- Reimbarsomo'+t 5.00 8TRERT FUND Clout"g salary of 3t. Supt. 26.58 Reimbareeme-t 25,00 Labor 13.13 Labor 2.00 Ma i"te"a""ce edges 27.55 shovels"g s"ow 2,00 shoveli"g 8"ow 2.00 Ope ra ti"g GraAer 61.85 14 � er 1 seseio'+, psrsaa"t to a ca 11seaed by Acti"g Mayor Thompr- so"* Prese"t: Cou""ailma" Hodge, Cosbey, Cli"e, a"d Howe. Maeti"g called to order by Aa%j?1g Mayor M.H. Thompso". City Attor"ey Hoss Watt press"tad "Parki"g Meter ordi""a' ae" which was read. Moved by Howe, eedo"ded by Cosbey► that ordi"a"oe be passed as read Carried, all members voted aye. ©rdi'"a"ae sig^ed by► Mayor, attested by the Clerk a-d adopted as Ordi"a'^oe lo. 469. Ordina"ce No* 488, presented. and read at the meeti"+g of Ja"uary 25, providi"g for the tra"afer of $200. from the Curre"t Expe"se Fa."d to the Park fa"d, a'"d parovidi"g for the diebureeme"t of the same, a-d dealari"g a- small''s r"13y, was proes"ted for seco"d readi"g a"d a.doptio". Mov+ed by Hodge, seoo"ded by Cli"'e that Ordi"a"as be adopted as read. Carried Va"imoasl,y. Resolatio" des.ig""ati"g parki"g meter -zo'"es adopted o`" motto" of the cou"oil.. Matter of re"t to be eharged the bus oompa""ies for age of the Ma"icipal buildi"g as ticket office a"d ,waiti"g room was discamsed, a"d aetio" of Ja"uaryr 25, o" the ratter was reset"dad. It was moved by Cosbey, seeo"ded by .Home that each bas compa^y participati"g i" the acre of the buildi-g be charged $7.60 per math for re" t; that a telepho-ar be i`" a to lied. for ass of the bus aompa"y, a"d that a wall: clock be i"etallpd as agreed who" the compa"ies first were permitted to use the buildi"g as the ticket office a-d waitl" g room. Motio" carried, all mem- bers voted. aye. The followi"g bills for amergemey' street work duri^g recae-t storm were read av"d warra- is ordered draw" for the same: STREET FUND Ronald Rowam Shoveli"g s"ow 28.00 CqP. Brascah Grader operator 9,60 M i Harry Afti.te grader Operator 9.60 Tom Ke"oyer Shove ll "g a -ow 3.00 Joe Showalter Shove li- g a - ow 10.00 G1e- Moore Grader Operator 15.90 1. Milroy Shove li"g allow 28.10 T.W. Frazee Labor 8.00 Fred Musia Shoveli"g a"ow 38.70 Fred Music Jr. Shoveli`"g a^ow 14.90 Rasor Brothers Bull-dmzi"g a^ow 110.00 George smith Shave li"g allow 4.00 Russell Beall Shoveli-g allow 10.00 M.R• Thompso" Reimbureeme"t 80.60 C.R. McCo"ohay Shoveli"g allow 40.40 M. Colli"s 9hoveli"g allow 2.00 n WATER FUTD W.P. Bruhahu Labor 46*40 T.W. Frazee labor 31.28 J.V. Re qua Labor 72.66 SE C/M 6 ND Tom Kaaoyer Labor 3.60 Moved by Hodge, seconded by Cosbey that the bills be paid. Carried. There bei"g "o further busi"ess, epeoial sessio- of the eou"ail ad joar"ed o" order of the Mayor. -_ -� Mayor er Febjuary 8 1943 A Regular meets-g of the Tow- .Conrail of the Tow- oil Port Orchard aalli"g to order by Acti-g Mayor Thompso", Prese-t Coarai.lme- Cosbay, dove, a-d Cli-e; Abse-t Com-cilma- Hodge. Xi-utes of the last regular meeti^g read a-d the special n mee tic g of February 2- d, 1943 read a-d approved. Chief of Police W.H. Ha-ki- reported o- police problems which were dis- cussed by members. Further discussio- a-d co-sideratio- of problems were to -be held by the Chief of Police a-d the Pi-a-ce Committee a-d a report submitted to members of the aocr^oil at the -ext regular meeti-g. Coarcilma- Clue reported that he had bee- i-formed that water co—eotio"s i- certai-, seeti,o-s o- Pottery Hill were -ot i- aeeorda-cue with regulatiowa. Matter referred to Water Supt. for i-vestigatio- a-d report. letter received from T.S. Goodyear, State Supervisor of Forestry Buildi-g i-- Port Orchard was referred to City Attor-ey Rose Matt for reply. Moved by Clue a-d seco-ded by Howe that Roy Livi-gsto^ be-otified that he shall Mo to-ger use the city garbage damp for the disposal of farmer refuse. George Give -a, street Supt., reported that Mr. Bartholet, State Supervisor from -the highway Dept., had requested a fnrhter appropriatio- from the csoarail i" the sum of $600. for mai-to-a-ce of Bay Street. The matter was discussed a-d the clerk was directed to write to Mr. Barth.olet atkiwg for a detailed report of expewditures for the past year, as this has -ot yet bee- received by the coa„cil, a -id from the i^formatio" available, it is appeari-g that the greater portio- of the $600. formerly allowed re- (� ate: i- s tr- s p e- t . The Clerk was i-atructed to -otify Mrs. Bmma Joh"sto- that a -der a re-gd jutat- me- t of service charges for the sewer, that the charge for the Spo-ogle Bldg. a -der the preae-t co-ditio"s, will be $6.00 per mo-th starti-g February 1st, 1943. The . 'her .Clerk was directed to write to the Carey ^wgi-eeri-g Co. askt-g that aotio- be secured o- the co-ectio- of the -ew well to the water system poi-ti-g out that the streets had bee- tor- up for several weeks a-d that, the time limit ow the co-traat had expired. (Copy of letter from James W. Carey relative to cha-gi-g assessme-t from Lots 19 a-d 20 of Block 7, Sroufe' a Additio- to Lots 19 a-d 20 dock 80 of Sroufe's Additio-, prose-ted to corn -oil a°,d referred to City Attor-ey who stated that_ cha°-ge should be made o- the Assessme-t Hall. Moved by Cli-e, sueo-ded by Howe, that the salaries of the members of the com-cil a-d the Mayor be fixed at $3. per meetiw g for each regular meeti-g atte-ded. Motio- carried. Cli-e a-d Hoge voted aye a-d Cosbey Wot voti-g. There bei-g -o other matters before the cou-oil, the rm°►yor declared the ,meeti-g ad jour-ed to Tuesday, Pebraa.ry 23, 1943 dae to the date of the -v it regular meati-g falli-g ow a holiday. The followi-g bills were read a-d warra.wts ordered draw for the same Wilki-' a Lurso- Jacksow's Machi-o Shop M.R.. Thomp so - Mill a-d Miwe Supply Hower Hardware Fred Muria Jr. Ray Livi- ge to- WoP. Bruhahw J.A. McBride A. Milroy Fred Musto C.B. MoOo-okay Robert dopes Kitsap do. Ba-k Bert Milford B.V. Caldwell Gilmore -Service Trick a- d Murray Trick a-d Murray Pt. Or. Lumber Yd. Prod-, Yetters Soli~a Ho-ey Howea Hardware Rowe'a Hardware W.H. Aawki- Willfam'a Hardware STREET PU'"►B Gas a-d ail. 14.37 Repairs 5.16 Re imbursome- t 7.50 Shovels 20.60 Supplies 7.25 Labor 8100 Labor 6.00 Labor 22.00 Labor 15.90 labor 46.40 Labor 15.90 labor 23.50 Hauling Gravel 34.90 Traffic Si,g^al Lites 121.06 GE" MA1 PU%tD Labor 27.30 coal 3.00 Gas for Pollee Car 3.25 Supplies 99.09 Supplies 32.33 Tow- Hall. Ezpe-se 16.62 Hoard for Prisopers 33.80 Clem-iwg Hall 2.00 Material 42.68 Supplies for Police 4.63 Re imb w some- t 13.49 Tow- Hall Espe- se 6.63 WATER PUwD Poarso^ a-d Crawshaw Labor a-d Material 2.27 w'at's Service Gas 1.18 W,?. Brubah" Labor 25.90 Wilki-'s Lurso- Co. Gas a„d Oil, 7.35 Am. Plbg. awd B.S. Co. Supplies 4.14 fts. Hardware Supplies 16.02 How+e's Hardware Oil 10.30 N n n Port Orchard, Wash ington February 23, 1943 Regular meeting of the council of the Torn of Port Orchard called to order by Acting Mayor M, H. Thompson, Present Councilmen Cline, 069bey, Hodge and Howe, and City Attorney Ross W. Matt. Minutes of the meetl% of February 8, 1943 read and approved. Mr. Blanchard, a lighting engineer from the Puget Sound Power & Light Company, spoke to the o9unoil relative to improved lighting on Bay Street and suggested that his company make a survey of the area and submit a propositio# of it and details' for improved street lighting. Moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey that survey be ^made and that the council consider his proposal at the meeting of March 8, h943. Carried, all members voting Aye. George Givens, superintendent of public Works, submitted a detailed report of an application which he proposed be submitted for out -back asphalt fbr im- provement and mai me nm ee of city streets. The Mayor reported that letters had been sent to the Commandant of the Navy Yard and to Colonel Dawes of the U S Armyp requesting that they approve a request for priority rating to secure the material asked for in the application. Moved by Cosbey and seconded by Cline that the appli- cation to submitted by the Superintendent of Public Forks be approved. Carried. The Clerk reported for the Superintendent of Publio works that certain property owners on Pottery Hill had been contacted relative to installation of water meters en& that meters would be installed on the properties in question. Letter from James W. Carey and Co. relative to completion of connection of new well, read. Council ordered that contractor be notified to replace conduit and wiring for lights on Amerioan Legion plot, which were removed when pipe line was laid. Chief of Polioe Hankin stated that he had inquired about bonds for members of his department and that he had been informed that a blanket bond can be secured which would cover all members of the force. Matter of the amount of bond was discussed and City Attorney suggested that it should not be .less than $10,000. Moved, seconded and carried that bond be secured in amount of $10,000 to cover members of the Police Department. n The Chief of Polioe also Department. After a discussion Chief of Police be authorized to to exceed $50.00. asked that aertain equipment be secured for the it was moved by Howe and seconddd by dodge that the secure tear gas guns and equipment, the cost not Representatives of four taverns in Port Orchard appeared before the ooun'oil relatives to licensing of beer taverns in For t Orchard. After a d is ous si on it was :moved by Hodge, and seconded by Howe that annual license fee for beer $averns in town be,fixed at 4600900 per year and that the City Attorney be instructed to drag an ordinance fixing the liven se fee for taverns at $600, payable quarterly for the established taverns, and that for me proprietors seouring licenses, that the license be paid one year in advanoe, and that the terms of the licenses for the existing taverns start as of February 15, 1943.Motion darried. x Letter from Louis B Keifer, relative to purchase from Alexander Buvinghousen of Lots 1 and 2, Blook 6, Pottery Addition to Sidney, was read. Moved by Cline and seconded by Howe thatbwarrant be drawn against the Park fund for $200 in payment for the lots, and that sewer assessment of $34.72 against said lots be assumed by the city. Motion carried u.nanimous&y. George Smith appeared before the council and asked permission to out trees on an unopened allay running from Division to Taylor Sts. , and between Sidney and Austin streets. Permission granted, the city not to be liable in any way. Chief of Polioe requested that his department be authorized to purchase record of automobile licenses for use of his offioso Motion to grant permission carried. them that the parking #*two had not been installed satin fa otorily and asked that they make proper installation or the work would be doge by the city and the cost retained from the receipts of the me ter s. Following bills allowed and warrants orde ed drawn for the same. Current Expense Fund Standard Stations Gas and Oil (Police) $ 10.91 Alexander Buvinghausen Payment for Lots 200.00 Pt.Orchard Cabinet Shop Supplies (Polioe) 4.64 Transfer & Fuel Fuel for town hull 18.80 T Z Britenst ein Surveying Teem. Lots ( Sewer Assm't) 25.00 Suppliers 10.44 Trick &Murray Trick & Murray supplies 2.17 H w Frank work for Police 20.20 Peninsula Stationere police Supplies 6.44 ( over ) J Milroy Labor on Fire Hall 4.00 Thompson's Stationers Supplies 4.79 W H Hankin Refund on Traffic Ticket 2.00 P. S. P. & L. Co. Stre e t Lighting 93.35 P. S. P. & L. Co. Pump House Lighting 1.00 Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. Tel ephow s 25023 Library Fund Port Orchard Transfer Fuel for Librar y 18.13 Water Fund L. Milroy Labor 8.00 P. S. P. & L. Go. Electricity for Pump House 8.00 A. $. Ole on Operating Pump at Brewery 76.48 W. F. Bruba hn Labor 15.90 Paolfio Tel & Tel Go Phones 3, 75 Street Fund Will and Mine Supply Flare Torhhe s 23.47 Swanrs Auto Wrecking Manifold 2.50 James Ward Checking traffics on St Highway 7. 20 L. Milroy Labor 55.40 Calvin Mhnn Checking traff io on St. Highway 7.20 Russell Beal Checking traffic on St. Highway 7.20 Stanley Danielson Cba a king tray fie on St. Highway 7.20 w. F. Bruhahn Labor 69.60 There being no furtbar business, Mayor declared council adjourned. rk Port chard, Wash March , 1943 Regular meeting of the town council of the Town of Part Orchard, called to order by Acting Mayor M. H. Thompson. Present Councilman Cline, Cosbey, Hofte and Howe; City Attorney Ross W Watt. Minutes of meeting of February 23, 1943 read and approved a's read. L. V. Nelson, representing the Duncan Me to r Companh appe a red before the Gounoi 1 with ref er er►► oe to damage to parking meters and to installation work necessary. It was agreed that meters be installed where necessary and the cost be deducted from the Duncan Meier Company's portion from the mater collections. H. E. Dingle of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. reported that the report on the proposed street lighting on Bay street was delayed for the reason that so far no definite information bad been received as to the availability of material. George Givens, water superintehdemt, reported that the pumping unit installed on the new well by the oontraotor will be left in place for an indefinite period of time, and that it is being used to pump the well to clear any sand that may Je deposited in the well. Matter of liability insurance to protect the town against damage suits was discussed and the o lerk r epor to d that a representative of the Firemen's Fund Insrrance Company visited the town on March 89 made a survey of oondi tions and that a report would be received as to rat es, eta. for submission at an early date. The Clark reported that no reply bad been received from the Bremerton Poster Advertising Company relative to the bill board at tjw norms, and of Seattle Avenue. It was moved by Hodge and seconded by Cline that the Company be notified to remove the bill board within ten days or that it would be removed by the Town. Motion carried, all mom ere voting in favor of the motion. Ordinance No 491 (the ordinance licensing taverns) was read. Moved by Hodge, seconded by C!Ine that the ordinance be passed as amendedl Motion carried. fitter of renewal of Insurance on dump truck and J-ton pickup truck belonging to the town was deferred for later. attion. ,The matter of the trailer parked on Port Street was referred to Coun- cilman Coshoy, who agreed tomooat+act the owner with reference to its removal. Ralph Connell reported on the collection of garbage and ,stated he would submit detailed report to the council at the next meeting. It was moved by Howe and seconded by Cline thatbGeorge Givens, superintendent of stmets, water and sewer, be hereafter officially designatedas Superintendent of Public Works. Carried unan imou sl y. Council ordered warrants for sewer a ssessnents against Central School property and Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Pottery Addition, be drawn, the City Attor. ney to direct the Clerk as to what fund the warrants are to be drams against. The matter of establishing proper grades on Sidney Street, with a view to paving the street was discussed. City Attorney Watt stated that he would contact representative of Parker & Hill, Co. in regard to establishing the ,grades. Frank Langer stated that be believed the property owners would favor a paving program, and stated that he would circulate a petition for the improvement as soon as the approximate cost was ascertained. The matter was deferred for early action. Fire C#ief Totten brought up the matter of busses stopping in the center of Sidney street and blocking traffic. Chief of Police was directed to work out some other method of parking so that traffic coming down Sidney Street would not be blocked. The Superintendent of iublio Works stated that there were sometrees near the new well which should be removed, and stated that he had received proposi- tions to remove them and clear the brush from the area. The matter was refereed to the Superintendent of Public Works with power to act. The Supt. of Public Works stated that it was possible at the present time to secure a pump of sifficient vapasityr to utilize to its full supply the water from the well at the Silver springs Brewery in case of an emergency. On motion of Hodge, seconded by Cline, and aeoried unanimously, the matter was referred to the neater and sewer committee to make arrangements with the brewery and with power to act in the purchase of the pump. Moved by Howe and secorAed by Cline that the Clerk be instructed to -write to James W Carey Co. relative to apfliteatlon for additional funds from the PWA for equipkent at the now well. Motion carried, , all members voting in favor of the motion. The following bills read and on motion of Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried, warrants were ordered drawn for the same, after which the meeting adjourned, subject to call by the Mayor. Current Expanse Fund n Howe's hardware Supplies $ .18 W H Hankin Reimbursement 34.6E Trick & Murray Supplies 2.1h W F Bruhahn Labor 10.00 L Milroy Labor 16.00 Thompso n's Supplies 3.86 Fred G Vetters Board for prisoners 33.40 Glen wore Reimbursement 14.00 Dowling's Service Station Gas and Oil. 1.80 Jackson's Mach Shop Labor on Meters 5.15 Searchlight Press Supplies 80.6E Western Union Telegram .48 Crawshaw Motors Repairs 9.70 Walter Jones 85% for Humane Society 9.78 W G Sewell Painting 11.33. Nat's Service Sta, Gas 4.91 Howe's hardware Oil 4.64 Guy L Wetzel Reimbursement 2.48 Water Fund P. S. P. do L. Co. Electricity 89.10 W F Bruhahn Labor 20.60 Howe's Hardware Stove nil 6.87 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 2.00 Standard Oil Co. Pump Gasoline- 6.90 Williams Hardware Shovel 9.58 Stree t Fund Nat Is Service Repairs- 1.55 W F Bruhahn Labor 31.60 L Milory Labor 53.60 Jackson's Machine Shop Repairs 20.60 Lumber Yard Supplies 4.18 Standard Oil Co. Fuel 4.51 Puget z)ound News Co. Puget Sound News Co. ]Mary Peterson YY��MIiM Library Balance Books Re ikbur Fund on Books same, 27.53 41.17 .50 Port Orchard, Washington March 109 1943 Adjourned meeting of the tows council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by A.oting Mayor M H Thompson. Present Councilman Cosbey, Howe and Hodge; City Attorney Ross W Watt and George Givens, Superintendent of Public Works. Matter of offering for .sale Lots 5-8-7 and 8. Block 7 Swoanyts Addition, acquired by the torn to protect sewer assessment, was discussed. Moved by Hwe, seconded by Hodge that Strut and alley Committee view the property and appraise the value thereof, preliminarynto offering for sale. Carried, all members voting aye. The matter of the pe rmm rent impro veme nt of Sidney Street was discussed. I. Curites Parlor of the firm of Parker & Hill, was present and a zp lained various matters in connection with making the improvement,, and suggested different ways f financing. Also present were George Blanchard, J A Holmberg and F-- Langer, interested property owners, who expressed themselves in favor of the improvement if financing can be arranged satisfactorily. After a general discussion, it was moved by Hodge and seconded by Coebety that the engineering firm of Parker & gill be employed to make a preliminary survey of the proposed improvement, from Bay street to Division street, and furnish the tovyn estimates and grades, the cost not to exceed $650.00. Mption carried, all members voting aye. Moved by Hodge, seconded bu Cosbey that adjourned meeting adjourn, subject to .pall of the Mayor, or until the next regular mmeti e, March 22, 1945 s Motion carried. Clete 1.»..... .. .. r Fort Orohar, , Wash ton March 22, 1 43 Regular meeting of the town council of the Toga of Port Orobwd called to order by Mayor C I Hanks. Present Councilmen Thompson, Cosbey, Howe, Cline and rod1ge; City Attorney Ross W Matt, and Superintendent of Public Works George Givens. The Mayor, in opening the meeting, Axpressed his happiness at being bgok in Port Orchard and able to take up where he left off when granted his leave of absence, and also gave a short statement of matters relating to cities and towns which are being enacted by the recent Legislature. Application for franchise by Puget Sound Power & Light Co. , was read. L. J. Bourke,, district manager of the company, was present and explained the provi s ions of the. franchise. Cpunc ilman Thompson asked that a larger sum In lieu of free servioe .be paid to the town by the company, than was provided for in the franchise, and Mr. Bourke agreed to change the amount of $250.00 as provided for in the franchise to $300.00 per annum. After further discussion it was moved by Thompson and seconded by Clime that the ordinance granting the franchise be passed on first reading. Carried unanimously. The matter of liability insurance for the town Was brought up for discussion, and a tentative proposal from the Occidental Indemnity Co. was submitted to the Council. After a discussion it was moved by Thompson and seconded by Howe that the Clerk be instructed to call for bids ib r liability insurance to ptoteot the town against liability. In discussing equipment desired for the new well, the Mayor was requested to communicate with Congressman Warren G. Magnuson with reference to reopening the case and seouring an additional grant to replpee money albotted from the equipment cost to drill the well to a greater depth. The matter of sewer charges and water rent against various Army installations inside the city were referred to Ross Watt for action as City Attorney. Permission granted to J. L. Kiernan to close the sidewalk in front of Bud's Market and Grooery to permit the replacement of the canopy destroyed by the snow; Mr Kiernan, to make provision for pedestrians and to reopen the sidewalk as soon as possible, the town. not to be liablemin any.respeet for the closing of the sidewalk. The matter of various delinquent sewer charges, throughout the town were referred to City Attorney Ross Watt. A letter f=,m Post Master R. J. Caretti relative to building records was read. It was pointed out by the Clerk that the town has an ordinance No. 370, which covered the points raised in Mr. Caretti's letter. After a discussion, it was agreed that the provisions of thismerdinanoe be enforced and that permits here- after be issued in accordance with the ordinance. Fes"" A letter addressed to Mayor C A Hanks and asking cooperation in the recruiting of WAACS, was read, and Mayor Hanks appointed Miss Margage% MoPher- son as chairman of the local oommittee to act in behalf of recruiting women for the WA.ACS, she to recommend two other members, who, if satisfactory, will be appointed by the Mayor. It Was ordered that the Chief of Police and the Superintendent of Public Works provide a parking space in the downtown area in which the Fire Chief may park his oar. Clerk was instructed to write the firm. of James W Carey, Engineers, with relation to sewer assessment against Lots 22, 239 and 24, Block 16, Sidney Villa Tracts, in which instance the three lots have been assessed as one unit. It appears that -the lots have been sold to three separate owners and that one of thenowners wishes to pay the assessment on his property. On motion of Thompson, seconded by Howe, an allotment of 500 was made to the Department of Highways for the maintenance of Bay St through the town. The following bills were allowed . and warrants ordered drawn for the game on motion of Cosbey, seconded by Howe and harried: Current Expens a Fund A. R. Cruikshank Supplies- 4.70 A. R. Cruikshank Supplies 5.56 Sam Fitz Suppl;es for police 4.12 Trick & Murray Clerk a Supplies 13.23 Bill Stevenson supplies 12.29 Atsey Leavell Treas. Rea. Books 5.67 Atsey Leavell Gen. Rea. Books 5.67 Trick & Murray Rubber Stamp 1.16 George Blanchard Supplies 8.91 P. S. P. & L. Co. Lighting.- 1.00 Trick & Murray Supplies 5.67 Pt Orchard Transfer & Fuel Coal for city hall 41.98 W. G. Sewell Painting traffic is signs 12 * 00 Rice Electric Supplies 8.82 lie- vAirdde re supplies .62 Xc w9. sH1inkdnar a Re-imbursement 22. 56 H.owe's Hardware 4.48 Howefs Hardware Oil 2.37 n Street P. S. P. & L. , Street Lighting 93.35 Roy Livingstone Burlap sacks 1.00 George Blanchard Supplies 3.09 Wilkins Lursen Co Gas and Oil 43.95 -'oh# Harris Labor 47.10 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 25.90 L. Milroy Labor 56160 Wa ter P. S. P. & L. Co. Electricity 80.94 P. S. P. & L. Co. Electricity 3.15 Wilkins-Lursen Gas and Oil. 11.11 Fairbanks -Morse Co. Pump for Brewery well 344.54 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 52.60 L. Milroy La bor 22.00 Am Plbg. and S. Sup. Co. Material 3.40 Meter Roy Livingstone Labor 50.00 Sewer F. J. Ad kins La bor 20.00 On motion, council adjourned, subject to call of the Mayor or until regular meeting date of April 12, 1943. lClerk rrr rrrr ors w+F l Port chard Washingto March 2 , 19 Adjourned meeting of the town council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor Hanks. Present Councilmen W E Cos be y, M H Thompyo n., Roy iloweo George Cline and Alan Hodge, Mr. Osburn of the firm of Parker & Hill, engi ne ers , appeared before the council and stated that he would life to have the council go on record as authorizing the engineers to make necessary changes and alterations in grades, alignments and improvements on Sidney street from Bay street to Division street, neeessar y to make a satisfactory job. .After discussion, it was moved by Cline and seconded by Howe, %ba.t engineers be given authority to make any changes necessary in plans and existing grades, to include plans for the replacement of existing gutters and sidewalks on the street, where necessary to create an engineering job. Carried, all members voting aye. Mayor Hanks brought up the matter of the adoption of an ordinance for the collection of amusement taxes as provided in the law passed by the recent session of the Legislature. Moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey that Attorney be directed to draw an ordinance in conformity with the state law. Carried. w There being no further business, council adjourned, subject to the call of the Mayor of until .April 12, 1943, the t rag r meet i art rchard, Washington Ap $lh,1943 Adjourned meeting of the Council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Uounoilmen Hodge, Cosbey, Thompson, Cline and Howe, and City Attorney Rose watt. Matter of service charge for sewer on property where buildings have been demolished, referred to City Attorney to draw an amendment to the Sewer ordinance to permit suspension of service charges in such cases. Mayor Hanks stated that there was a possibilily that some funds might be provided -by the Navy Department for work on streets and rods where navy Yard busses -travel, and stated that he had communicated with. Navy Yard officials relative to -the matter. 1. Curtis Parlaar of the firm of Parker &c Hill, engineers, presented to the council the plans and snaps showing grades, alignments, etc. of the pro- posed improvement of Sidney street by pavirg. He stated that the plans called for the paeviM of the street forty-six feet wide from Bay street to Kitsap street, and thirty-six feet wide from Kits+ep street to Division street. After a discus- sion it was decided that that the forty-six foot pavement be extended from Bay street to Delb street, and a thirty-six foot pavement from DeKalb street to Division street, and that the plans be wade to shorn this change. Motion made by Thompson and -seconded by Cosbey that the plans and grades as submitted for the Improvement of Sidney street, as amended to include the forty-six foot pavement to DeKalb street, be adopted by the council. Motion carried, all members voting aye. Moved by Cosbey, seconded by Cline2adn. ar' . -46 Pert` Oro ard, Washington April 199 1943 Regular meeting of the c ounci 1 of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor Hanks. present Counollmn Cline, Have, Cosbey and Thompson; City Attorney Ross Watt and Superintendent of Publics Works George Givens. Minutes of regular meeting of March 22, 1943 and of adjourned meetings of March 26 and April 5, 1943, read and approved. Ordinance granting franchise to Puget Sound power &a Light Company pre- sented for second reading. L. J. Bourke and H. E. Dingle, representing the Light Company, were pre sent. After a d is sus s ion, It was moved by Cline and seconded by Howe that the ordinance granting the franchise be passed as read. Carried unanimously. Mr Burke stated t ba t the company would file its acceptance at an early date, and in the acceptance 'would include a section suggested by the City Attorney relative to removal of poles and other equipment in case of street im- provements. City Attorney stated that the acceptance would, upon filing, become a part of the franchise agreement. Mr. Bourke stated that the work of changing the fire alarm control, of the city from the court house to the police station was under way and should be completed this week. Transfer voucher from the State Department of Highways , asking for the sum of $121.10 as total amount due the State f'br maintenance of Bay street up to April 1, 1943, was presented to council. Moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried that voucher in the amount of $121.10 be approved and deduction allowed the state. Carried, all members voting for the motion. The matter of sanitary fill, and other improvements on the tideflats at the head of the hay, as outlined by Mayor Kean of Bremerton, was brought up by Mayor Hanks, who explained the plan as sugEp ate by Mayor Kean, and stated tbs t a meeting, at which the proposal would be discussed, was to be hold at the court house on April 15. He statedthat it bad been suggested that the cities of Brem- n erton and Port Orchard, and the various housing projects, the Navy Yard and outlying Kitsap County use the area for the disposal of refuse, but that he did not believe that the Tome of Port Orchard was interested in the plan from the standpoint of a garbage dump. Mayor Hanks brought up the matter of the ordinance providing for the payment of amusement tax, as unfinished business from the regular ma et ing of ( March 22. The proposition was continued to April 26, for further study and oaneid- erat ion. At this tin, in accordance with the call for bids for liability insuranoe, -bids were opened in open council. The bid of the General Insruanee Company, cover- ing in detail the various branches of coverage in the policy as submitted, was read, as was also the informal quotation of the Occidental indemnity Company. After oon- sidering tke bids, it was moved by. Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that the bids be referred to the Mayor and City Attorney for investigation and study. �} The matter of the suit by the Town of Port Orchard .against K.iteap County for the collection of sewer service charges was reported on by Mayor Hanks and Attorney Watt, and it was stated that the matter mould be se't for hearing in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington at an early date. Matter of assessment on Lots 22, 239 24, Block 16, Sidney Villa's Addition, which had been assessed as one unit, and upon 'Nhich individual property owners desired to pay assessment, referred to City Attorney. Mayor brought up the matter of the conduct of the City l Clerk's off ice , and stated that a regular schedule of hours must be worked out and more definite responsibility assumed by the clerk, and a smoother operation established. Traffic light on Bay street and Sidney street came in for discftsion by members of the coil on reported critiaim said to have emanated from the business district of fort Orchard. It was the opinion of the council as expressed by the members, that the light is an aid to traffic safety, and that ids operation tends to more rapid movement of traf f io. Street and Alley committee reported that their appraisal of Lots 5-6-7 and 89 Block 7, Sweeny's Addition had been fixed at a minimum value of 300 for the four lots. Moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey that the appraisal be approved by the council, and that proper procedure be taken by the City Attorney and Treasurer to sell the lots. Carried. Superintendent of Public Works directed to have curb from driveway tomdrive- n way on both sides of the Navy View apartments on Prospect street painted yellow, and that parking in this space be prohibited. Councilman Cosbey reported that t hesmal.l building parked on Port Street had been sold, and that former owner disclaimed any responsibility. Referred to City .Attorney with reference to having it removed, New law permitting f ire departmaixt and equipment to report to fires outside the city limits, explained by City Attorney Voss Watt. Moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe that resolution permitting the fire department to answer outside calls be passed. Motion carried. On the suggestion of the Superintendent of Public Works, it was ordered that Bay street be cleaned every night, and that wages of the man employed to do the work be fixed accordingly. Various police problems were discussed, and definite action on proposals was continued. Various mat ter s in connection with the new well and equipment a ame up for discussion, and letters were read from Congressman Warren G. Magnuson in reply to a letter from Mayor Hanks; and from James W. Carey, engineer. Steps were taken looking to making ap pli c a t ion for further funds to complete the pro je o t. Following bills were, on motion. of Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried, allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same: Trick & Murray Trtok & Murray Trick & Murray Motor List Ino. Hi -Way Ga rago Fred G. Vet to rs Otto Voll Lumber Supply Howe Motor Co. Howe Is Hardware Howe's Hardware Current Expense Fund Supplies for Police Supplies for Clerk Supplies for Treasurer Directory for Police Towing (Police) Board of Prisoners Signs for Police Material (Police) Supplies (Fire Department) Oil for Police Dept. Supplies for Police 1.71 ,70 7.10 51.10 7.00 21.45 1.25 3.93 2.64 9.69 7.91 Parking Meter Fund Duncan Meter Co. Freight etc. 804.91 Duncan Meter Co. Contract payment 2739.80 H. W. Jackson Repairs for Meters 12.88 Water --(Well Construction Fund) N. C. Jannsen Drilling Co. Estimate No 3 $3684.75 Wat e r Fund Thompso n 9 a Sta t ionaxy Supplie s 1.55 Sexton .Auto Freight Fre ight charge .66 Sexton ,Auto Freight Freight charge .S6 Wilkins-Lursen Co. Gas and 011 7.57 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 70.00 Trick & Murray supplies 2.55 Nat 's Service Cbarging Battery .77 Howe's Hardware stove Oil etc. 3.98 Tacoma . i'lbg Supply Supplies -1.32 Williams Hardware Augur bit .77 Caldwell's Trading Post Coal and supplies 7.23 ` Street Fund Howe Moto` Co. Spark Plugs 5.77 Wilkins-Lursen Co. Gas and Oil 22.98 W. F. Brulaa hn Labor 44.00 John W. Harris Labor 80.00 L. Milroy Labor 116.00 Milldams Hardware Supplies .37 Lumber supply Material - 21.26 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Material 5.06 W. F. Bruhah n Labor 4. 00 Library Fund Part Ordhari Transfer Coal 15.19 There being no further business council adjourned subject to call of the Mayor,, or until the next regular meeting on pril 2�943. _------. Clerk w•ra.r — wrr� www ww— ort rehard, Washington Apri 26, 1943 Regular meeting of the oouno i 1 or the 'town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Ranks. Present Councilman Cosbey, Thompson, Howe and Cline; City Attorney Ross 'Watt, and superintendent of Public Works George Givens. ,Absent Councilman. Hodge. Minutes of mating of April 12, 1943 read and approved. Mayor Hanks stated that he had been contacted for permission to out some wood which bad been dumped over the bank near the Duration Trailers. After discus- sion it was agreed that wood might to out, and that the person receiving permission small clean up all brush and trash from the operation. The matter of liability insurance for which bids were called and opened on April 12, 1943 was reported on, and after discussion it was moved by Thompson and seconded by Howe and carried that the bid of the General Insurance Company be accepted; this aooeptanoe to cover also the supplemental bid with refer- enoe to coverage of the individual policemen. Motion carried, all mbmbears voting In favor of. the motion. City Attorney Ross Watt reported that the small build ing on P6rrt Street bad, been removed, according to orders of the council. Ross Watt, executive secretary of the Housing Authority of the Town of Port Oroha rd, together with LeRoy q. Stough, pro je c t manager for the FPRA, ap- peared before the council relative to securing water for the East Port Orchard Housing Project, in case of an emergency. Mr Stough stated that so far the efforts to de ve lop a water supply at the project had not met with any great degree of success, and asked that some arrangement be made whereby surplus water can be secured from -the City of Port Orchard in case of necessity. After a discussion it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosby and sarr9ed that the Town of Port Orchard agree to supply .wavokus water to the East Fort Orchard Housing pro jeot, with the understand- ing that the Housing authority secure for the salty s 60-h. p. deise 1 engine to develop the surplus supply. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that water consumers within the Town of i'o:qt Orchard be permitted 5,500 gallond of water monthly for the minimum charge of $1.50 during the momths of June, July and August, 1943. City Attorney presented Ordinance providing for suspension of sewer charges where buildings are demolished or removed. Moved by Howe, -seconded by Cosbey that ordinance be passed as read. Carried. V_ n n Resolution authorizing the fire department to answer outside fire calls under the terms of the "Fire Mobilization Act" was presented, and on motion of Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried, the resolution was passed as read. The "Admission Tax Ordinance" was again brought up before the council, and after a discussion, it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe and carried that an ordinance be draw fixing the tax on admi ss ions charged within city at the same rate as is now charged by the state. Motion carried. Clerk was directed to write to James Munro relatiVe to discrepancies in finance records in the Clerk's office, occuring during the time he was City Cle rk. Sidney street paving was diseased, and it was suggested that property owners be contacted relative to amount that it was believed cou14 be stood by the abutting property toward installing the pavement. Clerk was directed to transfer on his books in his office sufficient credits to the dater Fuhd fromf- het Well Construction Fund to offset disbursements previously made for the benefit of the Idell Construction Fund: Follcwnifg bills presented, and on motion of Thompson, seconded by Josbey and carried, were ordered paid: Current Puget Spud Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Glen's Service D. J. Talbot Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Puget bound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Washington typewriter Co. J. V. Requa Sear ch light press Peninsula Stationers Stre e t Fund Wat er Pint sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound rower & Light Co. Pacific Tel &bTel Co Fairbanks Morse Co Tacoma Plumbing Supply Co. Worthington*Damon Meter Co. Hackett Drug Co. Crane Company Ts co ma Bremerton Auto Freight Pittsburg 3,qtIIr. Meter Co. W. F. Bruhahn. Exp en s e Fund Traffic light Traffic light Gas for police car Material for city hall Telephone service First Aid Station light Street lights Rent of typewriter Special Officer Supplies for Police Supplies for Police Reimbursement for St Lights Fund Electricity for pumping Lights at pump house Telephone for Water Supt. Prepaid freight Material Wat er Me ter s First .Aid Kit etc. Supplies Freight charges Parts for meters Lab o r Street Fund Lee Miller Labor Will G. Williams Fainting traffic lines Solastio Products Co. Traffic paint W. F. Bruhahn Labor L. Milroy Labor John W. Harris La bor sewer Fund W. F. Bruhahn Labor L. Milroy Labor Parking Met er Fund Current Expense Fund Reimbursement fcr advances Well Construction Fund Water Fund. Reimbursement for adva noe s Moved by Cosbey, seconded by Howe to adjourn. Carried -r fieFIX ' 3.50 6.64 10.35 1.60 23.90 1.00 82.15 7,73 28.00 3.55 7.73 93.35 78.46 1.00 3.75 2.74 9.02 103.88 6.18 10.59 .86 16,79 68.00 43.75 42.64 13.13 4.00 72.00 76.00 8100 8.00 519.00 3.67. Port Orchard, Washington May 100 1943 Regular meeting of the aamcil of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Cpuncilmen Cline, Howe, Cosbey and Thompson; and Superintendent of Publics Works George Givens. f Minutes of the meeting of April 26, 1943 read and approved. Moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline that the salary of the Chief of Police be Fixed at $250.00 per month, starting May, 1943; that the salary of the Captain of Police be fixed at $200.00 per month to start as of April 25, 1943; and that the Superintendent of Public Works' salary be fixed at $250.00 per month, to start May 109 19439 the 425.00 per month increase for the Superintendent of Public works to be paid fropi the Water Fund. .After a discussion, the motion was parried, all members voting aye. Contract for the purchase of water meters from the Worthington- Gamon Meter Company, pt the same cost as prevailed last year, was on motion of Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, approved. Superintendent of Public Works presented to the council the application of Urs Clarence Lampman for disposal of material to be cleared from a lot on a dead-end street. The matter was referred to the Superintendent of Public works with power to handle the matter. Clerk was directed to write to certain property owners on DeKalb, street, west of Cline street relative to sewage disposal. The matter of sewer connection at Glen's Service Station was discussed, and it was moved by Cosbey and seconded by Cline thd.t the city oo> : construct the sewer to the property line. A resolution commending the services of Mr. Paul Sheely in con- nection with priorities applications and other matters of vital concern to the city was introduced by Superintendent of Public Works George Givens, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Hoge and Carried unanimously, the resolution was adopted. The resignation of A. W. Hodge as a member of the council, due to his inability to properly serve in the capacity of councilman, was tendered to the council.. On motion of. Cline, seconded by Howe and carried, the resignation was accepted. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried unani- mously -that U. J. Talbot be elected as councilman to serve for the unexpired term of A. W. Hodge, resigned. ' A. resolution providing for the sale of :Lots, 59 8, 7 and 8. Block 7, Sweany's Addition, was presented to the council, and after discussion it was moved by Cline and seconded by Howe that the resolution be amended to provide that the lots be sold as one unit, and that the earnest money payment be50.00, and that the resolution be passed as amended. Motion Carried. The Clerk was ddreoted to secure from the City Clerk of the City of Bremerton a copy of their pin -ball ordinance. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline that the Clerk be directed to notify the proprietor of the Fort Orohard Pool Room that the full amount of the Tavern License for the Port Orchard Pool Room is due and payable, and to ask for the immediate payment of the balance due. Letter from the office of the Attorney General with reference to sewer service charge for the State Forestry Building, was presented to the council and referred to the City Attorney for further action. A bulletin from the State Department of Highways stating that the city would receive warrant for $40168.82 as their funds due from the State Department of Highwayp from the Motor Vehicle Fund up to March 31, 1943, was presented and read to the council. Action on amusement tax ordinance was deferred until the next ime eting of the council.. Superintendent of Public 'corks reported that the pump house at the new well was practically completed, and that the entire contract would probably be completed within a few days. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried, that the contract with the Kitsap County Humane ooe iet y be renewed for another year under the same terms as last year. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that the liability insurance for which an award was made on April 28, 1943, be secured to provide 610,000/4209000 coverage, and that the policy be secured on a three- year basis. v M Mayor Hanks commended Charlie Heath, chief of Auxiliary Police, for excellent services rendered in connection rith his office, and complimented him, on behalf of the city, for his services. Following bills were presented and read, and on motion of Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried, warrantsbwere ordered drawn in payment thereof: WATER PUM Mill & Mine Supply Co. Water Hose 10.55 American Plumbing Supply Material 8.13 Howe's Hardware Lantern Battery .62 Howe rotor Co. Truck repair 3.07 Williams Hardware Material 7.46 n Jackson's Machine Shop Meter Boa hinge 2.16 W. F. Bruhahn Labor on pipe line 65.30 Nat 's Service 4ita t ion Greasing Truck 1.19 Worthington-►Gamon MeterCo.Sales Tax on 3-17143 order 3.55 Bremerton Cone. Prod. Co. Meter Box covers 7.42 STREET FUND Jackson is Machine Shop Material and repair 5.51 Port Orchard Lumber r Yard .Mat er ial 1.07 V. B. Caldwell Wheelbarrow wheel 12.88 Nat "s Service Station Grease .93 Bremerton Cono. Prod. Co. Sewer Tile 41.72 L. Milroy Labor on streets 63.38 John ye. Harris Labor on streets 69.17 L. Milroy Repairs to sewer lateral 2.00 W. F. Bruhahn Repairs to sewer lateral 3.85 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND .7. M. Paterson Standard Stations W. F. Bruhahn Thompson's ,Sta t ionery Kitsap County Humane Society Fred G. Vetere, Sheriff Howe Motor uo. Preparing Trees. report $16.49 Gas and Oil 14.10 Labor at city hall 7. 70 Mdse for Treasurer 1.55 Animal,lice3nsee collections 15.72 Board of pr i sone rs 48.40 Repairs to Paddy Wagon etc. 34,74 There being no further bu . -- Ct.if Zr Port iObehard May 2#,2 1943 Glared oouncil adjourned. erk/ rp r Washington Regular meeting of the council of the Town ct Port Orchard called to order by Mayor, C. A. Hanks. Present Cpunc ilmen Cline, Hove, TAompson and Talbot. Minutes of the meeting of May 10, 1943 read and. approved. Mayor Hanks welcomed Councilman D. J. Talbot, who was occupying his seat with the council for the first tits, ands;informed him of hid; duties, committee assignments, etc. and introduced him to the assemblage. A framed picture of William McKinley, president of the United States during the Spanish-American war, was presented to the City Library by Mies Alice Wilson, of Harper, through Treasurer Chloe Sutton, and the council accepted the gi ft , and directed the Clerk to grite to Miss Wilson, expressing the appreciation of the city for the gift, and to state that thr picture wduld be prominently displayed in the Library. Superintendent of Public Works George Givens reported on the sewers on the west portion of DeKalb street, and stated that the property owners had considered the matter of proper installations, and expected to so arrange the connections tinin their properties so that they could be cannected with the system on Bay street. The Clerk reported on ameeting which he had attended at the direction n of the Mayor, with officers of the Army, Navy, and representatives of the Cities of Bremerton zind Port Orchard, and stated that a plan for maximum service to the communities in case of emergency, was being worked out by the Army, under the direction of Col. Dawes, the Navy and civil authorities. He stated that in case of an emergency, caused by fire, riot, storm or war damage that the Army was ready to assist civilian authorities upon request of the proper officials. They Clerk also stated that there existed a council which ream kept in touch with relations among the Army, Navy and civilian authorities, V.hic h meets in Bremerton each `Wednesday evening, and that it was desired that Port Orchard I be represented on this council. Viith the approval of the council, Mayor Hanks ap- pointed Cecil Both to represent the city on this council. The matter of securing additional fire equipment was discussed and a com- mittee consisting of Fire Chief Alan Totten, Superintendent of Public Works George Givens and Clerk Guy L. Wetzel was appointed to take st9ps looking toward securing equipment, and to report their activities and progress to the council. The Fire Chief reported that he is working on the pro jec t and hopes for ultimate success. The Treasurer reported through the Clerk on tge bids for the sale of Lots 5-6-7 and 8s Block 7,, Sweany's Addition, and stated that two bids had been received -- one from Mrs. S. 0. Stoke s for 4350.009 and -ibneiLfrom Elder M. Stokes for 0330.00. It was stated that Mrs S. 0. Stokes desired the ,property far the construction ct a home, and that Eider M. Stops wanted it COr the erection of a church. The council deemed the bid of Mrs. S. 0. Stokes the better bid, and directed the Treasurer to make a deed to the property to Mrs S. 0. Stokes, on motion of Thompson, seconded by Cline and o a rried unanimously. Matter of pin ball ordinance was discussed, and a copy of the Bremerton ordinance was presented to the council for perusal. The matter was referred to a special committee consisting of Councilmen Howe, Cline and Talbot to confer with the City Attorney and formulate an ordinance suitable for Port Orchard. A proposed ordinance was submitted from the State Department of Health relative to compliance with federal and state laws in regard to buying and selling of Material and equipment by the various departments of the city. Superintendent of Public Works exple1n9d that this ordinance provided for the disposal and agquisition of surplus materials under an emergency act, and stated that it might be of great value to the city. After a discussion it was decided that the terms of the proposed ordinance be inoorporated in ani( ordinance for the Town of Port Orchard. hatter referred to the City Attorney. Matter of collection of delinquent water accounts outside the city limits was referred to the City Attorney. At this point in the meeting Councilman Josbey arrived and took his seat with the council. On application, permission was granted to the Baptist Church to dump dirt from their building project on Division street, the work to be done under the direc- tion of the Superintendent of Public Works. Councilman Cosbey reported that so far there had been no definite proposal on the matter of supplying surplus water to the Housing Project at East Port Orchard, but thatbfurther contacts would be made with representatives of the project. On motion of Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, the sum of 350.00 was made available from the -"State Aid Fund" for the Police expense account, and the :cum of $350.00 from the same fund was made ava ila ble for the Fire Depa rtrrent . Fire Chief Totten stated that an additional 200 Peet of fire hose was needed by the Fire Department,, and he was au thori zed to procure the same. The matter of the salary of the Police desk clerk was discussed, and it was moved by Have, seconded by Cline and carried that the starting salary of the police desk clerk be fixed at $100.00 per month. The installation of a fire hydrant in the vicinity cf Bay and High Streets was referred to the Water and Sewer committee for investigation. Mrs E H Erickson appeared before the council and requested that some facilities be provided for picnicking at the city park where children could be taken for recreation. The matter was discussed by the council, and it was decided that some facilities should be installed, and the matter was referred to the Parks committee to have the area cleaned up, and to arrange for tables and seats and other necessary equipmsnt for mall picnics. Following bills presented, and on motion of Cline, seconded by Cosbey were ordered Paid. Crawshaw Motors Port Orchard Independent Ol son's Service Pacific Tel & Tel Co Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sapund Power & Light Co. Puget Sound power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. W H Hankin C A Hanks Chloe Sutton, Treasurer Current Expense Fund Repairs to Pat ro 1 car Publishing ordinances etc. Gasoline for Police Telephohe service Blinker Light Traffic right Htreet Lighting Lights at First Aid Station Reimbursement for Gas Gun Insurance Premium on Central School Postage and Safe Deposit Borg Rent 7.72 47.21 1.18 29.90 1.33 4.28 90.55 1.00 3.90 75.08 13.34 rn r, Water Fund John W. Harris Labor on Water Lines L. Milroy Labor on Water Lines W. F. Bruhahn Labor on Water Lines and system Port Orchard Independent Postal Cards and Printing Pittsburgh Eq*itable Meter Co.EquipiMnt and. repairs Pacifit Tel. & Tel. Go. Telephone for grater Supt. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power for pumping Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Light service at pump house Peninsula Stationers Supplies fop Water Supt. STREET, -,FUND John W. Ha rr i s Labor on streets L. Milroy Labor on streets W. F. Bruhah n Labor on streets Bremerton Sarni & Graved. Co. Gravel for streets SEWER FUND W. F. Bruhahn L. Milroy .Tohn W. Harris Port Orchard Independent Labor on sewer laterals Labor on sewer la tera is Labor on sewer laterals Postal cards and printing (Victory tax deducted from all labor payments) PARKING METER FUND 4.81 7.69 72.05 49.89 14.46 3.75 82.56 1.00 4.18 52.81 53.79 1.92 2.37 2.88 15.37 11.55 22.64 Port Orchard Ind epend ent Warrant Books 7,50 Port Orchard Independent Publishing Parking- Deter Ord. No. 490 21.35 Miller Deters Meter parts and repairs 4v0. J2 Duman Meter Cog 75% net revenue from met er s 614.03 LIBRARY FUND Port Orchard Transfer Co Fuel for Library 11.33 There being no further business,, on motion of Cline, seconded by C o sbe*y, c ounc i 1 ad journed . " of Port Oral#ard 14�/ P Orchard, ,a rg t on, June 14, 1943, Council met in regular session, and *as called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Councilman George Cline, Roy Howe, D. J. Talbot, IN. E. Cosbey and M. H. Thompson; City Attorney Ross Watt, and Supe ri ntend ent of Public Works George Givens. Minutes of the meeting of May 24, 1943 were read and approved. Councilman Talbot, for the Parks committee, reported that aid from the Army last Sunday had resulted in a good showing being made in creating a pionio place for the children at the City Park; that tables had been secured ard placed, and that a water tap should be installed for use of picnickers. He stated that further work would be done to make the place more attractive and useful. The Superintendent of Public Works was directed to see that a water tap isminstalled for use of picnickers, and the ammmittee was instructed to contact school officials relative to the use of toilet and other facilities at Givens school, under agreement made at the time school property was purchased from city. Mayor Hanks congratulated the committee on its good work, and the committee was given further time to complete the program of bet ternent . The "Pinball" ordinance was presented by Attorney Ross W. Nutt and the committee named to draft the ordinance, and after discussion it was referred back to the committee and Attorney for further consideration. ©ddi nance No. 4949 the "Amusement Tax" ordinance, was presented, explained by the Attorney and after consideration, on motion of Howe, seconded by Cline and carried, the ordinance was adopted and ordered published. Application for a permit. to lay water tm ins over certain portions of Bay street in the Town of Port Orchard, together with maps showing proposed route, were received from the Federal Public Housing Authority. The application was discussed by the council, and on motion by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried, a permitwas authorized with the following provisions added to the permit as submitted: That the water lines laid within the city revert bto the city, if and when the Housing project is closed or abandoned; that a 60-hp deisel engine be installed at the new well by the FPHA or other federal agency; that the city have the right to tap the mains for service lines, fire hydrants or other purposes within .the city limits; that no connections be made outside the city for service lines, distribution lines or other purposes, it being understood that the lines to be laid are to be for supply lines only; that the work be completed within the city limits within th in y day*. The Civilian Defense Committee appeared before the council relative to presenting their sel ec ti on for Defense Co-ordinator for the community. The members of the committee were introduced by J. M. Peterson, one of the members, as follows: Wm J Sage, spokesman for the committee; N. J. Repanich, Yaun Allen, Sidney Stokes; Ed Higgins, the sixth member of the committee was not present. Mr. Sage stated that the committee' had unanimously selected Willard Chase as co-ordinwtor, and asked that the council approve the appointment. Mayor Hanks congratulated the representatives of the Civilian Defense council on their good work, and pledged the assistance of the town in carrying on the important tasks outlined for the council. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and oarried, ' that the appointment of Willard Chase as co-ordinator be approved. The Clerk was authorized to sign contracts for electric service provided for under the franchise rec en tl yC .granted to the Pugat Sound Power & Light Company, the oontraots to be presented for signature at the time, or subsequent to, the date that the remittance provided for under the franchise is received. Councilmen Thompson and Howe reported on their activities as members of the Library Board, and also on the improvements and activities planned by the Board for the future. Harold Anslow appeared before the council relative to a "clean-up" campaign to improve sanitary and scenic oanditions in the town. He urged the removal of refuse from the tidefalts , and a strict enforcement of the garbage ordinance, and other factors which would tend to improve the appearance of the town. Remarks on the subject were also made by N.J. Repanich. The Question was thoroughly discussed by the oounoil, and it was ordered that the Clerk write to the State Department of Health, requesting the presence of a representative at the meeting of the counoil on June 289 and that the public be urged to attend the 3netting, also, in the interests of the clean-up. Councilman Thompson reported that a dangerous hole had been washed out on Cline street near Austin, and this was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works. The Superintendent of Public Works was directed to have sign on Seattle street removed. Matter of sewer charges against the Williams Hardware property was refer- red to the City Attorney for action. Report of arrests and collection by the Police Department, showing fines oolleated for -the month of May,4553.00; oollections from traffic citations $256.50 and meter oolleotions 4886.78, a grand total of collections for the month of t1702.85, was presented to council. On motion of Cline, seconded by Cosbey and parried, it was directed that maintenance of blinker and traffic lights on Bay street be done by the Puget Sound Power & Light Company. Fallowing bills presented, and on motion by Cline and seconded and carried were paid: Wilkins-Lursen Co. L. Milroy W.F. Bruhahn Port Orchard Lumber Yard County Auditor . Wilkins-Lurson Co. Howe's Hardware Bremerton Con. Prod. Co American Plumbing & SupplyCo. American Plumbing & Supply Co. Puget Sound Power & fight Puget Sound.Poser & Light Hussey A& Peterson William's Hardware W.F.Bpuhahn Georgp Givons L. Milroy John.Dower Lumber Co. Florenoe L. Wetzel Howe Motor Co. Fred G.Vetters, Sheriff The Desk Exchange ,T. A. MoBr ide ThompsoVfs Howe' a Hardware Trick & Murray Nat's Service Station J.M.Peterson Humane Sooiety Puget Sound Power & Light Puget Sound Power & Light Thompson t s Thompson 0s PSP&LCo P 8P&LCo STREET Gas and Oil 49 30.93 Labor 80.00 labor 54.00 Material for signs 2.84 Photostat oopies 2.40 WATER FUND Gas And Oil 17.77 Paint for Pump House Meter Boxes and Covers Y4.50 Cutter wheels 2.40 Pipe and fittings 46.21 Light for pump house 1.00 Power fop pumping 82.50 Labor and material on motor 6.18 Merchandise 19.16 Labor 52.00 Expense of trip to Seattle 2.00 Labor 28.00 Locks for City Hall 10.20 Assistant in Clerk's office 20.00 Repairs to Paddy Wagon 5,71 Board of Prisoners 24,70 Two desks and chair 75.19 Labor on Am Legion Triangle 11.00 Supplies for Police 3.86 Stove pipe damper .26 Repairs to numbering machine 3.22 Vulcanizing tire for Paddy wagon 4.46 Preparing 1941-42 reports 184.00 Animal licenses and service 11,05 Street lighting 90.55 Light at First AId Station 1.00 Dies for City Seal 3.09 Typewriter ribbons for Treasurer 1.75 Traffic Light current 4.40 Current for Blinker light 1.00 N F C) �l L. Milroy Labor $4.04 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 6.00 16 0 .13 • yl AK IE-!o Mrs: Mary B. Peterson Sub to Good Housekeeping 6.00 L. I D, GUARANTY FM Port Orchard Independent Publishing Notice of Sale 9.35 Moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey to adjourn, Caarried. "197rk., flown of Port Orchard r .r r r r r r r •r s r r r r Part Orchard, Washington June 281 1943 Council called to order in regular session by Mayor C. A. Hanke, with Councilmen Cline, Howe, Talbot, Cosbey, and Thompson; City Attorney Ross Watt and Superintendent of Public 'corks George Givens present. Minutes of meeting of mane 140 1943 read ' and approved. Mayor stated that Mr. Mason, an engineer froix the State Department of Highways, had contacted him relative to pro jearcted -improvement of Bey Street, and stated that it appeared likely that Bay Street from Harrison Street east to Black Jack croak would be improved, but that there was -some doubt as to whether sufficient allotment would be made to continue the improvement to the east city limits on the Harper Highway, and asked that the Town make an allotment of forty per vent of the estimated oast of $300 that this extra work might be inBurei. It was also stated than work was needed an the state highway in the crest peat of town, and an allotment from the town for this work was also requested. After a discussion:, it was moved by -Howe, seconded by Cline that the Clerk be-instruoted to write to Mr. Mason, stating that no funds were available for work ether than that provided for in the budget, and that the town to not able to furnish any funds for either of the proposed projects* motion carried. Mayor banks reported that the U. S. Army had requested and received permission to use the City Park for damp and parade grounds, and that men and equipment were already being moved in. Clerk presented the matter of membership of the members of the Port €irohard.Volunteer Fire Depart in the volunteer Firemen's Relief and Compensa- tion Fund, and presented a roster of members of the Port Orchard Department as supplied by Fire Chief Alan Totten. Moved by Theompeoh, seconded by Howe that Clerk be -authorized to draw a warrant for $48,00, as payment of premium for sixteen members of local fire department in Volunteer Fireman's Relief and Compensation Fund, and to make proper application for reinstatement. Motion. carried.. Councilman Howe rea paog ed that rabbit hutches had been constructed near corner of Division and Seattle streets, and stated than he believed that they were partly on city property. Matter referred to health, sanitation and parkas oommittee. for- investigation. An applioantion for additional policemen was made by Chief of Police W. H. Hankin through the Mayor. The matter was dia9soussed, and Ross Watt, ,Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority, stated that he would endeavor to have the FPHA authorize the payment of salaries for at least one, and possibly twat, additional patrolmen for Port Orchard,,,., Matter of passage of the "Fin Hall" ordinanoea was laid over for further c.aonsideratia iLo . Councilman Howe brought up matter of the City Attorney also being connected with Rousing Authority, and stated that as %bare would be doubt be many matters coming up between the city and the Housing Authority'.and that this might place Mr. Matt "on the spot" in some instances, Mr. Watt stated that if any con- flicting or +controversial_ matters &rose between the pity and the Housing Authority that he would. step aside; and he further stated that if the city could make other arrangements for legal services that he would be willing that this be done, due to the amount of work by which he is confronted. Mayor Hanks read a letter from Helen Graham, Bremerton attorney, relative to Port Orchaard's waaterfrmnt, and proposed Olean -up. He also made a statement con- cerning the matter of waterfront improvement, and asked for definite suggestions from property owners and citizens. Harold Anslow stated that there appeared to be no co-operation by the merchants in the matter of keeping the waterfront free from garbage and refuse, and that he believed that some action should be taken to force compliance with the regula#tons, even to the point of making arrests for violations, and that sigh a complaint against anyone whom he could detect violating the law by dumping materila into the water or bs the boaoh. Mr. Mort of the Stater Department of h stated that he believed that the city should clean up the beach at public &xpense, and thereafter anyone violating the regulations be dolt With under the law$ He also suggested the passage of more dvastio regulations, and stated that better results would probably be obtained by having any complaints signed by a police officer. lie stated -that his department would handle prosecutions, and would also farce sewer connections on any property not properly connected. R. d. Gareth suggested that after a clean-up that logs be strung outside the property to keep refuse from drifting in from other localities, thus aiding in keeping the beach clean - in the future. D. H. R. Wilson saidh-th@4 in his experience ha Health Officer that he had never failed to get 0000peratlen from property owners in the matter of *leaning up their property, and that it had not been necessary to make any arrests to forcer compliance with the regulations, and that he believed that a warning might be all that would be required to indu a a Bay Street propaty owners to comply -with the law. Couneilman Cosbey m4Wsted that the property owners mid tennants along pray street be asked to a" . and . "arose , the glean -up with the council. After furtb&r discussion, It was amd by Thompson, seconded by 0osbey and carried, that Bol.e►m be contacted with reference to pre- paring any ordinance that might be necessary to give city officials neoessary power- to farms . *2*&no-up# I. Charnatroa and William Arsenal of Olympia appeared before the eouno it with reference to the transfer of a beer -and mine , license from 01$mpia, Waah ngtgn: to Port Orchard. After a general disoussipn-and an explanation of the kind of business and manner- of business, which they proposed to conduct in Port Oroba rd, the council went on record by ,eye and nay -vote -that it would not appose the transfer of a license to Port Orchard. Following biU s presented, and ordered paid: PARKING ISTRR FUJW ee toy Corporation t` ► Of Xotpr T&JFe STRUT FIIHi] L. Milroy Labor W. F. Bruhahn Labor Howard Sul th Labor Robert Fiedler Idbor running grader WATER FM W. F. Bruhahn Labor on enter system Howard Smith Labor on water system Sexton Auto Freight Frieght on hose F. IL Peterson Work in Clr rk'+s office Tao©ma-Bremerton. Autry Freight Freight charge Pacific Tel. & Tel. Phone service Florens.e Wetzel, P. S. NIv coo An Pl bg do Steam Co. 0rawakalw Mors W. H ; nki Paei,ff6 Tel & Tel Puget Bound stamp Forks Port Orchard Independent Council adjourned. CUPIUNT. IXFNNSI Clerical Freight on desks Fitting for Fountains Reiaims to Paddy Wagon Po too supplies Phone service Dow Tags Pu lishing Ordinanoe.Ho. 494 669.77 85000 8.00 46.00 48.00 15.00 42.00 24.00 .66 15000 .66 9040 37.50 3.18 4.37 6.18 7.45 16 * pO 27.3O 26.94 Clerk, Town of Peace Orchard �j Port Orchard, Washington July 2, 1943 Pursuant to call by the Mayor, special session of the council of the Town of Port Orchard was called to order by Mayor C.A. Hanks, Present Councilman M.H. Thompson, D.J. Talbot, Roy Howe, George Cline; Superintendent of Public V.1orks George Givens; Dr. H. E. 'Nilson, chairman of the Housing Authority of the Town of Port Orchard; Ross Watt, Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority; Bert Branch, of the Housing Authority, and Leroy G. Stough, project manager for the FPHA. Clerk read the application of the Rousing Authority of the Town of Port Orchard, requesting that the town supply its surplus water to the East Port Orchard Housing project, under the terms of a oontratt submitted with the application. Ross watt, Executive Secretary of the housing Authority, read the proposed contract and explained its provisions. A general discussion by the members of the council followed, and additional provisions desired for the town were incorporated, in the contract at the suggestions of the members of the council and representatives of the dousing Authority. Following a motion by Thompson, seconded by Cline that the contract be approved as read and amended, Mayor Hanks addressed the meeting, stating that these concessions were being made in the interests of National security,and to alleviate a seri&D situation, which had been bungled and by-passed by various governmental agencis to a point that the situationrgmenaoing, through no fault of the local Housing Authority or local representatives. He stated that were conditions reversed, with the town in desparate need of water, that it would prdbably take from three to six months to receive relief from a government agency, but that he was glad that the governmental unit of Port Orchard, small as it is, was able to supply some relief, and that promptly. Further remarks on the motion were made by members of the council and the question was presented for vote and carried unanimously. The Mayor brought up the matter of needed improvements in the..com- munity, the greater part of which had become necessary through the War effort, n and stated that the city should not be derelict in seeking federal aid and securing for the town every available improvement. He suggested that conditions detrimental to the community were apparent in some quarters and that steps should be taken to protect local interests. He suggestsed that he believed it advisable for the city to secure a competent man to look after the interests of the city in thdtse-°matters. He then called on Bert H. Branch to elaborate on his remarks and Mr. Branch gave detailed information on matters pertaining to the city. After a general discussion it was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that Branch be employed as technical advisor for Port Orchard, to secure essential projects for the city, and to take care of all matters. pertaining to applications for federal aid;to initiate new projects and to follow up existing projects. Motion carried. Report of an open gravel pit on Taylor Street was made, and the matter was referred to the street and alley committee for attention. Speoial session of council duly adjourned. /C16 k 'f©wn of PortvOrchard � Port Orchard, Washington July 12, 1943 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Councilmen D. J. Talbot, W.E. Cosbey, Roy Howe, and George Cline; Superintendent of Publi Works George uivens. lUnutes of regular meeting of June 28, 1943 and special meeting of July 21 1943, read and epproved. It was reported to the council, that after a period of seve al weeks, during which there had been no vandalism in connection with the parks .eters, that several meters had been damaged and removed over the past week -en The matter was discussed with the Chief of Police W. H. Hanlin, andon motion duly made and carried, it was ordered that a reward of $100.00 be offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person tampering with or damaging the parking meters. The salary of the clerk in the Police Headquarters was fixed at $125.00 per month for the present clerk. It was stated that the Police Paddy Wagon had been seen being operated at the Housing Project, and it was expressed as the opinion of the council that the police activities should be confined -to the city limits, unless conditions warranted taking men and equipment outside. Tge matter of additional police officers was discussed, and on motion duly made and carried, it was directed that solution of the matter be left with 'i the Mayor to work out with the Chief of Police. Herold Ansl6w appeared before the council with reference to cleaning 1 up the beach along the waterfront, and ttswas moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and curried that the Superintendent of Public Yorks be authorized to employ the necessary manpower to clean up the beach around the city h411 property, and that tenants and property owners on other waterfront property be asked to clean up their lots. If this is not done, action will be taken by the council to force compliance with the regulations. Repgrt was made by the street and alley committee relative to the open gravel pit, that the pit is privately owned and irs protection was the respon- sibility of the owners of the property. A contract for the power service at the breFery well was presented to the council by H.E. Dingle, representing the Puget Sound Power & Light Co., who asked that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the same. It was moved by Talbot, seconded by Cosbey and carried, that the matter be referred to the Water and Sewer committee with power to act. On application by Miss Leila Nordby, president of the Library Board, the salary of the librarian was fixed at #30.00 per month, beginning as of July 10,1943 Glenn Owens appeared before the council with relation to sewer assessments against -L- Loj s 17-154 19-20, Block 8 Sroufe 0s Addition. After a discussion, it was directed that the owners of the property be billed for the sewer assessment, without interest or penalties. Matter.of the sewer assessment against Lots 9-10-11 Block 6, Sweaney's Addition, was referred to the engineer. A petition from property owners asking improvement of alley between Dwight and Division Streets west of Cline Street, was presented to the council. After a discussion, it was directed that Superintendent of Public Works haveneoessary gravel placed on the alley. Following bills presented and on motion of Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid: General Fund ---- Howard Smith Labor 4.00 W*F. Bruhahn Labor 10.00 Town Clerk Postage etc. 21.93 P 0 Independent Publications 3.46 Rice Electric Traffic Light Installation 156.47 Sheriff Prisoner Bd 18.85 Howe's Hardware Stove Oil etc. 5.04 Dowling's Station Gas, Tire repair 5.18 Williams Hardware Merchandise 1.28 Kitsap Humane Society Dog and cat licenses 85d 34.43 Thompson's Office supplies 5.69 Water Fund ---- Florence Wetzel Asst Clerk Crawshaw Motor Valve spring Worthington -Damon Meter Co. Parts W.F. Bruhahn Labor Howard Smith Labor P 0 Independent Water Receipts Howe's Hardware Merchandise Williams Hardware Merchandise J.A. McBride Labor Oscar Johnson Labor Victory Tax withheld on labor accounts Street Fund---- J.A. McBride Labor on streets Howard Smith Labor on streets W.F. Bruhahn Labor on streets Howe's Hardware Mattock Handles Lumber Supply Drain Tile etc. Victory Tax withheld on labor accounts n n Sewer Fund---- W.F. Bruhahn Labor on laterals Howard Smith Labor on laterals Williams Hardware Material Victory Tax withheld on labor accounts Parking meter Fund ---- Williams Hardware Merchandise Puget Sound Express Freight Fuget Sound News Co. P. 0. Transfer & Fuel. Library Fund---- Books Coal 437.50 5.05 24*51 22.00 20.00 38.65 15.28 2.16 B. 00 8.00 a.00 28.00 22.00 2.47 4.04 18.00 18.00 .62 .62 .84 65.05 3.55 There being no further business, council, on motion adjourned. �N AZ t Orc C Port Orchard r rd, 'via shing, ton, July 26, 1943 Regular meeting of the council of the `town of i-irt Orchard was called to order by Guy L. Jetzel, Jity Clerk, at 7:30 p. m. tresent ;ouncilmen George Cline, Roy Howe, In'. E. Cosbey, - nd H. Thompson. absent Councilman D. J. Talbot. also present was George Givens, Superintendent of :public ,corks. -Jouneilmn Thompson was elected as Aicting Layor. Minutes of meeting of July::12, 1943 read and approved. it this time -ayor C. A. iiamks arrived and took his seat as ..'ayor. Clerk read letter from the Bretrton Transit Lines, dated July 23, 1943, and written in answ r to a letter written to the %ompany on February 3, 1943" regarding increased rent �'or the Transit 3onpany in the 1-unicipal Building. It was indicated in the letter that the Bremerton Transit .Lines would not pay the increased rent asked by the City. _after a discussion, it was .moved by Thompson, and seconded by aline that the Clerk advise the Bremerton Transit Lines by registered mail, that unless the company would p6 y the rate asked by the Wity, and install and maintain a telephone, that it should vacate the unicipal Building by august litt, 194131. lfAot-i ran carried. A letter from the jepartment of lublic health was read, relative to sewer connections at several locations on Bay street, and enclosed with which were copies of letters sent "y the jeparttrtent to owners of property stated not v�thethe s weraunder M regulations so et�t or ie n �ieeelertersed to connect Copy of letter addressed to :.harles L. Tomlinson, Engineer for the F1,A, from James W. Carey relative to completion of contract for nww well, and dealing with electrical Aork yet to be done, was read. rafter a dis- cussion, it t;as moved by Thompson and seconded by Jos bey that it would be satisfactory with the council if a certified check for 6175.00 were deposited by the Janssen drilling .'`ompany with the city for payment of uncon,,pleted work, the work to be done by the city when _,euuired material can be secured. I:lotion carried. Lease on certain streets •mod alleys included in the tractof -lard occupied. by the Juration Wrailers was submitted to the: council. It was directed by the council that the Uyor be authorized to sign the lease is submitted after r check of the land description to verify its correctness. It was moved by Thompson and seconded by josbey, that George Givens, juper- intendent of l ublin "orks, be allowed expenses of 055.00 in connection with the extra �.-- work and hours incidental to installation _.nd operation of :added water e uipment needed to supply water to the Last Port Orchard Housing project. ?notion carried. Loved by Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried that 0. F. .Oruhahn be placed on a .monthly working basis, and that his salary be fixed at 0200.00 per month, the amount to be charged to the several funds, as designated by the Uuperintendent of Public Oorks. Mrs S. Ow Stokes Lppeared before the cc:uncil with reference to the sewer assessment against Lot 11, Elock 6, Sweany's Addition. It was the opinion as ex- pressed by the council that the council is without power to change assessments after the final hearing and adoption of the assessment roll, and that the assessment as levied was final. clerk was ducted to write a letter setting forth the ruling of the council in the matter. lost Laster Caret ti brought up the matter of improvement of the alley running east from Sidney street to Harrison street, between Bay and Aitsap streets, stating that it oas the intention of the property owners to blacktop the alley and space behind the post office. Ed Howe also appeared on behalf of the h. of P. Lodge with reference to drainage from the alley. After a discussion is was moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and aarried, that the alley be graded and improved, under direction of the Superintendent of Public ' orks, and that the matter of proper drain- age be worked out anong the property owners effected. ti lls ills allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment, on Motion of Cline, seconded by josbey and Oarried: L. H. Nankin, i-olicc Chief Thompson's .Stationery Pacific Tel & Tel Co. i en insula Va ti oners Ethel R Hanks Puget wound lowerght Oo. Puget sound xower&.Light Co. Puget sound hower&Light Co. Puget wound rower&Light Jo, W. F. Bruha hn Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Am Plbg & Steal Supply Co. Washington Typewri ter Co. Puget wound kower&Light Co. :ruge t wound rover&Light 20. James 4. Bryan Jr. George Givens Howard Smith w. F. Bruhahn Lowman €c Hanford uncan --et er -or poration Current Expense !Fund Postage for Police Department Scratch pads for Clerk Telephone for Fire Department Ldse for Police Department Stove for Police Department street Lighting Blinker Light Traffic light service Light at first Aid Station ATER FU M Labor Telephone for Superintendent Material for Water Department aen t of Typewriter for Ole rk Electricity for pumping Light at Pu--.p House Leer. a 1 services Expenses Lab or La bor PARKING TETER FUN Ledger she et s Payment on Yeter Contract STREET FUND W . F. Bruhah n La bor Howard Smith Labor Otto Voll wign whop Street signs On motion council adjourned. r Clerk/ k. 5.00 1.03 7.50 2.32 40.00 90.55 1.00 4.82 1.00 52.00 3.75 6.82 7173 85.80 1.00 10.00 55.00 10.00 10.00 .80 707.85 10.00 10.00 7.31 t� r1 Port Orchard, Washington August 9, 1943 �i n Regular mating of the council of the Tarn of Port Orohard oalled to order by gayor C. A. Ranks. Pre ent - Counoilmen Georges Cline, Ray Howe, D. Z. Talbot and W. go Ccsbey; City Attorney Roes W. Watt, and superintendent of Publto Wor Geoarge 4iv*ns. Abaont, Councilman M. Re Thompson. Minutes of muting of "ly 289 1943, reed and approved as read., Waiter C. Zones of the Kiteap County Humane Society appeared before the oaunoil with relation to pet liceynse*$ and stated that in some Instances It. appeared necessary to issue warrants for pet owners to secure compliance with the law. The council expressed the opinion, in open disoussion, that the Kitsag County Humane Society should reeoeive the backing of the council in the matter of seeauring oompliarnoe with the ordnance. . Mayor Hanks read a letter which he had received from Col. Charles O. Dawes ,relative to the paving of Sidney Street, in which Col. Dawes stated that '"frost a Military standpoint, the . reapair of ' Sidney Street is highly desirable, and you may quote men if you wish." After a discussion of the matter of paving Sidney Street, the letter was filed, with instructions that a copy be supplied by the Clem to the firm of Parker & Hill, to be submitted with an application for funds from the PWA to 'aid -in paying the cost of the paving. - The matter of the suit against Kitsap County on sewer service charges was brought up by the Mayor, who'stated that although the case had . beaean argued in the Supreme Court on -May d, 1943, to the present time no report hard been received on the outcome, and no annoanoemeant made. Attorney Watt stated that in many instances several months elapse before decisions are rendered by the Supreme Court. . B. H. Branch appeared before the council and submitted tentative plans for the proposed waterfront highway, and started that he had held several con- ferenoes with officials of the Navy in relation to the improvement. The matter of forming a Local Improvement District to defray part of the cost of the project was discussed, and other phases of the improvement were discussed by members of the council. and Interested. oi,tizens present. The report of Chi.ef of Polio* Wo H... Rankin for they month of Tuly, showing the number of arrests, amount of finest bail forfolturee, meter oollecti ons, traffic oi.t.ationao and other features was presented.- Mayor Hanks stated in oonneaction. with the. polioo department, that the matter of an additional officer had been left, to himself and the Chief of Polio* to work out, and from the report and,. the .00ndi.ti:on.s in town that It appeared to him .that probably the adds tionial man -.was neeasseoy. After a discussion of the msetter, it was moved by Howe and seconded by Talbot that -the regular police foroe for the present time be established at five men, in addition to the patrolman who checks the parking meters. Motion oerried. It was reported to the oounoil. that State Highway $nginecers in charge: of the improvement of Bay Street from Harrison Street east had,requested that service poles outside the walk on the south aide: of Hay Street east to Seattle Avenue be served inside the walk to the property line. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and oarried that the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company and the Puget Sound Power & Light Company be notified to move the pales under the direction, of the Kngi ne►er.. ix . charge of the work. The a►ssesemmats against certain lots ih Railroad AddItIon to Sidney .were, brought before that council, it appearing that there is ai-disorepanoy sotowhore along the line. After a discussion the matter was referred to the City Attorney for action* Superintendent of Public Forks George Givens stated that he had made an estimate of the oost of repairing Maple Street, the roadway leading to the Duration Trailers, and that to widen the, street to a safe two-lane road, properly drain and surface with a light, mast of oil would cost approximately $3,500 to $4,000. Mr. Watt, Nxeacutive Diarsotor of the Port Orchard Housing Authority, stated that he had contacted officials with relation to supplying funds for this Improvement, but that so far no means had been offered whereby the Housing Authority could pxovldea any funds for the Improvement. No action was taken. 'the .arosi.gnation of Roes W. Watt as City Attorney, effective as of August Math, was accepted by thecouncil. it was m yed by Howe, seconded by Cline aadi I.oarrj*d that Ross W. Watt be.named as special attorAoy to represent the pity in all utters pertaining. to.. the waterfront highway, It was moved by Cosbey, seconded by. Howe and carried that Special Attorney Ross We matt, be directed to draw an ordnance creating a Local Improvement -District in connootion with the waterfront highway, to bear the sponsor's part of the oocst of the improvement, the ordinance to be submitted to the council at the next regular meeting. On motion by°C,Tine, seconded by Howe and carried, the Mayor and Clerk were directed to sign vontraot with the Puget Sound Power & Light Gompahy'f6r power at the brewery well. Mayor Hanks appointed John Me Boyle an amity attorney, to fill than term of Russ watt, resigned. Appointment oonfirmad by the council. Following bills allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same: B. W. Jackson $. Go Busoher Howe Motor Go. Ho" to Hardware Klt®ap Coe Hnma.ne Society Pioneer bindery Ino. Peninsula Stationers .To A. McBride Newton & Greer D. A. stone W. T. Swanson John Mihaloviah Lee Holderman So 9. McMullen Zeno Skilbred Standard fail, Company Howets Hardware Jo Ma Paterson Standard Oil Company, H. W. ;ackson Machine Shop Pacific Tel. & Tel. ao Duncan later Gorp. Repairs to Fire Hydrant Repairs to City Hall Foundation Repairs -to -Paddy W44pn Flashlight Batteries 5% of animal licenses (contract) Supplies for Clerk and Treasurer Supplies for Police Dept. Labor Cleaning Beach Liabilityy�y�yIy�ynsurance Premium Supervisor Street oiling, -Repairing Grader Labor on streets Grader Operator Grader . Ope ra to r Grader Operator Gas, Oils, and Greases WATER FUND Merchandise for Water Dept. Bookkeeper Clerk's office Turbine - Oil Bolts and screws Telephone at water plant PARMG MgTRR r0D 76% net receipts from parking meters There being no further business, council on motion adjourns. 15.43 15.00 10.27 4.94 125.80 4.17 1.81 32.00 278. 76 66038 5.00 �ry 8.80 32.30 86.70 2277.20 26.50 1,00 36.50 5.5/.1 . 7p7 5.15 n 11 rk +wr � r mama• . or char Washington A at 30 1943 Regular meeting of the oounoil of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor 0. A. Hanks. Present Councilmen: Roy Howe, George Cline, W. N. n Oosbey and D. o'. Talbot, Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens, and City Attorney, John H. Boyle. Absent Councilman M,►.,16. Thompsoho Mayor Hanks intro - duped Mr. hn H. ,BPoyl.e$ the new attorney to 'tfie `ooundll &Ad the citizens present. :.Minute* af'meetingaaf August 9, 1943 read and approved as rodd. Mayor Ranks made a statement relative to the waterfront highway, explaining the routine which it has been necessary to follow in promoting the project, and stated that he was still confident that good results would be obtained in the matter. Superintendent of Public forks -George Givens reported on the progress of the street work being done, and detailed the completed jobs„ and those which he hoped to complete. The Mayor end members of the council expressed themselves as well satisfied with the progress of the work and the quality of the improve- ments being made, and went on record as approving the entire program as outlined by Mar. Givens. An ordinance establishing a fund to be known as "State Aid Fund" was Presented and read to the oounoil, and after explanation and discussion it was moved by Cosbey, seconded by Cline and carried that the Ordinance be approved as read. It was so ordered and the ordinance was adopted -as Ordinance No. 496. An ordinance creating a "Health, Fire and Police Aid Fund* was intro- duoed and read, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried the ordinance was adopted as Ordinance No. 495. The matter of auxiliary fire equipment to be received by the town foom 0CD was discussed, and a letter relative to a school of instruction in connection with the new equipment to be held in Yakima was read. It Wass moved by Cline, ssoonded by Talbot and carried e% the city pay the expense of Fire Chian, Alan Totten, and one member of the fire department to be chosen by the Fire. Chief to attend the soil. This being Us date for which bids for the purchase of the Wehr grader from the tee were to be mmsed, the Clerk reported that so far no bids had been received. It'was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried that the date for the receipt of bids be extended to September 13, 1943. A claim for damages was filed by Mr. Don Busson for alleged damages to his 1941 Chevrolet oar, and read in open meeting. The claim was accompanied by a letter which set forth that the car was damaged by coming in contact with a grader near Mr. Bussonfs private driveway. 'The matter of the claim was dis- cussed by the council, and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried that the matter be referred to the Finance and Planning Committee, whose members were to contact the Insurance agency which wrote the liability insurance for the town, and refer the claim to the company for action. Roy Livingstone appeared before the Council with relation to water lines leadi.ngtto Myhre & Rylander's development project, stating that the pipes were improperly placed. The matter was passed by the council, the opinion being expressed that the matter was between the individuals involved in the controversy and did not effect the town. The matter of additional parking meters ordered to replace those damaged beyond repair was brought before the oounoil, bY.bGh1gfn6fS.nPbkiee W. H. Hankin. The Clank was directed to write to the Meter Gompany, asking that these meters be placed on a contract purchase basis, the same as the original order, and also to ascertain what credit was due the town for broken parts sh ipped to the Meter Company. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Cline and carried that the guard rail on Sidney Street between Bay Street and the alley next to the post office be lowered to the ground level, under the direction of the Superintendent of Public Works. The matter of the controversy relative to boundary libel in Block 8, Railroad Addition, was explained by Mr. Boyle, the city attorney, who stated that the matter was one to be settled by the property owners, and was not a responsi- bility of the city. The followin bills were presented, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried, were ordered paid: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Chloe Sutton Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Puget Sound Power & Light Go. Puget Sound Power & L ght Co. Port Orchard Independ6nt A. H. Freidag Taylor & Sutton Lolita Bliss Trick & Murray Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. goldstia Products Co. Crawshaw Motors Warren Dandro Port Orchard Signal Service M. J. Bowcutt Lincoln Beal fleovge W. Logan C. C. Methven Lee Holderman .T. A. McBride Fens Skilbred Bohn Mihalovioh Ray Smith Howard Smith S. V. MoMOlen Lawrence darker S. V: McMhlle n D. A. Stone Wilkins-Lursen Co. Russell Beal Maurice S. Collins Supplies for city hall 3.25 Board of prisoners 22.10 Traffic; Light 5.24 Light at First Aid Station 1.00 Light at Gity Hall (3 months) 18.20 Street Lighting 90.55 Blinker Light 1.00 Stationery 12,98 Oil Burner Service (Police) 4,64 Grease, Oil, etc. for paddy wagon 9.12 Stamps for Pblloe 3.00 Supplies for Police 4.30 Phones, Police, Clerk, and Fire Dept. 17,47 STREET DEPARTMENT Street Marking Paine 29.78 Repairs to Model. D Truck 8.24 Labor on streets 115.42 Gas Line for Truck .85 Grader Operator 15.30 Labor on streets 97.90 Grader Operator 88.40 Roller operator 45.90 Grader operator 124.10 Labor on streets 48.40 Grader Operator 214.20 Labor on streets 141.90 Labor on streets 89.10 Labor on streets 55.00 Grader operator 232.90 Labor on streets 66.00 Expenses trip to Seattle 2.65 Foreman, road oiling project 299.06 Gas, Oil, etc. 27.94 Labor on streets 5.50 Labor on streets- 37.40 °' s -i!'a�;��li Z Port Orchard independent Water receipts 8.74 Roy Livingstone Bulldozing at water plant 21.00 Paodf io Tel. & Tel. Phones, Superintendent and Water Plant 9.50 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Power for pumping 110.16 Wilkins-Lursen Go. Gas, Oil, etc. 23.01 Puget Sound. Power & Light Co. Light at pump tlant 1.00 r-� PARKING METER FUND t Roy Livingstone Re -setting parking meters 28,20 feerebbeing no further business, council on motions adjourned. 4C e Regular meeting o order by Mayor C. A. Hanks, Thompson, and George Cline; Public Works, George Givens Port Orchard, Washington September 13, 1943 f the council of the Town of Port Orchard called to with the Councilmen D. J. Talbot, W. R. Cosbey, M. H. City Attorney, John M. Boyle; and Superintendent of present. .Minutes of meeting of .August 23, 1943, read and approved. Mayor Hanks submitted several suggestions made by J. E. Marley, State Examiner, relative to changes and innovations which should be adopted by the town. These were taken up singly, and considered by the council. The first 9Uggestion was relative to an ordinance detailing the duties of the Tom. Urk, and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Gosbey and carried, that the Attor9ty:prepare an ordinance setting forth the duties of the Clerk to suggested-E-by"1 . Vaj�lipy. The matter of bonds for the Ohiet og Police, Clerk and Police Judge were also sug- gested by the Examiner, who stated that the bond of the Clerk should 'be changed to comply with the terms of the proposed ordinance& The matter of aecuring proper bonds were referred to the City Attorney. Also in connection with the suggestions, it was ordered that the, Police Department secure triplicate receipts for use in his office. Investment of idle city funds in outstanding securities of the municipality was also suggested by Mr. Varleyq and this matter was referred to the Mayor, and Finance Committee who are to meet with the Clerk and ascertain the amount of idle funds that can be invested and arrange to handle this matter. At this point in the meeting Councilman Roy Howe arrived and took his seat tith the 8oun6il. n This being the Aat_e to whieh the opening of bids for the purchase of the ciity's grader was continued, a bid was submitted by the Howard Cooper Corporation, offering to issue a credit memo in the sum of $1,750 to apply on the purot.aise of any size Adams grader that the city may want to buy when they are ava.11able, the grader to be delivered to the Howard Cooper Corporation within a reasonable time. Floyd Rayton, repwbsenting.the Corporation, explained the bid,, and after oonsideration by the council, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Hoge, and carried that the offer of the Howard Cooper Corporation for the Wehr motor grader be accepted. .The matter of the purchase of ten parking meters from the Duncan Meter Corporation was considered, and the Clerk was directed to write to the Company relative to method of payment. Curfew ordinance was presented and read in open meeting, and after consideration and argutent by the council, it was passed and adopted as Ordinance No. 497. On roll call vote on adoption of the ordinance, Gosbey, Cline, Howe and Talbot voted for its adoption and Thompson voted against the adoption, suggesting that the ordinance was not necessary, as there already existed suf- f'ioien't, regulations to handle the situation. The preliminary budget was presented by the Clerk, discussed by the Council, and after some changes, was adopted as the preliminary budget. Hearing on same was set for Monday, October 4, 1943, and legal notice of such hearing was directed to be given by the Clerk. B. H. Branch, technical adviser for the City, reported on progress of plans for the waterfront highway in the city, and stated that all details had been worked out, and the plans submitted to Navy officials for approval, which approval was anticipated within a short time. The matter of the pump and equipment at the new well was discussed and George Givans, Superintendent of Public Works, reported that the equipment was not in accordance with specifications, apd that -the Engineer had stated that hbe would not approve existing equipment under the contract. Clerk was directed to write Charles L. Tomlinson, FWA. oonsultiAg engineer stating that the squint does not most specifications$ and to send a copy of the letter to James W. Corey do Company, the city's engineers on the project, and to the N. C. Jannsen Drilling Company, contractors on the job. . On motion of Thompson, seconded by Howe, parking Retern were ordered installed in front of the former Post office driveways on Bay street. The matter of the purchase of a fire truck came up for discussion, anad on motion of Thompson, seconded by Cosbey, and carried, the ms tter was rerffered to 8. H. Branch to make proper application for priorities to purchase the necessary equipment. Mr. Rayton of the Howard Cooper Corporation, stated that if proper priority ratings were secured that it would be possible to secure a properly equipped fire truck in a few weeks. He submitted pictures and specifioations of equipment, which were examined by the council. M Following bills presented, and on motion of Cline, seconded by Talbot were ordered paid: i Current Expense Fund Howe to Hardware Paint for bulletin board .41 Jackson Machine Shop Welding Fire Hydrant, Req. #9255 15.45 � Lucille Kuney W.H. Tax Statements for Clerk 2050 Kitsap County Humane Society 85% dog and Cat licenses (.Aug.) 85.43 A. R. Cruikehank Supplies for city hall 7.45 Lolitaglies Extra Compensation 5.00 Dowl ng's Texaco Station Gas and Oil for Paddy Wagon 9.28 Thompson's Stationary Supplies for Poliee and Clark 5.92 Art Burnside Go. Hedges for Police caps 18.39 W. H. Hankin First aid Kit for Police 1.80 Port Orchard Independent Publishing ordinances 495-6 7.50 Dater Fund .Tohft A. Forsmark Adding Machine 30.00 J. M. Peterson Bookkeeper in Clerk's Of f iee 28aOO Williams Hardware Pipe fittings 2.01 John Lindall 76 % of oonneat ion fee on Sro ufe St. 15.98 Water Mdin under 1933 pact. 8.�p Howard Smith. Labor on eaten system 16.08 Jackson Machine Shop Look plates for meter boxes 4*29 Howells Hardware Paint for new pump house 3W.88 Florence L. Wetzel AssUAnAttto Clerk 33*38 Standard Oil Company Flight Gasoline .36 Library Fund Puget Sound News -Company Books for Library 18.32 Sewer Fund W. L. Johnson Labor on sewer lateral 12.00 Street Fund C 1 Bremerton Oil Delivery Oil for Street Paving 3389.35 G. A. Hanks Re-imbursement for labor claims paid on street oiling project. 805.68 Standard ail Company De lse:l oil and kerosene 50,71 Jaeksoh Machine Shop Welding Grader 5 o l5 L. J. Birbeok Rent of machinery 998,00 Jackson Machine Shop Welding manifold and sharpening grader points 39.91 Hodge & Davis Charging battery .77 Caldwell Trading Post Mattock and handle 2.16 Crawshaw Motors Brake repair 5.87 Holmberg & Norman Gravel for streets 500.58 Hi -Way Garage Weldingon grader 12.88 Howe's Hardware neisel ail for graders 31.06 S. V. McMullen Labor on streets 81.30 Howard Smith Labor on streets 51.20 (Withholding tax withheld on all labor claims) Port Orchard Independent pub Notice of Sale of Grader 3.21 Theretbeing no further business council recessed subject to call of the Mayor, or until the next regular meeting. Port Orchard, Washington September 27, 1943 i Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m., called to )rder by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present, Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. E. os ey, D. J. Talbot, Roy How® and George Cline; City Attorney, John M. Boyl ind Superintendent of Publia Works, George Givens. Minutes of meeting of September 13, 1943 read and ap�ro ed. i Letter from N. C. Jansen Drilling Company with refe en a to new well read. The matter of the pumping equipment was discussed y he council, and the Clerk was directed to write a letter to James W. Carey & ompany, engineers on the project, to arrange a meeting with Mr. Charle L Tomlinson, FWA engineer, and city officials with a view to coming to a de in to agree- ment relative to the early complett6n of the project in a man. r atisfaotory to all concerned. i Messrs. Myhre & Rylander appeared before the oouncil're uesting permission to construct a dam across a small stream at their h us ng project to beautify the landscape. A map was presented showi a proposed improvement, and &*tails were explained to the council. The tt r was discussed and it was the opinion of members of the council tha t ere would be no objection if permission was received from the State Supe vi or of Hydraulics. I 3. E. Dingle, of the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. 8 pe red before the counoil with relation to a contract for supplying electric po er to the pump at the brewery well. It was moved by Howe, seconded by T l t that a contract be entered into with the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. f` r service at the brewery well. On aye end Nay vote, Howe, Cline „ Talbot an Gosbey voted aye and Thompson voted nonon the question. George Blanchard appeared before the council in rega d to drainage from the alley running from Sidney to Harrison Streets, between Bay and Kitsap Streets. After a discussion„ the matter was referred tc t e Street and Alley committee, to confer with property owners effected, End with power to act. The Superintendent of Public Works was directed to p ug a drain emptying on the alley near the intersection of Sidney and Pr4ee btreets. Chief of Police was authorized to purchase a new tir' for the Mice prowler oar, and to secure whatever repairs are neoessa y o keep the car in good running order. Authority was also granted to he Chief of Police to secure necessary filing cabinets for his office r oo ds. The matter of salaries of police officers was discus ed and further action on this matter was continued to October 4, 1943. Army Seijas, attorney for the United Amusement Company appeared before - the council regarding applications for location lioensei for amusement machines. The council Trent on record as opposed�to Ila ing pin- ball machines in any locations except those holding State Liqu r antral Board Licenses. Mayor Hanks called attention to the fact that a vaoa 'ay on the Housing Authority of the Town of Port Orchard, due to t e i of Alan Totten. The Mayor appointed Harry Radgry to fill the v oar appointment was unanimously confirmed by the co undil. The matter of a sewer lateral at the Kozlowski property Street was discussed by the Counoil� and it was moved by Cline, f by Talbot and carried that Superintendent of Public Works check wi engineer and install lateral to the property. It was directed that gravel be placed where neoessar l or An ordinance setting out the duties of the Town Clerk, f the amount of his bond, etc., was read. It was moved by Cosbey, ss Cline and carried that Ordinance be passed as read, and the ord�ina adopted as ordinance No. 498. An ordinance defining the duties of the City Attorne�,, f his bond, etc., was read, and on motion of Thompson, seconded 7 and carried, was adopted as Ordinance No. 499. The following bills were read, and on motion of Cline, E by Howe and carried, were ordered paid. Current Expense Fund Standard Stations Gas and Oil for Police $ Thompson's Stationery Supplies for Police, Clerk and Treasurer I has 000ured esignation ey, and the on Tacoma econded th the Grant street. rescribedg conded by nce was Xing lbot econded 25,30 5.10 r-) P. S. Power & Light Co. Light ,it City Hall 1.61 P. S. Power & Light Co. Light at Fire Hall (4 months) 2.52 P. 5. Power & Light Co. Street Lighting 90.55 P. S. Power & Light Co. Light at First Aid otat ion 1.00 P. S. Power & Light Co. Traffic Light 4.70 P. S. Power & Light Co, Traffic Light 8.50 Sanderson Supply Co. Refill Inhalator Cylinders 5.15 1. H. Ha akin Post Office Boa Rent 1.40 Otto Volt. Sign Shop Lettering Police Door 1,55 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Fire and Pol ioe Telephones 12.25 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Clerk's Telephone 3.75 United Amusement Co. Refund on Loca t ion Linenses 2.00 Plat er Fund Worthington Garcon Meter Co. 25 Water Meters 304.37 J. M. Peterson Bookke ep er , Clerk's office 28.00 P. S. Power a Light Co. Light at Pump House 1.00 Pacified Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone for Water Dept. 8,95 P. S. Power & Light Co. Light at Pump House (Basement) 1,00 P.S. Power & Light Co. Power for Water Works 102.30 Street Fund S. V. McMullen Street Labor 80.00 Howard Smith Street Labor 74.00 S. V. MoMtl.len Expenses Taking Grader to Seattle 5, 89 Parking Meter Fund Duncan Meter Corporation 75% Net collections from Parkkng . Motors 806.54 On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was directed that an ordinance be drawn transferring $2,500 from the Ourrent Expense Fund to the Street Fund, There being no further business, meeting was recessed to Monday, October 4, 1943 at 7 o'clock P. M. Fort Orchard, Washington October 4, 1943 Adjourned meeting of the oouncil of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor G, A. Hanks, with Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot and Roy Howe; Superintendnet of Public Works, George Givens; City Attorney, John M. Boyle and City Treasurer, Chloe Sutton, present. Mr. Tynan of the firm Watt & Tynan, attorneys, appeared before the council objecting to the issuance of a license for a music machine on the ground floor of the Totten Building, beneath their offices. Mr. Shyver of the Shyver Music Company represented his company in the controversy, and after a discussion the mat- ter was passed without definite action being taken, and with a view to working out some agreement whereby the machine might be operated to a degree that it would not create any disturbance to the people above it. A committee to be known as the License Committee, to pass on applications for licenses was named by Mayor Hanks. The members of the committee are RoyllHowe, chairman, M. H. Thompson and D. J. Talbot. Request for tavern license by the Star Cigar Store was referred to the License Committe. Palter C. Jones of the Kitsap County Humane Society appeared before the council and told his difficulties in enforcing the dog and cat license regulations. The council went on record as favoring whole -hearted support by the council and police judge in the enfo*Mnent of the regulations. A. letter addressed to Parker & Hill, engineers, relative to Sidney street paving, and written by Fred T. Evans, district Engineer, FWA, was read to the council by Maypr Hanks. The letter was referred to B. H. Hranoh to furnish the requested information. RR. G. Voue appeared before the council relative to jasg against certain lots located on Sidney street. The matter wa� c at length by the council members, attorney and treasurer, and st made for settling the controversy. i An ordinance in conformity with the action 6f the c uY September 27, 1943, transferring $2,500 from the Current Expe sE Street Fund, was introduced by City Attorney Boyle; read and pa.1 adopted as Ordinance No. 500. f This being the date upon which the final action was 1 tc on the budget tdr11944, the preliminary budget was again oonsde council, and after consideration and the alteration of some f gL form to the assessed valuation as stated by the County Assess r, was passed. Citizens present were given and opportunity to b h budget, but no objections were voiced. I An ordinance fixing the annual tax levy for 1944 *at i and read, and on motion of Howe, seconded by Cosbey and oarris, was adopted as Ordinance No. 501. 1 The matter of the investment of surplus funds of the c approved securities was discussed, and the Treasurer was requ st ized to visit the offices of the Division of Municipal Corpor ti Olympia, and ascertain what if any restrictions or regulation e the transaction, the expensed of the trip to be paid by the city essment isoussed aitestions oil of fund t o the sed, and be taken ed by the es to con - the budget and on the t roduced the Ordinance ty in d and author- ns in ter into A. letter from Miller Meters, Inc. relative to paymett f ten park- ing Meters purchase by the Piblioe Department was read and ordibrea filed. An instru*ent releasing the city from all liability(wi h respect to the claim of Mr. and Mrs. Don Busson for damage to their a#to obile was read and ordered filed. Abor claim in the sum of $32.50 due to S. v. MeM 11 n for labor on , s allowed and warrant ordered drawn on the �t rund. Superintendent of Public Works reported on progressoi work of installing drain from alley between Bay and Kitsap streets, a *d tated job should be completed *ithin a few days. Council adjourned on motion duly made, seconded and caried. Port Orchard, Washington October 11, 1943 Council met in regular session, with Mayor C. A. Hanks and Councilmen, George Cline, Roy Howe, M. H. Thompson, W E. Co Z. Talbot; City Attorney, ,John M. Hoyle, and Superintendent George Givaas, present. j Minutes of regular meeting of September 27, 1943 ano al meeting of October 4, 1943, read and approved. presiding, bey, and D. blip Works journed A resolution relative to the improvement of Bay Street under supervision of the State Department of Highways, was read andjdi cussed by the council, and on motion Of Thompson, seconded by Cosbey an4 carried was referred to the Street and Alley Gtommittee, to confer with St to Engineer Elwell, concerning the improvement, and after agreement on ce to n points, the resolution was to be signed by the Mayor and Clerk, under din tructions from the Street and Alley committee. It was pointed out to the council that a street lighjt vas needed intthe vicinity of the Givens school on Sidney street, and th� tter was refdrred to the Light Committee with instructions to have a I,,ghl installed at a location to be selected by the eommitteeJ An oral application was made for the purchase of the( old. Central School. The matter was referred to the Finance cod report on the matter. 11 at the t tee for M n �a �l rJ Superintendent of Public 'forks, George Givens, reported on progress of the drain from the alley between Bay and Kitsap streets. An extended controversy was entered into by the council members, and the matter was referred to the Street and .Alley oombittee to confer 'With the Superintendent relative to any changes wh1dh it may be necessary to make in the installation of the drain. It was called to the attention of the council that gravel, coal and other materials are b6ing spilled from trucks alonng�Bay street, and causing con- siderable trouble and inconvenience. The matter was referred to Councilman Cosbey to take the matter up with the proper people of the Housing project and have the trouble eliminated. Otherwise the matter was to be referred to the Police Department. Following bills were presented and on motion of Cline, seconded by Cosbey, were ordered paid: Current Expense Fund W. F. Boldt Refund of Bail 10.00 Thompson's Stationery Rubber Stamp for Treasurer .57 Kitsap Co. Humane Society 85 % Dog and Cat licenses (Sept.) 20.83 Peninsula Stationers Supplies for Police 1.60 Howe's Hardware Fuel, Batteries and Axe 9.46 Howe's Hardware Nails .72 Trick & Murray Forms for Treasurer 22.94 Thompson's Document Files for Treasurer 5.10 Rays Gilmore Service Gas for Police 2.68 A. H. Friedag Metal boo for traffiocLight 3.09 Trick & Murray 5 Reams typewriter paper 9.11 Water Fund Crawshaw Motors Labor and material Water Truck 16.17 Caldwell. Tradin Post Material for Water Dept. 9.68 Howe Motor Co. Gas Filter 2.32 Wilkins--Lur:sen Go. Gasoline and Oil 22.91 Howes Hardware Glass and putty for window .72 Library Fugd Mary B. Peterson Poste,,-°e and Insurance on Books 3.00 Howe's Hardware Material for Book Repair 2.49 Sewer Fund S. V. McMullen Labor on sever lateral 15.60 Street Fund Standard Oil Co. Kerosene 7.81 Kerr Motors Muffler for Truck 5.97 Howard Smith Labor on streets 40.00 S. V. McMullen Labor on streets 108.80 Clarence L. Dickinson Labor installin drain 72.50 Arthur Dickinson Labor installing drain 10.00 Howe's Hardware Cable Clamps 1.03 Theregbeing no further business, council, on motion of Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, adjourhed subject to the call of the Mayor, or until October 27, 1943 Port Orchard, Washington October 15, 19425 Adjourned meeting of the council of Port Orchard, convened at the direction of the Mayor, called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Council -- men, M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe and George Cline; Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens; Mr. Charles L. Tomlinson, FWA. consulting engineer; and T. C. Breitenstein, representing James W. Carey & Go., engineers for the new well. Mayor Hanks opened the meeting by making a statemeta a meeting was called, stating that it was the desire to gather all possible, and to make definite progress toward competing the oo the well, and to secure additional funds to install proper pu pi Mr. Breitenstein de*wile the progress to date, reading and giving other information relative to the construction and�th for the improvement. Mr. Tomlinson, in a comprehensive statement, suggested job be o4ombi*66d in the best possible manner under prevailing � co seduring change order wherever necessary, and that when this is that the city make application to MINA for further funds to 'se ur pumping equipment and power units to bring the project up to the desired by the city. Ihe matter waa discussed by the members of the council the expressed opinion of the city officials that Mr. Tomlinso*ls be followed, and that immediate steps be taken to close the eis tract and secure additional funds with which to complete the mp according to plans to be furnished by the Engineer. Meeting was adjourned on motion duly mad9 sand seoo*d Orchard, Washington toter 25, 1943 i to why the information ktraot for Lg equipment. letters, contract that the ditions, ocomplished and install standard and it was suggestions ing con- ovement and carried. Regular meeting of council of Town of Port Orchard, ca led to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present, Councilmen, George Clin Roy Howe, D. J. Talbot, W. It. Coubey, and M. H. Thompson; City Attorney, John M. Boyle, and the 8upprintendent of Public Works, George Givens. f `Minutes of regular meeting of October 11, and adjourned meeting of October lb, 1943 read and approved. Councilman Gosbey reported that he had contacted the contractor with reference to coal and gravel being spilled on the streets, a4 that the contractor stated that he would warn his drivers, but if ther was any further troub&e that the police should handle the matter. The matter of the application for supplemental allo tJM0 t for equip- ment at the new well was brought up,oand the clerk was directs o write to James W. Carey & Compahy, engineers, relative to application a d to insist on early action, and to send a copy of the letter to Mr. Charl s A. Tom- Ignson, FWA consulting engineer. i Mayor Flanks made a report for the Finance committee ` e tine to investment of available city funds`\in approved securities of t e muni- cipality, and the Clerk read the minutes of the Finance Commit a meeting held on October 25, 1943. The committee recommended the inves m t of $539.09 of L.I.D. Guarantee Fund and $2,602.82 City Hall Construction u d, in L.I.D. "7% warrants of various districts. The committee also r c nded thatiapprozimAtely $8,600 in Water Funds be invested in Bonds f IID. No. 48, bearing 6% interest. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe -and carried that the recommendations of the Finance Committee be adopted, and that he Attorney prepare proper resolution creating the investment funds, and that the Treasurer be authorized to invest the funds under the terms of the reee- mmendations of the Finance Committee, and the resolution. Clerk reported on action taken in efforts to secure Apr ority for fire truck, and on the application for funds with which to pave §idney Street. It was reported that the local unit of the Washingt tate Guard had volunteered its services to assist the police on Hallowele n main- taining order, and it was moved jry Cline, seconded by Oosbey aid carried that the Ohief of Police be authorized to provide food to be s r ed to those �.. members of the Unit who aid the Police on this occasion. Roy F.,MoSenzie, Commander of Port Orchard Post No. 0, American Legion and Oscar Aarstead, Vice Gommander Sf the Post, appear d before,; t-. )L„ d6j&, t'i.�l l a $ sq' i d r i'tbk a %', p (BI4,ney Street between the City Hall and the west boundary of the street, upol lAhich to place the names of the South Kitsap County men and women in th ilitary service, the list to be replaced by a bronze plaque at the ter i ation of the rear. Permission was granted for the erection of the Table under plans as outlined by Mr. McKenzief and if and when a new Cit hall i erected, provision will be made to place the plaque at the new ocation The Street Superintendent was directed to make necessary repairs to the sideweld in front of the City Hall. Mayor brought up the matter of the condition of Bay Street, where repairs are supposed to be under way, under the supervision of the State Department of Highways. He stated that he had discussed the matter with officers of the Washington State Patrol, and that assurances had been given by Highway Department represent- atives that the roadway would be kept in passable condition, and if such was not done that he would contact the State Director of Highways in an effort to have the street kept in safe and passable cond'ition' during the progress of the re- building. It was suggested by Councilman Thompson that parking meters be placed on Bey Street at the two points which formerly served as driveways for the post office, and also that meters be placed at other points in the re:trioted parking area where necessary. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Howe and carried that the Chief of Police contact Mr. Todd, representative of the Duncan Meter corpor- ation, and ascertain what arrangements could be made for the purehase of ten parking meters. Yollowi ng billsapresented, and on motion by Cline, seconded by Cosbey, were ordered paid: Parking Meter Fund Duncan Meter Corporation StreeV&5 V$et take from meters 629.44 Street Fuun�d Johnson Lumber Company Asp&M for repairing streets 28.84 S. V. McMullen Labor on streets 119.60 T. W. Frazee Labor on streets 32.00 Water Fund Puget Sound Power & Light Light at Pump House 1.00 Puget Sound Power & Light Power for Pumping Water 103.02 Puget Sound. Power & Light Light in Pump House basement 1.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone for Water Department 4.45 Slocum Hardware Tools for Water Dept. 2.98 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone and toll, service 5.15 Washington Typewriter 0-ol Rent of typewriter 7.373 Library Fund Gaylord Bros. Inc. Equipment for Library 147.40 Elizabeth B. Ross Re-imbursement for labor 4.50 Leila Nordby Re-imbursement for material 6.24 Leila Nordby Re-imbursement for material. 3.73 Eunice Howell Typist for Library 32.00 Slocum Hardware Merchandise for Library 10.53 V. B. Caldwell Trading Post Coal for Library 28.99 Current Expense Taylor & Sutton Gas and Oil for Police 11.73 Gathe Jewelry .Repairs to Clock 1.50 nice Electric Repairs to Lamp (Trea,_.) .52 Trick & Murray Document Files (Treas.) 6.04 Thompson's Stationery Merchandise for Police 1.39 Trick & Murry Triplicate receipts for Police v7.82 Port Orchad Cabinet Shod Repair to stretcher (ambulance) 2.58 Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Telephone and toil for Clerk 4.90 Puget Sound Power & Light Blinker Light 4.88 Puget Sound Power & Light Traffic Signal 10.52 Puget Sound Power & Light Light at Fia�rst Aid Station 1.00 Puget Soudd Power & Light Light at Fire Ball 1.00 Puget Soudd. Power & Li,g1-it Light at City Hall 2.45 Puget Sound Power & Light Street Lighting 90.55 Kitsap County Bank Premium bonds, Attorney and 10.00 Property Custodian Otto Troll Sign Shop "No U Turn" sign 2.73" Pacific Tel. & Tel. Phones, Fire and P&lice 12.75 A. H. Friedag Stack on Chimney 17.00 Fred Vetter, Sheriff Board of prisoners 24.05 Port Orchard Independent Publications 57.3% Matter of drain from alley between Bay and Kitsap streets was discussed, and a repot made of payments which had been made by interested property owners and the city. Superintendent of Public Works was directed to contact interested poperty owners liable for the cost of the improvement, secure amounts due, and make payment of bills. Oh motion duly made, seconded, and carried, Clerk was directed to draw warrant for remainder of city's part of cost, the amount not to exceed $35.86. There being no further business, council, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, adjourned. Mayor Port Orchard, Washington November 8, 1943 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orohard tell d to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Present Councilmen, George Cline, Roy Hoge, M. �. hompson, W. E. Cosbey and H. J. Talbot; City Attorney, John M. Boyle and SuperiAte dent of Public Yorks, (gorge Givens. Minutes of meeting of October 25, 1943 read and approved. Robert Rylander appeared before the council and rezqested thAt be placed on Sherman Avenue in order to make the street passable. Mov d seconded by Thompson and carried that Superintendent of Public Works b i to place necessary gravel on this street. 1. C. Knowles, Superintendent, and J. E. McDowell, vice-chairlma Kitsap School District No. 402, appeared before the council relative t s water service for the high school from the City of Port Orchard. It w s of the council, as expressed by the members, that the town would serve h with water, and in answer to another question, Superintendent Givens st t believed that the service could be inaugurated within,~thirty days afte� sign was received from the school board and council. Roy F. McKenzie, Commadder of Port Orchard Post, Amerio: n Leg o that a police officer be stationed at the I.O.O.F. Hall on nights 'When h Post conducts dances at the hall. Council members stated as their opin • on city could Ziot station an officer at one place ex"lusively at the expen e and the matter was referred to the Chief of :police to endeavor to works ou arrangement with the Legion committee. P. D. Walling was introduced by Councilman 'Talbot, and presented plumbing ordinance, reeommedding that the council adopt the provisions as for Gone 1 in the county ordinance. The matter was referred to the Health Sanitation committee for the study and investigation, and to report at the ing of the council. 1 Clerk reported on efforts so far put forth to secure suppleme to meet: for the new well, and read estimates furnished Uy Superintendent qiv equipment desired. Olerk r ep or ted tha t a repre septa ti ve fro jA t he off ice of the Vic 1 Maintenance Engineer from Fort Lewis had visited here, in an effort to dle various accounts. of the army outstanding here; that contracts had been ig water and Newer services at various locations and that the statement ha b that payjAent of all outstanding accounts would be !ode on the basis of he To aRlarify the accounts, it was ordered that25.00 heretofore paid for se at the Central school building for the month of May 1943, be refunded, nd bill for May sewer service be rehddred to the Army. This was done on t e of the representative so that continuity of the service would not be br ke A letter was read from Marion Gatland relative to the suit again County, which was decided in the Supreme Court in favor of Port Orchard, a. that his bill for services is $250.00. On motion of Cline, seconded by a: carried, it was ordered that bill-4.e referred to Pratt & Company, bond br k request that that firm take care of the bill, it being pointed out that t] insures the earlier colledtion of the monies sufficient to meet oustandi g An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulation of amu and other devices was presented by Roy Howe, read to the Council, and on Howe, seconded by Cosbey, and carried, was passed as read, and adopted a No. 502. Councilman Howe, Cline, Cosbey and Talbot voted for passage of Thompson not voting. It was reported that the terms of Councilmen, Cosbey, Howe and at the end of the present term,aand that the annual city election would December 7, 1943. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried be passed oa11 inrr caucus for the nomination of three councilmen, the 194 "&dnomiNoYbmber,:'23, 1943, and the caucuses in future years to be held o Tuesday in November of each year. Ordinance passed as presented by Atto The following bills were presented and read, and on motion by seconded by Cline and carried were ordered paid: Current Expense Fund Fred G. iietters, Sheriff Board of Prisoners J. M. Peterson Bookkeeping for Clerk Trick & Murray Lamp for Treasurer Howe's Hardware Merchandise for Police Walter C. Jones 85% of pet licenses H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Repairing Stove in City Hall ome gravel y Cosbey, strutted of South c ur i ng he sense high school d that he he "go-ahead" requested Legion s that the of the city t some a proposed et forth and next meet- allot- ns for ity r up ed for en made contracts. er service that a ecommedation t Kit se p d stating bot, and rs, with a e decision sewer bonds. !lent machines motion by © dinance the ordinance, Ta bot expire e eld on th t ordinance c uc us for be t e second ne . n, 21.45 35.00 19172 7.55 5.50 5.15 ;j'7r,w . ": ,W Parking Meter Fund Trick & Murray Standard Oil Co. of Calif. American Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Thomas Frazee W. L. Johnson American Library Assn. Puget Sound News Go. Lowman & Hanford Go. Coin Wrappers Water Fund Gasoline and Kerosene Pipe Fittings Labor on Water System - Sewer Fund Labor on Sewer Lateral Library Fund Sub to Bookl13t Books for Library Dictionary Stand Street Fu;d Thomas W. Frazee Labor on Sewer Lateral Bremerton Send & Gravel Co. Gravel for Alley Howe Motor Co. Exchange Pump for truck Howe's Hardware Serer Tile $ 5.50 4.19 22.31 20.00 30.00 3.00 22.98 15.19 60.00 4. q4 2.45 4.12 There --being no further business, council, on motion of Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, adjourned. Port Orchard, Washing -ton November 22, 1943 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orchard called to oraer by Mayor C. A. Hanks, with Qouncilmen, M. H. Thompson, W. E. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot, Roy Howe and George Cline; Gity Attorney, John M. Boyle, and Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens, present. MinutQi of meeti% of Nc v m% r 8 1 4? te1 and a� reed Gounci man amps n state iat ka �ar no i deiin a had been heard from the South Kitsap High School relative to receiving water service from the town. The matter of the proposed plumbing ordinance was continued for a report from the Health and Sanitation committee, to w_.ich it was referred on November 8. The Mayor stated that he would personally contact Pratt & Co. relative to bill for legal services in connection with the sewer unit against Kitsap County. A letter from the FVIA relative to the waterfront highway, was read, and the sense of the meeting was that further efforts should be made to secure federal aid for the project along the lines as indicated in the letter. a letter from the N. G. Jannsen Drilling Gompany stating that alterations had been made on the pump at the new well which made for more satisfactory operation of the pump. Superintendent of Public Works, George ffivens, stated that so far the pump was operating iatasdettsfactory manner, since the changes had been made. k.Glerk reported that a priority rating had been received for the purchase of a pumper. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Cosbey and carried that bids for fire apparatus be called by the Clerk. The ratter of a barricade on Division street on P*ttery Hill was referred to the Street and Alley committee with power to act. The matter of a street light at the alley oorner near the post office was discussed, and it was moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried that light be installed at this point. It was reported by the .Mayor and Councilman Gosbey that jGhe parking situation on Prospect street between Frederick Street and Sidney Sj= t was a bad situation, and after discussion, it was moved, see�nded and ca ri d that parking be prohibited on the south side of ProsJoeet street between Fr derick and Sidney streets. i Mayor Banks reported that he had stated to Lee Miller thot a would ask that his pay for cleaning Bay street be increased to $100.00 p r onth. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Talbot and carried that the pay of Lee Miller be fixed at $100.00 per month, effective with the next pay day. I Following claims were presented, and on motion of Cosbeyl' 8 conded by Cline and carried, were ordered paid. Sexton Auto Freight Port Orchard Independent W. H. Hankin Taylor & Sutton P. S. Power & Light Co. A. H. Friedag Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Chloe Sutton Port Orchard Cabinet Shop Guy L. Wetzel .Hodge & Davis T. E. Frazee Port Orchard Independent S. V. McMullen Pacific Tel.& Tel. Go. T. W. Frazee Wilkins-Lursen Go. S. V. McMullen Ray Smith Duncan Meter Corporation Current Expense Fund Freight on Lamp (Trees.) Publishing Pinball Ordinance Postage, etc. Tires and gas for paddy wagon Blinker light, traffic light„ 1 Aid Station, City Hall light] Repair to police stove Telephone Service, Fire Dept.`, And Police Posta,7e, etc. Cabinet for Police Various Supplies for City He l Charge batteries for fire tr ck Water Fund Labor on Water System Postal Cards and Ledger sheetl'Is Labor on Water System Phone service Street Fund Labor on streets Gs and Oil Labor on streets Labor on streets Parking y er Fund 75% October take from Meters Library Fund Lowman & Hanford Dictionary Tfick & Murray Book Ends Attention Of the council was called to the caucus to be h I ld evening, November 23, 1943, and also to the city election set for D ce 1943. Mayor appointed W. W. Alderman, Sr. as Inspector of election a Mary B. Peterson and Mrs. Emily LaDuke as Judges. therebeing no further business, council on motion of Glino, by Talbot And carried, adjourned. e i Port Orchard, �'Jashington � December 13, 1943 Regular meeting of the council of Port Orchard called to o�d C. A. Hanks, with Gounc ilmen D. J. Talbot, Roy Hoge, George Cline, W and Rex Thompson; Gity ,attorney, John Ind. Hoyle, and Superintendent o Works, George Givens present. Minutes of meeting of November 22, 1943 read and approved. t .66 35.59 10.28 25.84 17.24 4.12 erk, 17.6 13 2.03 12.80i 8.47 1.03 15.00 81.76 31.20 4.75 65.00 99.57 101.40 46.00 650.85 21.13 10.24 Tuesday aber 9 , ' Pa id Mrs. conded r by Mayor . Cos,-ey, abl is r� Councilman Talbot reported progress for the Health, Sanitation and Parks committee on the proposed plumbing ordinance, this matter having been previously referred to this committee. The Mayor congratulated Councilmen Gosbey, Talbot and Howe on their re-election to the council, and announced that committee assignments would remain as at present. .the Mayor stated that he had contacted a representative of Pratt & Company, bond brokers, relative to the bill for costs and attorney "s fees in the recent sewer suit against Kit sap County, and had urged that Pratt & Company take care of at least part of the costs of the suit. The representative agreed to take the matter up with his comapny The matter of the barricade on Division street on Potter Hill was referred to the Street and Alley committee with power to take what action is necessary. A petition signed by nine property owners and residents of the vicinity of 'Tacoma 5nd Sroufe streets petitioned that the street light be moved from its present location to the intersection of Sroufe and Tacoma. Paul Wooek presented the petition, and on motion of Thompson, seconded by Cline and carried, the light was ordered moved to the intersection of Sroufe and Tacoma streets. A request from Logan Townsend that the city place gravel on a portion of Short Street, was discussed. It was suggested that it would appear that the expense would be inadvisable, but the chatter was referred to the Street and Alley committee for investigation and report. A request by the board of County Commissioners of Kit sap County for the vacation of portions of Austin and Sweany streets was referred to the City and the Street and Alley committee for report. Clerk presented a resolution transferring funds to meet expenditures in various divisions in order that budget appropriations would conform to expenditures. an motion by Qosbey, seconded by Cline and carried, the res- olution was adopted. A letter from Chief of Police W. H. Hankie, relative to increased salaries was read and discussed by the council members. The matter was re- ferred to the Finance and Planning commission to consult with the Police Chief on the matter. A report wis made on the improvement of Bgy Street, and the matter of additional paved surface was discussed. The matter was referred to the Street and alley committee to take what further action on the improvement and efforts to obtain further surfacing that the committee members deemed advisable. Miss Lolita Bliss, clerk in the Police Department ptesented the matter of keeping the Police O ourt pocket, stating that she believed, in the interests of accuracy and effiolency that the book should be not kept by the Police Department but should be kept by the Police Judge. The matter was referred to Council -man Cline to contact the Police Judge relative to the matter. Bids having been previously regularly called for a fire truck and equipment to be opendd at this time, the Mayor directed that bids be opened and considered. One bid was received from the Howard Cooper Dorporation, and this was opened and read to the council. The Howard Cooper Corporation offered to supply the equipment as listed in its bid for $4,q365.00, plus tax of $13.0.95, or a total price of $4,495.95. Floyd Rayton, representing the Howard Hooper Corporation, explained the..bid, and mad suggestion relative to the transaction. After consideration by the council, it was moved by Cline, seconded by Talbot and carried that the bid of the Howard Cooper Corporation be accepted, subject to release by the OUT of a chassis for the equipment. Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens stated to the council that it was his opinion that the new well should be surge., bailed and cleaned to better develop the project, stating that the flow was not o6ntinuing as its original. capacity. After discussion, it was moved by Howe, seconded by Talbot and carried that the N. C. Jannsen Drilling Company be employed to do this work at a cost of 410.00 per hour for equipment and crew. The Clerk was directed to write the Jannsen Drilling Company informing them of the action by the council. Harry Dingle of the Puget Sound Power & Light Company stated that under the dim --out regulations that it had been necessary to out down the candle power of the street lights on Bay street, and suggested that since the dim -out regula tions had been modified that the light should be increased to 4,000 lumen lamps. Moved by Cline, seconded by Cosbey and carried that the change in Bay street lighting be made, and that the Clerk be instructed to write to the Power Company requesting that the lights on Bay street be increased from 2,500 lumen lamps to 4,000 lumen lamps. Following bills presented and on motion by Cosbey, seconded by. Talbot, were ordered paid: Parking Meter Fund j Duncan Meter Corporation 75% meter collections for Novi. 701.10 Miller Meters Meter Parts 19.20 Jackson Machine Shop Repairs to meters 7.12 Water Fund I Howe's Hardware Stove Oil for water plant , 8.49 Wilkins-Lursen Uo. Gas and Oil 22.88 American Plumbing and Steam Supply Co.Pipe and fittings 56.50 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Telephone Service 3.95 S. V. McMullen Labor 15.60 P. S. Power & Light k°o. Power for Pumping 100.35 P. S. Power & Light Co. Light at Pump House 1.23 Street Fund Howard Cooper Corporation Repairs to Grader 21.67 T. W. Frazee Labor 112.00 S. V. McMullen Labor 100.80 Jackson Machine Shop Welding Truck Body 1.55 Howe Motor Co. Repairs to Truck 19.86 Wilkins-Lursen Col Gas and Oil 44.50 Raymond Smith Painting street markers 5.00 Current Expense Shyver Music Co. Refund, overpayment of licenses 45.00 trick & Murray Supplies for Police 12.32 Howe is Hardw,_.re Various (Poll ice Dept.) 19.79 Thompsonts Stationery Carbon Paper (Clerks` .62 Peninsual Stationers Supplies for Police 3.50 Bud's Dairy Store Mdse. for Police 6.62 Kitsap Co. Humand Society 85% pet licenses 5.53 Daniel B. Whedon Jr. Bail refund 25.00 Mary'B. Peterson Judge of Election 6.)0 Emily LaDuke Judge of Eleetion 6.00 W. W. Alderman Irspector of Blectiob 6.00 P. d. Power & Light Btre6t Lights and at Fire Hall j 92.65 Nelson Equipment Co. Fog Nozzle for Fire Dept. 42.84 ?. M. Peterson Bookkeeper in alerk's Office 28.00 Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Board of city prisoners 16.90 Report of Uhief of Folioe W. H. Hankin for month of Nove 1943, to- gether with a summary for the first eleven months of 1943 was filedwith the council, showing a total collection of fines and traffic citationsans $8,743.00, and a total L' 595 arrests made. 'dotal collections for the period were listed at $9, 759.35. (Parking meter.) i There being no further business, council on motion of Cos�e , seconded by Talbot and carried, adjourned. Port Orchard, Wangton December 27, 1943 Regular meeting of the council of the Town of Port Orchard called to order by Mayor C. A. Hanks. Freeent Councilmen M. H. Thompson, W. Cosbey, D. J. Talbot, Noy Howe and George Cline; City Attorney John M. Boyl , and Superintendent of Public Works, George Givens. Minutes of meeting of December 13, 1943 read and approved &ayor Hanks reported that so far he had received no def in t d word from Pratt & Co., bond brokers, relative to payment in costs in sewer suit, and stated that he would contact them further, and insist on a definite answer.' The Street and Alley committee reported that barricade ha ben placed on Division Street on Pottery Hill, ins.aceordanee with orders of th council of December 13, 1943. I i A letter from City Attorney Boyle, setting forth the legal require- ments in connection with vacation of streets requested by the county, was read to the council, and it was moved by Howe, deconded by Cline and carried that petition for vacation of Austin and Sweany streets be denied, and that the Clerk notify the County Commissioners of the decision, enclosing a copy of the Attorney's opinion upon which the denial is based. Councilman Thompson madez::a detailed repott on matters pertaining to pumping equipment at the new well, and stated that he had contacted Mr. L. G. Stough of the FPHA in regard to the matter, and that Mr. Stough had stated that definite action on the Housing Authority contract could be expected within a few days. He also reported on traffic problems and police problems. After a discussion., the Mayor appointed a special committed consisting of Councilmen Thompson, Gosbey and Howe to contact Mr. F. M. Krutsinger, Regional Director of the FPHA, or other individuals and to make any efforts which they see fit to secure funds for additonal police pro- tection. Mayor Hanks agreed to make appointments for the committee. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by_ Cline and carried that the city council endorse the proposition of the proposal to extend railroad lihes to the Navy Yard from Tacoma, and over the Narrows bridge, and that Mayor Hanks communicate the endorsement to Senator Mon Wallgren, Congressman Warren G. Magnuson and the Tacoma Oh-mber of Commerce. Superintendent of Public '�fiorks, George Givens reported that he had contacted N. C. Zannsen relative to cleaning and flushing the new welly and that it would be necessary to construct a derrick over the well to handle the equipment. He stated that is was expected to get started on the work of surging the well in a week or ten days. It was moved by Cline, seconded by Howe and carried that the necessary derrick be constructed as a permanent equipment at the well, under the supervision of Mr. Givens. The matter of a flowing spring or well at the corner of Bay and 11arrison streets was referred to the Superintendent of Public Works for moessary remedy. A letter from the Duncan Meter Corporation through K. E. Todd, rela- tive to the purchase of ten additional parking meters was read, stating that the cost would be added to the existing contract for the purchase of meters, to be paid for from the meter collections in the same manner as the original meters were purchased. It was moved by Howe, seconded by Cosbey and carried that ten additional meters be purchased under the terms of the letter. A letter from the General Engineering Company relative to 15ost-war planning was read and ordered filed. The Superintendent of Public Works reported that Hans Aarshaug was desirous of grading his lots on the corner of Sidney and Division streets, and had stated that the city could have the dirt to widen Division street be- tween Sidney and Austin streets. The matter was discussed by the council members, and was referred to the Street and Alley committee for report. Street and Alley committee reported that the town would not be justified in gravelling a portion of Short street as requested by Logan Townsend. The Clerk was directed to write the N. C. Jannsen drilling Company, demanding a log of the new well. The ,matter of the purchase of a grader was presented by George Givens, Superintendent of Public Works, and the clerk was directed to eontaatt a representative of the Howard Cooper Corporation and have him meet **th the council relative to the purchase of a grader, if the same is deemed advisable. The bill of Parker and Hill. for $650 for engineering on Sidney Street was discussed, and it was the opinion of the council members as expressed that the agreement as made at the time of employment hadi�not been fulfilled, and that the sum of $300 be paid on the bill, and the Clerk was instructed to write to Parker and Hill stating that it was the understanding that the firm was to secure federal funds or to work out some system whereby the work could be cone by LID method, and ask that further effort be made by Parker and Hill to finance the improvement. Following bills presented and on motion of Cosbey, seconded by Cline were ordered paid: Parking Meter Fund Miller Meters Inc. Repair Parts for parking meters 78.30 Current Expense Fund Crawshaw Motors It Ass'n. of Washington Cities P. S. Power & Light Co. P. S. Power & Light Go. Trick & Murray County Auditor Pacific Tel. & Tel. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Glenn ,Moore Trick & Murray Taylor & Sutton 8 . V. 1�cMurl l en T. W. Frazee Muyskens Radio Shop County Auditor nmeridan Plumbing & Steam Supply Co. Pac if is Tel. & Tel. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Slocum Hardware Go. S. V. McMullen Rensselaer Valve Co. P. S. Power & Light.Co. P. -4. Power & Light 4o. Slocum Hardware go. T. 4. Frazee S. V. McMullen S. V. McMullen Kit,sa� County County Auditor Repair to paddy wagon Membership and services Light at Fire Station Street Lighting Desk pad and blotter for Tr License for Fire Truck Clerk's phone Phones for Police and Fire Gas and Oil for Paddy wagon Lamp for Clerk's office Gas and oil fro paddy wagon Labor on city hall decking Labor on city hall deckimg Repairs to Police Radio We ter Fund License for water truck Pipe and fittings Telephone for Water .)upp. Telephone at water plant Merchandise Labor on v+ater system Flanged check valve Light at Pump house Power for pumping Street Fund `.fools and raierchandi se Labor on streets Cedar posts, Division street Labor on streets Rent of grader License on 2 trucks Bill of Puget Sound Power & Light Go. for power at Brewe laid over for investigation There:.b6ing no f uther business, council, on motion of 311 by Talbot and curried, adjourned. Part Orchard, Washington aanuary 10, 1944 so lb t � Council oalled to order in regualr session by Mayor 0. A. with Councilmen M. H. Thomspon, W. B. Gosbey, D. J. Talbot, Roy 0. H George Cline; City Attorney, aloha M. Boyik; and Superintendent of lu George Oivens present. Min **ssof meeting of#eeaamb9r 27, 1943 read and approved. Mayor Banks reported on the matter of the proposed railr to the locality and read letters which he had reoelve4 from Acting Ifawee+tt of Tacoma, and 1. A. Stevenson of the Taooma 4hamber of Co in which it was indicated that the proposed railroad was not a pro immedirate, future, but that the matter would be kept in mind for wh aotion Nbuld be beneficial. No replies had been received from San Wallgren or OongressmandUagnu+son. Counpilman Howe, chairman of the Street and .Alley':oommit ported on the proposed widening of Division Street, and on regUost committee, two weeks additional time was granted for final report can�edatio�. , J'aok Wood appeared before the council and requested dirt filling a street on cline and Dwight Streets. : The matter was defe such time as dirt is available. 6.70 75.00 1.75 90.55 1.69 1.25 4.50 12.15 8. 235 13. 72 2 6. 73 20.60 15.00 3. 0 9 1.25 34.62 4.00 5.15 2.62 13.0]0 14 VV. �%1 1.00 95.10 v . 0 1 64.00 13. 50 63.20 250.00 2.50 11 was 11 seconded inks, re and .iv forks link 'or oe, for the re - the reac- until l�