01/01/1942 - Regular - Minutesi Council Minutes aril 13, 1942 All councilmen were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and James P attison asked to have the minutes corrected to Dhow that the city attorney was to draw an ordinance oroviding for the compulsory collection of garbage. The m.,.yor ordered the minutes to be so corrected-. The Ilayor brought up the question of a. bomb shelter in the Town of Port Orchard and asked the question as to whether -or -not the Town was doing all that it should in that respect. The matter was referred to the Finance U.nd Planning Committee of the Council. Mr. Pattison suggested_ th.LAt the Street Dept. bring some sand into the town in order that people mighz obtain it for bomb defense purposes. The street superintendent wad directed to do this. Mr. Hanks said that the Health Dept. of the Counry was again complain- ing�about the condition of the Port Orchard garbage dump. %le council was of the opinion that this mat -it could best be taken care Of LLfter a comn- ulsary gcrbaMe ordinance was passed. It was explained to the council t .at Mr. Thompson, Guy Wetzel, Mr. i Branch, and the Mayor had investigated the question of obtaining funds for the building of the proposed highway. through the to.,in. In this regard, a traffic survey was to be conducted in the town to determine the amount and nature of the traffic. There was then a discussion of the timber which h,8d been cut off of city streets by Mr. Peabody. Mr. Robert R3r7.ander explained to the council thlat he had instructed Peabody to take the timber becasue he was of the opionion that the timber belonged to the owners of the adjoining property. Mr. Murphy told the council that he had been instructerl by his lawyer that the timber belonged to the oumers of the adjoining property. The matter was referred to the Street d,nd Alley Committee. Ross Watt reported to the council that the property owners on Pros- pect Otreet had agreed to the placingof the sidewalk, curb, .nd mutter on that street. The engineer was directed by the council.to provide the greades for the work and charge the same to the property owner. The question of licensing the juke -boxes came before the council and after a general discussion, Roy Hore made the motion that an ordinance be drawn licensing the juke -boxes at the rate of sixteen dollars per year with each location licensed at the rate of four d`cllars per year. The motion was seconded and passed with all voting in its Favor. Council then took up the question of licensing the pinball machines. army Seijas, representing Kenneth Crawford, present operator in Port Orchard, suggested that the license fee be raised to four hundred dollars and machines be allowed to operate in places other than those holdinn- beer and wine licenses. A motion by George Cline, that the proposition by Army Seijas be accepted, died for lack of a second. a motion by Roy Howe that the license fee be raised to fifteen hundred dollars with the same other fees as are now being paid but with the machines being all..wed to operate in places other than those holding beer and wine licenses was seconded and passed with Councilmen Thompson, Howe, and Pat -icon voting in its favor and Councilmen Cosbey and Cline opp9sed. The council granted the op-rators cane week to decide whether--or-not to accept the proposition. Vic Holmquist appeared before the council .And asked that the cross- wdlks be established in the middle of the two main blocks on B ay Street. .motion by Roy Howe that a safety Zone be set aside in front of the Theater with a crosswal! tc the PostlOfffce side of the street and a erasswal.k In the m).ddle of the block between Sidney and Fredrick Streets was second- ed and passed with Howe and Cline voting in its favor and Thompson voting against the same. jir. Connell appeared before the council and asked to have his drj.v.e- way kept free from cars. The council agreed that the dr9_vewa,y should be kept open if it were properly;, -marked. The bid of the O'Brien construction Company _,nd that of the Pacific Water Works Supply was accepted by the con - ell for the new water maining projects. Harry Dingle explained to the council that the descrepancy in the light bills was occasioned by the fact that some heavi-y 14D*hrq haA been -,it in thin what the town/charged for. was There being no further business the meeting adjourned::". The fol'l.owinR bills were presented and warrant ordered drawn therefore: Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. W. F. Bruhahn Fred G. Vetters Port 8rchdrd Transf. Co. Howe Is Hardware Howard -Cooper Corp. Pu,-et Sound Stamp Works Lowman do Hanford Co. J. T. Hardemann Hat. Co. Wilkins-Lursen Co. Standard oil Co. Williams Hardware Jackson's Marchine Shop J. 1. Elliott t,rt fair GENERAL FUND Phones 28.60 Labor 6.00 Board for city prisoners 9.75 Fuel 7.37 Stove -pipe, city hall .21 Re charge s 4.95 RubberLLstamo .88 Clips .72 Police hat 5.11 STREET FUND Gas 128.28 Gas 1.35 Sup -A i e s 4.38 Repairs 2.58 Labor 5.85 Labor 17.75 MER FUND M C. F. Lampman Reimbrusement of sever charges 4.00 f 0, �1 It was ddeided that the Ordinanod should be revised to provide for a payment of $1 5.00 for a year's operation, and that all other charges in connection with the pinball machines be abolished. a motion that the crd_inance be so amended was seconded and carried with all councilmen voting in its favor. Army 9eijas asked the Council to approve of the Soo Hoy Cafe, Orphan Annie and the associated Station Cafe as additional place& for the machines to be placed. Mr. Zeigler of the Zeigler Shows told the Council that he had a contract calling for th--}operation of his shows in Pott Orchard Sometime in 1942. A motion by George Cline that the shows be allowed to operate if they found a suitable location w,a,s withdrawn. Mr.Zeigler was t© bring h;is contract to the next regular meeting of the Council. Walter Jones of the Kitsap County Humane Society appeared before the Coun- cil and proposed that :the Humane Society take over the licensing of all dogs in the Town of Port Orchard. The City to buy the tags and receipt books and the Humane Society tc keep 85% of the license fees. Mr. Pattison moved that the proposition be accepted and ordinance was checked and revised to conform thereto. All councilmen voted in favor of t3kis motion. Roy Horne moved that the City attorney be directed to draw a card table ordinance with the amount of the fees left blank to be determined later. This motion was passed with all councilmenvoting in Favor of this motion. The Clerk was informed by the Council that the Housing Project was to pay the rate of $1.50 per month per unit for all water used by the Project, and to pay some amount for overrun. The Clerk was authorized to call for bids for 1200 gallons of MC No. S Road Oil and 1500 gallons of 80 No. 1 Road Oil. Vic Holmquist explained to the Council that it would be necessary to in- crease the pay of the two police officers to $130.00 and $140.00. It was so ordered by the Council. James Munro, the Town Clerk, told the Council that in view -of the great National Emergency which the nation found itself in, it would probably be necessary for him to give up his work as Town Clerk. He asked the Mayor and the Council to obtain someone to take his place in order that he might be free to leave at any time. He explained to the Council that it should keep in mind that it might be necessary for the Town to spend a great deal more money for the Clerk's Office than what had been spent in the past, and that these facts should be borne in mind in any adjustments to be made in the salaries of the Town Officials. There being no further business, the meeting; was adjourned. ''I. xiTER FUND P ac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone 3.75 J. A. McBride Labor 5.20 W. F. Br»ahahn Labor 84.75 I Roy Livingston Labor 12.75 Williams Hardware Material 14.49 Howe' s Hardware ,, Material .70 Tacoma Plumbing up. Co. Material 54.08 Reliance Motor Co. Material 22.04 Standard Oil Co. (has 7.11 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Lumber 4.61 i Am. Plbg. and S. S. Co. Mate -ial 19.00 /-� ( LIBRARY FUND Port Orchard Transf. Fuel 7.36 James Munro, Town Clerk Council minutes All douncilmen present. April 27, 1942 The meeting opened with the Mayor reading a telegram from Mon C. Walgren concerning the re,j'ectinn of a part of the Town's application for funds. The Council'decided to leave the matter until the letter of denial could arrive. The Mayor then read the report of the State Department of Highways on the traffic survey that had been conducted in the Town. Councilman Pattison reported that he had not been able to get the Health and Sanitation Committee and Mr. Watt together on the garbage question. The Mayor stated that the problem had become more complicated by the housing units being esvaui1 silea in the Town. Huy aowe reported znaz ne naa not reueived fpc,... trues vat; u a def ini ie opinion on zne question of wnezner or not zne Tuwn could nol.d tnose person vno naa out the timuer on the Town property. Tne matter was left In the hands of tine Committee to oe settled by teem. Rex Tnompsuii moved tnat the Committee oe auta,orized to ootain the to oe placed across the proposed trail to be constructed From the Pottery nili Dls- trict to the Southeast side of Town. Roy Howe reported to the Council that Judge Sutton had nl aueL swA4 log... in the City street around the parking strip in front of his property. George Cline moved that Judge Sutton be instructed by the Clerk to rem6ve the logs. The motion was duly seconded and carried with all Councilmen voting in its favor. Tar. S hyver appeared before the Council and stated that in his opinion the $16.*0 fee proposed by the Town for the juke boxes was too high and un— constitutional. It was pointed out by the Clerk that the Town had the authe- ority to ban the juke boxes entirely. The Council then took up the question of licensing the pinball makes. GENERAL, FUND Ernie's Tani Transportation to Jail 3.®GI Puget Sound Power & Light Street Lighting 281.81 Myhre' s Cafe Meals 5.16 Central Dook Dining Room Meals 9.99 W. F. Leavell Treasurer's Report Book, etc. 7.16 STREET FUND J. 1. Elliott S treet Painting 10.40 (--� W . F. Bruhahn Labor 6.00 J. A. McBride Labor 5.20 WATER FUND Puget S ound Power & Light Electricity for Pumps 128.32 American Plumbing & Steam Supply Company S upplies 25.98 Tacoma Plumbing Supply Co. Material 26.84 Bremerton Concrete Products Meer boxes and lids 47.89 W`. F. Bruhaahn Labor 54.0.0 John Scott Labor 3.25 LIBRARY FUND S elina Honey Cleaning City Hall 3.00 James Munro, Clark Council Minutes May 11, 1942 Councilmen Thompson, Cline, Pattison and Howe present. Rex Thompson was named acting Mayor, reported that the Town had received a letter of denial from the Public Works agency in regard to a portion of the grant which the town had requested for pumping equipment and that the matter had been taken up with the authorities in charge of the Duration Dormitories who were contacting Washington in regard to it. Marion Garland Jr. appeared before the council in regard to the juke- box licensing. He insisted that 'the sum of tweenty dollars per year would be confiscatory and therefore illegal. The council heard his argument and pro- cdeded to pass the ordinance for the licensing of the ,juke -boxes. The council then passed the ordinance for the licensing of dogs andthe ordinance licensing the card tables. The clerk read the proposed garbage ordinancd and the ordinance was laid on the table until the next meeting of the council. The council approved the meter contract with the W orthington-C.arpon Meter Co. The clerk was directed to write to Ford Peabody in regard to the timber which was cz?t off of the city streets. Vic Holmquist appeared before the council and asked the Town to purchase a prowler car. after a short discussion, the matter was referred to the fin- ance committee. The council directed the clerk to call for bids for heavy oil for surfac- , ing the city streets. All bills were ordered paid with the e1.ception of Hreitenstein's bill for twelve dollars, and as there was no further business, the meeting was ad- journed. T he following bills were presented and warrants were ordered drawn therefore. LI BR.-iRY FUND 9 elina Honey Library Cleaning 3.00 STREET FUND 8 tand. Oil C o. of C alif. Tire Service & Oil Bb. Deposit 9.39 Howe's Hardware Material 3.46 Lumber Supply Material 5.86 3 olastic Products Co. Traffic Line Paint 13.13 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 12.40 Iry illiam' s Hardware Paint 2.78 SEWER FUND Kane & Harcus Co. Sewer Receipt Book 31.06 Roy Livingstone Labor 15.30 Marckmann & Williams } Burn e' s & Kelly Standard Oil Co. of Cal. Brem. Cone. Prods. Co. Tacoma Plumb. Sup. Co. Hoge Motor Co. Howe's Hardware N. F. Bruhahn W illiams Hardware E: C. Breitenstein Howe's Hardware Fred G. Vetters, Kane & Harcus Thompson's S elina Honey . Counckl rMinutes WATER FUND Drill & Tap Service Call Gasoline Meter boxes & Lids Supplies Enamel Supplies Labor on 'later Lines S-dpplie s SEVER CONSTRUCTION FUND Replacing corner demolished by Queen City ConSt. Co. GENER.aL FUND W histle and Globe Sher, Prisoner's Board Record Sbok C le 's Supplies Clung City Hall All members present. 6.09 2.58 9.08 47.89 48.'08 1.03 6.27 48.€0 .83 15.00 .72 14.30 4.54 .746 3.04 James Munro, City Clerk may 25, 1942. ­' Minutes of the previous meeting wore read and approved as read. Mayor Hanks then read a letter from George Stuntze of the W. P. A. in regard to the work which had been dcne on private property of the town of Port Orchard by the W. P. A. The matter was referred to the Clerk for -reply. .a letter was then read From the Department"of Public Service in regard to a judgment which had been obtained by the Dept. of Public Service against the Town of Port Orchard and others in an action which had been §rought at one time before the Dept. of Public Service. It was duly moved, seconded, and carried that the -matter be laid on the table. Mayor Hanks explained that the Town had received a letter from Pratt and Company in regard to the Sewer returns and that upon investigation it now appeared that the returns would be sufficient when 41 the charges were collected. a letter was read from the Federal Works Agency in regard to the app- lication for anew water plant. The mayor referred the matter to Reg Thomp- son for the purpose of obtaining a- certificate of necessity from the Navy n D epartment . It was moved, seconded, and carried that Thomas Breitenstein be au- thorized to make plans for the water project. Mayor Hankve reported to the council that the insurance on the Central S chool Building had expired. The council authorized Mr. Hanks to insure the n building for the sum of $7,500. 00 for the period of one year. A complaint that the rabbits .,nd ducks on Ted Lindall's propery con- stituted a nuisance was referred to the Health and Sanitation Committee. I It way -reported to the council that the sewer was exposeed at the highitide line and w,.x in danger of being broken by rocks or logs. It was duly moved, seconded, and carried that Geode Givens be instructed to tvae care of this matter, The request of .army Post to have some parking space set aside alongside the net recreation center in the town was brought befor the council. The council was of the opinion that the army could have the required space on Bank Street but not on Prospect Street provided they would. grade Bank Street. Mr. Hanks explained to the council that R. E. Buck7.in, Superintendent of the Washington Veteran's Home at Retsil and former Mayor of Port Orchard had died the previous S unday. He said he thought it would be appropriate for the council members to send flowerd for -the Town of Port Orchard. The council agreed 'to do this unofficially. The Mayor asked the Street and Alley C ommittee to investigate the side- walk on Bay Street from Rockwell to Blackjack Crick and also to Investigate the trail situation from Pottery Hill to the east side of town. The Clerk reported that he had talked to Judge Suttbn in regard to the logs in front of his home, The council asked the clerk to re!,uest the Judge to come before the council in this regard. Rex Thompson moved that. the Treasurer be instructed- not to segregate the L. I. D. charges against parcels of propergy other than as they are seg- reputed on the assessment rolls. All councilmen voted in favor of the mo- tion. The Treasurer was authorized to purchase receipt books and dog licenses. Ordinance No.481 providing for the calling for bids from the hauling oaf garbage was passed by the council. Mr. P attison moved that the Clerk call for bids in an alternative form for the hauling of the garbage. The Clerk then read a proposed ordinance for an emergency appropriatiAn for the purchase of a Patrol Car. Par. Hanks said that he ha'-d talked to various citizens in the town who had pointed out to him that there were many things which were badly needed in the town which were of more importance than the_purchase of a Patrol Car. He said he was not opposed to the purchase of a Patrol Car, if by so doing, one police officdr could be eliminated, saving enough money to purchase and operate the car. He also expressed the opinion that the town should be able to procure a car for a figure considerably less than the two thousand dollars set forth in the emergency ordinance. dr. W att said that he was of the opinion that the emergency ordinance would hove to be passed at the next meeting by unanimous vote. titer a gen- eral discussion of this question, the bills wdre read and warrants were drawn for them; the meeting adjourned. _ SEVIER CCNSTRUCTION Port Orchard Independent Publishing; notice of assessment 8.30 Port Grchard Independent W F . Brdhahn Fred:'. Bruhahn Port Orchard Signal Service Am. Pl b. & 8. S. C'o. a a a p R J.. Dick Co. Inc. Puget Sound Nay. Co. Marcl=ann and Williams Pac.. Tel. & Tel. Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Hackett Drug Co. Port Orchard Independent Natt.s ;Service Thompson's Chloe Sutton W . F . Bruh ahn J. A. McBride Art Adair Port Orchard Independent Kerr Motore W ashington isphalt Co. W,iTER FUND Adv. for pubng. on Smith & Sroufe 19.85 L. I. D. Printing Labor on Water Line Labor on Water Lines Tank, fusers anc tape 5 upplies Sweat Tees Pelts and Bushings Freight Tapping Machine Phone GENERA, FUND Phones Light B&lb s Printing & Publishing Battery Paper Treas. Supplies Reimb. STREET FUND 87.06 57.75 18.85 9.27 62.84 1.67 16.91 .64 9.74 3.75 37.66 .93 39'52 15.. 40 1.,13 4.00 Labor Labor 2.60 Labor 15.60 Printin Notice calling for bids 1.30 Brushes and Parts 1.96 3#MC - 2 Mix 17.00 James Munro, Clark Hanks, aydr Council Minutes June 1942 Councilmen Pattison , Cosbey, Howe, and Cline present. The Police Problems were again discussed and the council decided to �r,L/ combine the position of the street and night policemand and increase the pay of PUr. Rankin thirty dollars ($30.00) per month and that of Mr. Holmquist ($25.00) per month with the understanding that they would use their cars in city 13olice work. . The question of hauling the garbage was again before the council and the laid of Roy Livingston offering to haul the garbage percan per month and allow- ing the town 10% for collection costs was acceptable to the council. The Clerk.was asked to notify the couhty commissioner that the (garbage dump would be closed to everyone other than the town of Port Orchard collector after the lat day of July, 1942. _ 4 contract by the office of James W. Carey and Co. and the Town of Port Orchard for the engine ring work on the new water project was passed by the council with all councilmen voting in its favor. 1 The Mayor read a petition of a.number of residents in the town asking that the County road and the city street on the edge of town be widened in one place. The matter was referred to the street.a,nd alley committee. The Police w -e asked to close all unlicensed card --tables and juke --boxes„ The Clerk was asked to wr&te a letter to Pearson and Crawshaw in regard to the drains which had been filled in front of their property. The council granted the right to the civilian defense committees the use of the firthall building where the camp --fire girl's meetings had been held. The.Council unanumously passed ordinance No. 482. The bills were read and warrants we a drawn for them, the meeting adjourned. GENERAL FUND FRED G. Vetters Prisoner's Board 12.35 Nat'. s Service (has Cap, Battery Rechagge .88 Thompson's Rubber Bands, etc, .89 Howes Hardware .Ammunition for Police 2.16 Sanderson Safety Sup. C o. Inhalator refilled 5..15 Port Orchard Tran.Co. Fuel 15.81 Vic Holquist Meals & Expense 5.50 P.S.P. & L. Co. Street Lighting; 92.35 WATER FUND Spy&J. Dick Co. Inc. Material 5.'32 Amer., Plgb. & S. S Co. Material 18.79 a n n a a Material 31.87 Worthington Gamon Co. Meters 121.75 H.W . Jackson Mach. Sp. Bblst threaded 1.03 j a N 1. N 0 Machine Repatrs 14.94 W. f'. Bruhahn Labor 57.01) W illiam' s Hardware Supplies .62 P. S:. & L. Co. Power for Pump 76.32 a N n n n, 1.00 STREET FUND A. n. McTavish Labor U.76 Howe' s Hardware Supplies 8' 14 Chester M. Stegner 3 ign Painting 6.C5 Wash. Asphalt Co. M.7. #2Mix 68.00 William's Hardware S up.dies 12.37 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 3.00 William's Hardware Hose Nozzle .6a Flaoy Rayton Axle for Grader 33.47 H. T. Read Sal. of St. 8 weeper minus 13.24 ass't pay. LIBR.iRY FUND 5 elina Honey Cleaning Library 3.00 Port Orchard Trans. Co. Fuel 15.82 C. A. Hanks, Mayor 7aEes Munro Clark Council minutes of the special meeting of June 15 1942 witL all present. The meeting was called for the purpose of establishing a. housing authol& ity in the town. The resolution providing for said housing authority was passed by the council with all councilmen voting in its favor. Mayor Hanks appointed Harry Radey as chairman for a one year term, P ercy Furgeson for a two year term, Dr. H. E. W ilson for a three year term E. S. Howe for a four year tr m, and Harry Myskens for a five year term. The Clerk was asked to contact the Dept. of Public Service in regard to the garbage question. He,wa.s also asked to write to Miss Byrd of the County Welfare Dept. in order to have Mr. Lloyd cf the Town of Port Orchard confined to the County Hospital. The meeting adjourned. James Munro, Clerk Oouncil minutes of June 22, with all councilmen.present. Mayor Hanks opened the meeting by explaining that two public telephones j had been installed in boothes at the city -hall. Then he said it was.presumed that the phone company would pay to the town a percentage of the.revenue. The clerk was asked to contact the company to determine whether or not this was so. There was a discussion of the eternal garbage question and it was pointed out that the clerk was negotiating for a hearing before the Department of P ub- g g lic Service to have a certificate issued to Roy Livingston for the collection of garbage in the town. It was reported to the council that Major Lathrop of the Unitbd States Army -was interested in obtaining the use of the Central School Building. It was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that the town ask the rental of one hundred dollars per.,month for the building. The council approved a contract with the Humane S oeiety of Kitsap County for a one year period for.the handling of licensing and impofnding of dugs and cats. A contract submitted by the city attorney for the payment to him of certain sums of money for work done on the water project was withdrawn with the explan- ation that the city could not contract with its eledted attorney to pay him any additional sums of money. The Mayor was instructed by the council to arrange to have a S unitary to4et and wash --room .installed in the library building. It was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that the city attorney be in- structed two- present a suit for the collection of the sewer r-evenue-s owed -ty,-- Kitsap County to the town of Port Orchard for the coukthouse. The bills were read and warrants ordered drawn for the m. W . F. Bruhahn Fred Bruhahn Puget Snd. Pr. & Lite W'. F. Bruhahn Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Roy Livingston W . F. Bruhahn Roy Livingston James Munro, Clerk WATER FUND Labor Labor GENERAL FUND S treet Lighting Labor Phone's STREET FUND Labor Labor ]EWER FUND Putting in lai 46.50 n 19.35 92.35 6.60 31.9'7 5.00 10.56 I Council minutes of the Special meeting of June 29th with Councilmen Howe, Thomp- son, Pattison, and Cosbey.present. The meeting was called for the purpose of opening bids for the drilling for i the new well. It was determined that the bid was not in accordance with the Issued call. Mr. Pattison moved that the bid be rejected for that reason. T he motion was seconded, by Roy Howe and passed with all councilmen voting in its favor. Rex -Thompson moved that the engineer negotiate with the Government to determine the best method of having the work done in accordance with the specifi- cations. The motion was seconded by Roy Howe and passed with all councilmen voting in its favor. It was called to the council's attention that there are two lots in the corner of ,the ball grounds which are owned by a party in Aberdeen. It was de- cided to determine if sufficient funds were available for the town to purchase these lots. It was then moved that Rex Thompson and seconded by George Cline that the`Central"School Building be given to the Army for the duration of the war in paymaat of the sewer, lights, and water, rentals. All councilmen voted in favor of that motion. The meeting then adjourned to meet again on July 6, 1942. Co A. Hanks, Mayor James M1unro, Clerk C ounell minutes of the special meeting of July 6, 1942 with *b1ncilmen Thomp- son, Cosbey, Cline, and Pattison present. 1 The clerk read a resolution submitted by the Regional Office of the Federal J Works Agency in regard to the issuing of a contract to N. C. Jannsen Co. for the drilling of a new well which awarded the contract for the drilling of the well *K4,oh-awardei 6ks and authorized the Mayor and the Clerk to ewee0a j execute the same on behalf of the town. Harry Radey reporting on the Housing Authority said that the officials did not wifih to build an entirely new project in Port Orchard but wanted to establish temporary. homes on the vacant lots in the town. George Cline moved that the. housing matter be left with the housing commission. The motion was seconded and carried with all councilmen voting in its favor. Afte,r hearing Rex Thompson report on the oiling project,,the .council voted to have the Kitsap Street work commenced by the street department. The.meeting adjourned. .,....Axr,.H.v!aQ......_ James Munro.lerk.....,. Council minutes of July 13, 1942 with all councilmen present. Mr. Hanks reported that the clerk contacted the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. and he was informed that the revenue was 15% for the Town of Port Orchard. The Mayor also brought up the subject of the hearing of the Department of Public Service on the question of the garbage collection which is to be on the 16th day of July in the city hall of Port Orchard at 10:00 o'clock A.M. It was reported to the council by Ross Watt that N=ajor Lathrop had taken over the Central School Bldg. for army use. Mayor Hanks said that the night man was getting along all right but the streets should be washed with the hose which was bought for that purpose. I Mr. Raven is helping Policeman Kluge with the street washing. It was duly motioned, seconded, and carried, that we pay Mr. Raven two dollars a night, six night a week for his services. The clerk was instructed to write to Walter Jones of the Kitsap County Humane _Society concerning the Dog and Cat contract given to Mr. Jones to be one year as written in the minutes of June 22, 1942. Foss Watt explained to the council that the town is to pay all the bills incurred under the dog and cat contract out of the 15% retained by the town. Mayor Hanks asked for a report from Ross Watt on how the suit against the Kitsap County sewer charges for the courthouse was progressing. When asked whether -or -not he wanted any help on this matter, Mr. Watt said that he would decide at the time the case comes up before the court. Ross Watt had been asked as to whether -or -not the Town of Port Orchard had the right to go into contract with the N.C. Jannsen Drilling Company without first calling for bids on the matter. His legal opinion was that there was no need for bids before go- ing into contract. George Givens reported that he had started oiling Kitsap Street on the morning of June 13th, 1942. Mayor Hanks brought up the question of salvage in the town: Mr. Cosbey said that the Salvation Army is taking up all the paper bags and rags, etc. Mr. Cline stated that the County Commissioners had told him that if anyone having any old iron, would con- veniently place it, the county trucks would pick it up. Mayor Hanks read from a ques- tionairre concerning the salvage. The council then further discussed the salvage problem stating that Mr. Leo:Haskell was appointed chairman over all the salvage operation in this county and that it was his duty to take care of it and the council need not worry about the situation. Mr. Thompson said that the town cannot set up an organization of this type because it has no facilities whatsoever to take care of the situation. People are to be referred to Glen 'Milder for salvage pick-ups. Yr. ?attison said he believes: that Prospect Street should be fixed. He said people parking on 2ro3pect Street have a hard time getting out of their parking spaces. Mr. Pattison said that he further bel.Js7ed the road should be torn up and graded. Roy Livingston wanted to know whether or not he had to remove the dirt that he had excavated in putting, in the sidewalk on Prospect Street. In his contract with the owner of the property putting in the sidewalk, it did not state that he had to re- move the dirt. The party will not pay Mr. Livingston for his work until the dirt is removed. Council suggested that Mr. Livingston get the engineers approval of the work and collect his pay. Mr. Cosbey stated that if the town has to remove the dirt, the town can charge the property owner. I - The council decided to grant the U. S. Army the use of the Central School Building and grounds with the un,erstanding that they will pay the Water and Sewer charges against the property while they use it. Mr, Cosbey stated that he had received many complaints about the blackberry vines next to Narkussen's 111?chine Shop. The clerk was instructed to write to the street superin- tendent telling hifti to inform the owners of pro_.)erty on Bay Street, east of the Blacksmith's shop; Kitsap Street, Prospect Street; and Cline Street to Dwight; the Navy View Apartments; from High Street to Hull; that they must take care of the overbearing vines and weeds at once. If they ego not care to do this, the city will, charging the property owners for their work. Roy Howe said it was no use to fix Sidney stree'; because the drains were not deep enough to take care of the rain water thereby causing the water to wash the gravel off the street. Be suggested that we buy cheap lumber and build up the drains to cause the water to stay inside. 'Ihe drains affected are from Di- vision to Sidney and from Dwight to Sidney. In his opinion, this work should be done by fall. Mr. Thompson moved tnat we make an earnest effort to get two men to make these drains. Mr. Cline seconded the motion and it was passed with all councilmen voting in its favor. Mayor Hanks then read the report of the police Dept. and commented that they were doing very well. The question of the police pants was brought up and after some discussion, Rex Thompson motioned that the present_ bill be paid ,but in the future they would furnish no more clothes for the police force. George Cline seconded the motion and the motion was passed with all councilmen voting in its favor. Mr. Cosbey suggested that the Police Department ask the council for ap- proval before going ahead and buying in the future. :Xr. Hanks said he felt that in the future the police department could have a Policeman's Ball or other outside activities to take care of such matters. The council decided to give the rationing board two weeks to vacate quarters in the city hail. They felt that the quarters were insufficient in size to take care of the amount of business carried on. George Cline made a motion to this effect, Cosbey seconded this motion and the council unanimously voted in its fa- vor. Roy LiYingston complained thattoo many people were collecting garbage and instead of putting it in the dump, were throwing it in any convenient place and that the dump is in such a condition that he made a two inch gash in one of his tires. He asked that other people be ordered to stop hauling garbage. Mr. Fattison asked the Clerk to bring in a financial statement to the next coun- cil meeting in order that the council might get a picture of how the funds are standing. Mr. Thompson moved that D. J. Talbot's bill for plumbing in the city hall rest --room be rejected until the plumbing is installed. All Councilmen voted in its favor. The following bills were read and warrants ordered drswn for the same. The meet- ing adjourned. Sam Fitz Fred G. Vetters, Sher'f Lumber Supply Kelly Lumber Co. Eric Bjorkheim T hompson's Fo;t Orch' d Transfer & Fuel Pacific Coast Stamp Works Howe Motor Co. GENERAL FUND 3 or. of trousers for Folice 432.45 prisoner's board 11.70 City Hall rest room 22.37 Supplies 9.38 Labor 25.00 Clerical Supplies 1.03 Coal 5.83 Dog _, Cat Tags 43.33 Fire Dept. Expense .57 0 l r" Howe's Hardware Puget Sound Power & Lite Puget Sound Power & Lite Nat's Service City Hall Expense Street Lighting Street Lighting two batteries and recharge LIBRARY FUND P.S. News Co. Port Orchard Transfer & Fuel Co. Brem. Cone. Prod. Co. V. B. Caldwell Olsen Metal Sheet Works V. B. Caldwell John Scott Olsen Sheet Metal Works Howe's Hardware Howe Motors Dowling's Tex. Service Standard Oil Co. of California Roy Livingston W. F. Bruhahn Books Fuel SEWER FUN D Material Steel Tape STREET FUND Signs Supplies Labor St. Signs Supplies Repair on Truck Repairs Gas Labor Labor WATER FUND Tacoma Plumbing and Supply Company Pioneers Inc. Port Orchard Signal Service Pu§et Sound Power and Li&ht tr rr rr rr n n n rt rr rr rr tt n Howe's Hardware Howe motors Daily Journal of Commerce Thompson's H. W. Jackson's Ifiachine Shop Am. Plumbing and S. S. Company Markman and Williams Am. Plumbing and S. S. Company Standard Oil Co. of California Worthington Gamon Meter Company Worthington Gamon Meter Company William's Hardware Markmann and Williams V. B. Caldwell William's Hardware W. F. Bruhn hn Fred Bruha hn 1.85 92.35 92.35 16.94 57.42 5.82 7.94 6.64 5.67 1.75 3.75 7.30 1.13 9,56 3.81 1,32 3.75 35,00 70.73 16,85 21.65 74.90 1.00 69.00 1.00 14.48 8.62 8.40 .77 3.09 40.66 32.19 20.50 6.40 49.44 26.17 11.42 6.24 11.13 13.44 64.00 21.00 C.A.Hanks, Mayor James Munro, Clerk Council Minutes of, July 27, 1942 with councilmen Howe, Pattison, Cosbey, and Cline present. Supplies Meter Reading Sheets Battery Service .Power for Pumps Electricity for House Power for Pump Electricity for Pump House Supplies Supplies Publishing Supplies Pipe Brackets Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Meters Meters Supplies Material Material Supplies Labor Labor Mayor Hanks read the resignation of Vic Holmquist as Chief of Police. After some dis- cussion the council decided to grant Mr. Holmquist a leave of absence for the duration with all councilmen voting in its favor. Mayor Hanks also read the resignation of Ross Vd. Watt as City Attorney. It was accepted with all councilmen voting in its favor. Mayor Hanks then designated patroman Wm. Hankin to be Chief of Police with Mr. Holmquist helping him until he is able to take full charge of the Police Force. There was a great discussion by the council on the subject of whether -or -not certain re- staurants should be closed at 12:00 o'clock midnight in the future. Nothing definite was decided by the council. The Clerk was instructed to check on whether -or -not the different houses having card tables in them had paid their license fees according to Ordinance No, 480. Nor. Givens reported that he will be unable to get road oil for at least one week to finish Sidney Street. Mr. Givens was also instructed to see if he could find a suitable person to take the job of street superintendent. It was reported by d:.fferent members of the council that the situation of the overbearing vines and weeds was pretty well in hand but certain residences had not yet taken care of theirs. The clerk was instructed to write to these people and give them ten days notice to clear the weeds and vines out of the city would take the situation in hand. There was some discussion about the health conditions of Al Hester's house on Hull Street. The Clerk was instructed to write to Dr. Wilson, our health officer, to have him investigate these conditions and mare recommendations. There was then some discussion about a garden on Short Street. The matter was referred to the Street and Alley Committee. There were no further reports on how the new well was coming along. The City Attorney reported that the sewer suit against the courthouse was progres- sing and would be up before the Judge some time this fall. Theren Furgeson had seer, Mr. Hanks about buying some property that supposedly be- longed to the Town of Fort Orchard. After some discussion TrIayor Hanks referred this matter to the Finance and Planning Committee. Mr. Hedricks connected with the new elementary school, came before the council to -say that they were short about two thousand ,yards of dirt. Mr. Cos bey motioned that they be permitted to get the dirt from the ball park under the supervision of the Street and Alley Committee. The petition for the path from Pottery Hill to the South side of Town was up for discussion. It was decided that the Street and Alley Committee should get the thing started at once in order to have the path ready by the next school term. There was then some discussion about the everlasting garbage dump. After some discussion Ross Watt suggested that we fence the dump and close it to the public. Mr. Watt was also instructed to call up Olympia and ask what is holding up the verdict on the hearing of July 16. George Givens was instructed by the council to put a fence around the garbage dump. The Clerk and the Marshall were informed that they were to enforce the garbage ordinance. Mr. Livingston will try to get a permit to burn some of the garbage out at the dump. Mr. Williams appeared before the council in order to get permission to run a pipe from the first aid station to his new house on Austin Street for the time being. Mr. Cline said that they will have to put in a new line very soon. The council granted Mr. Williams his permission to his proposed plan until such times as the city puts in the line and then he will have to connect to the regular line. It was decided by the council that we ask for a special levy of 10 mills for the city hall, 22 mills for the street, 21 mills for the t'olice Department. It was motioned, seconded, and carried with all councilmen voting in its favor that we ask for this 15 mill levy. The following bills were read and warrants ordered drawn for the same. The meet- ing adjourned. STREET FUN D Chester= Siegner Street Signs 8.40 Richards Brush Co. Garage i?rooms 13.75 Harold Obert Labor 37.70 Wilkins, Lursen Co. Gasoline 34.53 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 34.50 J. R. Blowers Labor 35.75 i� p,-. WATER FUND Am. Plumbing and S. S. Company Roy Livingston Tacoma Plumbing Supply Company �- W. F. Eruha hn Roy Livingston Supplies 23.33 Labor 18.00 Supplies .60 Labor 31.50 SEWER FUND Labor on Sewer Lateral(Smith) 23.80 GE t ERAL/FUN D n Roy Livingston ab 16.20 �ks y orCouncil minutes o August42 ith c uncilmen Cosbey,Mrowoe Ot�son, and Cline present. The meeting opened with the Mayor exp ,ainiag to the council that Rex Thompson had in- vestigated the property which Mr. Furgeson wanted to buy from the town and found it should be kept by the city, as it might be needed at some future time. It was regularly moved, seconded, and carried, that the City get a bull -dozer to make the path across Kendall Street. George Cline reported that Dr. Wilson had investigated the Hester Property and that a different family had now taken possession of it, so there was no necessity for any ac- tion being taken in regard to the health situation. Mr. A. E. Todd of Bremerton, spoke to the council in regard to the installation of park- ing meters. He said the town could use about 229 meters if installed on Lay and Pros- pect Streets. The company he represents would take 75% of the money taken in by the meters, until such time as the meters were paid for in full. The price of each meter being 675.00. It was agreed by the council that if Mr. Todd could obtain the meters, the clerk should call fc,r bids, to be opened at a special meeting to be held on Monday. August 17, 1942. The garbage situation was again brought before the council. 'The clerk was asked to pre- pare a story to be given to the newspapers informing people of the facts in regard to tre new garbage regulations. The council approved a contract with Ross Watt for the payment of an attorney's fee of g.200.00 for the legal -'services on the new well project. It was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that the city accept the sidewalk improve- ment on Prospect Street which had been put in by Mr. Livingston. Mrs. Erickson appeared before the council and asked to have a light installed at the corner of Cline and Kendall Streets. Ttie council voted in favor of such a light. The following bills were read and warrants ordered drawn for the same. The meeting adjourned. Puget Sound Power and Light W. F. Gathe T. W. Frazee Vim. F. Bru ha hn Hussey & Peterson American Plumbing and S. S. Company Howe's Hardware Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff eaterIs Hannah's Cut Price Drugs Cruikshank' s James Munro W. 1'.. Hai kin GENE1:AL FUN D Street lighting 92.35 Repdring City Hall Clock 1.00 Labor at Garbage Dump 5.20 Labor at Garbage Dump 10.50 Repair on fire truck 19.47 City Hall Sewer Supplies 17.15 #9 Solvent-38 S. &-. V1. Sp. 2.27 Prisoner's Board 8.45 Pens 1.03 #10 Chloride of Lime 2.00 Supplies for Police .62 Stamps and Stationery 10.00 Fixing short -wave, radio 6.16 WATER FUND Standard Oil Co. of California Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Hussey and Peterson Marckmann- and Williams it r e d Bru ha hn W. F. Bruhahn Howe' s Hardware J. A. McBride Pioneer, Inc. .Fairbanks, Morse & Co. H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Will..ams Hardware Roy Livingston Richard ',►est Wn. Brick ant. Lime Company Gasoline 2.40 Power for Pump 93.00 Power for pump 1.00 Repairing Motor 34.19 Tapping; Machine 3.60 Labor 9.00 Labor 31,50 Supplies 1.77 Labor 5.20 Ledger Sheets 4.12 3 tubes of grease 3.29 Reemed one belt pulley 1.03 Supplies 2.86 SEWER FUND Sewer lateral 19.50 Sevier Connection(reimb.) 25.00 Sevier pipe 57.59 STREET FUND r� Howe Motor Co. Repair.ng on 133 dump truck 34.37 Bremerton Oil Delivery M. C. #2 Yix 332.48 T. W. Frazee Labor 5.20 J. A. McBride Labor 7.80 Peter Raven Labor 18.85 J. R. Blowers Labor 15.60 W. Y. Bruhahn Labor 21.00 harold Obert Labor 27.15 Texaco Service St. Xiounting truck tires 1.80 H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Sharpening tools 6.1s H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Welding on Grader 7.21 H. W. Jackson Machine Shop Labor 18.54 Roy Livingston City alley crossing 29.46 Willi.Ams Hardware Supplies 2.63 Hussey and � er checked carburetor, brakes 2.00 Council minutes of Aug t,ay2 1942 with the Mayor and all councilmen present. , There was a general disc ssion on the purchase of insurance on the automobile operated by the police._JIt was duly moved, seconded, and carried, that the town purchase said insurance. The Salary of George Givens was ordered by the council to be raised to two hun- dred (6200.00) dollars per month. All councilmen voted in favor of the motion. Mayor Hanks pointed out that the two lots adjoinging the parkk, could be bought for two hundred (4200.00) dollars. Rex Thompson moved that the owner be written to the effect that the town desired to purchase them but would not have the money until after funds for the coming year were budgeted. All councilmen were in favor. Bob Rylander appeared before the council in regard to having a water main installed in Sidney's Villa's Addition. He was informed that the town was unable to purchase material for putting in any new mains. It was duly moved, seconded, and tarred, that tre property owners on Bay Street who had not connected their buildings to the Sewer System be given an additional 30 days to do so. Council ordered that dr. t,icKenzie move the Hite -Spot Cafe off the City Street. In view of the fact that the town was unable to stop the dumping of garbage around the garbage dump, the council decided to employ a special patrolman to watch for violators. All councilmen voted in favor of the motion. Rex Thompson moved that the Town putbomb insurance on the school building. The motion was duly seconded and carried, with all councilmen voring in its favor. GENERAL FUND Pac. Tel. and Tel. Co. Phones 38.35 P. 0. Independent Adv., publishing 12.55 3 IN N C . A. Banks V. B. Caldwell S. J Priebe Peter Raven Port Orchard Independent Port Orchard Independent Sola,stic Prods. Co. C. E. Bedford W. Bruhahn Peter Raven J. R. Blowers J. A. McBride Fred ,3ruhahn Dell, White Solastic Prods. Co. Harold Obert Port Orchard Independent Pacific Telephone and Tel. Co. .Fred- Bruhahn W. F. Bruhahn Worthington Gamon VleterCo. Mill and Mine bupply Co. Port Orchard Independent , Insurance on School Bldg. 54.00 Garbage can 3.25 CertificatB of registration 1.55 Labor 21.40 Publishing 27.65 Publishing RE: Pets 33.48 STREET FUND Traffic Line Paint 13.13 Grader Operator 29.75 Labor 49.00 Painting and Labor 44.20 Labor 57.20 Labor 41.60 Labor 48.00 Grading Street 5.25 Paint 18.54 Labor 83.20 SEA[ER FUN D Publishing 2.45 WATER FUND Counoil minutes of Se Wber_ 'l and Cline present. Phones 3.75 Labor 4.50 Labor 28.00 Meters 14.32 Supplies 1.13 ;Adv n Well 2.05 amen a7upro erk wit the Mayor and Councilmen Thompson, Howe, A. E. Todd of the Miller Meter Company appeared before the council and stated that there were two hundred parking meters available to te, Tows of Port, Orchard if we would take action to immediately obtain them. An emergency Ordinance was passed by the council impowering the Mayor and the Clerk to enter into a contract for thepur- chase of the meters. The council then passed an ordinance appointing Ross Watt as special attorney for the construction of the new well. All councilmen voted in favor of the ordinance. It was pointed out to the council that the County had obtained a garbage dump -on the Harper road where people living outsid-e the Town and the Army could dump their garbage. The council decided to advance funds to the garbage collector from the General Fundin order to insure the collection of the garbage in the town. It was decided that hand bills should be printed pointing out to the council that the chief of Police should have more help and more money for the operation of his car. The council voted to allow the chief twenty five (05.00) dollars per month for the USra- tion of his car. The Clerk was asked to contact the office of the commandant in regard to obtaining shore - patrol in the .Town on the week -ends. It was then decided to give h1r. McKenzie until the first of October to move his Rite -- Spot Gafe. The billswere read and warrants ordered drawn for the same. The meeting adjourned. Jackson blachine Shop Puget Sound Power and Light Fred G. Vetters, Sheriff Mary B. Peterson Emily La Duke W. W. Alderman Roy Livingston Howe's Hardware Howets Hardware GENE RAL FUN D Gate Hinges 11.30 Elec. for 1st aid station 5.90 Board for prisoners 13.00 Clerk at City Election 7.00 Clerk at City Election 7.00 Election Duty 7.50 Making Gate at Garbage Lump 16.00 Supplies 11.15 Supplies 2.11 Howe Motor's ?eter Raven Bill Johnson Town Clerk Puget Sound Power and Light W. H. Hankin Howe' s Hardware Rankin Power Wrecker Roy Livingston Wilkins Lursen Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard Jackson Machine Shop', Howe's Hardware Brem. Sand and Gravel Co. Brea. Sand and Gravel Co. Peter Raven J. R. Blowers Fred Bruhahn Bill Johnson Wm Bruha hn Harold Obert J. R. Blowers Brmerton Oil Delivery Howe Motor Co. Wilkins Lursen Co. State Tax Commission Wilkins Lursen Co. Puget Sound Power and Light Standard Oil Company Jackson Machine Shop C. P. Ainsworth Rice Electric 'William' s Hardware Bremerton Concrete Products Howe Motor Co. Herman Knutson j W. 1'. Bruhahn Puget Sound Power and Light State Tax Commissi Fred Brw ha hrs, , / Work on Police Car 6.85 Painting 6.00 Watching Garbage Dump 14.00 Supplies(garbage) 14.05 Street Lighting 92.35 Supplies for Town Hall .56 Supplies for Town Hall 3.61 Wrecker Service 7.00 Garbage Collection 500.00 STREET FUND Gas and Battery 24.63 Supplies 11.81 10.41 Repair Work €� Paint 1.83 Gravel 87.65 Gravel 85.28 Labor 6.00 Labor 66.75 Labor 37.73 Driving Truck 7.00 Labor 57.75 Labor 24,00 Labor 9.75 Road Oil 872.20 Repair Work 11.88 Gas, Tires, Tubes 127.91 WATER FUND Water Tax 34.66 Gas 15.18 Electricity for 'Hater Pump 90,12 Gasoline 3.83 Repair Work .52 Fruit jars for water samples 3,67 Supplies 5.02 Supplies 4.69 Meter Boxes 42,.33 Auto Enamel 1.03 Painting signs 7.00 n Labor on water lines 28,88 Electricity for City Pump -house 1.00 SEWLH FUND Sewer tax Labor on sewer laterals 6.21 30.00 IQ a uncil. Q ayamen te's o ;-he-melting held on September 28 unro 1942 with y er councilmen Howe, Cosbey and Cline pr sent. The meeting opened 4ith a statement by the I}uayor who said that he thought things were getting worse as faras the living of the individual was concerned. The Dept. j of Health dictates to the cities what shall be done about the garbage, the Superior Court Judges set the sewer rates and you have to have a permit for the construction of buildings on your own forty acres from the Gounty Commissioners. Mr. Mandeville of the Duration Trailers appeared before the council in regard to a location for a Grocery Store near the cite of the Duration Trailers. The council was of the opinion that it could not authorize anyone to place any buildings on n portions of the City Streets even though such streets were not being used for street purposes. The Mayor assured Mr. Xandeville that the Town would make an I effort to have the grader operated on the street leading to theLuration Trailers. f There was a general discussion on the fact that there were, throughout the town, certain open toilets still in use. It was decided to have a check made on the number and location of all open toilets in order that action might be taken to have -them removed. A letter from Lela Nordby in regard to the hours of the opening and closing of _ l the library was read. The council decided to allow the library to be kept open on the schedule suggested by the library board. I t was then decided by the council to allow the City Clerk the sutra of $110.00 i per each of the two girls,per month, employed in his office. All councilmen voted in favor of the motion. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned to meet again on the 13th day of October, 1942. The following bills were read and warrants ordered drawn for the same. The meeting, adjourned. Gill FERAL FUND Cruikshark's Store Supplies 3.75 Viilliam's Hardware Supplies 5.75 Kitsap Co. Humane Society Service 218.03 W. IN. Alderman Sr. Labor 3.58 Rice Electric Wiring at C. H. 15.60 U. S. Pidelity and Guar. Co. insurance 20,65 Walter C. Jones Service 21,65 SEWER FUND Roy Livingston Labor 25.00 STREET FUND J. R. Blowers Labor 24.00 Fred Bru ha hn Labor 3.50 W. F. Bruhahn Labor 45,.50 J. A. McBride Labor 12.00 'Nilliam's Hardware Supplies 3.78 WATER FUND Thompson's Supplies 2.11 J. R. Blowers Labor 24.00 t. F. Bruhahn Labor 40.25 V,orthington Gamon Meter Co. Meters 14,34 J. A. McBride Labor 12.00 led an ,, May UF James Munro, Clerk Council 'minutes of Oct ber 13, 1942 with councilmen Thompson, Cosbey, Cline and Howe present. f The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. i The council then discussed the hours that themeters should operate in the town. After a .general discussion, the council agreed upon the hours of 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Mrs. Jensen asked the council about the compulsory collection of garbage and the system was explained to her. The council decided to call for bids for a motor -cycle to be used by the police department. It was duly moved, seconded, and carried that the Clerk call for bids to be opined at the meeting on October 26th. All councilmen voted in favor of i the motion. There was then a discussion of the location of certain parking meters in the town. The bills of James W. Carey and the Jannsen Drilling Company for work on the -well were ordered paid. It was called to the council's attention that there was a scrap -pile in front of nHowe's Hardware which was out in the street and was a hazard to the general traf-- fie as well as taking up a couple of parking spaces. It was duly moved, seconded, and carried, that Gordon How be notified to remove the scrap -pile and place it either at the Brewery or in front of the To%,,n Pumping Station and that in the event the scrap -pile were not removed, the town should have it removed and bill the persons' i responsible for placing the scrap -pile where it was located. All oounoilme"l voted i" favor of the motion. The amoant of *oroy to be paid the polieeme" was again broaght up before the council and the matter was laid on the table a"til the next regular meeting. The clerk read. the rosig"ation of James Pattison as a cou"cilmar which resig"ation the council accepted. The questio" of the budget for the year 1943 was discussed briefly by the council a-d the Clerk agreed to present the def "ite figures at the -ext regular meeting. The bills wore read and warra"ts orddred drawn for the same. The meeting then ad Jour"ed. Jackson's machine Shop William'a Hardware Lubber yard Chloe Sutton W.$., Ha -kin P.S.P.d6.L. Co. Prod G. Petters Horne' ® Hardware Pao. Coact :Stamp Works Irske-9 Radio" Shop W.H. Hanki► ' W.W. Alderman Charley Heath Buss Talbot Howe' a Hardware Wilkin's Lursen Co. P.$.P. and L. Co. Seattle Rubber Col P.S.P. & L# Co. J.A. NaBride W.P. Rr h" Sta"dard oil. Coe of Calif. James W. Carey and Co. B.C. Jannsen. Drilli"g Co. Omar Auto Wreaking Howe'-4 Hardware Wilkie's Larson Co. Basterday..Supply Co. W. JOhm con J. A. McBride W.P, Bruhehn J.R. Blowers Brem. Oil Delivery Howe Motor 0o. Howe Hardware Falter Gi+ahard Sexton Auto Freight Roy Livingsto" Roy Livi'"getor Roy Livings#o" Peet Soand Rena Co. Puget Sound lfows,Co. • GEERAl FUND Repair 15.45 supplies 1.23 Rodfi,,g "aiila .34 Supplies (Reimb.) 3.24 P.O. Box a-d Stamps (reimb.) 1.60 3'100 Blew. for First Aid St". 8.45 Board for Prisoners 4.57 Supplies 11.38 Badges (Police) 3.38 Repair (short wave) .14 Staples (Reimb.) 11.00 Special Police Duty 6.00 Special Pollee Duty 6.00 Special Polies Duty Furnace oil 4.11 Gas 13.80 Bloc. for Pump House 1.00 Stamp 1.08 Elea. for City Water Pump labor 11.25 Labor 23.6E Gas 2080 3"gi"edt'ri"g services on - well 600.00 Part Pmt, No. 1 on Well $0179.00 Car re pla ceme" is 2.83 Supplies 1.50 Gas 69.23 Street Broom 2.3E Labor 2.6E Labor 34.50 Labor 62.87 Labor 3.00 Roadl oil 296.25 Service 3.56 Supplies 9.90 Street Sweeper's Salary 47.30 Freight Service 10.13 Iab or 54.00 mot 28.00 Labor 18.00 Books 49.84 Books 14.41 er r� Council ai t®s of the meretiri9 ofr-0otoberr 26, 19421,with all oocr^ailmen preset. r Mira.tes- of the previous meeti-g Were read a-d approved as read. i n The layor the. i"trodueed "pia Holmquist, the ex -Chief of Police who explained to the Cour"ail that a bill would be i'"trodaeed at the -ext meeti*"g of the legislature providi"g for a pe"sio" system for the members of the Police Departma-t of tow-$ each as Port Orchard. He also told the -umber of ex-coo-vi.cts who were "pow wurki-g i" defer"se i-dsstries a-d that a moveme-t was o" foot to provide for the registratio" of all perso-s with police records i"^ order that a more acenrate check could be kept o- them. The clerk read the bid of B.S. Howe to supply to -the Tow- a three -wheeled motor -cycle for three hundred a"^d twev"ty five (325.00) dollars. There bei"^g "o other bids,, the council accepted the bid of E.9. Howe a°"d directed the Clark to purchase the motor.. cycle b:v i ss ai-g a warra- t. It was reported to the cou"ail that the r"ew well was dow- to a depth of 148 feet a0d they would make the testa to determi"e the amou-t of water as soo- as they could do so. Roy Howe agai" brought up the gaestio" ofhavi"g the street drai"s cha-ged to provide for all the water that tries to get ir"to them whe"^ we have showers, George Live-s was directed to obtain" '"ew gratig"ge for the drai-s o- Sidr"ey Street. The clerk read the budget for 1943.. It was accepted by the aourai1. Ralph Co""^ell appeared before the coa-ail a"d offered to tape over the garbage pro- blem i" the Tow- o" a two year oo"traot with a- eptio"^ to cow"ti-ae for three mare .years, givi"g to him the exclusive fight to haul all garbage i" the Tow" of Port Or- chard, the rate to be acceptable to the Departme-t of Public Service. Coarail, by tr'"antatous vote,, agreed to gra"^t such a oo"traot to Ralph Co —all. The bills were read a-d warra-ts ordered drawr for the same. The $eeti-g was ad jour"ed. D. J. Talbot DIJ. Talbot R.L. Palk and Co. H.A. Joh"sow Bad Kright Pao. Tel. a-d Tel. Co. Am. Plbg. and S.s.Sup. W. F * Bruhah*" Am. Plbg. a-d S.S.Sap. De"r"y Chev. Co. Pao. Tel. aM"d Tel. Co. Hanki,m Wrecker Chas. Watts a-d Co. J.R. Blowers GE"M1 FUND Plbg. for City Hall 84.55 Sewer Pipe .78 Directory for Police 12.88 Hatali-g Garbage 3.78 Haali"g Garbage 12.50 Tele pho-es 26.05 Efly—T719-4711h, ► Supplies 16*77 Labor 1.0.50 supplies .98 , Repair o" Truck 9.23 Te lepho" a 2.40 STREBT PUN'D Removi-g dare from Prosp. 5.00 Road sig-s , 28.22 Labor 7.50 C e rk Pursua-t to s regular oall)by Mayor C..A.. He.-ke, a special meeti-g of the Tow "n Conrail,, of the Tow ­of Port Orchard, Washimgto-, was held at the Tow- library or Sat dtay OotobiW 314t, 1942, at which the followi-g were prese-t, Mayor Ha-ke a-d Con-cilme- 013'"s a""4..t3c job - There bei-g '"o quorum, apo" motio- duly made a-d passed, adjour-me-t was take - a" til ovember 2, 1942, a t 7 ; PO P1M , NA$� 4 t" ��' - .II �.r..�....r ■w.rw.+rr .wW......rr.1. . Y ._ _-An adjou '"ed meeting of the Towr Coarcil of the Tow- of Port Orchard, Wadhi"gtor was e$lled to order at 7:00 P.M., November 2, 192, at the Town Hal'1, Port Or I chard, Washir#to'* with the following preset; Mayor Hake a^d coarcilmew, dli"o, Cosber a-d Howe. It was moved by Coarailmaw Cline awd seco^ded by Coebey that the Tow- of Port Orchard loaw the aum of $1, 000.00 from its ge-eral f trd to the Port Orchard Hoasing .Authority for organisiwg uses by said authority. Said lao" to be re- paid within^ 60 days by the authority from finds received from the Federal n Honsiwg Authority. The vote was taken with the following result: AYES: Cliwe�. Cosbey, aid Howe NOES: None It Was moved by Couslailm " C1i'"e and seconded by 0ota- ailm,, Cosbey that the salary for the tow" petrolm " be raiead to 1175.00 active as of October 26th. �Passed ta�+animoa.sly. Moved by Courailmaw Howe aid seco^ded by Counailma- Cosbey that the tow- par - chase two bliwker lights and o"a stop light at a total of $148.95. Passed ara"imously. Motion made by Councilm- C1i-e awd seoo^ded by Coiawailma- Cosbey to shi^gel the roof of the library. Motion+ passed anawimoasly. Notiow made by Councilman Howe and secowded by Coarcilma" Oli"e that the Tom- lease from Ralph Co —ell a garbage truck to be used for the purpose of n colleating garbage. Rental to be at the rate of $25,00 per moth. Olerk was inatracted to write to the Army Balloow Barrage Headquarters and ask that the Arm r stop damping garbage at the City Damp or else cover garbage asoor as 64 is d=ped, a-d also i"atraoted the clerk to ask the Army to be dareful i" driving past the fire hydra"t in passi"g the exit to the army grounds. Moved by Councilman Mine and seconded by Coawcilma- Howe that Roy Livingeto" be paid the amou"t of mo-ey collected o- garbage service duriwg livi-geto-'s term of duty. Passed ura"imously. The meeti"g was adjgw"ed. Oo �_C_ il miwntes 09he meati-S of November 9, 1942 with coancilmew Howe,Cli-e, awd Ccwbey presewt.. Mayor Hake reported to the coarail that the Health Dept., had oomplaiwed about the -umber of rate which were livi-g i- awd arou-d the Tow" Garbage Damp. The clerk was asked to co -tact the health departme-t in regard to placing poison out for the rats. George Givens stated that the "am well was f'loviwg at the rate of 150 gallors, a mirate but that they did not have a pump available to determine the actual amod"t of water which eopld be Wplied from the well and for the reason no tests had bee" made i^ that regard. George Givens asked the cou"cil to place the Street Departme-t a -der the care ' of some o^e y in operating „ peraoM and thereby relieve him of the work i�v'olved . r bath the water, sewer, a-d street departme-ta. The cou~ail vested to hire a street Superi"te"dert to work ardor George a-d have charge of that departme"t at a salary .of two hundred (300.00) dollars per month. There was the- a discussioi" co"oer"i-g the parking meters or Fredrick' a Street. It _ was decided to remove some of the meters or the west side of the parki"g lot at the e"'d of F ak's thereby maki"g verti4al parki^g on o-e side 'a"d parallel parki~g o" the otboro c clerk_ was asked to write a letter to Guy Wetzel givilng him u-til the followi"g No'"day to decide whether-or-vlot he would be i-terested i- taki-g over the Tow- C1erI'a office. The Housi'"g Authority, was to be-otified that a meeti-g would be held the followi"g Mo*,day 'nits at which meeting they, were asked by, the aou^ail to atte-d. It was decided by, the cou-ail to i-arease the Salary, of Mr. W.F. Bruhah" from seve" dollars a dap to eight dollars a day, i" carder to i-sure that he would "ot leave the service of the city. Fred 0. Tie tters C.M. Sieger Rowe's Hardware Hovels Motor Co. Thompeor l s Pao. Tel. a-d Tel. Co. Wester" U"ior, P.O. Free-sfer a."d Fuel P.S. P. a. "d t. Co. �. Kiteap Co. Huma"s Sooiety J.R. Blowers Lee Miller dims. Hardware W.P. Bruhaht J.A. McBride H.W. Jaakso'" Maahire Shop Pe"-i"aala Statio"ere Chet Sieg-or Howe's Hardware Sta-lard Oil Co. CYst Siegrer GE"MxL FUND Board for Prisoners 15.60 Labor a-d Material 4.00 Supplies .16 Motor -cycle 334.76 Supplies 1.98 Toll Service 1.96 Tel. to Say" iliago(Poliee) 1.32 wood a-d Coal 14.bO Elena. for Fat. Aid St". 1.00 Service 7.01 STREET FUND Labor 26.80 Labor 10.72 supplies 1.89 Labor 38.50 Labor 16.00 Service 10.30 Supplies 3.61 Sig- pai-ti-g 2*40 Supplies 2097 Supplies (battery) 1.29 Pai"ti-g Markers 4.00 U. 0: 1 a w.F. Bruhahn Labor 28.00 P.S.P. a"d L.Co. Else, 1.00 P.S.P. a-d L.Ca. Elea. 66.16 J.A. McBride Labor 9.00 Howe' s Hardware Supplies .82 State Tag Commissio" Water Tait 97.76 SEWER FUND Ainsworth's Grocery Supplies 2.06 Port Orchard Lumber Yard Material 13.13 Chet Siegler Pai-ti-g Sig-s 4.00 State Tax Commissio^ Sewer Tax 6.21 LIBRARY FURD Port Orchard Transfer a"d Fuel Wood a-d Coal 14.60 The Tow- Coarcil of the Tow" of Port Orchard, Washi-gto" met at a^ adjour"ed meeti"g i- the Tow- Library oM November 16, 1942. Present, Mayor Hs-ks, Coa-cilme-, Cline, Howe, Cosbey a-d Thompso". This adjoar-ed meeti-g was eailed for the purpose of aom pleti"g u^fi.-iahed business from the last regular meeti-g. a-d also for the purpose (1 of co""ferri"g with the Port Orchard Nousi-g Authority. All members of the Port Orchard Nousi-g Authority were prese-t a-d Chairma- Wilso" explai"ed the progress of the Authority to date, i"cludi-g the choice of the site by the Pe4eral Public Housi"g Authority a-d erplai""ed the urger"cy of the develop- me-t a-d the fact that the local Authority had -o choice i'^ selectio^ of this first site. Diseassio"" was the" had by the Covail a^d the members of the Authority 6" the desirability of joi"i"g A—apolis, 4dail, a-d other area i"oluded i"" the hoasi"g n developme"t withi" the Tom" lizi-ty 'of the Tow- of Port Orchard, the adva^ ta,ges to be gai"ed thereby, a-d whether there was a possibility of the Tow" of Pcrt Orchard for""ishi""g water to the e"+tire area to be i"aladed. It was decided that the matter of supplyi"+g water to this area was to be take,, up with the Federal i Hoasi"g Authority a"d a report to be brought back to the -ext meeti-g of the con"Gil. Coa""oilma- oosbep reported that the estimated *oat of the proposed additio" to the library buildi""g would be betwee"" four ha""dred a-d five hundred dollars. Xotio"" made by con" ailma" Howe, a"d seco"ded by Coa"cilma" Cli-o that the Pi"a'"oe Committee be empowered to have the additio"" ao"stracted immediately. Mr, Guy L. Wetsel reported that he could ""o t give a defi-i to deaisio" or" his ability to resume the positio" of Cleric for a few days, a""d it Was moved by Opn""cilma." Thompso"^ that the appoirtme"t of a " ew clerk be paused to the "ext n regular *eeti"g. Moved by Cou""ci.lma*" Clire a"d seco"ded by Cou""ailma„ Howe that a street light be placed o" Bay Street just east of Harriso" Street. Meeti""g ad four-ed. % Com"ai mi"ates of the bey, a-d 011"s press" ti"g of Tovember 23 1942, with courailm^ Thompso•", cos - The mi"ates of the previous meeti""g read a-d approved. Rose Watt reported to the cou"ail that the Hoasi-g officials had agreed to pat i" a water system a-d the" tur"" it -over to the city for opera ti.o" , Mayor Ha^ks said there were two sides to the queastio" of whether the tow- should take i""to its limits the la'^d occupied by the honsi"g project a"d that a lot of argcmne"t could be had o" each sid#, He said the tows" should co""sider the amour"t of adva""tages that wQpld come at the prese*"t time a"d also co"sider the liability of havi""g each la""d withi" the tow"" if the project should be aba-do""ed. He m3uid we might pat up some mo*"ey as matcsh.i"g fu "de for the buildi"g of fire homes if the project were take"" i"to the city limites. It was agreed to let this matter sta""d for the prese"t. The courail ardered a eaaaas to be held for the "omi"ati-g of courailme" for No"^day eve-i""g, 11ovember 30, 1942. There wasp then a discussion of how the additio" to the library baildi-g should be built a"d Hr. Coebey said that Mr. va-dergriff would be able to smart o" the build- irg within a few days. It was regularly moved, seconded a-d carried that the Police Chief be authorized to make arra-geme-ts for the purehase of a prowl ear a"d the sale of the 3 wheeled motor. oyole. Rea Thompso" voted against this motion. It was regularly moved, seconded, and carried that Ralph Con -ell be give" complete charge of the garbage dump. The bills were read and approved and warrants ordered draw- for the same. The 'maeti"g adjourned. GVERAI FUND J.A. McBride labor 6.00 W.F. Brubahn Labor 8.00 Home's Hardware Supplies 1.49 Crniksha-k'a Store Supplies 2.47 Thompso"'s supplies 2058 Vat's Service Service on fire truck .77 James Munro Redmbursement 4.45 Be- Landberg Part Salary of Polls ema" 50.00 Bill Joh-son " " " 31.26 Pao. Tel. a-d Tel. Phone Service 23.55 JoA. MoBridd labor 6.00 W.F. Bruhahn Labor 31.00, H.D. Fowler Co. Supplies 25.93 Karkman and Williams Supplies 99.6E Am. Plbg. and S.S. Co. Supplies 21.34 N'at's Service Services 1.96 Pao. Tel. and Tel. Co. Sert'ioe of Phones 3,75 STREET FUND Na t' s Service Service on oar 1.70 J.A. YdBridb Labor an Streets 12.00 W.F. Brut ah" Labor 25* 00 Lee Miller Labor 37.50 SEWER FUND Bremerton Cor+urete Coo Supplies 15.59 Roy Livi"getan / labor 74.00 $d'C3 Mork�:tr�ollowi"g coura me"� wsre press"t: Mayor Ha-ks, Couroilme- Thompso", Howe, Cosbey, a'"d Cli'"e. The resignation of James Munro ae Tow„ Clerk a-d from all other Town offices with which he is op""eeted was read aid accepted. The following appol"tmerts were made by Maxtor Ha-ks to fill, vacancies: Library board, Mrs. Curtis Maoo$ber; Housing Authority in place of Ed Howe, resig"ed, Al Totten; Tovr Clerk, Guy Wetzel; Police Judge and Attorney, Rose W. Matt. A bill of $300.00 from James W. Carey, engineers o- the -ew well, together with aaeompa"y i-g letter from the Federal Works age"ay reed a"ld co-sidered. It appearing that there is o"1y, a bales -as of $156.00 due to the engineers upo- the aompletio- of the cortraot, the bill for $300.00 was "got allowed. The following bills were read a-d warra-ts were ardered drawn: GEV'ERA1 FUND Puget Sound Power and Lite Service to Fst.Aid St". 1.00 Thompso"' e Supplies 2.16 Howe'a Hardware Supplies .52 Sa-derso" Safety Supply Supplies for Fire Dept. 6.80 C.A. Ha-ke Reimburseme"t .83 T.M.Baker Co. Supplies 9.41 '' , 1P.$.. Ra"'ki" Reimbure®me'"t 3.35 Ha"ki" Wrecker Service Police 3.00 Ross W. Watt Legal Services 200.00 Ai"sworth' a Store supplies for Tow"" Hall 1.03 Howe's Hardware Suppliea 18.60 How* Motor Co. Supplies a-d Labor 8.03 Prod Votters Board of priso-are 23.40 _ Pt. Oreh. 'bra"e. a-d Fuel Fuel 11.59 Rose- Wo Watt Rebate for fi°"s 10.00 Pt. Orch. Tr"a. a-d Fuel Pael 12.619 W.H. Ha"ki" Reimburseme'"t 5.75 Westlake Chev, Co. Prowler Car 724.00 Emir LaDu'ke Blectio"" Duty 6.00 Mary B. Peterso" Hleatio- Duty 6.00 W.W. Aldermen" Blectio►" Duty 7.00 n Nuinke"Is Radio" Shop Supplies 4.33 Hitsap Hum -a' Society Services 8.50 j *ill®r Meters, I"ci Repairs 26.64 Wilkl"' a burse"" Co. Supplies 1.06 Roy livi"geto" Labor 2.50 J.R. Blowers labor o" Fire Hall 12.00 Steve""ao'"' a Pur"iture Office aquipme-t 2101 Ha-k-l" Wrecker Service Towi"g Service 3.00 C.C. Pizmer Labor 38.49 A.Do. Va."dergriff labor 110.87 R.W*,NAjprrell Labor 79.78 Woo. Cosbey Labor 128.24 P.S.E. and L. Co. Elea. for Pump 75.84 P.S.F. a►"d I. Co. Elea. for Pump 5.24 Amer. Plbg. a"+d 3.3. Co. Supplies 16.12 How@'.a Hardware supplies 5.03 S'orthi"gtov, Gaamo*" haters Meters 182.62 Williams Hardware Supplies 4.38 Markma-" a""d Williams Supplies 63.30 Markma-- a"d Williams supplies 4.32 R.M. Wade a-d Co. Pump Go-t. Pmts. 900.00 %t' a 3ervia* Recap Service 14.32 Wilkin's Lures- Co. Gas and Supplies 9.00 Bromprto"" C;o^orete Supply Supplies 24.9E W.P. arahah" Labor 80.00 STREET F VID P.S.P. and L. Co. Street Lighting 93.38 P.S 'P. a"+d L. Co. Street Lfghti"g 22.98 Sta""dard Oil do. of Calif. teas 1.76 Port Ord. Lumber Yd. Supplies 11.81 Hoge Motor Co. Repairs 4.58 Pt. Orchard Lumber Yard Supplies .41 Hassey a-d Peterso" Service 1.50 liras, Hardware supplies -4.74 P'at' a service Services .77 Wilkin's iursen Co. (;as a-d Supplies 37.60 Brem. Co""eret Prod. Co. Calvert Pipes 29.20 T.li, Frazee Labor 42.00 W,P. Brahah" Labor 8.00 ;.R. Blowers Labor 16.50 Roy Livingston? Labor 49.00 Prod gisai"ger Labor 7.20 C.F. gisei"or Labor 7.20 Notio- made by Cou"cilma- Thompeo". seco"ded by Coa"ailma- 011""e a-d passed a"- a""imously offeri►"g a reward of $100.00 for i"formatio- lea4i"g to the arrest a"+d ao""victio*" of a^yore food tampering with parki""g raters.. Upo"w the request of Con"ty Coordi"ator, Ralph Peterso". the Cou`^cil recsomme-ded Carroll. Sprague for appoi""tme""t as Coordi^atory for the Tow- of Port orchard a-d William Steve"so- for Sectio- §16. . The Clerk was i"^etratcted to "otify Al Hodge of his elecatio" as cou"Oilm^. Meeti"" g the"" wa-s ad ur"ad. -0 C lark F_ ' December 28, 1942 . Regglar meeti"g of the Tow"- Cou-oil of the Tow- of Port Orchard called to cr der by Mayor Ha-ks at 7 P.M. Prese-tt Mayor Ra."lie, Con"cilm-, Cli^e, _,Thompso-, Cosboy a"d Howe a"d Cle rk ; Guy L. Wetzel. M'i~utes of the meeti"g of December 14, 1942 read a"d approved. The Mayor brought up the natter of parki"g space for service ears i^ parki"g meter areas. After diseassio'", the matter was deferred for further eo"sideratio" a"d study. Matter of special meter spaces for taxicabs, a"d the lice"ei"g of taxiczabs withir the Tow" of Part Orchard, came up for disoussio`" a-d it was moved by Thompso" a"d seeo"ded by Cli"e that .Attar"ep be i"straoted to draw' -a" ordi"a-as for a"" a""ual lice -so fee of 10.00 for each taxicab, a"d a parki"g fee of $10.00 per moth for each meter spade oaellpies. Clerk was directed to write to the Bremerto- Poster Advertisi"g Compa"y with relatio" to re" t for bill board space o" Seattle Ave" ue. Attor""ey i"structed to draw a co"tract betwee" the 'Tow" a"d Ralph Co"-oll, relative to garbage ©ollectio". Piro thief Totte- brought up the matter of tra",sferri-g the ao"trol of the fire alarm system from the courthouse to the Police 9tatio" with the idea that the alarm could be used for sourdi-g curfew as well as for fires alarms. The matter was referred to the PIr e Chief ,as well as for fare alarms. The matter was referred to the Fire Chief a"d the fire light a-d water committee for i"vestigatio" a"d report, Moved by Cli"e a"d seao►"ded by Thompso" that the local a"it of the mash i"gto" State Onard Reserve be contacted a"d asked to cooperate with the police Departme"t I- deteeti"g va"d. alism i" the Tow". Motio" carried, Moved .by 011 "e a"d seao"ded by Howe that the ordi"a"ce be draw~ i"corporati"g the provisia`"s of the Waahi"gto" State Motor Code i" the traffic Ordi"a-oe of the Tow". Motio" carried, all members I" favor. Mayor Ha-ke asked for a leave of able-ce from regular atte"da°"ce at the meeti'"gs of the aou""ci1 a"d from his various duties as Mayor duri"g the comi"g sessio" of the legislature. Leave: of abase"ce gra"ted o" the motion of Cli"e. Thompso- sego"ded, a"d carried u"a^imonsly* Upo" request of the City .Actor"ey, Moss Nutt, the Mayor a"d the Clerk were authorized to sig" a" applioatio- to the Federal Cover"me"t for the ao"struatio- of the proposed fill and street at the 10-th limits of the town a"d to sign a co -tract with the Berry B"gi"oor- i"g Co., should the request be gra-ted a"d the allotme-t made, Motio- to gra"t anthori-Y zatio" made by Cli"e a"d steco"ded by Cosbey, all members voted i" favor of the same. Dire Chief made a report with relatio" to the possibility of bei-g allotted fire fighti"^g equipme`"t by the Federal Gover"me"^t i" ao"sideratio- of the Port Orchard Fire Dept* a."ewer i-g fire calls at Bast Port Orchard Hoasi"g Project. Clerk was i"straeted to write to Grays Harbor Welfare Dept* relative to offer of the Tow" for Lots 1 a" 4 2, lottery Addition to aid "ey, assamed to be the property of Alexa-der Suvi"gha ace"^. 03a rk was i"s'lnwted to write to Barry Da"a relative to eomplai"ts received of bur"i'"g gar- bage o- Dwight street. T: j I The matter_ of.bur-i"g refuse at the dive-s School was referred to Fire t" f Totte" for investigatior a"d aetio". Report made by the Clerk relative~ to co"ditio" of gas tax fu"d due the tow"* Te"- ta.tive budget for a wre"t bi.-e""ium adopted a"d sig"ed, a.'"d ordered tra"ami tted to State Departmoft of Highways. Moved by Thompso" ar"d seco'"ded by Oli"e a"d carried,, that a "dim -out" ordi"a"ce i" accorda"ce with the provisio" of Proclamatio" Ro. 12 of the Commander, Read - quarters Wester" Def'erse Oommard a'"d Forty Army, be passed as pr eme"ted. n 0" motio" the meeti"g adJour"ed. The follows"g bills were read a"d warra"ts ordered draw" for the same. GBITERA1 FUND Part Orchard Ihdeper"do"t Pri"+ti"g 42.83 lumber Yard Bldg. Material, 296.26 Desk Exaha"ge office Egaipme"t 75.71 aoh" Dower Lumber Do. Bldg. Material 126.78 Rla""ohard's Store Material 2.58 j A.D. Va"dergriff Egaipme-t 6.02 T.W. Prasee Labor 14.00 W•F. Bruhah" Labor 2100 Port Orchard I"+depe"deg"t Pri"ti"g 6.718 Roy Livi'"geto" Garbage Colleatio" 5.68 STREET FUND Blanchard' d Store Material 6.08 T.H. Frazee Labor 35.88 WAtER FUND Port Orchard Independe"t Pri""ti'mg 18.02 W.F. Bruhah" Labor 64.00 T.W. Praxes Labor 14.00 :.� Port Orchard Indepe"de"t PriY"ti"g 15.97 W.F. Bruhah" Labor 3,75 Prod Kissinger Labor 5.40 c. Kissirger Labor 5.40 ItI.D. GUARANTEE FUND Chloe Sutton Reimbarseme G er 7 Pa"d 17.36 For t!1 k X A mr`^e merlti"g of t Tow" Courcil of the Tow"" of Port Orchard called to order by the Acti"g Mayor, M.H. Thompso'". Con"otlm - Howe, Cosbey, Cli"e, a"d Hodke prose"t. Co"traat with Ralpk +oo—ell respedtimg garbage oollecatio" i" the tow" of Pcsr t Or- chard prese"ted by City Attor"ey, Rose Watt, ao"tracst approved with i"stractio"s n that the oo" tract be made for two years, with a- optio►" for a" addi.tio"" three years. Moved by. Cli"e, seoo"ded. by Howe that ao"tract be approved with additio"al provi- Rio". Ordi"a"as No. 487 relating to Traffic regalatio"s i" the Tow" of Port orchard was read. Moved by Cosbey, seco"ded by Clire that ordi"at"vo be passed aR read. Carried. utter. of ha"dli"g parki+"g meter fa'"de discussed. Moved by Cosbey, eeco"ded by 011"a that Chloe Sotto'", Town" Treasurer, be "ameid trustee to ha""dle the f urd.s. Carried, all members voti"g i" favor. Clerk i"etructed to draw warra"t to trustee for amount of mo"or i" aurre"^t expe"se fard .to. oredit of motors. Polio a ,Dapar'tme"t" - A resolutio" was proposed b7 Coal"cilma- Cli"e that preset am- ployeas of the Police Departme"t of the Tow- of Port Orchard be give" pr efere"oe iM emplogme-t as lo'"g as services i" their particular lines are required, a"d as long as 'their services are satisfactory. Moved by Cli"e, sco"ded by Rowe, a""d carried that resolution be adopted as prese"ted. Ordi"a"as regalati"g taxicabs a"d providi'"g for taxi sta~ds read. Moved by Howe, and seco"ded by C1i"s that ordi"a"ce be passed as read. Carried, ana"imously. Letter From Mildred Cohe" regarding parking tickets, was read. Clerk ivistrsoted to write to Mrv. Cohen, setting forth that parki'"g is regulated by ordi"a-ce of the Tow'". Matter of surveyi"g lots 5.6.7. a"d 8. Block 7, Swee-ey's Addition" to Sid""ey rece"t. ly purchased by Tow" to protect LrD assessments was discussed. Moved by C1i-e, sea- o"ded b7 Cosbey that lots be surveyed. Carried. Fire Chief Totte- reported with relation" to movi-g fire alarm system from ,the Courty Jail to the Police Statio". Further action" left to fire and Light Committee a^d fire Chief, o" motio" made by Cosbey, sedo"ded by Howe a"d carried. Moved by Howe, scoo"d ..' 7. &s:bey that a street light be installed at some poi"mt be. twee" Harrieo" Street a''"d Settle Ave"ae, the locatio- of same to be determined by the street and Alley Committee and the Chief of Police. Carried.. Mahar? of<- ire;allaA'1d19doll-�t:Eseffip 1 kts wa.aedisdbsbed. Moved by Howe, seeo'"ded by Hodge that lights be installed as soon as possible, and that Clerk be authorized to enter 1"to required agreements with the Paget Soared Power a""d Light with relatio" to i"etallatio" a"d operatio" of said lute. Report was made to the eoa""cil by Cas bey that the city street equipeme"t had bee" ased outside tow". . Matter referred to the street a"d alley committee for i"vestigatio". Matter of i"s tallatio" of Bli"ker light referred to the street a"d alley committee a"d Chief of Police for aotio". Matter of sidewalk o" Mitchell road, "ear high school referred to straot a"d alley committee. The followi-g bills were read and approved, a`"d ordered draw" o" warra"ts; ids. J. Ca. Clow J.I. Elliott.. Bremerton Su" Pt. or. Lumber Yard liresto"a Home and Auto Supply Fred G. Vettere Ploy Applegate Port Orchard Cabi"et Shop ThompSol, 'a Guy Wetzel A.H. Priedag W.G. Sewell Pt. Orchard Dept. Store We -doll Vaa Grace Newman's Store Williams Hardware W.H. Ha"ki`" V.B. Ca ldwe l l Pt. orchard Lumber Yard Jaekso"Is Maahi'"e shop H.W. P'ra"k H. We Pra"k Lamber Supply Lumber Supply G 37ERaL FUND Closing pay 6.]4 Labor 56,00 Adver tisi►"g 1.30 Material 34.40 Spotlite 9.18 Board for priso-ers 11.70 Egkipme^t for hall 5.00 Filing cabinet 25.75 supplies 14.48 Raimb urseme" t 2.52 Labor 19.56 Labor 58.16 Material 6..� Lice -so for Fire Truck 18 AIS Sewing oaxrtai'"s 41.150 Material 9.46 Re imb axrseme°" t 29.05 Cartai" Rods .67 Material 42,90 Repairi`"g Meters 5.15 Reim�bareeme""t 2,32 lay. b or 100,60 Material 30060 Material 2.68 I Lumber..8app.ly . Oilmore Service 3ohr ivan' s Pa i" t Store Howe' s Hardware Howe's Motor Co. Vat's Service D. J. Thlbot :01. 311iott T.H. Frazee T.M. Baker and Co. Hiller Meter Co. '9 ,V, Bruhahn He"dell Vaa 'tr. Hardware Horne' s Hardware Ja Okso"' s Me ah i"a Shop Wil.ki"'s Lures" Howe Motor's Pt* Orahard Lumber Yard wandell Vaa Vms. Hardware Howe'e Hardware Ri lki"' +s Luree" Lumber Supply Txnehauf Trailer. Co. Sta"lard Oil Oo. Jackson's Maahi"e Shop T.W. Frazee Gladding MoBear a"d Co. Mary Peterson egular meeting of t ati"g Mayor M.H. C o u" ei lma" Hodge red AtER FUND $pia terial Ca s Supplies. Material Material Battery Bailer for fire truck Labor Labor Supplies Repa iri-g; labor Lice"se Plates Supplies Pu2olaae Oil Repairs Gas STREET FU` TD Material & Labor Material Li a®"se Plates supplies Material Gas a"d ail supplies U"iversal Joi"t Supplies Repair work Labor Sower Pipes LIBRARY FUND 5.30 2.35 13.00 36.46 9o42 15.60 29.64 24.30 3.50 15.19 25.44 71.60 1.25 4.74 3.36 13.91 3.60 9.89 4.94 2.50 .82 11.90 19.80 7.89 5.26 15.64 48.92 58.10 89.62 Reimburs t - 5600 r er& tow- council of the Tow" of Part Orchard called to order so"* Prese" t were coo u"dilme" Howe, Cline, a~d Cos bey. orted i" later. Mi'"utes of ad jour"ad rs eti"g of Ja"uary 12, read a"d approved. Homed by Doebey, seco"ded by Howe that George Oire-s be allowed $25,00 expe"sea for emorge"cy service re"dered, to be paid from Ouree"t Expe-se Fu'"d4 Carried, all members voted aye. Moved by Hoye, seco'"ded by Cli"e that George Give-s be allowed a"d paid $100, per mo"th from Street fu"d, $100. per mo"th from hater fu"d and $25. per mo"th from Sewer fu"d, aommo"ci'"g on Ja"ua.ry 10th, 1943. Motio- carried, all members voted aye. Moved by Howe a"d secorded by Cosbey that the salary of Gle" Moore of the Police ,Icr ce be fixed at $200. per mo"th. Chief of Police Ha-ki" stated that he .had appoi."ted officer Ole" Moore Captai"of the Police Dept. Hotio" carried V24"im. odely. Moved by Cli"e, aecro"ded by Cosbey that salary of parka"g meter officer be paid 6om. the Meter Pu"d. Carried. Auer a diseassio", it was moved by Howe, eeco"ded by Cli'"s a"d carried u"a"im- 4us3jr that all employees o" a mo"thly salary be paid o" the basis of a 30 day, mo" th.